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Blackpill Christian incels have a mental fortitude I can never understand



Proud believer in Ochako Urarakaism
Sep 14, 2023
If you are above 18 and never had a girlfriend but somehow still Christian I dont know what the hell to say because how are you still believing in a cuck who made you ugly, lonely, missed out on young love and on this forum? I can never forgive this cuck god for making me miss out on young love

@VitaminS @IronsideCel @ElTruecel @Immolator
Christpilled guys are usually delusional, they even think jesus is capable enough to give them loyal virgin girlfriend
If you are above 18 and never had a girlfriend but somehow still Christian I dont know what the hell to say because how are you still believing in a cuck who made you ugly, lonely, missed out on young love and on this forum? I can never forgive this cuck god for making me miss out on young love
I was still religious above 18, but fwiw I was really interested in more intellectually dense versions of Christianity like Eastern Orthodoxy.

I personally didn’t have a problem with missing out on teen love. It was missing out in my 20s.

@VitaminS @IronsideCel @ElTruecel @Immolator
Bad argument against religion let alone theism.
If you are above 18 and never had a girlfriend but somehow still Christian I dont know what the hell to say because how are you still believing in a cuck who made you ugly, lonely, missed out on young love and on this forum? I can never forgive this cuck god for making me miss out on young love
Well most atheists have arguments like this and I’m more of a Christian because of the weak arguments against it and how desperate society is to oppose the morality of it. However I’m not as religious as I claim to be icl I just lean more to it because of how kiked this world is + arguments.

However the point if God real why bad thing happen will always just be a terrible argument.
Exodus 20:4
God can put curses on you but you can make them a blessing

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
The only way I can get justice is by looking down at Chads and Stacies while they get damned to hell.
Sad news is we would be going too ourselves
Christpilled guys are usually delusional, they even think jesus is capable enough to give them loyal virgin girlfriend
Even if God is real and gives us the so called "right one"

The "right one"
• Body count above 90
"The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but those accounted worthy to obtain that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage." (Luke 20)
If you are above 18 and never had a girlfriend but somehow still Christian I dont know what the hell to say because how are you still believing in a cuck who made you ugly, lonely, missed out on young love and on this forum? I can never forgive this cuck god for making me miss out on young love
Just turn to christ bro
Sounds like my bluepilled christcuck friend
Just turn to christ bro
Fuck no, I cannot forgive this cunt god for making me miss out on young love and I tried being a free gracer but Jonathan Shelley is against the blackpill like a retard.
We were born with mental problems, severe allergies, ugly and thin and we still have to worship a God :smonk:
If you are above 18 and never had a girlfriend but somehow still Christian I dont know what the hell to say because how are you still believing in a cuck who made you ugly, lonely, missed out on young love and on this forum? I can never forgive this cuck god for making me miss out on young love

@VitaminS @IronsideCel @ElTruecel @Immolator
Because this God that created me did not do that. Sin did. God made everything to be in his image, but cursed we were when a toilet ate glutenously and the cuck ate with.
Damned we should be from the start, but through Christ I suffer a life of hurt from the effects of sin, but through gladiatorial patience, I will have unlimited whatever I want in Heaven.
Literally just read the Bible.
Even in my darkest hour the Lord will be by my side.
Religious cels are just not blackpilled enough
If you are above 18 and never had a girlfriend but somehow still Christian I dont know what the hell to say because how are you still believing in a cuck who made you ugly, lonely, missed out on young love and on this forum? I can never forgive this cuck god for making me miss out on young love
my biggest issue is not just foids, it's that life in general was shit for me
I actually turned to God because i had nothing left, I just wanted to die.
I asked God to kill me and use my body as fertilizer.
Instead I got faith.
Later I came across Arguments that solidified that faith.

For reference my family is not religious we never prayed or went to church.
My country is also giga Atheist.
It's not Like America where a lot of ppl are religious.
I did not meet a single young religious person my entire life and I'm 26.

Another thing is that I don't think much about paradise or something like that. The Christianity denomination I believe in does not believe in heathen or hell as places anyway.

Mainly I just want the suffering to end and I want this shit world to burn and get restored to what it should be like. Also I'm fine with hell as long as there is justice for everything. I just want peace for once.

Some people turn to God when suffering gets top much, and some turn away. My guess would be that the ones that turn away are from religious families and they feel that they were lied to.
This is probably related to most religious ppl from western Christianity and also moslems having a weird "gospel of prosperity" ethic, which basically amounts to just world fallacy.

Of course you would get disillusioned from that shit, it's retarded. I completely understand why people turn away from that.
It's also child abuse.
Many western dominations of Christianity and also Islam have elements of child abuse and they use trauma to force people to do shit.

I don't believe in a punishing God so that's not an issue. The domination I believe in has no legalistic concept of sin, where you break like a law and then you have to pay reparations to God lmao. That's so retarded.

One of my biggest issues is trying to figure out my purpose in life. I feel completely useless. I don't know what God wants from me. Some people may just exist to suffer so that others can be glad their life isn't as shit.

I honestly just want everyone to leave this world in one piece. It's such a clusterfuck, there is so much evil, I really don't know anymore.

The denomination I believe in also doesn't say non believers or unbaptized ppl go automatically to hell.
That's retarded because it makes baptism a spiritual technology, witchcraft basically.

Instead it says we don't know who will get saved. Maybe some fucked up Mumbai dog who's been a thief his entire life and killed 12 niggas with a filed down tomato can lid will make it.
Maybe a monk who's been living in a monastery his entire life won't.
We just don't know.

Another thing, which is the trauma shit i mentioned earlier, is that they don't believe that humans are inherently evil and guilty. Instead they just believe the entire universe got fucked in the fall but it's obviously not the fault of like a newborn baby.

You often hear this shit from protestants "viper in a diper"
I cant imagine accusing a baby of anything let alone saying it will burn in a lake of lava while horned niggas poke it with tridents. That's just macabre and anyone who defends that is fucked in the noggin.

Because of dumb shit like this we now associate the word repentance with BDSM style self punishment. In reality the Greek word for it "metatonia" literally means having a change of heart.

Repentance is not punishing yourself for breaking the rules so sky daddy ain't angry. In the OG sense it meant transformation, becoming your true self, God like - they call it "Theosis"

this is again something other denominations would call blasphemy.
I mean sure, if you are so obsessed with punishing yourself and your kids, you do you.

i myself would rather follow the Christianity that wants me to become God like and wants me to have joy and light, where they churches don't look like a bdsm chamber with gloomy atmosphere.

"God became man so that man might become God"
- Saint Athanasius
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If you are above 18 and never had a girlfriend but somehow still Christian I dont know what the hell to say because how are you still believing in a cuck who made you ugly, lonely, missed out on young love and on this forum? I can never forgive this cuck god for making me miss out on young love
I cant help myself but to point out this evident soy mentality, but first and foremost I want to hear how you feel. What eats at you, I know its hard being an incel, I struggle with it too, but I am here for you brother, our lives are much more alike then different though we may never interact.

I also cant help refuting you. You, being simply angry with God that ugliness (that is ugliness to the standard of our hyper-promiscius non-christian secular society) exists is the only one with whom it might be appropriate to engage in a philosophical discussion about the mystery (I use that in the Christian sense, not a literal mystery) of suffering. So if you have questions regarding this matter, feel free to reach out.

Note that as Christians, its not some pagan religion. We do not barter or trade with God and expect material possessions in exchange for other material possessions or rituals. We as Christians, do not expect happiness. We are called to die daily. We are called to take up our cross. We are called to suffer, and do so in stride. We are called to be men of honor and duty no matter the environmental or modern conditions. But through all of this, we are called to do it all in happiness and joy.

God has suffered far more then you or you could ever even fathom.

Now lets adress 'im ugly because of God!!!' *im sorry (same mindset I used to have btw(

God does not hand-pick how we look, that's called genetics.

The Catechism states:
The human person participates in the light and power of the divine Spirit. By his reason, he is capable of understanding the order of things established by the Creator. By free will, he is capable of directing himself toward his true good. He finds his perfection “in seeking and loving what is true and good” (1704). By virtue of his soul and his spiritual powers of intellect and will, man is endowed with freedom, an “outstanding manifestation of the divine image” (1705).

When you hear 'made in the likeness of God', this just refers to the fact that human persons can mirror God in the manner we know, understand, love and do good, exert morality, strength, good, and redirection amongst ourselves.

Ask yourself, did God make you lonely, or did conditions created by humans make you lonely? Did God make you miss out on young love, or did society enable a promiscuous secular democracy in which women have unrealistic standards?

We all suffer. Suffering is part of life. Some suffer more then others.

But we as Christians do not suffer alone.

I am telling you from experience, having this same mindset you had now, cursing God, questioning his existance, turning to paganism...

Because they're retarded or coping really hard.
my biggest issue is not just foids, it's that life in general was shit for me
I actually turned to God because i had nothing left, I just wanted to die.
I asked God to kill me and use my body as fertilizer.
Instead I got faith.
Later I came across Arguments that solidified that faith.

For reference my family is not religious we never prayed or went to church.
My country is also giga Atheist.
It's not Like America where a lot of ppl are religious.
I did not meet a single young religious person my entire life and I'm 26.

Another thing is that I don't think much about paradise or something like that. The Christianity denomination I believe in does not believe in heathen or hell as places anyway.

Mainly I just want the suffering to end and I want this shit world to burn and get restored to what it should be like. Also I'm fine with hell as long as there is justice for everything. I just want peace for once.

Some people turn to God when suffering gets top much, and some turn away. My guess would be that the ones that turn away are from religious families and they feel that they were lied to.
This is probably related to most religious ppl from western Christianity and also moslems having a weird "gospel of prosperity" ethic, which basically amounts to just world fallacy.

Of course you would get disillusioned from that shit, it's retarded. I completely understand why people turn away from that.
It's also child abuse.
Many western dominations of Christianity and also Islam have elements of child abuse and they use trauma to force people to do shit.

I don't believe in a punishing God so that's not an issue. The domination I believe in has no legalistic concept of sin, where you break like a law and then you have to pay reparations to God lmao. That's so retarded.

One of my biggest issues is trying to figure out my purpose in life. I feel completely useless. I don't know what God wants from me. Some people may just exist to suffer so that others can be glad their life isn't as shit.

I honestly just want everyone to leave this world in one piece. It's such a clusterfuck, there is so much evil, I really don't know anymore.

The denomination I believe in also doesn't say non believers or unbaptized ppl go automatically to hell.
That's retarded because it makes baptism a spiritual technology, witchcraft basically.

Instead it says we don't know who will get saved. Maybe some fucked up Mumbai dog who's been a thief his entire life and killed 12 niggas with a filed down tomato can lid will make it.
Maybe a monk who's been living in a monastery his entire life won't.
We just don't know.

Another thing, which is the trauma shit i mentioned earlier, is that they don't believe that humans are inherently evil and guilty. Instead they just believe the entire universe got fucked in the fall but it's obviously not the fault of like a newborn baby.

You often hear this shit from protestants "viper in a diper"
I cant imagine accusing a baby of anything let alone saying it will burn in a lake of lava while horned niggas poke it with tridents. That's just macabre and anyone who defends that is fucked in the noggin.

Because of dumb shit like this we now associate the word repentance with BDSM style self punishment. In reality the Greek word for it "metatonia" literally means having a change of heart.

Repentance is not punishing yourself for breaking the rules so sky daddy ain't angry. In the OG sense it meant transformation, becoming your true self, God like - they call it "Theosis"

this is again something other denominations would call blasphemy.
I mean sure, if you are so obsessed with punishing yourself and your kids, you do you.

i myself would rather follow the Christianity that wants me to become God like and wants me to have joy and light, where they churches don't look like a bdsm chamber with gloomy atmosphere.

"God became man so that man might become God"
- Saint Athanasius

It seems you dont really know anything about Christianity and are part of some modern hippie fake 'christian' denomination. Read Scrupture as well as the lives of the saints and Church history.

I can not lie, your ignorance angers me because you are speaking as if you have solidified some truth. By doing this, you are misleading others.

Do not talk of the Church of Christ like that heretic protestant. What makes you qualified to pick and choose personal interpretation of the Scriptures. You trust protestant propaganda that has no connection to Christ about his Church, yet reject the Church Fathers and students of the Apostles who were only one generation removed from Christ. I appreciate what you are saying in some regards but anathema to you heretic, be careful, ignorance IS a sin.
One of my biggest issues is trying to figure out my purpose in life. I feel completely useless. I don't know what God wants from me.
There is a clear answer to our purpose and what God wants from you.

"this is again something other denominations would call blasphemy."

Again, more ignorance since you have trusted propaganda rather then facts or attempting to learn. Yes we believe repentance isnt self punishment, I dont know a single denomination, even protestant, who believes that. We believe repentance is recognizing what you have done wrong, going before God for forgivness, and making sure it does not happen again.

"Do not believe in heaven nor hell".... I do not even know how to refute this because the scriptures and teachings are too clear to even entertain such a deeply heretical statment.

"i myself would rather follow the Christianity that wants me to become God like and wants me to have joy and light, where they churches don't look like a bdsm chamber with gloomy atmosphere."

Idk what church you went to, but the purpose of these Churches is to honor God.

Average Orthodox Church:

Average Catholic Church:

Sorry, but we rather follow the Sacred Traditions of the Apostles and honor God through architecture to remind us of His Kingdom here on earth...

I don't believe in a punishing God so that's not an issue.

Doesnt matter about your own flawed and individual perception, once again, the root of 'denominations' is pride, as Martain L*ther asserted that the divine authoritative scripture is up to personal opinion (sin of pride) rather then objective. That is why we have so many misleading denominations today, all with their own opinions. Have you ever tried reading the Bible? God does punish, like a loving parent, his creation needs redirection from time to time. A loving Father does not allow His children to do things that are going to be self destructive.

Lol at you Quoting Saint Athansius (who is a saint because he was declared so by Christs Church). Here is another quote from him: "The Traditional Roman Catholic Church is a body of Christians committed to the Person of Jesus Christ and His teachings. We are a historical part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."

I was Christian but then became Agnostic, I'm not afraid of Hell because i already live in it.
It seems you dont really know anything about Christianity and are part of some modern hippie fake 'christian' denomination. Read Scrupture as well as the lives of the saints and Church history.

I can not lie, your ignorance angers me because you are speaking as if you have solidified some truth. By doing this, you are misleading others.

Do not talk of the Church of Christ like that heretic protestant. What makes you qualified to pick and choose personal interpretation of the Scriptures. You trust protestant propaganda that has no connection to Christ about his Church, yet reject the Church Fathers and students of the Apostles who were only one generation removed from Christ. I appreciate what you are saying in some regards but anathema to you heretic, be careful, ignorance IS a sin.

There is a clear answer to our purpose and what God wants from you.

"this is again something other denominations would call blasphemy."

Again, more ignorance since you have trusted propaganda rather then facts or attempting to learn. Yes we believe repentance isnt self punishment, I dont know a single denomination, even protestant, who believes that. We believe repentance is recognizing what you have done wrong, going before God for forgivness, and making sure it does not happen again.

"Do not believe in heaven nor hell".... I do not even know how to refute this because the scriptures and teachings are too clear to even entertain such a deeply heretical statment.

"i myself would rather follow the Christianity that wants me to become God like and wants me to have joy and light, where they churches don't look like a bdsm chamber with gloomy atmosphere."

Idk what church you went to, but the purpose of these Churches is to honor God.

Average Orthodox Church:
View attachment 1061322

Average Catholic Church:
View attachment 1061324

Sorry, but we rather follow the Sacred Traditions of the Apostles and honor God through architecture to remind us of His Kingdom here on earth...

Doesnt matter about your own flawed and individual perception, once again, the root of 'denominations' is pride, as Martain L*ther asserted that the divine authoritative scripture is up to personal opinion (sin of pride) rather then objective. That is why we have so many misleading denominations today, all with their own opinions. Have you ever tried reading the Bible? God does punish, like a loving parent, his creation needs redirection from time to time. A loving Father does not allow His children to do things that are going to be self destructive.

Lol at you Quoting Saint Athansius (who is a saint because he was declared so by Christs Church). Here is another quote from him: "The Traditional Roman Catholic Church is a body of Christians committed to the Person of Jesus Christ and His teachings. We are a historical part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."

View attachment 1061320
Christianity. It means far more than just being sorry for doing something wrong. To the Orthodox, repentance means feeling in our hearts the madness and guilt of our sins. It means acknowledging those we have offended and wronged, both our fellow man and God Himself. And most importantly, it means a change in our thoughts and in our way of life, an about-face in which we utterly reject sin and embrace virtue and holiness. In this post, we explore the true nature of repentance, and how we can cultivate this transformation in our spiritual lives.

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes


In Biblical Hebrew, the idea of repentance is represented by two verbs:
  • shuv (to return)
  • nicham (to feel sorrow)

In the New Testament, the word translated as ‘repentance‘ is the Greek word metanoia, “to think differently after”. In other words, repentance means a change of mind/heart, a fundamental transformation of man’s vision of the world and of himself and his sins, and a new way of loving other and God. This change of mind must be sincere. We cannot simply say, “Forgive me, Lord,” with our mouth, while at the same time refusing to change our behavior and not feeling remorse and sorrow for our sin.
Moreover, true repentance involves recognizing our sinfulness and working to free ourselves from our sins and turn toward God. “Repentance,” says Saint Basil the Great, “is salvation, but lack of understanding is the death of repentance.” One of the best scriptural examples of this kind of repentance is the parable of the prodigal son, found in Luke 15:11-32.



Repentance is not a unique, one-time event. Rather, it is the constant renewal of the commitment of baptism, dying to the world and rising and living a life in Christ. St. Isaac the Syrian once said, “This life has been given to you for repentance; do not waste it in vain pursuits”. Repentance is a gift from God, one that helps us focus on the world to come and allows us to develop an authentic, deep desire for Him.
Therefore, true repentance takes practice, insight and experience; it takes a lifetime of walking with God. Throughout our lives, as we continue to grow, we learn to see our own sins and see how far we have fallen from the standard set before us: to be like Christ. If we’ve fallen short of this standard, then we must repent. Like the father of the prodigal son, God stands ready to forgive us and welcome us back with open arms.
Every day of our lives we should take steps toward cultivating true repentance. Through daily prayer, Scripture readings, fasting, and charity, and participation in the divine services of the Church. All of these tools the Church provides, help us foster a deepening life of repentance.
+Fr. Alexander Schmemann explains this beautifully:
We need to discover the true meaning of preparation as the very focus of our spiritual life, as that spiritual effort which always reveals to us our unworthiness and makes us therefore desire the Sacrament of healing and forgiveness, and which by revealing to us the unfathomable depth of Christ’s love for us, makes us love Him and desire to be united with Him.
And if we ‘rediscover’ all this, we shall also discover that, in fact, the entire life of the Church has always been that preparation: that all her rules—liturgical and spiritual, penitential and disciplinary—have indeed no other reason for existence but to help us in making our own life a constant preparation […] for the joy and fulness of the ‘day without evening’ of God’s eternal kingdom.


In the life of a Christian, there is no “time to repent” versus the “rest of my time”. To create such a compartmentalization is, according to the Church, the work of demons to tear asunder our attempts at lasting communion with God.
To ensure our repentance is genuine, we must ascertain whether it is fleeting or spurious. Do we find ourselves only repenting during certain times of year, or when things get really bad for us? Demons often use virtue against us, diverting our course by making us believe we are making progress, when, in fact, we are merely wobbling from side to side. If our progress is not constant or consistent, these are warning signs that we may not be on the path to true repentance after all.


Sin is a relational act, one in which we damage not only ourselves and the person we have wronged, but the entire body of Christ. In much the same way, repentance is a dynamic act of responsibility to God and to other men. We do not ruminate in narcissistic self-reflection. We repent in the face of God; and we repent in communion with others, in the Church.
Repentance in the early Church was, in fact, a solemn public act of reconciliation, through which a sinner was reintegrated into the Body of Christ, which our sins have torn asunder. For “if one member suffers, all suffer together” (1 Corinthians 12:26). And it is through the faith of the community that the individual is readmitted, forgiven, and healed (James 5:16; Luke 5:20; cf. Matthew 9:2 and Mark 2:5).
Sin (and evil) divides, repentance conciliates, and confession affirms the conciliation.


“Open to me the gate of repentance.”
Repentance is the gateway to oneself, to one’s fellowman, and to heaven. It leads inwards, but it also leads outwards by leading inwards. The world ceases to rotate round the self and begins to gravitate towards God and others.
Sin has the opposite effect. It blocks the way both inwards and outwards. To repent and confess is to break out of this restriction and to recover oneself. The world thereupon ceases to rotate around “me” and begins to gravitate towards the other, centering on God. Then, everyone and everything no longer exist for myself but for the glory of God, in the joy of the Resurrection. It is here we discover the depth of God’s love and His presence in our midst.


The word for “confess” in Greek (omología, ὁμολογῶ) means more than simply accepting, recognizing, or witnesses an event (in this case, a sin). In fact, that meaning, common in our society today, was not the original meaning of the word. The point is not of admitting, more or less reluctantly, an “unrecognized” sin. Rather, repentance/confession is an acceptance of and submission to the divine Logos (exomologesis) or Word of God, with Whom we seek to commune.
To confess is not so much to recognize and expose a failure as to go forward and upward, to respond from within to the calling of God. Created in the image and likeness of God, each of us bears before ourselves and in ourselves that image and likeness. In repenting, we do not so much look forward as reflect and react to what lies before and beyond us.


The Fathers of the Church speak of an intimate link between repentance and tears. St. Gregory the Theologian writes: “All must shed tears, all must be purified, all must ascend” (Oration 19,7 PG 35:1049D-1052A). Symeon the Theologian is even more definite: “Remove tears and with them you remove purification; and without purification no one is saved” (Catechesis 29).
The Fathers often use the word penthos (mourning) to illustrate the condition of a repentant soul. Penthos consists in mourning for the loss of God’s presence, sorrow at His absence and a thirst for Him. Man is in a state of bereavement; the Church Fathers and liturgical hymnology speak of Adam sitting opposite paradise in mourning over his bereavement and estrangement from God. But at the same time, tears are also a turning point in homecoming, a pledge of return, and a firstfruit of its joy. The longing for return from exile is also an anticipation of the glory to come. Tears demonstrate the frontier between the present and the future.
Eastern Orthodox Christian Tradition gives special prominence to the “gift of tears”. We can trace this tradition from the New Testament, through the Desert Fathers, to Saint John Climacus, to later times, with Symeon the New Theologian standing out as one of its most important witnesses. Our Lord says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Tears bespeak a promise, while also serving as proof of hope fulfilled, of sins forgiven. They are not only a way of purification, but also the consequence of purification through repentance.


Saint John of Kronstadt writes, “If you fall, rise and you shall be saved.” All of us sin constantly. We slip and fall, sometimes dozens of times a day. But it’s important that we get up immediately and continue walking toward God. No matter how many times we fall, we must get up and not look back. That sin you committed is now in the past. Repent, and the Lord will forgive. All you need to do is keep going, all the while asking for God’s help.


It is okay to remember our past sins. Doing so serves as a warning for us, so we do not become prideful and fall into the same sin a second, third, or fiftieth time. But we must take care when remembering, because often we latch onto this memory and refuse to forgive ourselves for the sin we committed. If we truly meant it when we asked for forgiveness, God has already forgiven us. Therefore, we must learn to let go of our pride and forgive ourselves.

It is not just the recognition that things have gone wrong, but a realization that through Christ, they can be put right. ‘You fell,’ it is written, ‘now arise’ (Proverbs 24:16). And if you fall again, then rise again, without despairing at all of your salvation, no matter what happens.
Saint Peter of Damascus

We must remember the abyss of God’s mercy and love for mankind. The demons will make you see the Lord’s face as terrible and unmerciful, rejecting your prayer and repentance. But remember His words, full of hope and boldness for us: “Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out;” and “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”


Sin produces spiritual death, and the weight of sin on our souls can quickly become unbearable. If we do not confront our sinfulness and confess our sins, we distort and pervert our perception of reality. Through true repentance, we open the door to the Kingdom of God that resides within each of us. If we keep that door closed with a prideful heart and mind, none can enter and experience the Kingdom of God (Matthew 3:2; Luke 17:21).
When we truly repent, our behavior will change. By the grace of God, we will strive to defeat our passions and act the way our Lord wants us to live. No matter how many times we fall, we need to remember to get back up and try again. We also need to learn how to forgive ourselves and others as God forgives us.

Keep Reading: How To Prepare For Confession



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Christianity. It means far more than just being sorry for doing something wrong. To the Orthodox, repentance means feeling in our hearts the madness and guilt of our sins. It means acknowledging those we have offended and wronged, both our fellow man and God Himself. And most importantly, it means a change in our thoughts and in our way of life, an about-face in which we utterly reject sin and embrace virtue and holiness. In this post, we explore the true nature of repentance, and how we can cultivate this transformation in our spiritual lives.

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes


In Biblical Hebrew, the idea of repentance is represented by two verbs:
  • shuv (to return)
  • nicham (to feel sorrow)

In the New Testament, the word translated as ‘repentance‘ is the Greek word metanoia, “to think differently after”. In other words, repentance means a change of mind/heart, a fundamental transformation of man’s vision of the world and of himself and his sins, and a new way of loving other and God. This change of mind must be sincere. We cannot simply say, “Forgive me, Lord,” with our mouth, while at the same time refusing to change our behavior and not feeling remorse and sorrow for our sin.
Moreover, true repentance involves recognizing our sinfulness and working to free ourselves from our sins and turn toward God. “Repentance,” says Saint Basil the Great, “is salvation, but lack of understanding is the death of repentance.” One of the best scriptural examples of this kind of repentance is the parable of the prodigal son, found in Luke 15:11-32.



Repentance is not a unique, one-time event. Rather, it is the constant renewal of the commitment of baptism, dying to the world and rising and living a life in Christ. St. Isaac the Syrian once said, “This life has been given to you for repentance; do not waste it in vain pursuits”. Repentance is a gift from God, one that helps us focus on the world to come and allows us to develop an authentic, deep desire for Him.
Therefore, true repentance takes practice, insight and experience; it takes a lifetime of walking with God. Throughout our lives, as we continue to grow, we learn to see our own sins and see how far we have fallen from the standard set before us: to be like Christ. If we’ve fallen short of this standard, then we must repent. Like the father of the prodigal son, God stands ready to forgive us and welcome us back with open arms.
Every day of our lives we should take steps toward cultivating true repentance. Through daily prayer, Scripture readings, fasting, and charity, and participation in the divine services of the Church. All of these tools the Church provides, help us foster a deepening life of repentance.
+Fr. Alexander Schmemann explains this beautifully:


In the life of a Christian, there is no “time to repent” versus the “rest of my time”. To create such a compartmentalization is, according to the Church, the work of demons to tear asunder our attempts at lasting communion with God.
To ensure our repentance is genuine, we must ascertain whether it is fleeting or spurious. Do we find ourselves only repenting during certain times of year, or when things get really bad for us? Demons often use virtue against us, diverting our course by making us believe we are making progress, when, in fact, we are merely wobbling from side to side. If our progress is not constant or consistent, these are warning signs that we may not be on the path to true repentance after all.


Sin is a relational act, one in which we damage not only ourselves and the person we have wronged, but the entire body of Christ. In much the same way, repentance is a dynamic act of responsibility to God and to other men. We do not ruminate in narcissistic self-reflection. We repent in the face of God; and we repent in communion with others, in the Church.
Repentance in the early Church was, in fact, a solemn public act of reconciliation, through which a sinner was reintegrated into the Body of Christ, which our sins have torn asunder. For “if one member suffers, all suffer together” (1 Corinthians 12:26). And it is through the faith of the community that the individual is readmitted, forgiven, and healed (James 5:16; Luke 5:20; cf. Matthew 9:2 and Mark 2:5).
Sin (and evil) divides, repentance conciliates, and confession affirms the conciliation.


“Open to me the gate of repentance.”
Repentance is the gateway to oneself, to one’s fellowman, and to heaven. It leads inwards, but it also leads outwards by leading inwards. The world ceases to rotate round the self and begins to gravitate towards God and others.
Sin has the opposite effect. It blocks the way both inwards and outwards. To repent and confess is to break out of this restriction and to recover oneself. The world thereupon ceases to rotate around “me” and begins to gravitate towards the other, centering on God. Then, everyone and everything no longer exist for myself but for the glory of God, in the joy of the Resurrection. It is here we discover the depth of God’s love and His presence in our midst.


The word for “confess” in Greek (omología, ὁμολογῶ) means more than simply accepting, recognizing, or witnesses an event (in this case, a sin). In fact, that meaning, common in our society today, was not the original meaning of the word. The point is not of admitting, more or less reluctantly, an “unrecognized” sin. Rather, repentance/confession is an acceptance of and submission to the divine Logos (exomologesis) or Word of God, with Whom we seek to commune.
To confess is not so much to recognize and expose a failure as to go forward and upward, to respond from within to the calling of God. Created in the image and likeness of God, each of us bears before ourselves and in ourselves that image and likeness. In repenting, we do not so much look forward as reflect and react to what lies before and beyond us.


The Fathers of the Church speak of an intimate link between repentance and tears. St. Gregory the Theologian writes: “All must shed tears, all must be purified, all must ascend” (Oration 19,7 PG 35:1049D-1052A). Symeon the Theologian is even more definite: “Remove tears and with them you remove purification; and without purification no one is saved” (Catechesis 29).
The Fathers often use the word penthos (mourning) to illustrate the condition of a repentant soul. Penthos consists in mourning for the loss of God’s presence, sorrow at His absence and a thirst for Him. Man is in a state of bereavement; the Church Fathers and liturgical hymnology speak of Adam sitting opposite paradise in mourning over his bereavement and estrangement from God. But at the same time, tears are also a turning point in homecoming, a pledge of return, and a firstfruit of its joy. The longing for return from exile is also an anticipation of the glory to come. Tears demonstrate the frontier between the present and the future.
Eastern Orthodox Christian Tradition gives special prominence to the “gift of tears”. We can trace this tradition from the New Testament, through the Desert Fathers, to Saint John Climacus, to later times, with Symeon the New Theologian standing out as one of its most important witnesses. Our Lord says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Tears bespeak a promise, while also serving as proof of hope fulfilled, of sins forgiven. They are not only a way of purification, but also the consequence of purification through repentance.


Saint John of Kronstadt writes, “If you fall, rise and you shall be saved.” All of us sin constantly. We slip and fall, sometimes dozens of times a day. But it’s important that we get up immediately and continue walking toward God. No matter how many times we fall, we must get up and not look back. That sin you committed is now in the past. Repent, and the Lord will forgive. All you need to do is keep going, all the while asking for God’s help.


It is okay to remember our past sins. Doing so serves as a warning for us, so we do not become prideful and fall into the same sin a second, third, or fiftieth time. But we must take care when remembering, because often we latch onto this memory and refuse to forgive ourselves for the sin we committed. If we truly meant it when we asked for forgiveness, God has already forgiven us. Therefore, we must learn to let go of our pride and forgive ourselves.

We must remember the abyss of God’s mercy and love for mankind. The demons will make you see the Lord’s face as terrible and unmerciful, rejecting your prayer and repentance. But remember His words, full of hope and boldness for us: “Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out;” and “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”


Sin produces spiritual death, and the weight of sin on our souls can quickly become unbearable. If we do not confront our sinfulness and confess our sins, we distort and pervert our perception of reality. Through true repentance, we open the door to the Kingdom of God that resides within each of us. If we keep that door closed with a prideful heart and mind, none can enter and experience the Kingdom of God (Matthew 3:2; Luke 17:21).
When we truly repent, our behavior will change. By the grace of God, we will strive to defeat our passions and act the way our Lord wants us to live. No matter how many times we fall, we need to remember to get back up and try again. We also need to learn how to forgive ourselves and others as God forgives us.

Keep Reading: How To Prepare For Confession




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You are orthodox yet you dont believe in heaven or hellll......... lmao

Yeah never disagreed with you. I know what repentance means. Thanks for the copy-pasta
You are orthodox yet you dont believe in heaven or hellll......... lmao

Yeah never disagreed with you. I know what repentance means. Thanks for the copy-pasta

Heaven and hell are not understood as physical places in which we are sentenced for all eternity. Instead, they are actual states of being when we encounter the Almighty God of Consuming Fire. God’s loving and fiery presence either causes us to withdraw within ourselves or to reach out and be consumed and healed.

The states of being called “heaven” and “hell” begin here in this life, and are fully consummated in the age to come.

If we have allowed our hearts to be purified, then God’s presence will be healing, joyful, and life-giving. If we refuse God’s healing embrace, then His love will burn like fire, “for our God is a consuming fire” (Deut 4:24, 9:3, Isa 33:14, Heb 12:23)

More concisely:

“[St Gregory of Nyssa] teaches that Paradise and Hell do not exist from God’s point of view, but from man’s point of view. It is a subject of man’s choice and condition.” ~Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos
Never know orthodox didn't believe in heaven or hell in the same way Catholics did. Sorry it was misleading haha. God Bless
no problem and im sorry if I caused confusion and anger
listen, I don't want to fight about this stuff anyway. Maybe my og post came off as like some of these soy leftist "christian" groups.
I didnt mean to do that.

I shouldnt be speaking of this stuff anyway, its way above my paygrade.
Maybe God bless you and have a great day
When they'll hit 25 as a virgin they will stop believing in god... you will see.
I am 29 and I practice Catholicism more than ever, basically due to intellectual reasons and since I believe Christianity is the only true religion with whom not even philosophy of any kind can contend.
Why? It is mostly the unprivileged people around the world that Christ cope the most, or cope with any religion. People from the best countries are atheist, while people from third world slums are the most religious. They need their dose of copium to survive
no problem and im sorry if I caused confusion and anger
listen, I don't want to fight about this stuff anyway. Maybe my og post came off as like some of these soy leftist "christian" groups.
I didnt mean to do that.

I shouldnt be speaking of this stuff anyway, its way above my paygrade.
Maybe God bless you and have a great day

Orthodox <3 Catholics united in Apostolic succession

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