We all know how normies and chads will gaslight us and say it's our fault we fail both socially and romantically, without even considering how hard things are for us. I wanted to address why I believe this is.
Normies and even more so chads have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically.
This is the complete opposite of how it was for us. We did everything we could to succeed socially, and it never worked no matter how much we tried. They fail to realize how much harder we have it. We tried so hard and failed, so naturally our self esteem will be much lower. You NEED proper validation by society and females to feel good about yourself
Good life experiences and generally being perceived positively will make you feel good about yourself, and gives you a reason to be confident. Confidence cannot be spawned from nothing, which is why the, "Just be confident" argument is bullshit.
As a result of how easy they had it, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. We don't get choosing signals from women. We don't get people wanting to be friends with us. They genuinely cannot imagine this is our reality.
Here's an analogy I think sums it up well:
It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie/chad is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug and will be good as new, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve seat, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. Same goes for life. They just had to do some basic easy stuff to succeed, while we have to do fucking rocket science and insane work just to get 1/10th of the benefits they get from just existing and living their lives
The issue with normie/chad logic is that they will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier their task was in the game. Same goes for real life. The baseline they are working with at the start is so much superior to ours, that there is no comparison. Everything just happened easier for them, and they fail to realize this, causing them to genuinely think they are doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, they wouldn’t know where to begin if faced with our lives, and would fail miserably