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SuicideFuel Dropping Out



May 4, 2018
I am now a senior student at a small liberal arts college. I no longer even have a single friend here. Today, my professor told me that I am not a good programmer and that, even though I followed the directions on my assignment, there is something inherently wrong with my coding style. I feel that she has given up on me as she now only spends a few minutes on helping me and much longer on the other students. Of the 20 or so upperclass students in our CSCI department, I am unquestionably the very worst. I could not get an internship last summer, spend more time on every single detail and have inferior solutions to every single problem. This institution tricked me into studying CSCI. The reason, I believe, is that our Computer Science program is awful and very few students take it. By making the first few classes easy, professors were able to lead me on like a sheep to the slaughter.
At this point, I have about as much faith in my own brain as I do in the condition of Jared Loughner's as he rots in jail. I am a hollow man with a deeply broken mind that can never be fixed. I do not know what is wrong with me but there have always been unbreakable walls between myself and other people. I have failed at everything that I have ever tried to achieve, and I have learned that academics are no exception. Rather, this is truly the most brutal and saddening case of failure yet.
I am not a member of the CSCI community and certainly not part of any University group. Today, I found out that many of the seniors are going to a hackathon tomorrow and I was not invited. Further, I have spent over a year working on an app and the quality of code is schizophrenic word salad. I am ready to die and I want to go home.
The saddest thing is that many of the ones who mog me the most are young Stacies and Beckys. Just a week ago, one of them walked by my house with a group of chads when I was depressed and smoking a cig. She looked at me like an animal and the chads postured defensively in my direction like I was something scary, foreign and hostile: a small mouse with nothing to lose.
Now, I will masturbate to vore fantasies (being swallowed alive by one of the girls in my class and digested). Then, when I am finished, I will text my mom and tell her I am ready to begin the process. This will be long and hard for me. I will need to explain my situation to my parents and to the dean. Also, if I am to attend community college after, I will see how many credits I can transfer and use towards finishing a degree. The Dean will probably yell at me and make me feel small because that is the type of place I am at. As someone described to me, it is a "shark tank" where everyone is calm until blood is spilled. I live all the way across the country since my family lives in poverty and this was the only college with generous aid that accepted me. Thus, I will need to fly all day just to undo my life's plans.
I was a 4.0 student in High-School and I studied an average of 6 hours per day. I was also a 3 sport athlete. I suffered everyday and put myself out of my comfort zone because people had said that "hard work pays off" and I believed that there was hope. I thought that I could compensate for being different, slow and inferior. For instance I had been in special ed during kindergarten, was bullied for it in elementary and then vowed to do everything I could to be better in Middle School.
This world could not have been more unkind to me. I would kill myself but I am too stupid and too big of a coward to ever go through with it. If I tried I would likely just end up in the hospital wearing a diaper for life.
It never began. It never began. It never began for me.
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stay in university and finish your degree. people who work on side projects and compete in hackathons do it because they want to work for big names in reputable positions.

with jsut your degree you can get a simple job for possibly the government or just a small company doing automation, scripting, or database work. i got an internship doing this this summer with no work experience on my resume. you can only work up from here.

keep in mind the shit they teach you in uni is not applicable to jobs, most of hte stuff you learn in your cs classes will not be useful. it's why people make fun of people with cs degrees.
brutal IQpill, iktf OP but atleast i didn't fall for the college/uni scam
Fuck them be a drugdealer and become rich
keep in mind the shit they teach you in uni is not applicable to jobs,
This academia is only useful in that it provides validation for people who are searching for high paying jobs
Just try to finish tbh now that you only have one year left. Once you graduate it won't matter in the slightest what your school thinks of you. You can even take some time off to do whatever after graduating before starting work (not ideal but better than not graduating). Also yeah some girls in CS programs think they're hot shit, just ignore them. Perhaps consider trying to use your CS degree (perhaps add some relevant certs) to get into a job that isn't as programming/CS heavy like business systems analyst or something, you might like it more and it still pays well.

I think part of the problem might just be that you find the subject boring. I took the first two computer science courses at my university and thought they were boring as shit with stupid projects, switched my major to accounting and finance but considered doing MIS (I would suggest you do MIS if you weren't already a year from graduating).
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Looks like your English teacher gave up on you long ago.
Looks like your English teacher gave up on you long ago.
Why would you say such an assholish thing? He writes very well.

As to the issue, I'm not sure if he's too low IQ to program or rather suffering from major depressive disorder. Depression usually completely destroys intelligence and creativity.

Don't drop out and go see a psychiatrist, OP. There's something in your story that evokes symptoms of clinical depression.
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Looks like your English teacher gave up on you long ago.
It's either English Teacher or english teacher not English teacher. You are a toxic menace to our community, better head to
Why would you say such an assholish thing? He writes very well.

As to the issue, I'm not sure if he's too low IQ to program or rather suffering from major depressive disorder. Depression usually completely destroys intelligence and creativity.

Don't drop out and go see a psychiatrist, OP.
I think that I might be able to drop out.with a BA degree. I can likely supplement the credits with community college classes and be finished soon. However, I am not yet sure if this will be possible. If I go through with this I need only take 2 or 3 more classes from my home where I can smoke my depression away. And what I am is imbalanced with an average IQ(book smarts), severe depression and Aspergers. My mind works adequately in many areas but appears to be fundamentally broken in a deep and enigmatic manner.
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Yeah, English is going to really useful for programming, Right? lol.

I would suggest finishing the degree. If you're getting in dept then consider transferring to an online college. Online is all writing, so that actually pushes you to learn how to write much better!
And what I am is imbalanced with an average IQ(book smarts), severe depression and Aspergers. My mind works adequately in many areas but appears to be fundamentally broken in a deep and enigmatic manner.
If you have severe depression you are not in a state to study. Low serotonin severely harms the ability to learn and be creative. Go see a psychiatrist asap for jewpills.
I almost agree with Tom Cruise. See a shrink, get some jewpills but finish your final year. With a degree you're at least smart on paper, unlike me.
I almost agree with Tom Cruise. See a shrink, get some jewpills but finish your final year. With a degree you're at least smart on paper, unlike me.
The question is rather 9 months of hell is worth my degree saying "BS" instead of "BA". As I said, I think my plan at this point is to just take my BA Degree and use that time for something I enjoy.
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The question is rather 9 months of hell is worth my degree saying "BS" instead of "BA". As I said, I think my plan at this point is to just take my BA Degree and use that time for something I enjoy.
View attachment 43781

9 months of hell is absolutely not worth it saying BS vs BA. If you can get your BA in Computer Science without staying at that school then do it.
9 months of hell is absolutely not worth it saying BS vs BA. If you can get your BA in Computer Science without staying at that school then do it.
We'll see if the university will allow it. Otherwise I might very well not survive. This place is absolute hell.
If you have severe depression you are not in a state to study. Low serotonin severely harms the ability to learn and be creative. Go see a psychiatrist asap for jewpills.
I am already on Lexapro and I recently upped the dose after a depressive episode. I quit mj 3 weeks ago and the physical withdrawal Is long gone but I am having serious issues being rejected again with no buffers. Often, I sit on computer and just think about how worthless I am for 5-10 hours on end without even posting or stare at the wall.
I’m so sorry, man. If this is all true I would end it for you.

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