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Blackpill Chad 100% supports the bluepilled agenda and its effects.



Nov 7, 2017
Chad supports everything about the blue pill, female hypergamy, the breakdown of the nuclear family, cucking if husbands, and female sexual liberation.
Chad supports all of that because it will lead to better opportunities for him and give him the ability to fuck a much larger supply of woman.
Of course, why the fuck would Chad be blackpilled? Literally what does he gain from this? He already knows he can fuck everyone even without the blackpill.
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Or maybe because he doesn't think about it at all and just chooses the mainstream opinion
Of course, why the fuck would Chad be blackpilled? Literally what does he gain from this? He already know's he can fuck everyone even without the blackpill.
He rejects the black pill, redpill, and any other ideology, he choses the blue pill because it lets him thrive.
Chad is as much of an enemy of incels as roasties.
Legit. Look at this Chad lying into the camera about how looks don't matter for 10 minutes straight

Chad would be executed in a civilized society
If you think Chad can be blackpilled you're a retard
True. Chads live in a different world from us. To them, women really are these wonderful things feminists say they are.
Why wouldn't he?
It is directly beneficial to him.
Legit. Look at this Chad lying into the camera about how looks don't matter for 10 minutes straight

looking at his face makes me want to kill myself
link proof thx
Just take a look at the guys plowing the women around you, including your family. Denying the existence of Chad is denying the blackpill.

To deny the black pill is COPE everybody knows this.
Just take a look at the guys plowing the women around you, including your family. Denying the existence of Chad is denying the blackpill.

To deny the black pill is COPE everybody knows this.
"Chad" is just a male of extremely high attractiveness. Are you saying these guys don't exist?
no, im saying that this forum demonizes chad as a cope, if chad=top 5% male attractiveness, then are u agreeing top 5% males wordwide have a secret agenda where they support bluepilling normies?

nope, they just come from succesful families and are NT and socially skilled ontop of 5/10+ looks
A Chad that hangs with bottom tier incels and women in the same group could become blackpilled quite easily.
That's a stupid thing to say. Literally a ridiculous and bizarre scenario, that wouldn't happen IRL.

You're such a bad poster, the epitome of lookism trash that ruined this site.
That's a stupid thing to say. Literally a ridiculous and bizarre scenario, that wouldn't happen IRL.

You're such a bad poster, the epitome of lookism trash that ruined this site.

Believe me. It can happen. I've seen it in otaku/nerd settings or conventions.
Believe me. It can happen. I've seen it in otaku/nerd settings or conventions.
I've never seen this. Ever. So I simply do not believe you.

In these conditions the woman/women quickly gravitate toward the Chad(s), which prevents him from becoming blackpilled.
no, im saying that this forum demonizes chad as a cope, if chad=top 5% male attractiveness, then are u agreeing top 5% males wordwide have a secret agenda where they support bluepilling normies?

nope, they just come from succesful families and are NT and socially skilled ontop of 5/10+ looks
Never go full retard man.
I've never seen this. Ever. So I simply do not believe you.

In these conditions the woman/women quickly gravitate toward the Chad(s), which prevents him from becoming blackpilled.

They become blackpilled because they see how women treat them vs how they treat the incels at the same time. There was too one story on reddit about some chadlite becoming blackpilled on looks because a girl called creepy a uglier guy even tho he was more creepy towards the girl but got labelled cute.
They become blackpilled because they see how women treat them vs how they treat the incels at the same time. There was too one story on reddit about some chadlite becoming blackpilled on looks because a girl called creepy a uglier guy even tho he was more creepy towards the girl but got labelled cute.

the only way to truly know the blackpill is to have been in the shoes of a truly blackpilled incel
A fucking meteor needs to hit this fucking mudrock already everything the blackpill says is true, no matter how exaggerated.
chad isnt real

"teehee chad is a literal demigod hes everywhere anywhere and hes a douche xoxo"
Probably just Chad-lites. All the Chads I know have been loyal dudes.
Chad supports everything about the blue pill, female hypergamy, the breakdown of the nuclear family, cucking if husbands, and female sexual liberation.
Chad supports all of that because it will lead to better opportunities for him and give him the ability to fuck a much larger supply of woman.
Yup and you have bluepilled cucks here supporting him.
Chad is the primary.incel problem not females. Females are what you want and Chad is the enemy.

Death to Chad.
Chad is not enemy, btw he is blackpilled as well, if he wasn't, would he be aware of the blue, red or blackpills and the agendas?
Chad isn't bluepilled often except if he's like actually retarded.
Legit. Look at this Chad lying into the camera about how looks don't matter for 10 minutes straight

tbh hes ugly af. not even a chad imo. his face is too long. eyes are off tilt and center, overall flawed. Godly jaw ruined by his cheekbones
Chad is not enemy, btw he is blackpilled as well, if he wasn't, would he be aware of the blue, red or blackpills and the agendas?
He is supporting the bluepilled ideology and he wants woman to flock towards him instead of sub8 men.
Legit. Look at this Chad lying into the camera about how looks don't matter for 10 minutes straight

lmao at that video. anyone who needs to learn about confidence should just give up.
not to mention how he was sprinkling blackpills for the last few minutes. he said "will clear skin and a six pack help your confidence? yes!"

six pack and clear skin=physical appearance
tbh hes ugly af. not even a chad imo. his face is too long. eyes are off tilt and center, overall flawed. Godly jaw ruined by his cheekbones

If he is ugly then i must look like a martian
all Chad cares about is fucking Stacies.
Or maybe because he doesn't think about it at all and just chooses the mainstream opinion

We all would this if we all had pleasurable social lives. It's unfair.
Chad supports everything about the blue pill, female hypergamy, the breakdown of the nuclear family, cucking if husbands, and female sexual liberation.
Chad supports all of that because it will lead to better opportunities for him and give him the ability to fuck a much larger supply of woman.
In almost every case, Chad is a mental subhuman incapable of thinking. Also, there are a few of blackpilled Chads, but they just don't care. They just fuck everything, which moves. Because they know they can do it.
In almost every case, Chad is a mental subhuman incapable of thinking. Also, there are a few of blackpilled Chads, but they just don't care. They just fuck everything, which moves. Because they know they can do it.

I haven't met any blackpilled Chads, you serious?
Of course, why the fuck would Chad be blackpilled? Literally what does he gain from this? He already knows he can fuck everyone even without the blackpill.
Yes, once Chad admitted that he is a fucking Chad and skanks are fucking him only because of his looks.

That's more of a self-conscious Chad than a blackpilled one.

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