Similar thing happened to me. I think they last 5 or 7 years or something like that. Either way I remember buying some in high school because I bought the 'personality' meme. Had them for a few years. Carried them through college. I thought I would at least 100% use them at college. Pity sex? Drunk sex? Maybe a girl would want to be my first as a goof? No? Nothing? Seriously!?
So then I got kicked out of college and got a full time job. Became miserable almost instantly. Had "hidden" my secret condom stash for quite a while honestly because I was raised super religiously so my family didn't exactly talk about sex and condoms. I'm sure they would freak out even knowing I purchased condoms. So anyway I'm in my early 20s. I obviously have no use for them. My Chad cousin, who was 13 or 14 at the time, had a girlfriend and I knew he was fucking her because he got suspended from school for fingering her behind the cafeteria. (While she got nothing FYI because she was a 'victim' of being finger-banged). So since I knew he had an actual girlfriend I gave him my giant box of condoms.
Not even a month after I gave him the condoms he comes asking if I had more. His parents knew they were fucking but were in such denial because 'kids don't have sex that young!" I got so furious at him, but really at myself, that I told him to fuck off and never ask me that shit again. He ended up just being dumb and fucking her raw and they had a pregnancy scare. She actually did get pregnant months later but luckily she was a whore and it wasn't his kid. She was fucking older boys on the side.
Reason I wrote all that down is because of the realization that I was in my 20s. Probably nearing 25 at that point. And I had kept these condoms since high school/college and they lasted me years and I only ever got to use them on my fleshlight. And the fact that in this clown world you can do everything right and follow every rule and be the best person ever but just because of your looks you didn't diddly squat. Your life means nothing. Because of your looks you will never succeed in life. And that hit me hard. Meanwhile, Chad gets to creampie prime teenage girls in their tight, wet, perfect pussy and face no consequences other than a, "Boys will be boys!" or "That's my boy!"