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Theory Colleges have to start getting more diversified and offering degrees on inceldom and blackpill theory

  • Thread starter Deleted member 36838
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Deleted member 36838

Deleted member 36838

Incels will have the last laugh #freeSmoothSanchez
Sep 16, 2021
If you can have a degree in feminism and liberal arts, why not blackpill theory?

At first the class will teach, basic blackpill theory: hypergamy, race/height/facepill, dark triad traits, autismpill, frame and dickpill. It will also cover basic looksmaxxing for normies. (also include AF/BB theory)

Then it will teach some more complicated concepts such as the dogpill, the juggernaut law, the wrist pill and some more advanced face theory such as the mandible, chin, eye area (eye color, canthal tilt, UEE and hunter eyes), ortibal rim pills, brow ridge, hairline etc...

As for the final year, students will learn about open unresolved questions, such as the roast beef question, the sub 8 theory and the greycel dilemma. The impact of inceldom on society will be shown. Students will finally learn in depth about incel saints and their teachings.

The class will have in field labs where students go in a frat party or nightclub and just get massively blackpilled and they get told constantly that it's over for them and that they should rope or go JD (in minecraft).

It will all be taught by wizardcels, giving them some source of income.
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If you can have a degree in feminism and liberal arts, why not blackpill theory?

At first the class will teach, basic blackpill theory: hypergamy, race/height/facepill, dark triad traits, autismpill, frame and dickpill. It will also cover basic looksmaxxing for normies. (also include AF/BB theory)

Then it will teach some more complicated concepts such as the dogpill, the juggernaut law, the wrist pill and some more advanced face theory such as the mandible, chin, eye area (eye color, canthal tilt, UEE and hunter eyes), ortibal rim pills, brow ridge, hairline etc...

As for the final year, students will learn about open unresolved questions, such as the roast beef question, the sub 8 theory and the greycel dilemma. The impact of inceldom on society will be shown. Students will finally learn in depth about incel saints and their teachings.

The class will have in field labs where students go in a frat party or nightclub and just get massively blackpilled and they get told constantly that it's over for them and that they should rope or go JD (in minecraft).

It will all be taught by wizardcels, giving them some source of income.
Required reading, Sexual Utopia in Power. Do your dissertations on that, feminists.
Blackpill theory is not scientific. It's a circlejerk over a incoherent assembly of memes.
Blackpill theory is not scientific. It's a circlejerk over a incoherent assembly of memes.
Are you fucking kidding?
Educate yourself.
Are you fucking kidding?
Educate yourself.
This is what is called cherry-picking. You find support closest to your hypothesis and then write a commentary about it. There is no peer review on those commentaries so you have always have a one-sided perspective, there is no debate, and the implications are self-fulfilling. As I said, a loose assembly of commentaries is not science. If you want to get as close as possible to blackpill theory just take a degree in evolutionary psychology.

Anyhow there is nothing unique enough about blackpill theory that it could be a field or study of itself, since it will just borrow results here and there from other fields
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This is what is called cherry-picking. You find support closest to your hypothesis and then write a commentary about it. There is no peer review on those commentaries so you have always have a one-sided perspective, there is no debate, and the implications are self-fulfilling. As I said, a loose assembly of commentaries is not science. If you want to get as close as possible to blackpill theory just take a degree in evolutionary psychology.
This is what is called cherry-picking.
sounds like the bluepillers on reddit :feelswhat:

if it's one-sided, why do people rarely try to debunk it? :feelshmm:
somehow only faggots and foids will major in this, as trucels dogpile on STEM

Remove GrAYcels first
you are literally fucking bluepilled. You don't believe in the blackpill which makes you bluepilled. Get off MY forum I am ENTITLED to having it without you polluting my threads.
sounds like the bluepillers on reddit :feelswhat:

if it's one-sided, why do people rarely try to debunk it? :feelshmm:
Blackpill theory has not gained scientific exposure other than antropologists who study incels as a subculture. Also it has never been proposed within the scientific community as a coherent theory so it can't really be evaluated
you are literally fucking bluepilled. You don't believe in the blackpill which makes you bluepilled. Get off MY forum I am ENTITLED to having it without you polluting my threads.
You are retarded if you think that webpage has scientific standards. I am not bluepilled just because I am more familiar with the academic culture than you

Also note I am not saying the points that are made in those commentaries are wrong. But it is all written from the same author's viewpoint, bias and motivation, so that makes it uncontested and you have no idea if there would be scientific consensus on the generalizations that are made. You propose that it should be taught in college, which to me seems nonsensical
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Blackpill theory, if there is such a program, would have to be a multi-disciplinary one based on biology, sexuality, sociobiology, anthropology, genetics, economics, and philosophy. No doubt, students who come out of such a program would be very knowledgeable.

Its been scattered across multiple disciplines, but both scientists and social scientists have studied its phenomena.

Just because its been scattered and loosely assembled doesn't mean there isn't truth in it. You don't need to put on a lab coat to know that looks and genetics are a critical difference maker in life success.

And I'm certain that you're a IT larper.
I am not saying there is no truth in it. But there is a big difference between that and teaching it in college.

Im not an IT larper, I just think that what @inkwellmaxxed is proposing is retarded

Besides you clearly see the effects of teaching an ideology like feminism. With blackpill theory you will have exactly the same problems because you create a culture where everyone has the same viewpoint and then you lose scientific integrity, just as what happens to fields like gender studies and to some extent psychiatry
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There are professors who've already researched it and put their work into their courses. It just needs to be expanded across multiple disciplines to make it comprehensive and cohesive. Here's just some example:
View attachment 496191
What would be the motivation of starting a blackpill theory program, that adds any value to the literature on e.g. attraction that is already well laid out in evolutionary psychology and biology?

Btw. I don't think the books you cite are necessarily blackpill theory. I was talking more about the collection of commentaries on the incel wiki, which takes a very specific and far more narrow viewpoint
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What's the motivation of studying social phenomena? Why study history? Why study evolution?
Exactly. So we don't need a blackpill program because it's debates are already covered by sociology, evolutionary psychology, biology, antropology, ect.

What separates blackpill theory is that it is connected by certain viewpoints and therefore it is more like an ideology. Somewhat the other side of the coin to feminism
Exactly. So we don't need a blackpill program because it's debates are already covered by sociology, evolutionary psychology, biology, antropology, ect.

What separates blackpill theory is that it is connected by certain viewpoints and therefore it is more like an ideology. Somewhat the other side of the coin to feminism
Dude. This whole thread was literally a meme. No shit I'm not expecting ''incel classes'' retard. You must be fun at parties.
Memes are a reflection of life so the blackpill does hold precedence over most science imo, afterall science is not ethical it is a mere tool to better understand the world. Science just proves the blackpill, the blackpill does not bilster science.

Do you know what I mean?
Yes I think I know what you mean. The experiences that we will have in real life that we contribute to the blackpill are very real and it is a phenomenology that is not easily understood by other people and easily stigmatized. I have faced so much exclusion and rejection that I can only relate those feelings to people like on this forum. Normies or scientists will probably not understand the real life struggle that we deal with
I remember freshman year of college, the resident advisors of my dorm tried to organize a "speed dating night" - hardly anyone showed up, it was obvious that only losers like myself needed "speed dating night" to even have a chance of getting laid.
Dude. This whole thread was literally a meme. No shit I'm not expecting ''incel classes'' retard. You must be fun at parties.
Well I don't get invited to parties, and you were the one that told me to educate myself and sperged out yelling that I should get banned
We need a blackpill program which can bring everything under one roof, such like other fields of sciences like microbiology, genomics, bioinformatics, and computer science.
I fail to see why hard sciences need to be under the roof of a blackpill program. Their foundation is mathematics right? Not the blackpill
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Because study of biology and genetics through computer science is critical to realizing the importance of biological determinism, which is the cornerstone of all blackpill thought.
Yes biological determinism is important and the blackpill depends on it, but not the other way around. How would biology and genetics improve through a blackpill curriculum? Like you said, they have computational methods, which is a solid foundation already. Why would they gain anything from the blackpill? Which doesn't give any methodological tools, but is closer to a philosophy.
So right now, the notion that hard work and good personality can get men success, but as we learn more about genetics and unlock its secrets, we'll realize more and more that our lives are predetermined by genetics, which is what the blackpill teaches.

The computational approach to unlocking our genomes will prove biological determinism, i.e., the blackpill to normies and society who dismiss the influence of genetics. For example, this study on genetics proved that when we lose our virginity is determined by our genetics:
Once all of genomics is unlocked, we'll know exactly which genes give us greatest reproductive success and which ones the least.
I think that is not really an improvement upon the science, but that is a change on outlook. A lot of normies believe the "work hard, improve yourself, have a good personality" viewpoint, but that doesn't mean it is the only philosophy that people know. It is a folk-psychology that people almost mistakenly follow. But in science there have been so many different outlooks through the years that shaped the thinking of the time, e.g. darwinism, behaviorism, connectionism, materialism, neodarwinism, etc. Saying that we should all live through the view of biological determinism is indoctrination, and also, the adopting of a belief in turn influences someone's actions. So there is no way to know if a more "factual" way of thinking is healthy as well. Think of people discarding their morality which they justify with the "survival of the fittest" principle.

In my opinion the blackpill should be a descriptive theory or philosophy as opposed to a normative theory. It describes a certain phenomenology but it doesn't imply that someone is forced to change one's outlook to be completely in line with biological determinism. Like I said, I would like for people to understand the blackpill phenomonology instead of stigmatize it, which is currently the case, but making a doctrine out of it would do the complete opposite. Then it becomes an ideology like feminism with proponents and opponents, which as the last decade has shown, is dangerous.
I would like to sign up as a blackpill professor
Besides you clearly see the effects of teaching an ideology like feminism. With blackpill theory you will have exactly the same problems because you create a culture where everyone has the same viewpoint and then you lose scientific integrity, just as what happens to fields like gender studies and to some extent psychiatry
We teach evolution jfl. Do we give a fuck about the young-earthers who protest that we don’t teach their shitty folktales in school? Do we consider their POV? No, because it’s already been debunked and is fucking stupid.

Blackpill is reality.
I would like to sign up as a blackpill professor
Only if you can name the meaning of all the letters in


Only if you can name the meaning of all the letters in


So you've made eye-contact with foids before you fucking fakecel?
Yes changing societal outlook and social, economic and scientific policy is the goal here. The science and engineering takes an entirely different path of improvement as it goes through innovations in computing, hardware, analytical tools, data storage, etc. If societal outlook becomes more blackpilled, scientists, politicians, and parents will be motivated to making procreation a more predictable process where they try to eliminate bad outcomes like shortness or autism, thereby ensuring that children don't have to face the despair and stagnation of subhumanity and inceldom.

Doesn't matter what people know. What matters is what people believe regardless of evidence and some 90% of society believe that hard work alone is transformative.

So far, biological determinism has a pretty solid track. We can change our views until something more plausible and reliable has been discovered. If you don't want to believe in biological determinism, then you're rejecting the blackpill.

Its not about health, its about selecting the best.

We really need to purge a lot of weak and subhuman people. There are simply too many incapable weaklings today because healthcare and civlizational comforts have undermined the natural order of sexual selection, which is why we have so many incels today. We can't become entire nations of subhumans like curryland and SEA.

I completely disagree. All blackpill theory and philosophy must be rooted in science.

I'm not making a doctrine out of it, in fact, I'm doing the opposite by trying to root it in science. Right now, stigma towards blackpill thinking exists because its perceived as a crackpot doctrine, but once its recognized to be rooted in science across society, the blackpill will gain acceptance. To me, it sounds like you don't want to accept the blackpill in its entirety, in which case this place is probably not for you.
I am not saying blackpill philosophy shouldn't be rooted in science. I am saying it should be descriptive, i.e. it describes a current state of living as opposed to normative, i.e. it gives a precept for how you should live.

You are making it normative and imo a doctrine as well, because you are advocating the following things: 1. we should eliminate traits like shortness and autism through eugenetics 2. people should live according to biological determinism 3. purging subhuman and indian people through eugenetics (obviously bordering on facism which will jeopardize the entire blackpill)

And implementing those things do not even garantuee that there will be no more incels, because women will always look for the genetic top 20%. Historically inceldom has always been a problem.

I am advocating that the blackpill should describe a phenomenology which should give people more consideration for why inceldom is happening and remove the stigma. If you are saying that I don't belong here because I don't fully accept your version of the blackpill, you are guilty of elitism and gatekeeping. Because currently it is not clearly defined what exactly the blackpill is, but it is clearly a phenomenology that is shared among incels, and there are certain elements that are common for most of us like ostracization, rejection, depression, etc. Noone owns the blackpill or can decide what it should become because it is partly a cultural phenomenon and partly resembles a philosophy.

Besides that, many views are rooted in science, but that doesn't necessarily mean people adopt it in favor of other beliefs. For example evolutionary psychology is also accepted by a lot of people, but that doesn't mean people shift to a more behaviorist viewpoint when viewing social interactions. And the question whether they should do that is a philosophical issue by itself, it's not self-evident.
We teach evolution jfl. Do we give a fuck about the young-earthers who protest that we don’t teach their shitty folktales in school? Do we consider their POV? No, because it’s already been debunked and is fucking stupid.

Blackpill is reality.
And with evolution theory a whole bunch of neodarwinists and eugenicists came with it as well, which are ideologies. And they have led to indoctrination as well.
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Then you're taking the power of the blackpill away. What could is just talking about this on the fringes of the internet if you can't bring about changes in society? I don't just want to sit in stagnation and complain. I want action and results. I want to do something with the knowledge and wisdom that I've gained. It seems like you're scared of the blackpill.

You sound like the stereotypical soy guzzling neliberal leftist reddit cuck who is scared of fascism. Fascism is necessary to optimize the human experience by bringing it out of chaos, stagnation, despair and anarky. If we want what Chad has, then we have to become Chads ourselves and that can only be instrumented through the policies of fascism.

You're literally scared of the blackpill little boy.

Regardless of the vagueness and variations in the understanding of the blackpill, almost all incels accept the fundamentals of biological determinism as the source of their misery and suffering. If we are going to overcome and conquer biological determinism, we must make it normative as a multidisciplinary field of study.

Evolutionary psychology still needs some work before it can used in real time social interactions, but if it does get there, I hope its taught and used so that people can make better decisions.
Well you are just resorting to childish name calling so I am not sure if you take the issue even serious in the first place.

Also jfl about so naive about facism. Over facism you have no control. Implementing it is going to attract real psychopaths, who have no intention of changing the world but are just driven by low-impulse control, many of which are chads, and it is most definitely not going to make you a chad.

You want actions and results so that reads as wanting to go in a radical direction, and imo the last thing the blackpill needs is to be radicalized because then it will never lose its stigma and it will be used synonymously with terrorism which is exactly what we want to avoid.

Your perceived "power" of the blackpill is that it should offer an immediate solution to the current state of inceldom, but in reality it does not do that in the least. Just as understanding our evolutionary imperatives to crave sugar and fat doesn't actually make people more healthy.

The real power of the blackpill is that young men are all suffering in a similar way which form a phenomenology, which is the basis for the diagnosis of a defect that our culture and society is currently succumbing under. It conveys a very strong message namely that biological determinism such a physical factors and mental factors cause people unbearable amounts of suffering that are out of their control. It shows that besides the societal idealization of psychology and psychiatry, the issue only increases. This is a direct indication that society can't keep functioning like this if it keeps going on, so indirectly it is also a diagnosis of the phenomenon of enstrangement and alienation which is happening in society.

It is an urgent social threat that cannot be ignored, and if people continue to meet it with hostility, the problem of inceldom will probably only increase. If it cannot be met with empathy, or atleast objectively analysed, you are creating a societal scapegoat. Men will distrust women, women will distrust men, and this chasm will only increase if nothing is not resolved. Therefore the wisdom of the blackpill comes much more from its suffering than from its impotence
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We teach evolution jfl. Do we give a fuck about the young-earthers who protest that we don’t teach their shitty folktales in school? Do we consider their POV? No, because it’s already been debunked and is fucking stupid.

Blackpill is reality.
Old earth is not proven.
Based. I have an education degree. I'd teach it.
Blackpill should be taught in sex ed

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