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News BREAKING: shooting in florida gaming event, 4 dead 20 injured so far

fuk the screams at the videos are so sad tbh.

still the media will blame incels for this shooting right away.

I really hope not. No shooting is good, no not one. But if this can somehow not be an excuse for people to go "lol incels" and continue to neglect this serious mental health issue, some progress can be made from this tragedy. It's a shame, but the only way people are gonna be like "Wow, people who are angry, they need help, not ridicule" is if incels aren't involved in these kinds of things. If it's just a "normal crazy person" then people will look at the larger case of these murder sprees as a whole, and treat them proper. And incels will maybe get the proper treatment we deserve too.
This is another push for the gun ban agenda in America, they have now an excuse to include video games in the ban too
if the suspect is subhuman they will blame incels too
>pro gamer|
>kills only 4
JFL at this noobcel
8/26/18 Jacksonville Landing, 4 killed, 8 injured (developing)
2/14/18 Marjory Stoneman HS, Parkland: 17 killed, 17 injured
6/5/17 Fiamma, Orlando: 5 killed
1/6/17 Fort Lauderdale airport: 5 killed, 6 injured
6/12/16 Pulse Orlando: 49 killed, 53 injured

Leaked hotline miami 3 levels
Florida mass shootings

8/26/18 Jacksonville Landing, 4 killed, 8 injured (developing)
2/14/18 Marjory Stoneman HS, Parkland: 17 killed, 17 injured
6/5/17 Fiamma, Orlando: 5 killed
1/6/17 Fort Lauderdale airport: 5 killed, 6 injured
6/12/16 Pulse Orlando: 49 killed, 53 injured

Also, you better believe this is gonna affect the Florida goobernatorial election. Desperate and drastic times call for desperate and drastic measures. People will do and vote for anything to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Sam Hyde strikes again.
Also, you better believe this is gonna affect the Florida goobernatorial election. Desperate and drastic times call for desperate and drastic measures. People will do and vote for anything to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Cant wait to see what they will come up with, considering age to buy a gun was raised to 21, there have been more people being baker acted.
shooter was an incel tier looking male?
Good. Some life fuel.
Kek look at the number of guests :feelskek:
Yet no record of how many downtown gang lander murders go on in downtown American Cities. Yawn.

If you consider that whataboutery... Than so be it. Just playing the game that SJW's play with us. If they can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen.
Kek look at the number of guests :feelskek:
Looks like a laser on the black guy's chest before the shooting starts.
my state gets more based by the day. sports game players deserve it
Christ almighty. This shit can't fucking continue

It can.

The United States' 2nd amendment indicates that the right to not be shot dead is superceded by the right to bear arms. The USA will keep having these "What went wrong?" debates but the answer is clear if you want to see it. Europe doesn't have the yearly deathtoll that the US does. Just like Australia did when it said: "Fuck these gun-massacres, let's ban guns", the US could crackdown on guns but guns are part of the founding fathers' dreams for the USA. So it is what it is. When I go to the USA, I accept that I might get shot. If you live in the USA, accept you might get shot. If you want to lessen the chances of being shot at random, move to Canada/Aus/Europe.

People being shot in the USA isn't news anymore, it's just adding to the tally.
I swear to god, two days ago I was just wondering long time no shootings so far, LOL
It can.

The United States' 2nd amendment indicates that the right to not be shot dead is superceded by the right to bear arms. The USA will keep having these "What went wrong?" debates but the answer is clear if you want to see it. Europe doesn't have the yearly deathtoll that the US does. Just like Australia did when it said: "Fuck these gun-massacres, let's ban guns", the US could crackdown on guns but guns are part of the founding fathers' dreams for the USA. So it is what it is. When I go to the USA, I accept that I might get shot. If you live in the USA, accept you might get shot. If you want to lessen the chances of being shot at random, move to Canada/Aus/Europe.

People being shot in the USA isn't news anymore, it's just adding to the tally.

Switzerland has pretty good gun laws. I would say Guns for serving soldiers, veterans, reservists, police, ex police, volunteer police & soldiers, those made to take tests in fire arms competency as to stop negligent discharges/fire arms legislation, compliance etc.

That way you can keep your 2nd amendment but just use stricter law enforcement as to your competency. You won't stop all but you will hopefully drastically reduce it.
Kek look at the number of guests :feelskek:
4 people are dead and all those cuck tears care about is getting a screenshot from here so they can get some upvotes
Hello Reddit. This is the shooters' website.
tfw when going to play vidya games in jacksonville florida, but instead get shot up like you in inglewood california.
JFL at people advocating for gun control, bunch of retards.
Serves them right

I think your MOTHER should be murdered in cold blood because of my own personal reasons that you don't understand.

See how it feels??

It's called EMPATHY you AUTIST.

Get help while you're still young NW1, white, 6+, slim, NEET, etc?
4 people are dead and all those cuck tears care about is getting a screenshot from here so they can get some upvotes
Hello Reddit. This is the shooters' website.
I think your MOTHER should be murdered in cold blood because of my own personal reasons that you don't understand.

See how it feels??

It's called EMPATHY you AUTIST.

Get help while you're still young NW1, white, 6+, slim, NEET, etc?
JFL at people advocating for gun control, bunch of retards.

A gun is like a car. "those made to take tests in fire arms competency as to stop negligent discharges/fire arms legislation, compliance etc."

That's all.
Too much soy, bruv.

You didn't answer my question.

Shooting are cool, right?

Except if your mother is involved, right?

RIGHT? Your non-response (which I expect your human-evading ass is given to) is a "Yes, they are, except if my mum is involved"..
You didn't answer my question.

Shooting are cool, right?

Except if your mother is involved, right?

RIGHT? Your non-response (which I expect your human-evading ass is given to) is a "Yes, they are, except if my mum is involved"..
I feel so bad for the victims especially the black guy on stream he looked so happy and didn't realize he had a gun pointed at him. Man fuck this planet I hate this existence
Except if your mother is involved, right?
Well, firstly, my mother doesn't go to soymongler gaming conventions.
Secondly, they are either numales or incels- in both cases they are better off dead.
Third, feeling bad for shit like this is the definition of normalshit virtue signalling soy. Go be a muhfeelz fag on facebook.
I feel so bad for the victims especially the black guy on stream he looked so happy and didn't realize he had a gun pointed at him. Man fuck this planet I hate this existence

IncelTears doesn't care about the people who feel bad about tragedy. They're only here to pick cherries.
Well, firstly, my mother doesn't go to soymongler gaming conventions.
Secondly, they are either numales or incels- in both cases they are better off dead.
Third, feeling bad for shit like this is the definition of normalshit virtue signalling soy. Go be a muhfeelz fag on facebook.

See, but, virtue signaling is a thing, yes. But so is genuine compassion. Is it not possible to feel bad when tragedy happens? If I can feel bad for an incel who gets dickmogged when his wife gossips to her sister that her husband's dick isn't very big, can't I feel bad for other people? For being killed?
Well, firstly, my mother doesn't go to soymongler gaming conventions.
Secondly, they are either numales or incels- in both cases they are better off dead.
Third, feeling bad for shit like this is the definition of normalshit virtue signalling soy. Go be a muhfeelz fag on facebook.

I think people who make incels, so basically, your normie mother, should be shot and raped in the streets. You agree cuz your moooooom is normie scum? Or are there special concessions for women in your family?

which state do you live in? Cuz you sound like the next mentalcel shooter but ignore this paragraph and answer the questions above about that normie-scum, chad-cock-guzzling, hypergamous mother of yours.

I feel so bad for the victims especially the black guy on stream he looked so happy and didn't realize he had a gun pointed at him. Man fuck this planet I hate this existence
See, but, virtue signaling is a thing, yes. But so is genuine compassion. Is it not possible to feel bad when tragedy happens? If I can feel bad for an incel who gets dickmogged when his wife gossips to her sister that her husband's dick isn't very big, can't I feel bad for other people? For being killed?
I think people who make incels, so basically, your normie mother, should be shot and raped in the streets. You agree cuz your moooooom is normie scum? Or are there special concessions for women in your family?

which state do you live in? Cuz you sound like the next mentalcel shooter but ignore this paragraph and answer the questions above about that normie-scum, chad-cock-guzzling, hypergamous mother of yours.

There's a lot of :bluepill::soy::soy::soy: in this thread.
can't I feel bad for other people? For being killed?
You can, of course (It's debatable how much you can feel bad about people you've never met or know). The point is not to preach it because "muh IT is watching to screencap". Death is the best thing that can happen to an incel. I don't feel bad and I'm not going to pretend I care about their suffering.

which state do you live in?
I'm not a burger. There are gun laws where I live so neurotic manchildren don't shoot up soydens.
Or are there special concessions for women in your family?
Yes, I care about my relatives and don't care about other people- they can get fucked for all I care- what did you expect, retard?
You should visit gang weed, my bruv- after all, we live in a society.

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