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Blackpill A few Quora posts agree with Inceldom in a sea of bluepilled cucks



Genetic Failure - Never began
Dec 30, 2018
Before people start coming in here, talking about how Quora is a "soyboy" site, this was recommended to me as I only ever go to this site whenever someone links a topic discussing Inceldom.

Tldr: A few posters see why Incels do exist and don't blame us at all for it.

The term “incel” means involuntary celibate.
Unlike the term “Nazi”, “Marxist” or “Jihadi” - there is no textbook of indoctrination for the group of people labelled with this name.
It is an anthropological fact that 60% of male homo sapiens who ever lived, did not reproduce - considering that contraception is pretty new and rape is pretty old, these males who failed the evolutionary prime directive definitely never got close enough to a woman, and if they did they most certainly did not force themselves.
The number of all women who did not successfully reproduce is about 20% - and unlike men, women have hundreds of ways to fail to reproduce - the number of ways a pregnancy can go wrong is perhaps matched only by the bugs in Internet Explorer 4.0
So, it could be argued that they rarely failed to conceive.
Of 100 women who mated successfully, at least 80 of them chose only from 40 males per every hundred.
Consider these facts:
  • The female of the human species has an evolutionary value that is several thousand times that of even the most dominant man.
    A woman can mother perhaps a maximum of 8 children. A man can father billions. If we got rid of all men today and for the next 100 years, the existing sperm banks would still have enough sperm to continue civilization for many centuries at least.
  • Females have a dual mating strategy - the instinct to breed with the most dominant, aggressive and physically strong men, whilst also having the instinct to seek the most caring, protective, providing father for their children.
  • Throughout history - females have often implemented both - mother the badasses child and get some softie to help take care of it.
    Every civilization in the world has extreme distaste for cuckoldry - it is reflected in the nature of how insults across cultures and history to a man, always question his mothers chastity, or fathers impotence.
    This is just the social reflection of what men always fear at some primal level. There are lots of statistical studies showing that this fear is not unfounded.
So now, we can explain a lot about reason for incels always existing.
If only alphas (I know the term is a cliche) father children, betas would soon die out.
But alpha and beta are not absolute - they are moving targets.
Every man of today, can provide for his family in a way that hardly anyone could in the distant past - in those days it was a great achievement to not have your whole family die by the time your child reached puberty.
All men now are providers - in fact society goes out of its way to make sure men do not starve to death even if they have zero provision capability - unemployment benefits, charity, pension and so on.
This is beta-heaven - never before in history has any man had to do so less effort to get so much to provide for his family.
The alpha has also softened - Most men in history died in conflicts with nature, wild animals and other men. Not being a dominant bad ass meant you’d never live long.
Now, most men will live their whole lives without ever engaging in physical combat or even moderately difficult physical labor.
Signalling dominance has become more social - words, dance, sport, wealth, dress etc. - these are the dominance rituals that men engage in.
This combination of high quality betas and low quality alphas, means women’s selection strategies aim for even higher than they ever did.
It’s not enough to be physically strong - there are thousands of guys a woman will meet who have decent physique.
It’s not enough to have intellectual capacity - thousands graduate college and understand stuff that Newton would find hard.
It’s not enough to have provisional capacity - everyone makes minimum wage at least - the bar for a “comfortable life” is much much higher.
So as betas and alphas evolve in some direction, women will continue to seek the creamy layer from each - depending on whether they are in the “boyfriend” or “husband” phase.
It’s a never ending economic spiral. Who really wants a flagship iPhone from 2013?
The definition of “latest and greatest” shifts rapidly based on whats least available.
With a bursting population and a thinner and thinner creamy layer, the number of men who have access to mates rapidly diminishes.
This explains why that there are people like Trump who have extremely attractive wives - or why battered women keep clinging to their abusive partners even if they have a choice (remember Rihanna?).
Trump’s like the Beta-God - nothing like a few dozens of millions of dollars and fame to signal exceptional provisional capacities.

Similarly people who signal social dominance attract women regardless of what kind of people they are. Look at the number of rock star groupies.
Incels are merely the lag end of a bell curve that gets more and more skewed.
Most of the young guys I know who have had zero success with women (and trust me there are millions in India) are not the women hating, misogynist, violent good for nothings that many answers here make them out to be.
They are incels because they imbibed beta traits - they were indoctrinated that being a “nice guy”, accommodating, kind, humorous and generally shy would attract women - in fact most of them were indoctrinated to be that way before puberty.
A lot of them have nothing in their lives except their career or education, and no time, inclination or guidance to improve themselves beyond what it takes to work and earn.
In India, most of them will get married to a girl in an arranged marriage and live out the rest of their lives as family men.
Until then they swipe right endlessly, get friend-zoned, fall into porn addiction, generally experience rock bottom self esteem and retreat into a kind of shell.
I hear a lot of people say “No one deserves sex”.
But then people do fight for other people deserving things like burials, good roads, healthy food, jobs, electricity, running water and so on.
Most people are never chastised for asking to be given something free. People whine all the time for trivial things like being addressed in a particular way or being allowed to dress in a particular way, but the moment you talk about a man needing sex, immediately its supposed to be “rape apology”.
Sex is a need … any red blooded male who doesn’t sexually release himself for a while, his brain will do it for him as he sleeps — and masturbation is the equivalent of eating dog food to survive.
Needs are subjective - the need for food is felt most acutely by a hungry man. Incels are obsessed about sex, simply because they don’t get any.
The biggest mistake people do is to ostracize them, blame them and give them stupid advice like “be yourself” or “someone will come along” or “it’s your attitude”.
That’s what leads to the toxic side of this demographic. The wiser ones pay for sex, and some go MGOTW - eventually when they get older, they will get picked up by some beta-fishing female at least temporarily.
The ones that don’t wise up are ticking time bombs.
These are the marginalized section of society who are almost universally hated. Unlike other marginalized sections, they have almost no champions who can empathize with their condition.
Ultimately, when pushed far enough, they will resort to violence, or seek a patriarchal culture like ISIS style Islam, where women are commodity. It’s not an accident that violent and low female to male ratio demographics tend to have honor culture and the notion that women are chattel.
It doesn’t help any that western culture “liberates” women, and simultaneously demonstrates that they voluntarily objectify themselves (for cash).
Imagine you saw a store which sold candy online at cheap rates - you see everyone buying them, but when you login, it’s “Item out of stock” or worse “We do not serve your kind here”.
If sex were never a commodity, it would be totally different - but sex is a commodity and society insists that women who trade sex are equal in all ways to women who don’t - hence there is a mysterious … uh … hypocrisy.
There are a couple of solutions to this problem.
The non-solution is to ask women to reprogram their biological instincts and have lowered standards - this can’t ever happen.
The next solution is legalization and social acceptance of prostitution. If women won’t have sex with a guy because of his alleged repulsive nature, at least let him have the social and legal sanction to buy it from a willing woman.
The final solution is sex bots - this gets rid of the thorny ethical problem of whether prostitution is actually voluntary. If some feminists have their way though, they will actually make it illegal to stick your schlong into any vaguely female shaped object.
If you were ever a man, or knew one, who spent weeks and months after a relationship, suddenly stuck with loneliness and sexual frustration - you know how it feels to be an incel - just a bit.
Some Key points from this:
  • The user admits that majority of men in the past did not ever reproduce - thus Incels have always been a thing (IT BTFO).
  • AF/BB
  • As men don't need to display their alpha traits by hunting and all other historical things cavemen did, foids have decided to pursue other social factors that exclude majority of men - "With a bursting population and a thinner and thinner creamy layer, the number of men who have access to mates rapidly diminishes".
  • Points out the hypocrisy in normies advice and states himself that Sex is a need (maslow's hierarchy of needs).
  • Aside from prostitution, he explicitly states that there's no way we can make women lower their biologically engraved standards. It's over for them.
I've dated exactly two women in my life, and the first one came after so many rejections, I stuck with her through 12 years of dating and marriage despite a real lack of effort in the relationship on her part most of the time. The second one was a single date with the only person who ever contacted me first on Match, and that turned out to be a grave mistake because she was obsessed. I hope we can agree that someone who talks about adopting your daughter on a first date is being dangerously unreasonable. That last date was almost 5 full years ago as I write this.

Now, I understand that there are some people who say really awful things on online forums, and the reason this is a hot topic is that there was a horrific massacre committed in Toronto by one this year, and another in Santa Barbara 4 years ago. The people who trouble to identify themselves this way are angry, and lash out in counterproductive ways. This is all abundantly clear.

But it's also really easy to be dishonest about their circumstances, and about the unwritten rules they supposedly just don't understand. One thing I can truthfully say about all the women who rejected me before I met my future ex-wife is that I was not in competition with other guys. There were no boyfriends I just didn't know about, no other guys who were actively pursuing any of them at the same time. I know this because they were all people I took months or years to get to know before asking them out. This is the part where the gleeful critics all now jump in with two contradictory criticisms and no self-awareness:

  1. Presenting yourself as a friend while having romantic intentions is somehow behaving falsely.
  2. Asking out women you just met or barely know entitles them to assume you are a rapist.
These cannot both be true. If you are concerned that you shouldn't risk being alone with a stranger, then you should be amenable to building actual rapport and trust with another person before any sort of romantic activity is even hinted at. If you feel that a man who gets to know you before attempting anything romantic is dishonest, then you should expect — even demand — that if they're going to try, it should be shortly after meeting you. The people who criticize incels strike me as coldly indifferent to the hypocrisy of holding both of these positions.

A lot of these men are accused of feeling "entitled" to dates, or even sex. I'm not going to waste my time trying to empathize with anyone who advocates "corrective rape," a phrase I've seen thrown around here. But I think it's awfully convenient to blame men for feeling frustrated when they make efforts to be presentable, to ensure they are not stepping in the middle of an existing relationship, when they have reasonably determined they are not "out of their league" by pursuing someone with dozens of suitors, and it yields only rejection. Not everyone who can't get a date is morbidly obese, addicted to video games, and jobless.

It doesn't help when even trying to get feedback to improve your odds another time is treated as some kind of horribly awkward behavior. On my 10th rejection, I decided to ask the woman in question — a fellow member of my college wind band, and an acquaintance of about a year — if there was something I had done wrong. This upset her terribly, and I regretted asking and apologized immediately. It's the only time I've ever tried to understand. I am not in any sense suggesting that I felt she or anyone else "owed" me anything. But that's also pejoratively putting words in my mouth and those of incels. It is pretty normal in all other areas of human endeavor to seek feedback about your performance — grades, job performance reviews, surveys, etc. It is again awfully convenient to take the position that men should take the initiative most or all of the time, and yet that it is a faux pas at best for them to want to learn from their failures. I think it is despicable to label that male entitlement.

I don't think men organizing to mutually fester about these issues is helpful. Certainly, it has produced some tragic outcomes. But it's apparently OK to derogate these men in terms that would be called "fat shaming" and "misogyny" if directed at women. I have written in other places about how grossly morbidly obese women have sent me lewd propositions through OKCupid. They can reasonably infer that a single dad who is balding has few-to-no opportunities. I do not appreciate being preyed on by these women, but that behavior is fine — whereas a man who sends the same messages is vile. Incels are reacting in a highly counterproductive fashion, but the world would be a better place if the hypocrisies they rage against received some honest attention.
Any point I'd make is addressed in this well thought out response, so I'm just going to quote them tbh, mainly pointing out the Hypocrisy of normies/IT as @BlkPillPres stated in his thread.
  • The approach this guy took was to point out the Hypocrisy in normies advice to men:
    "This is the part where the gleeful critics all now jump in with two contradictory criticisms and no self-awareness:
    1. Presenting yourself as a friend while having romantic intentions is somehow behaving falsely.
    2. Asking out women you just met or barely know entitles them to assume you are a rapist.
  • The people who criticize incels strike me as coldly indifferent to the hypocrisy of holding both of these positions.
  • I think it's awfully convenient to blame men for feeling frustrated when they make efforts to be presentable, to ensure they are not stepping in the middle of an existing relationship, when they have reasonably determined they are not "out of their league" by pursuing someone with dozens of suitors, and it yields only rejection. Not everyone who can't get a date is morbidly obese, addicted to video games, and jobless. (IT WON'T TOUCH THIS).

A few days ago, my husband told me the story about his first time trying to have sex. They were both teenagers. She was so dry he couldn’t get it in at all. All he could think was: “why isn’t this working?” It made me laugh so hard because it reminded me of my first experience which was basically the same (although I was the girl, obviously).

Awkward sexual encounters. Learning how to relate to the opposite sex. Groping your way through the dark. Trying to figure out how sex works.

These things are a critical part of a young person’s sexual development. It is a learning process and a critical stage of human development.

And it can only be done with a member of the opposite sex present in real life.

Yes, it is uncomfortable, it is awkward, even scary. You will sometimes feel inadequate, vulnerable. There is rejection. There is fear, pleasure, curiosity, excitement, inadequacy, apprehension.

There are so many emotions and feelings, many of them uncomfortable. But we all have to go through it.

At least we all used to go through it.

Incels are part of the growing phenomenon of young people being robbed of naive sexual encounters critical for their sexual development as real-life human beings. The rising incidence of virginity among people in their mid-20s is likely another aspect of this: Millennials Are Having Less Sex Than Their Parents Did

Instead of interacting with real girls, incels end up retreating into dark thoughts on the internet. They engage in forums with other self-proclaimed incels. They explore their sexual curiosity and release their urges through pornography. This only sends them down a rabbit hole from which it is hard to escape. You are what you think. This is especially true if you are obsessive, which they definitely are. (On a side note, I do feel that modern technology leads to obsessive and addictive behaviors even in otherwise normal people (hence the reason I can’t seem to stop writing answers on Quora)).

By comparison, as a teenager in the early 90s, I had ample awkward and memorable experiences with real life boys.

One of my most memorable sexual experiences from my adolescence took place when I was 14. My best friend used to hang out with some kids from another town with whom she attended youth groups through the Catholic church. She was going to junior prom with one of the boys as a favor and begged me to go to prom with another boy.

Without knowing anything about this boy—even what he looked like—I said yes (why the hell not?).

His name was Mike. I have no idea why he didn’t have a date. He was good looking, tall. He was very much a guy, kind of nerdy but cool, too. Like many gawky teenage boys, he was really into the band Rush. I don’t think he had much experience with girls having been raised in a house with just brothers. So, like many 16 or 17 year old boys, he was nervous and awkward around girls.

I was dressed in a very short strapless royal blue satin dress with white trim. The dress puffed out at the bottom but was tight up to the waist. On the top of the bodice—on the white trim—was a big white bow with rhinestones in the middle. I looked very much like a shiny happy present under the Christmas tree.

On the way back Mike and I were seated together. I don’t remember how it started but one of us started stroking the other one’s inner thigh. It felt so good. I seriously didn’t care what the others thought (and I’m pretty sure my friend teased me afterwards). We rode home that way. At the time, I was too naive to understand what was happening but now I know that I was really turned on.

That’s it. That’s pretty much the whole story: we stroked each other’s thighs on a limo bus and it was profoundly exciting.

Why was something so simple profoundly exciting?

Because someone else—a boy—was doing it to me and it felt so good.

This is how it should be at 14 but young people are being robbed of these simple and naive sexual experiences today. They are missing out on feeling the excitement that these simple pleasures can bring when you are 14–22(ish) years old.

Young people today have seen sordid pornography (not just some pictures in Playboy or Hustler) before having any real life fumblings with the opposite sex. They have seen all sorts of depraved sexual acts before ever feeling a girl up at a party or stroking a thigh or having an awkward and sloppy first kiss.

Their expectations of sex are most likely unrealistic and informed by porn as well. Imagine having to measure up to a 10″ dick that somehow always stays hard (a ‘meat stick’ as my husband would call it)? I think it’s even worse for girls and won’t even go into that but it sincerely sucks for both sexes.

When they do finally attempt a sexual act, it is with all of that background knowledge that they have no business having.

It was hard enough trying to live up to some cheesy movie sex scene or taking cues from music videos on MTV (and never sizing up to the DD+ fake boobs when I was barely an A cup).

None of these things ever led to a satisfying sexual encounter and only led to insecurities. These kids are exposed to so much more and their insecurities must be so much worse.

Feeling inadequate and insecure leads to fear of an actual real-life sexual encounter which must grow stronger as one gets older. Instead of facing this fear, they retreat into the perceived safety of the mind—and the perversions of internet porn—to escape. This only worsens the problem of course, leading to a further distortion of reality, a twisted misogynistic perspective on life and further detachment from reality.

To make matters worse, they have no real means of interpreting pornography since they lack real-life sexual experience.

Even many adults find they struggle with this. They find themselves needing more and more ‘stimulation’ from pornography to get the same effect. They also find that their ability to enjoy more innocent and simple sexual pleasures is dulled. They seek out ever more sordid acts which further numbs them and distances them from real-world sex.

The more one engages in these practices, the more out of touch he becomes. It can lead one down a dark road and one which is hard to ever come back from. Indeed, one can never fully return to the innocence of naive sexuality. It is a paradise lost in a profound sense.

Many young people have never had the chance to have these simple pleasures before developing sordid sexual tastes or at least being made aware of their existence.

The weird thing about incels (and possibly other sexually-inactive Millennials?) is that they are still virgins. So their bodies are ‘pure’ but their minds are filthy. An oddity of modern times for sure. A freak of nature even. And the saddest part is that I don’t think it is wholly their fault.

I think this is the problem not that I can pose any real solution other than fixing our broken culture which seems impossible.
In all honesty, majority of the points I'm going to make are in her comment so I'll just quote them tbh.

  • "
    Awkward sexual encounters. Learning how to relate to the opposite sex.
    Groping your way through the dark. Trying to figure out how sex works.
    These things are a critical part of a young person’s sexual development. It is a learning process and a critical stage of human development.
    And it can only be done with a member of the opposite sex present in real life.
  • Incels are part of the growing phenomenon of young people being robbed of naive sexual encounters critical for their sexual development as real-life human beings. The rising incidence of virginity among people in their mid-20s is likely another aspect of this: Millennials Are Having Less Sex Than Their Parents Did
  • This is how it should be at 14 but young people are being robbed of these simple and naive sexual experiences today. They are missing out on feeling the excitement that these simple pleasures can bring when you are 14–22(ish) years old.
  • Their expectations of sex are most likely unrealistic and informed by porn as well. - What else can Incels turn too? Oh that's right - IT tells us to turn to therapy. JUST DISREGARD YOUR BIOLOGICAL URGES BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • When they do finally attempt a sexual act (only most of us won't) with all of that background knowledge (which is zero) that they have no business having.
  • I think this is the problem not that I can pose any real solution other than fixing our broken culture which seems impossible. (clap.gif)

I have a dog.
If we come across a female in heat, he can smell and see it immediately. He goes crazy. Sometimes after meeting one, he will not eat or sleep for days, whimpering, howling at the moon, looking out the window to try and see her.


Not my dog

It goes away eventually, but sometimes the urge to get to her is really hard for him to deal with.

This is not an isolated phenomenon, sexual reproduction would not really work unless males had the urge to reproduce. In some species it will lead to fights to the death, or the males will travel huge distances, build intricate structures, whatever.

Personally, I have also experienced times in my life where I was lovesick, crying, frustrated, hurt, .. I felt like howling too.

Men can feel emotional pain.

And then a lot of men just dont really know what they should be doing to have a healthy romantic and sexual relationship with someone.

Sometimes their fathers dont think to teach them, or just are not available due to jail/work/leaving/...

At school they get sex ed, which is ok, but doesn’t really teach you anything about relations.

Popular media is full of sexist and rapey vibes, not a good idea to imitate that.
BS advice like “just be yourself” does not work unless you already happen to be the correct type.
Some places tell them to be dominant, psychologically manipulative, controlling, in power, some tell them that women should be protected, put on a pedestal, taken care of, etc, others yet tell them that women should be treated like equals, the advice is all over the place really depending on where you look.

Even asking people who are married or in relations how they got started, you get really inconsistent information across the board.

The porn that is largely available is also usually quite creepy and strange, often detached from how most sexual encounters will go…

Some men are lucky enough to get good advice, know what to do, or just get lucky in finding someone. Some are blessed with great looks.
Or rich.

Some manage to figure things out after a gruesome process of trial and error.
Really, it can be harsh sometimes. Asking a girl out and seeing a quick look of disgust flash across her face before she composes herself, and politely declines. Nothing malicious, but it can be a big blow to your ego, especially if repeated hundreds of times.
So when someone rejects you, there is a natural tendency to shelter your ego. I’m not the problem here, if the other person doesn’t like me, they must be stupid.
Being rejected by someone you like hurts too much, so people shift to hating the people that reject them.

Some also end up caught in a loop of frustration and misinformation, random/bad dating and sex advice written by people who want views on their ads, or are selling some product, creepy pickup artist psycho stuff, masturbating to ever more extreme porn designed to be addictive, and then end up grouping up in communities sometimes, some of which are more or less constructive, and some of which is just people bouncing negative emotions off each others, getting more and more extreme in their views.

Really there are entire industries set up to exploit the difficulties people have in finding mates, so it should not be so surprising that some people end up frustrated.

Telling them that their frustration is irrational doesn’t help much either.

There are also women who get frustrated by all this, and end up building up resentment, saying that all men are bastards and so on.

Theoretically, since the population is about even in terms of men and women, it should be possible for almost everyone to pair up.

However if everyone was happy, that would be a lost opportunity for profit. So instead we have a system where a lot of people have trouble finding partners, relations dont last very long, few people are having kids, etc, but a lot of money is being made.

Online dating is 2.5 billion, porn is around 100 billion, fashion is 2.4 trillion, jewelry is 30 billion, cosmetics is 500 billion, cosmetic and plastic surgery is 16 billion, 70 billion for diet and weight loss, 14 billion on prostitution, …. almost 4 trillion out of a 19 trillion GDP is more or less related to selling stuff to people that are trying to find a partner.

Would you really be willing to give up all that economic potential, just so that people can have happy and healthy relations?

  • Guy uses his dog as an analogy to portray that having sex is an innate need of all mammals. His dog may become depressed if it passes a bitch in heat.
    States himself, he'll display similar (in the human sense) symptoms when he realises he's all alone and will probably never reproduce.
  • "And then a lot of men just dont really know what they should be doing to have a healthy romantic and sexual relationship with someone." - As they'll never have the experience whilst their young to explore such a thing (as a foid made in the comment I highlighted above).
  • "Telling them that their frustration is irrational doesn’t help much either."
  • "Theoretically, since the population is about even in terms of men and women, it should be possible for almost everyone to pair up." - Yet it doesn't. Over 27% of males are Incels and that number is going up.

Poor, poor souls. Granted, it's not like the comparative corpus of the incels I've gotten to know could ever be representative of the whole scope of the notion's designates, but I'll go ahead and play the devil's advocate and give you an example specimen of a group all of the anti-incels here seem to overlook.

Greg is 25, graduated a while back. He was always the shy, physically underwhelming guy in the room. He was always disliked by most of his peers at school for his outstanding performance - took over 90% at every final exam, he routinely represented the school during competitions, but his colleagues resented him because he didn't share their irreverent attitude. To add insult to injury, he sucked at sports, making him the outcast of the pack. He was derided, discouraged from group activities, never invited anywhere - in short, excluded from his social group. When puberty knocked at the door, his peers would exchange practical tips and ideas on behaving around girls and learn to grow into this mysterious, unwritten code of conduct, while Greg was left to himself, clueless and left to ponder his situation alone. He was always the shy, sensitive type who never wanted to be one of the studs - all he dreamed of was a girl he could walk hand in hand with, talk about his feelings and life concerns, and who would understand him and love him for what he was.

The thing is, time wasn't stopping anytime soon, and as Greg grew older, being a virgin, let alone not having ever held hands with a girl, became less and less socially acceptable. The oversexualized discourse that emphasized the number of partners, as well as the casual derision and ostracism of male virgins meant that he had to develop a strategy to avoid being outed as one of the risibles in order to avoid further humiliation. Graduating from high school seemed like a point of no return - by that time, virtually all of the girls he knew had already had at least one boyfriend. He was afraid to even attempt to approach any girl he had a mutual acquaintance with, lest she turn out to be the type to laugh upon discovering his lack of fortune with the opposite gender, subsequently deny him the loss of his V-card purely on the grounds of having never had prior experience, then proceed to tell her friends, their mutual acquaintance included, about this poor, inept sucker who dared to approach her undeflorated. He saw happy couples all around, but his happiness never came around, no matter how hard and where he looked. After a while, he began looking into how the so-called alphas, the guys who had no trouble commanding female attention, handled intergender interaction. He dabbled in PUA literature. Before even thinking about applying anything contained therein in practice, he went through the chapters on human nature. And that's what turned him bitter.

He learned about the Byronic archetype, about the dark triad, all of the factors that dictate the dynamics of a given group… it was not pretty: in one evening, he realized why people always treated him like trash, that all of the reassuring blabber to the tune of “you'll find someone sooner or later” was utter bull, and that it was really too late for him to find someone he could love and be loved by, unless he were to join some extremely straight-laced religious group, or unless a miracle were to happen. The realization hurt, since it confirmed the vibe he'd been picking up since adolescence: if you have no relationship experience, people will deem you worthless, think there's something wrong with you, and shun you. If people shun you and deem you worthless, you're not likely to get into a relationship.

Unless you're a woman - for most men, lack of relationship experience in women is not an issue, making this kind of problem virtually nonexistent. It's also considered socially undesirable to allude to a woman's sexual experience, let alone judge her performance in bed. And, as criticizing men as a whole gender has been gaining ever more acceptance, criticizing women in a similar fashion is universally decried as misogyny. Not that other recent happenings have been terribly helpful to Greg either; he always had trouble approaching girls because he was afraid he would unwittingly make one step too far and provoke consequences such as being beaten up by a white knight or expelled from school for molestation, or, even worse, everyone remembering his accidental faux pas and ostracizing or deriding him all over again; a few months back, he saw his greatest fear become reality. With the advent of #metoo, he realized that if he tried even the most innocent breach of personal space (which would happen sooner or later in any real-life pickup situation) with the wrong girl, he could become the protagonist of a new #metoo story, given how sometimes all it took was being too awkward with your approach.

And it doesn't help that we're both from a big city in Eastern Europe; anything on the Eastern side of the former Iron Curtain is notorious for hordes of gold-digger girls who do everything to marry their way into the West as soon as they are of the legal age, leaving us with a skewed demographic and tons of girls with unreasonably high expectations who are even less likely to consider a non-stud before they hit 30.

So, all in all, while Greg would still like nothing more but a woman whom he would be happy with, he knows that his chances are decreasing every year, as his virginity does not seem any less of a disgusting turn-off to his potential mates with the passing of time. He's pretty resilient as well, since even reading PUA literature did not make him a cynical egomaniac - he just became disappointed with how people function and shut himself in with his work, convincing himself that he does not need females in his life.

So, as I view it, the current discourse is doing a terrible job for involuntarily celibate men. Not only are they almost universally perceived as worthless, inept and risible because they had never received validation from the opposite sex; now they're also reviled as potential rapists and school shooters, because a few of them got fed up enough with the dissonance between their own lack of sexual prowess and the cultural pressure to have lots of sex as to act in a desperate way. Instead of thinking of solutions to their problems, we're witnessing society stigmatize them even further, winding up the vicious spiral and potentially giving birth to even more violent desperates who can't stand being derided and spat upon every time they try to make a change for the better.

  • The primary point this user was making is that ostracization of men who aren't getting any of their needs fulfilled will not do society any good: "Instead of thinking of solutions to their problems, we're witnessing society stigmatize them even further, winding up the vicious spiral and potentially giving birth to even more violent desperates who can't stand being derided and spat upon every time they try to make a change for the better."
    Suggesting that a guy has sex with another man to solve their Inceldom isn't a solution, so any IT lurker that suggests that should go fist themselves with live fireworks.
  • Admits foids will never understand what it means to be alone which is why for the most part, foids are labelling us as entitled because they have everything handed to them so they think that's how it works across all genders.
  • Tells a story about how Greg basically becomes an Incel after realising being "nice" and shit means nothing if you're genetically undesirable.

At its core, the incel phenomenon stems from the fact that a certain percentage of men are just not attractive to women. In ancient history, only about 40% of men and 80% of women reproduced. Men can produce large amounts of sperm, while women are reproductively limited. This means that a breeding population can sustain itself just fine with more women than men, and so many of the world’s men need not be part of the breeding population.

When people are left to their own devices and allowed truly free mate choice, that is the pattern that will emerge, not from social constructs and media stereotypes, as some academics would have us believe, but from the inevitable facts of biology. Stronger men will win out in the fight for mating rights, and the women will gravitate towards the men who are the most attractive and successful.

Here’s the cold, hard truth: all societies which have reached an advanced level of development have done something to prevent involuntary celibacy in men. Whether through culture, religion or law, they have promoted monogamy and the family unit, things which are fundamentally unnatural to humans—unnatural, but necessary, unless you want to go back to the stone age. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, if men can’t get laid, they get angry and don’t want to contribute to society (see the MGTOW phenomenon in the West and the Hikkimori phenomenon in Japan). Secondly, if most men aren’t starting families, then most boys will be raised without positive male role models and will not develop the virtues needed to make positive contributions to society.

The West enforced monogamy and stable marriages until very recently. Now, we are gradually reverting to humanity’s natural mating patterns. Whose fault is it? The incels will try and say that it’s women’s fault for not finding them attractive. The rest of the world says it’s the incel’s fault for being bitter and entitled. Both are wrong. The blame lies squarely with the cultural shifts that began in the 1960’s. Mark my words, the incel epidemic is a ticking time bomb. Trying to teach men that they aren’t entitled to sex is going to solve nothing, and if you think it will do any good, you have no understanding of male psychology. It will only worsen the problem by creating resentment. We are going to see more men refusing to contribute to society, more anger, more violence, and in the long run, modern society is not going to be able to sustain itself if we can’t bring back monogamy and stable family units.

Now, we come to a most troubling ethical conundrum. It seems like we have two options: force women to marry repulsive men, or force men to be incel. A zero-sum game. In both scenarios, somebody loses big time. There are basically two sides of the debate, each representing one of those options. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. I think we can constructively address the problem in a way that will make everyone happier. In order to do that, we need to stop pointing fingers, stop whining, and have a serious discussion about what we can do to make stable family partnerships more appealing to both genders. Here are some of my ideas.

Make people more attractive, in an absolute sense

We have an obesity epidemic. Frankly, average people aren’t going to want each other if the average person is obese. We need to get rid of junk food and do a better job of promoting exercise, health and fitness. Food companies are making a great deal of profit from putting all kinds of nasty stuff in their products that is making people fat. We need to give these food corporations the middle finger and go back to eating the wholesome foods that our ancestors ate.

Next, we need to get rid of the stigma surrounding plastic surgery, especially for men, and stop lying to young boys that their looks don’t matter. Many young men are incel because they were born with a weak, receding jaw. This can be surgically corrected, and in a lot of cases, it will fix a young man’s incel problem for good.

Make people more attractive, in a relative sense

When we watch movies, see advertisements, or scroll through the Instagram feed, we are bombarded with pictures of people who are unrealistically attractive. These pictures are often digitally edited. When people, both male and female, see these unrealistically attractive people in the media, they become less enthusiastic about what they could realistically get. The photoshopping of models needs to end, and the media needs to focus on showing normal-looking people. If this doesn’t sell as well, the media companies are going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

Help boys develop attractive personalities stop making soyboys

Many boys are being raised by single mothers and taught by exclusively female teachers. These women are trying to make boys soft-spoken and compliant to stamp out “toxic masculinity”. When a boy is raised this way, he is not going to be attractive to women. We need to forget this nonsense about toxic masculinity and encourage boys to be assertive. Schools can contribute to this by hiring more male teachers, and extracurricular programs like sports and boy scouts can be promoted.

Get rid of hookup culture

Tinder has to go. Movies, pop music, and TV shows that depict casual hookups as the norm need to end. Porn needs to be discouraged. Society needs to tell kids that marriage is the ideal and sleeping around isn’t. Slut shaming is good.

In some cases, there is a clear loser, but it’s neither men nor women who will be getting the short end of the stick. The loser has to be corporate profits. Our culture is fundamentally sick, and many of the reasons that average people are so unappealing to average people are a result of this sickness. The food and entertainment industries have a financial interest in maintaining the sickness. If we want to heal, they have to be thrown under the bus. It’s not going to be easy, and there will be a great deal of resistance, but if we can heal the problems in society that are making people so disgusted by the idea of partnering up with regular mem

  • The main point of this was highlighting that looks matter. I quote: "Stop saying that looks don't matter". I struggle to understand why IT and other blue-pilled normies seem to think that looks don't matter or looks don't matter as much as you think, when that's the only thing women can select men on. As someone stated in another comment: around 40% of men never reproduced and as society is removing all the features that have prevented us from reverting to our animalistic tendancies, we're heading towards such a time again (already 27% of 18-27 year olds have never had sex).
  • Get rid of hookup culture - It's creating more Incels; ruins pairbonding.
  • Find ways of making more people attractive - the only issue which I see with this is: the bar will just be raised even higher. As I stated, centuries ago: the man that got laid was the guy that could hunt animals and kill other men that threatened them. There's less of a need for violence nowadays and majority of men will go through life without ever entering a physical confrontation, so how do women screen men? By their Looks.

Despite the vast amount of people on that soy infested site labelling us as "entitled" (I still don't know what that means), a few people are able to sympathize with us but as they stated themselves, unless we fix this culture: things are only going to get worse - as normies would say: "Life is unfair deal with it"

If life isn't fair so incels should just get over it and get used to sexual starvation, then guess what, life isn't fair, so you better get over all of these deaths, and get over mass shootings, stop with the double standards it goes both ways.
I love Quora, its super interesting unlike soyit.
Wow, some of those posts absolutely mog the highest IQ posts on our forum impressive
The analysis by the 1st poster about female nature etc was actually spot on and highIQ
Apparently we are receiving sympathy from some people. Things may change a bit for us, who knows.
The analysis by the 1st poster about female nature etc was actually spot on and highIQ

It’s not enough to be physically strong - there are thousands of guys a woman will meet who have decent physique.
It’s not enough to have intellectual capacity - thousands graduate college and understand stuff that Newton would find hard.
It’s not enough to have provisional capacity - everyone makes minimum wage at least - the bar for a “comfortable life” is much much higher.
So as betas and alphas evolve in some direction, women will continue to seek the creamy layer from each - depending on whether they are in the “boyfriend” or “husband” phase.
It’s a never ending economic spiral. Who really wants a flagship iPhone from 2013?
The definition of “latest and greatest” shifts rapidly based on whats least available.

Numerous men can put on a facade of a personality that would deceive the best detective, yet IncelTears insist that the men in relationships have exemplar personalities.

Furthermore, "what's least available" is attractive men who are 6'3+.
Took about an hour to read all that. 2020 is fixing up to be a real kooky year I can already tell.
Apparently we are receiving sympathy from some people. Things may change a bit for us, who knows.
Indeed, but for the most part it was full of low-IQ parroting cucks, spouting the same:

"b-b-but because one guy went E.R that means all Inkelz want to go E.R"


"nobody is entitled to anything" (still don't know what that means)


"It's their needy nature that's off-putting"
Indeed, but for the most part it was full of low-IQ parroting cucks, spouting the same:

"b-b-but because one guy went E.R that means all Inkelz want to go E.R"


"nobody is entitled to anything" (still don't know what that means)


"It's their needy nature that's off-putting"
Bla fucking bla. They want to keep playing that game they deserve every Tragedy they get.
Waaaay too high IQ for CuckTears. Shut it down goyim!
Apparently we are receiving sympathy from some people. Things may change a bit for us, who knows.

Nothing will change. People just virtue signal just like they virtue signal about the PLaNeT being polluted. What are they doing about it? Nothing.
"nobody is entitled to anything" (still don't know what that means)
Yes then women are not entitled to our taxes, this shit it is clearly a hypocritical and subjective argument if you think about it.
Nothing will change. People just virtue signal just like they virtue signal about the PLaNeT being polluted. What are they doing about it? Nothing.
they only thing that maybe would change is the bluepilled perception that most men have about women in the future, who knows, but I think that more and more young boys will begin to reveal themselves against this shit system.
Last edited:
High IQ replies tbh.
Mark my words, the incel epidemic is a ticking time bomb. Trying to teach men that they aren’t entitled to sex is going to solve nothing, and if you think it will do any good, you have no understanding of male psychology. It will only worsen the problem by creating resentment. We are going to see more men refusing to contribute to society, more anger, more violence, and in the long run, modern society is not going to be able to sustain itself if we can’t bring back monogamy and stable family units.
Brutal societypill.
Nothing will change. People just virtue signal just like they virtue signal about the PLaNeT being polluted. What are they doing about it? Nothing.
It won't matter even when things eventually do change tbh, it's over for us either way.
This post should be pinned. Tesla IQ post
It won't matter even when things eventually do change tbh, it's over for us either way.

Yeah, we will be too old then anyway. Like I'm 30 already, even if things change 5 years from now, what would I get? Nothing.
Quora is mostly a soyboy site, but it's better than Reddit because at least dissenting opinions like these actually are allowed to be presented. If ANY of those reasonable posts were to be copy/pasted onto Cuckit, they would either get downvoted to oblivion or simply removed and the posters banned.
Even if they accept the truth what does that do for us?
seamaxx CR56AMAX
Before people start coming in here, talking about how Quora is a "soyboy" site, this was recommended to me as I only ever go to this site whenever someone links a topic discussing Inceldom.

Tldr: A few posters see why Incels do exist and don't blame us at all for it.

Some Key points from this:
  • The user admits that majority of men in the past did not ever reproduce - thus Incels have always been a thing (IT BTFO).
  • AF/BB
  • As men don't need to display their alpha traits by hunting and all other historical things cavemen did, foids have decided to pursue other social factors that exclude majority of men - "With a bursting population and a thinner and thinner creamy layer, the number of men who have access to mates rapidly diminishes".
  • Points out the hypocrisy in normies advice and states himself that Sex is a need (maslow's hierarchy of needs).
  • Aside from prostitution, he explicitly states that there's no way we can make women lower their biologically engraved standards. It's over for them.

Any point I'd make is addressed in this well thought out response, so I'm just going to quote them tbh, mainly pointing out the Hypocrisy of normies/IT as @BlkPillPres stated in his thread.
  • The approach this guy took was to point out the Hypocrisy in normies advice to men:
    "This is the part where the gleeful critics all now jump in with two contradictory criticisms and no self-awareness:
    1. Presenting yourself as a friend while having romantic intentions is somehow behaving falsely.
    2. Asking out women you just met or barely know entitles them to assume you are a rapist.
  • The people who criticize incels strike me as coldly indifferent to the hypocrisy of holding both of these positions.
  • I think it's awfully convenient to blame men for feeling frustrated when they make efforts to be presentable, to ensure they are not stepping in the middle of an existing relationship, when they have reasonably determined they are not "out of their league" by pursuing someone with dozens of suitors, and it yields only rejection. Not everyone who can't get a date is morbidly obese, addicted to video games, and jobless. (IT WON'T TOUCH THIS).

In all honesty, majority of the points I'm going to make are in her comment so I'll just quote them tbh.

  • "
    Awkward sexual encounters. Learning how to relate to the opposite sex.
    Groping your way through the dark. Trying to figure out how sex works.
    These things are a critical part of a young person’s sexual development. It is a learning process and a critical stage of human development.
    And it can only be done with a member of the opposite sex present in real life.
  • Incels are part of the growing phenomenon of young people being robbed of naive sexual encounters critical for their sexual development as real-life human beings. The rising incidence of virginity among people in their mid-20s is likely another aspect of this: Millennials Are Having Less Sex Than Their Parents Did
  • This is how it should be at 14 but young people are being robbed of these simple and naive sexual experiences today. They are missing out on feeling the excitement that these simple pleasures can bring when you are 14–22(ish) years old.
  • Their expectations of sex are most likely unrealistic and informed by porn as well. - What else can Incels turn too? Oh that's right - IT tells us to turn to therapy. JUST DISREGARD YOUR BIOLOGICAL URGES BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • When they do finally attempt a sexual act (only most of us won't) with all of that background knowledge (which is zero) that they have no business having.
  • I think this is the problem not that I can pose any real solution other than fixing our broken culture which seems impossible. (clap.gif)

  • Guy uses his dog as an analogy to portray that having sex is an innate need of all mammals. His dog may become depressed if it passes a bitch in heat.
    States himself, he'll display similar (in the human sense) symptoms when he realises he's all alone and will probably never reproduce.
  • "And then a lot of men just dont really know what they should be doing to have a healthy romantic and sexual relationship with someone." - As they'll never have the experience whilst their young to explore such a thing (as a foid made in the comment I highlighted above).
  • "Telling them that their frustration is irrational doesn’t help much either."
  • "Theoretically, since the population is about even in terms of men and women, it should be possible for almost everyone to pair up." - Yet it doesn't. Over 27% of males are Incels and that number is going up.

  • The primary point this user was making is that ostracization of men who aren't getting any of their needs fulfilled will not do society any good: "Instead of thinking of solutions to their problems, we're witnessing society stigmatize them even further, winding up the vicious spiral and potentially giving birth to even more violent desperates who can't stand being derided and spat upon every time they try to make a change for the better."
    Suggesting that a guy has sex with another man to solve their Inceldom isn't a solution, so any IT lurker that suggests that should go fist themselves with live fireworks.
  • Admits foids will never understand what it means to be alone which is why for the most part, foids are labelling us as entitled because they have everything handed to them so they think that's how it works across all genders.
  • Tells a story about how Greg basically becomes an Incel after realising being "nice" and shit means nothing if you're genetically undesirable.

  • The main point of this was highlighting that looks matter. I quote: "Stop saying that looks don't matter". I struggle to understand why IT and other blue-pilled normies seem to think that looks don't matter or looks don't matter as much as you think, when that's the only thing women can select men on. As someone stated in another comment: around 40% of men never reproduced and as society is removing all the features that have prevented us from reverting to our animalistic tendancies, we're heading towards such a time again (already 27% of 18-27 year olds have never had sex).
  • Get rid of hookup culture - It's creating more Incels; ruins pairbonding.
  • Find ways of making more people attractive - the only issue which I see with this is: the bar will just be raised even higher. As I stated, centuries ago: the man that got laid was the guy that could hunt animals and kill other men that threatened them. There's less of a need for violence nowadays and majority of men will go through life without ever entering a physical confrontation, so how do women screen men? By their Looks.

Despite the vast amount of people on that soy infested site labelling us as "entitled" (I still don't know what that means), a few people are able to sympathize with us but as they stated themselves, unless we fix this culture: things are only going to get worse - as normies would say: "Life is unfair deal with it"
Man sometimes I wish I had enough energy or the mental capacity to formulate all my thoughts into a cohesive argument like this against blue pill faggots
Ok but scientifically speaking why are all cucks on reddit and smarter people on quora?
Ok but scientifically speaking why are all cucks on reddit and smarter people on quora?
I think Reddit is in the Facebook category of karma whoring leaders, mods who follow the zeitgeist and general socialist gynocentrism. Passivity is guaranteed to receive more likes, simply a selfie and a few posts is given applause And a lifetime of reward. So people don’t try very hard because it is high risk low reward unless you are a woman who are seen as the selectors of who is popular.
High IQ ITcels Are So Retarded
Holy shit, this is one gem of a post I've dug up.
@SergeantIncel @Master extremely insightful posts from quora, and they're also some of the most friendly (or at least empathetic/sympathetic) posts i've ever seen from any mainstream place. I think it's worthy of consideration for the Must Read section

Holy shit, this is one gem of a post I've dug up.
Should be in must read.
@Hate_my_life @Copexodius Maximus it's pinned suddenly now :feelsautistic:
Quora: Proving each and every time our brightest minds are also susceptible to bullshittery.
absolutely brilliant, all of them, especially the first one.
Quora for next incels.co?
Didn’t know quora was so high IQ
Based Quora posters ngl
Screenshot 20210303 020703 Brave

14/5 Power quote
Normies know that horse shit and how important looks are and how personality doesnt really matter initially. It's only other incel in denials who spout that garbage.
It has its moments but mostly is filled with bluepilled crap like reddit, yahoo answers etc.
The analysis by the 1st poster about female nature etc was actually spot on and highIQ
Yep he presented some pretty strong evidence.

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