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Serious Disgusting diseased ridden whore buys a house with simp bucks from her "Skank Bank"

We need to replace foids and kill simps.

Look at this. This is a 5/10. fridge bod 5/10 british looking inbred. and she made 6 figures selling nudes.

God this shit is like a stab in the heart. It's so fucking easy for women. I hate every woman, and every simp that donated to her should be on a list for future events
I really want to impale simps and foids (on minecraft)
Having a vagina = winning in life. Female privilege in full force.

Look at this. This is a 5/10. fridge bod 5/10 british looking inbred. and she made 6 figures selling nudes.

God this shit is like a stab in the heart. It's so fucking easy for women. I hate every woman, and every simp that donated to her should be on a list for future events
Nothing about this whore is special. NOTHING. She literally looks like a fucking rat, and yet she's able to make enough money to buy that fucking house by taking pictures of her body. FML
I'm not really good with economics, but ain't we gonna end in a terrible crisis, if those creatures will keep stacking up the buck while doing absolutely nothing and contributing shit to the market? Even big companies selling stuff pay for their supplies. Or is it gonna be fine as they are low iq so they will spend everything on some bullshit
People are rotting here and there for way less.
Remember when people used to be inspired and had a purpose in their life?

Look at that tweet :
"if you hate on @savannah_solo I’ll track your IP address and send your tweets to ur mum, then I’ll shag your dad."
That's a strong fantasy Rose.
In reality, there is more chance someone would tip the IRS about you two.

She also dare to shit on her fan base "incels".
She would be nowhere without those incels in denial.

edit :
I'm not really good with economics, but ain't we gonna end in a terrible crisis, if those creatures will keep stacking up the buck while doing absolutely nothing and contributing shit to the market? Even big companies selling stuff pay for their supplies. Or is it gonna be fine as they are low iq so they will spend everything on some bullshit
The second one.
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Mfw I see simps sponsoring a whore to slut around. Women's rights need to be repealed and simps need to be turned into fertilizer in the ground.

Look at this. This is a 5/10. fridge bod 5/10 british looking inbred. and she made 6 figures selling nudes.

God this shit is like a stab in the heart. It's so fucking easy for women. I hate every woman, and every simp that donated to her should be on a list for future events
Cope she is 4/10

Look at this. This is a 5/10. fridge bod 5/10 british looking inbred. and she made 6 figures selling nudes.

God this shit is like a stab in the heart. It's so fucking easy for women. I hate every woman, and every simp that donated to her should be on a list for future events
5/10?! Bruw that’s a 3/10, you can tell by her face shes a fat cow

By the way, spend 3-6 yrs getting a degree to live in a shoebox apartment, life’s fair:feelsclown::feelsclown:
Her looksmatch is posting here
We need to replace foids and kill simps.
So the replaced foids should be left alive but the male simps killed?

I don't advocate killing but letting the foids live while the male simps are killed is ironically enough a form of gynocentrism.
If you know the address of the house let me know I'd love to pay her a visit

39 bluepillers hi IT:lul::feelsclown:
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the replaced foids should be left alive but the male simps killed?
I want the foids to see their replacements and kill themselves from loneliness, just like we do.
So the replaced foids should be left alive but the male simps killed?

I don't advocate killing but letting the foids live while the male simps are killed is ironically enough a form of gynocentrism.
Although I agree that foids are less capable than men, it doesn't mean in any shape of form that they don't deserve punishment when they transgress. Even animals and children get punished.

Foids deserve to lose all their liberties in Minecraft and cucks deserve death in GTA V.
I want the foids to see their replacements and kill themselves from loneliness, just like we do.
What about the foids left alive? Because there are still incels alive today despite the loneliness.
Isn't that in effect letting some foids off the hook?

Although I agree that foids are less capable than men, it doesn't mean in any shape of form that they don't deserve punishment when they transgress. Even animals and children get punished.

Foids deserve to lose all their liberties in Minecraft and cucks deserve death in GTA V.
I'm just saying if you are going to go to great lengths to punish cucks by killing them why let women get away and live?
Again not endorsing violence but it's like all the examples of women getting off easier than men in the past
(ie when a tribe was invaded, in war, the men were killed but the women were left to live).
It's telling that as much as feminists and society complain about sexism they'd rather have benevolent sexism that doesn't hold women to fault for anything and beats up on weak ugly males rather than "hostile" sexism that puts the blame on women for how they act and takes women's offenses against weak ugly males seriously.
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What about the foids left alive? Because there are still incels alive today despite the loneliness.
Isn't that in effect letting some foids off the hook?
They'll be in nature preserves and zoos so our sons can see how far we have come.
They'll be in nature preserves and zoos so our sons can see how far we have come.
That's still letting them off easy tbh

It's a mistake to not think that what women fear most of all is men treating them just as they treat other men in hostile situations.
That's still letting them off easy tbh

It's a mistake to not think that what women fear most of all is men treating them just as they treat other men in hostile situations.
I mean I have nothing against killing them. I just don't think we should waste anymore resources than necessary to deal with them. My idea is that we start with a male separatist society and then slowly become the evolutionary apex by leveraging tech and transhumanism.

Similar to the car and horse. I don't care that people own horses (old tech). As long as my car ownership (new, better tech) is unimpeded, I'm fine. Most people will make the switch and less and less foids will be born, until they are a niche pet like horses. The worse thing a foid can feel is being ignored.
Nothing about this whore is special. NOTHING. She literally looks like a fucking rat, and yet she's able to make enough money to buy that fucking house by taking pictures of her body. FML
JUST EXIST MODE striked again.
I mean I have nothing against killing them. I just don't think we should waste anymore resources than necessary to deal with them. My idea is that we start with a male separatist society and then slowly become the evolutionary apex by leveraging tech and transhumanism.
If simps were left alive people would argue that it was a mistake because that means they can go after you at a later point in time.
It's like how in the movies the person who doesn't let their enemy die ends up being attacked by that enemy at some later point in time.
This same excuse of "not wasting any time" is the same reason why in conflicts males have been killed but females are allowed to live. People on this site complain about that but it was a mix of attitudes both holding women to above men and not worth the time taking seriously that led to these kinds of outcomes. Sometimes just one or the other really.
You see this all the time in the gynocentrism of the alt-right in letting women off the hook "because they don't really know what they're doing, it's a waste to get angry or punish them like men are punished."

Similar to the car and horse. I don't care that people own horses (old tech). As long as my car ownership (new, better tech) is unimpeded, I'm fine. Most people will make the switch and less and less foids will be born, until they are a niche pet like horses. The worse thing a foid can feel is being ignored.
Disagree tbh
If you are going to kill cucks then letting foids live just perpetuates the idea that they are inherently more worthy than men.
Ironically that same idea that women are more valuable than men is the same attitude that an all male society with sexbots would be trying to move away from and that drove them to try and establish such a society in the first place.
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people paid money for that thing's nudes? wtf :dafuckfeels:
simps were left alive people would argue that it was a mistake because that means they can go after you at a later point in time.
Simping at its core is a mating strategy. The reason why simps and cucks need to be killed is because they have shown themselves to be traitors to their gender. They do this by devaluing male resources and empowering women. Without simps, foids and their "society" falls apart. Foids cannot exist on their own. They need expendable males to serve as a slave caste like a parasite needs a host. Simps are the people who would enter our society and then slowly start trying to let foids in.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
This same excuse of "not wasting any time" is the same reason why in conflicts males have been killed but females are allowed to live.
Has there ever been a conflict specifically to replace women though?
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Simping at its core is a mating strategy. The reason why simps and cucks need to be killed is because they have shown themselves to be traitors to their gender. They do this by devaluing male resources and empowering women. Without simps, foids and their "society" falls apart. Foids cannot exist on their own. They need expendable males to serve as a slave caste like a parasite needs a host. Simps are the people who would enter our society and then slowly start trying to let foids in.
Don't foids try entryism regardless of simps?
In the literal sense that's exactly what entering a male only society is, entryism.
It's human nature to want a better way of life.
If foids see an all male society offers a better way of life and they are left alive, rest assured they will try to get into this male only society to enjoy the fruits of its labor.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
And foids aren't traitors?
Simps are only to blame? I'll never believe that. Foids go out of their way to antagonize low status ugly males even with no prodding or encouragement from simps. Simps often just go along with it but they aren't the catalyst.

Has there ever been a conflict specifically to replace women though?
But do you not see the irony. You want to make an all male society that's free from the vestiges of gynocentrism and male disposability that women propagate but yet you want to only kill simps (who like it or not are still males) but leave the females alive? No matter which way you put it that's no different than any conflict in the past where women were allowed to live but men were killed.
Don't foids try entryism regardless of simps
Yes, but its not effective without simps. See feminism for examples of idiotic males paving the way for our current suffering.
If foids see an all male society offers a better way of life and they are left alive, rest assured they will try to get into this male only society to enjoy the fruits of its labor.
We have borders and we will defend them.
And foids aren't traitors?
Not like simps. Simps are making the situation worse knowingly. Foids, like tapeworms, are just following their programming. That doesn't mean we should let tapeworms run wild, but we should examine how they came to be such a problem. People don't get random tapeworm infestations out of the blue. Similar to how society doesn't get feminism out of the blue.
Simps often just go along with it but they aren't the catalyst.
See the most rabid anti incel people. Is IT mostly male or female?
you want to only kill simps (who like it or not are still males) but leave the females alive?
I do this based on the idea that simps and cucks are inherently more dangerous because they blend in. They are traitors. Foids are our enemies, but they are weak without males protecting them.
Yes, but its not effective without simps. See feminism for examples of idiotic males paving the way for our current suffering.
What if enough without simps feminism still succeeded because even if not actively hostile against others males are always more accomodating toward females than vice versa and so the current suffering was inevitable.

We have borders and we will defend them.
I see.
But wouldn't leaving foids alive after killing cucks just send to them the message that they were worthy of being spared and increase the chances of them trying to invade an all male society at a later point when/if they hear about how successful it is and how much better the living standards are?
Versus if there are no foids left there wouldn't even be the need to worry about this?

Not like simps. Simps are making the situation worse knowingly. Foids, like tapeworms, are just following their programming. That doesn't mean we should let tapeworms run wild, but we should examine how they came to be such a problem. People don't get random tapeworm infestations out of the blue. Similar to how society doesn't get feminism out of the blue.
Society gets feminism because of women. You even have said it yourself. The cycle of feminism will keep repeating so long as men associate with women.
So the absence of simps doesn't mean foids wouldn't still make the situation worse knowingly and try to game the system to make things more in their collective interest at the expense of males.

See the most rabid anti incel people. Is IT mostly male or female?
It's mixed and full of both males and females imo.

I do this based on the idea that simps and cucks are inherently more dangerous because they blend in. They are traitors. Foids are our enemies, but they are weak without males protecting them.
I kind of disagree tbh
Women are quite cunning and can be very cold and calculating.
They do have less protection without males but they have other women to turn to for help and weaponry to even out the playing field.
What if enough without simps feminism still succeeded because even if not actively hostile against others males are always more accomodating toward females than vice versa and so the current suffering was inevitable.
That what if scenario is ridiculous and fantasy. Has there ever been a feminist movement that didn't have male allies in it? All of the ones I know of had male traitors doing the heavy lifting.
But wouldn't leaving foids alive after killing cucks just send to them the message that they were worthy of being spared and increase the chances of them trying to invade an all male society at a later point when/if they hear about how successful it is and how much better the living standards are?
Foids are weak without males, so I'm not worried. They are overgrown children. They'll die without our help, just like their communes in the 70s did.
Society gets feminism because of women. You even have said it yourself. The cycle of feminism will keep repeating so long as men associate with women
But they aren't in our society. They are outside of it. And if they try to enter, they are exterminated. Do you worry about the ants in the woods or the ones in your house?
It's mixed and full of both males and females imo
Its mostly cucks. Check the usernames sometimes. IT has greater proportion of incels on it then .co.
Women are quite cunning and can be very cold and calculating.
But they aren't getting inside the gate. They can jump up and down naked outside, spread their legs, and scream. But if they enter the dead zone, they die or get arrested and deported. Just like the Berlin Wall. As for weapons and organizing against us outside, idk about what we'll do. My original plan was to be under the protection of a parent state. I'll make a new thread about it soon.
That what if scenario is ridiculous and fantasy. Has there ever been a feminist movement that didn't have male allies in it? All of the ones I know of had male traitors doing the heavy lifting.
But isn't women working together in their collective interest at the expense of men still harmful to ugly low status males even if they don't have male allies?
And the what if scenario was just a hypothetical and has not been fully tested since this society has always consisted of women and simps in some measure. But while simps embolden women I believe women are still capable of working to the detriment of ugly men in more than just a trivial way if they choose to do so.

Foids are weak without males, so I'm not worried. They are overgrown children. They'll die without our help, just like their communes in the 70s did.

But they aren't in our society. They are outside of it. And if they try to enter, they are exterminated. Do you worry about the ants in the woods or the ones in your house?
Okay I see what you are saying. Sometimes it's good to discuss the reasoning behind these things because people here have a range of views on things that haven't been tried before seriously like a community of blackpilled males with sexbots.

Its mostly cucks. Check the usernames sometimes. IT has greater proportion of incels on it then .co.
I've posted about this before but I really don't care whether IT is mostly cucks or sexhavers. It doesn't change the fact they're just bullies trying to harass and mock any male that complains online about females while pretending they have the moral high ground.
They think that them arguing that they're not all virgins like they've being doing a lot recently is proving incels wrong but it doesn't convince me and I won't let them have that opening to argue against.

But they aren't getting inside the gate. They can jump up and down naked outside, spread their legs, and scream. But if they enter the dead zone, they die or get arrested and deported. Just like the Berlin Wall. As for weapons and organizing against us outside, idk about what we'll do. My original plan was to be under the protection of a parent state. I'll make a new thread about it soon.
tbh I see what you mean. The new thread that you make will be interesting tbh
But isn't women working together in their collective interest at the expense of men still harmful to ugly low status males even if they don't have male allies?
It is, but I don't believe it would be effective. Lets imagine how a group of bitter feminists would try to approach a male only society. What tactics would they use to destroy us when there are no men inside to help them and the men outside are mostly disinterested?
Okay I see what you are saying. Sometimes it's good to discuss the reasoning behind these things because people here have a range of views on things that haven't been tried before seriously like a community of blackpilled males with sexbots
It is indeed, and I thank you for actually giving the idea serious consideration. The idea is very extreme to many.
I've posted about this before but I really don't care whether IT is mostly cucks or sexhavers. It doesn't change the fact they're just bullies trying to harass and mock any male that complains online about females while pretending they have the moral high ground.
You substitute IT with any other anti incel group. The point is that cucks make up the majority of those groups.
I see what you mean. The new thread that you make will be interesting tbh
I'll make one in the next week or so. Maybe tonight if I have the time after I'm done waging.:feelsokman:
She's not even remotely attractive. I feel like a 1/10 foid could start an onlyfans and simps would pay her
It is, but I don't believe it would be effective. Lets imagine how a group of bitter feminists would try to approach a male only society. What tactics would they use to destroy us when there are no men inside to help them and the men outside are mostly disinterested?
They can try and kidnap the male chidren that might wander out of a male only society. A lot of women take out their anger at males by beating up on male children.
This can be expected as a form of violence that more radical feminist inclined women will do given their frequent talk about hurting and circumcising male babies on radical feminist sites and how women have higher rates of child abuse than men.

It is indeed, and I thank you for actually giving the idea serious consideration. The idea is very extreme to many.
It wasn't my intention to seem extreme it's just that the idea of women being punished as harshly as men with things like death is a subject rarely broached even on here and I was pointing this out.

You substitute IT with any other anti incel group. The point is that cucks make up the majority of those groups.
Do you define cucks as sexless or cucks as selfhating males that may or may not be virgins that favor women over men no matter what and egotistical males that are looking to throw other males under the bus to gain favor with women but that might have had sex with a woman before?
If the latter definition of cucks not necessarily being sexless males that favor women over men then I agree that cucks make up the majority of those groups.

I'll make one in the next week or so. Maybe tonight if I have the time after I'm done waging.:feelsokman:
Okay. Other members here might have more insights in this issue tbh
Do you define cucks as sexless or cucks as selfhating males that may or may not be virgins that favor women over men no matter what and egotistical males that are looking to throw other males under the bus to gain favor with women but that might have had sex with a woman before
The second definition.

This can be expected as a form of violence that more radical feminist inclined women will do given their frequent talk about hurting and circumcising male babies on radical feminist sites and how women have higher rates of child abuse than men
:giga:WTF? Do you have examples of this?
I fucking hate simps.
just seen my past sjw loli oneitis follow a 2.5psl skinnyfat "pansexual" whore with piercings and sjw hair who looks twice her age on twitter who just made the decision to start her onlyfans :lul: not even shy, "christian" foids can be trusted to not be FULLY degenerate and kiked. over
The second definition.
We are in agreement then but tbh women aren't necessarily in the minority on those types of subs either.

:giga:WTF? Do you have examples of this?
Some of the women that made these comments were in positions of power over male children such as being child care workers.

Other examples from pinkpill feminist reddits:
Example 1 "moidlets over the age of 9 should be considered military age men and fresh mincemeat"
Example 2
Example 3 "Abort male babies"
Example 4 "Neuter those scrotes"
Example 5

Article describing study about how women are more likely to commit child abuse than previously thought

Four-fifths (80.3%) of perpetrators were parents, 6.1 percent were relatives other than parents, and 4.2 percent were unmarried partners of parents.1•In 2012, 82% of perpetrators were between the ages of 18 and 44 years inclusive. Fewer than 3% of perpetrators were aged <18 years; 19% were aged 18–24 years; 40% were aged 25–34 years; 23% were aged 35–44 years; 9% were aged 45–54 years; and 4% were aged 55-75.1• In 2012, 54% of perpetrators were women and 45% of perpetrators were men.
Who abused and neglected children?

  • 83.3% (More than four-fifths) of perpetrators were between the ages of 18 and 44 years.1
  • 53.8% (More than one-half) of perpetrators were women, 45.3 % of perpetrators were men, and .09% are of unknown sex.1
Despite the feminist rhetoric about male domestic violence, mothers are actually more likely than fathers to neglect and emotionally and physically abuse their children. For instance, figures from the West Australian Department for Child Protection show that of the 582 substantiated cases of child abuse by their own biological parents in 2007-08, mothers were responsible for 73 per cent, while fathers committed only 27 per cent. In Western Australia, mothers are 17 times more likely than fathers to neglect their children. Also, mothers carried out almost 68 per cent of all cases of emotional and psychological abuse committed by parents against their children. Moreover, about 53 per cent of all physical abuse of children, and more than 93 per cent of all neglect cases, were committed by mothers. University of Western Sydney academic Michael Woods informs that the statistics ‘debunk the myth that fathers posed the greatest risk to their children’. Dr Woods also reminds that ‘if similar data was available in other [Australian] states it would show similar trends’.

Between 1989 and 2012 women accounted for more than half (52 per cent) of all child homicides. Not only are mothers more likely to kill their biological children than fathers, but they also make up for more than half of the substantial maltreatment perpetrators, a fact confirmed by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC). In May 2015, AIC released Domestic/Family Homicide in Australia, a research paper which states: ‘Where females were involved in a homicide, they were more likely to be the offender in a domestic/family homicide’. Although the majority of Australian victims of domestic homicides overall are female (60 to 40 per cent), women are the sole offenders in more than half (52 to 48 per cent) of all the killings of children by their biological parents, and offenders in 23 per cent of intimate partner homicides. In addition, Australian men are far more likely than their female counterparts to become the victims of filicide (murder of a child) (56 to 44 per cent), parricide (murder of a parent) (54 to 46 per cent), and homicides involving other domestic relationships (70 to 30 per cent).

The figures in other Western countries are remarkably similar. In the US, statistics reveal that mothers are almost twice as likely as fathers to abuse their biological children. As stated by the Department of Justice, mothers account for no less than 55 per cent of all child murders in that country. In a well-known empirical research using a significant sample of 718,948 reported cases of child abuse, the US Administration for Children and Families discovered that mothers are 1.3 times more likely to abuse their children than biological fathers. They comprise 58 per cent of the child abuse perpetrators. When acting alone, mothers in that country were twice as likely to abuse their children, with mothers also being the major perpetrators of infanticide, or child homicide.
From article: https://www.spectator.com.au/2018/0...S1zx7OeaA2es2r8h-1xSIHRp9nE7-bWcGRXL6W2OsVwvU
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I feel like a 1/10 foid could start an onlyfans and simps would pay her
Every foid is someone's fetish, so yes, you're right.

There's also a bit of JBW going on, no doubt. I bet that a lot of the simps giving her money are in Bangladesh or wherever, and they watch Hollywood movies and believe that white girls are easy, and they harbor a fantasy that if they give her $5 she'll notice them and fall in love with them.

That's my theory anyway.

Eventually, the market will get saturated with ugly girls like her. Right? It has to. The supply of simp bucks has to have a limit.
They are completely unaware of the economic problem that they are creating.
Simps are literally simping into poverty. They are giving their entire life savings to whore foids.

They are becoming "fragile tax payers". It means that if anything happens and they lose their jobs, they will have no money in the bank to keep them afloat, and will eventually either pay very little taxes or stop paying taxes altogether.

Imagine tens of thousands of men everyday stopping being a positive feed of taxes and becoming dependent on government welfare.

Foids, as always, don't give a fuck about what consequences their actions will have. They think they are getting free money, but they are setting up an economic crisis.
This is actually a very interesting observation. What are the marco econ effects of simping? It is said 70% of the global economy is men giving money to women and children. How will third worldcels sending money to white american and european foid teens impact their country's development?
I don't know if i should laugh or cry

Look at this. This is a 5/10. fridge bod 5/10 british looking inbred. and she made 6 figures selling nudes.

God this shit is like a stab in the heart. It's so fucking easy for women. I hate every woman, and every simp that donated to her should be on a list for future events

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