Alright man I don’t want to call you stupid, I just don’t think you have any clue what you’re talking about and that’s fine. I just hope you’re willing to change your mind.
The reason gorillas, lions, rhinos, cows, etc are able to build muscle while doing very little is because their GUT microbiome and structure are completely different than ours. Gorillas, for example, have a much longer large intestine than us and their microbiome is designed to break down cellulose (plants) far more efficiently than us.
This is completely different than humans. No human Can build muscle just by eating more unless they have SOME type of physical work. It’s not possible(w/o steroids). Don’t bring up one anecdotal you have talked to, that’s not science. Bring up a study. Which you can’t because there aren’t any becaus it’s not possible.
5’6 160lbs, 30 inch waist, Ive never measure my chest. Arms are 18 inches flexed. 10% body fat. Lowest I’ve been before was 8.4% but I definitely look far better right now.