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Theory Why Females can't have autism, definitive proof

Categorically undeniably the most fucking retarded thing I have possibly ever heard in my entire life, not even joking. What you just uttered from your retard mouth is the equivalent of telling a paralysed person that they can walk with just some practice. IF YOU HAVE AUTISM, YOU HAVE A DISIBILITY, YOUR BRAIN DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY AND IS DAMAGED.
You didn't even comprehend a single thing I said despite me trying to dumb it down for you, all you have is an emotional response. You don't have autism, you have low IQ and social anxiety coupled with low T, making you an emotional cuck incapable of abstract thinking. Ignored.
it's absolutely possible to successfully mimic a normie behaviour.
‘All autistics are equal’.

Some are more than others. Most of us try to hide what we are to get bullied less or not get frowned upon, not get mockery, or the disapproving stares of others. We are blind to it a bit but we do still feel it.

If we are lucky and don’t receive negatives we crave for positives. I do. You do and @Nikalas also is just the same. Let’s be nice.

It makes me tired, the faking to be someone else. I know people who cannot do that faking, even if they wanted to. And some just choose to not want to, they are based.

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Relax @Nikalas. No need to get angry when others say stuff.

It’s a great thread you made.
Still love it :feelsjuice:

Let others BUMP it. Even when you disagree

I am Still reading by the way, about the possible alternative shit people can have, looking a lot like what we have.

Thanks to you. I wasn’t aware.

:feelsYall: :feelsYall: :feelsYall:
No need to get angry when others say stuff.
No you're right, I just couldn't help it when that was the most stupid thing I have ever read in this forum. Not all people will get it and I should accept that.
Foids can have autism, but it barely affects their lives because they live in "just exist mode" autism or no autism, everyone will bend themselves backwards to cater to any foid's needs.
Yep. I knew many girls that would have been the biggest basement rotters if born male. I think even my own mother is somewhat autistic because she never had any friends as long as I can remember, and she’s obsessed with reading. No matter what, it doesn’t affect their dating prospects at all tho
I have a coworker who is an autistic foid.

Autism doesn't affect her job because normies bend backwards to accommodate her needs whenever she underperform, whereas an autistic male is met with hostility and derision for failing to overperform beyond unspoken expectations.

This is the thing you don't get: autism by itself doesn't cause many problems for autists. Most of an autistic male's struggles are due to how normies treat him. Same mistreatment isn't conferred upon autistic foids, hence the autistic foid has very few struggles to deal with, whereas the autistic male is hated for merely existing.
This. Autistic men, unless Chad tier, usually are incels, and often have no friends. Not the case for autistic foids. They can find love just as easily as NT women.
Same mistreatment isn't conferred upon autistic foids
foids - some - can be very nasty.

to us.

but sometimes also and maybe even especially - foids can be super nasty towards other foids.
This. Autistic men, unless Chad tier, usually are incels, and often have no friends. Not the case for autistic foids. They can find love just as easily as NT women.
This foid I mentioned is a total sperg, even more than me. On her FIRST WEEK at work she already commanded an ARMY OF SIMPS ready do kill and die for m'lady. Of course she sat at the lesbians & dykes table at the cafeteria just to twart any simps' approaches.

Meanwhile I've been there for YEARS and made zero friends, nobody helped me with anything, seems like everybody despises me.

It's not autism by itself that causes my social problems, but rather the way normies treat me an autistic male.
This foid I mentioned is a total sperg, even more than me. On her FIRST WEEK at work she already commanded an ARMY OF SIMPS ready do kill and die for m'lady. Of course she sat at the lesbians & dykes table at the cafeteria just to twart any simps' approaches.

Meanwhile I've been there for YEARS and made zero friends, nobody helped me with anything, seems like everybody despises me.

It's not autism by itself that causes my social problems, but rather the way normies treat me an autistic male.
Damn. So brutal seeing a giga autist female get the dream life while you rot. I'm not a totally socially retarded sperg and still know the basics, so I usually don't actually get called out for it, but they still don't wanna be around me. I just hate that autism doesn't even affect women at all while we rot

First of all, you did not disprove any of my actual points laid out in my post.

Second of all, I should have specifically pointed out I was talking about High functioning autism, Like asperger, which is in no way similar to people with actual super giga autism, which I dont have enough information about to give a good point.

Third of all, you are just blindly trusting the title of the video, there is no proof this woman actually has autism, the way she behaves can also manifest with other diagnosis like mutism. Also I made a very good point in why you can't trust psychologist giving out autism diagnosis to women, which seems to be the case of this poor family.
basement rotters if born male
Being a neet and not being social does not equal autism
my own mother is somewhat autistic because she never had any friends as long as I can remember, and she’s obsessed with reading.
Reading and being a shut in who prefers being alone and having an interest in reading does not equal autism
it doesn’t affect their dating prospects at all tho
Which that comment in it of it self disproves everything you just said. Autism does affect ones dating prospects. Why would female autists be exempt from that rule?
Not the case for autistic foids. They can find love just as easily as NT women.
Which is also proof of them being unable to have autism
On her FIRST WEEK at work she already commanded an ARMY OF SIMPS ready do kill and die for m'lady.
DIsproves she even has autism.

Maybe you guys should actually read my post, you literally disproved yourself more than once.
@Grodd The replies also have some addendums from me as well as clarifications about my points
@Grodd The replies also have some addendums from me as well as clarifications about my points
ah yes i've commented on this post already it's a good thread i entirely agree
Your theory is valid and well thought out, however something you left out or maybe didn’t take into consideration is the fact that Autistic Females are given FAR more leniency than Male Autists.

As a Male, anything other than being Neurotypical is seen as a defect and you’re practically seen and treated as an inferior Subhuman, even if you are vastly more intelligent… in fact I’d go to say that higher levels of intelligence is actually a hinderance, but water is wet.

Anyways, Female Autists still get accepted into social groups, even semi popular ones.
In fact I’d go as far as to say people are FAR more protective of Autistic females than regular females.

I’ve exhausted my brain however I’ll finish off with this.

Men mask their autism because they were bullied, Women mask their autism because they were accepted and learned easily how to act NT.

In this context when I speak of Autism I’m obviously talking about Aspergers, there’s zero hope for high functioning/low functioning autistic males.
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Autistic Females are given FAR more leniency than Male Autists.
I'll get into this

Anyways, Female Autists still get accepted into social groups, even semi popular ones.
In fact I’d go as far as to say people are FAR more protective of Autistic females than regular females.
The reason I believe this is the case is because they dont infact have autism. Think about it this way. For most people just having "autism" on a piece of paper is good enough proof that they have it. So for example if a woman gets diagnosed with autism (for reasons I have explained) they will tell everyone they have it. But they are still just normal women, people just think (including the woman herself) they have autism. The reason people "like" autistic women is just because they are actually normal, and people like normal people. Do you get what I mean?
Masking is a bullshit concept. I'm always a sperg no matter how hard I try to "mask" it. I simply can't maintain eye contact, it's impossible for me. I just can't do it, my neck and eye muscles literally do not obey my brain. I always end up saying or doing something spergy, it's just a matter of time. I'm weird and I'll always be weird. I'll never be liked at work and I'll never have friends unless they're spergs too.

Being shy, quiet or awkward is not the same as having autism.
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Masking is a bullshit concept. I'm always a sperg no matter how hard I try to "mask" it. I simply can't maintain eye contact, it's impossible for me. I just can't do it, my neck and eye muscles literally do not obey my brain. I always end up saying or doing something spergy, it's just a matter of time. I'm weird and I'll always be weird. I'll never be liked at work and I'll never have friends unless they're spergs too.

Being shy, quiet or awkward is not the same as having autism.

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