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LifeFuel Being right wing is counterproductive as an incel

  • Thread starter oldcellcopecell
  • Start date


Jun 3, 2018
I'm also right wing, but it is actually not smart if you plan on ascending.

It's proven in many studies that leftists have higher disgust treshold. It means things that are disgusting such as trannies, filthy gypsys and shit on streets is not disgusting to liberals but is disgusting to conservatives.

There are actually quite a few really ugly men with wives on the left. They do have some kind of fame usually, even if locally, like being a college professor, but they're ugly, real ugly.

Seriously it would be wise for those of you who are not too disgusted by liberals to hang out with leftie foids.
Politics are cope, you gotta take the political blackpill.
liberals = feminists, so fuck no.
politics are something for bluepilled normies true blackpilled incels know that that shit on the tv is fake
I'm not talking politics, that's low IQ.

I'm saying leftist foids have higher disgust tresholds (science), so there are more ugly men with women who are leftists.
42E2AC49 1A45 40A3 A679 26C4EB707D89
i'm with you
leftists = neetbux
CHAD NAZI can easily get offers to fuck from ethnic women by the hundreds. Women don't give a fuck about political world-view if you are a Chad. Someone even made a catfishing account to prove it, although I forgot where I saw it. On the other hand, if you are an incel, you are fucked, liberal or no, nazi or commie.
CHAD NAZI can easily get offers to fuck from ethnic women by the hundreds. Women don't give a fuck about political world-view if you are a Chad. On the other hand, if you are an incel, you are fucked, liberal or no, nazi or commie.

There's some very ugly men with women on the left.

Not on the right. Ugly men do not get right wing women.
women will marry a 2/10 betabux
I hate liberals. They care /give sex to everyone except me.
At least racists / nazis hate everyone.
I'm not talking politics, that's low IQ.

I'm saying leftist foids have higher disgust tresholds (science), so there are more ugly men with women who are leftists.

It's called beta bux my ninja, and those guys are in line to be the next potential metoos.
I will say into her ears "I'm right wing but my dick turns left..." and ascend.
liberals = feminists, so fuck no.
Exactly this.
In a political sense I'd like to be as far away from being a feminist as possible
Western liberalism and modern leftism are very hostile towards incels because they support feminism and the "equality" myth. Leftists are so much more bluepilled than right wingers. But on the other hand we have no place in a right wing system either if we can't escape our low position in the hierarchical structure.

There is no world for incels
Western liberalism and modern leftism are very hostile towards incels because they support feminism and the "equality" myth. Leftists are so much more bluepilled than right wingers. But on the other hand we have no place in a right wing system either if we can't escape our low position in the hierarchical structure.

There is no world for incels

If the right tolerated us than that would be good. Ps I've never agreed with Racial or Religious supremacists of any sort.

The left are too pathological psychopathic with their never ending doctrines & dogmas to ALWAYS hate us. CuckTears & Post are made up of Socialist Judgemental Wanker Foids & their Soy Boy Allies.
Exactly this.
In a political sense I'd like to be as far away from being a feminist as possible
CHAD NAZI can easily get offers to fuck from ethnic women by the hundreds. Women don't give a fuck about political world-view if you are a Chad. Someone even made a catfishing account to prove it, although I forgot where I saw it. On the other hand, if you are an incel, you are fucked, liberal or no, nazi or commie.
If the right tolerated us than that would be good. Ps I've never agreed with Racial or Religious supremacists of any sort.

The left are too pathological psychopathic with their never ending doctrines & dogmas to ALWAYS hate us. CuckTears & Post are made up of Socialist Judgemental Wanker Foids & their Soy Boy Allies.
tbh eugenics is a right wing thing and it would be the best political solution to the incel problem.
I am not talking about killing disabled people, that is euthanasia. At least this is what the Nazis called it.

In eugenic programs people actually plan who is going to have children and who is not. Only if they can make sure the child will grow up in a secure household and the parents have no bad genetic features. Just with a bit more selective and thoughtful breeding we could regulate the subhuman rate on the world drastically. That is also a lot more humane than feminists aborting every healthy child for the sake of pumping more chad dick in her worn out cumhole without any responsibility.
tbh eugenics is a right wing thing and it would be the best political solution to the incel problem.
I am not talking about killing disabled people, that is euthanasia. At least this is what the Nazis called it.

In eugenic programs people actually plan who is going to have children and who is not. Only if they can make sure the child will grow up in a secure household and the parents have no bad genetic features. Just with a bit more selective and thoughtful breeding we could regulate the subhuman rate on the world drastically. That is also a lot more humane than feminists aborting every healthy child for the sake of pumping more chad dick in her worn out cumhole without any responsibility.

The Spartan society = worshipped Chad. Died out. No diversity and no balance.

Nazi Germany = LARPed as Chad central. Run by sub 4 men. Picked fights with too many people. Wiped out. Started getting high on their own supply (ScarFace).

So I don't see how eugenics are going to help anyone. Society needs all and everyone to breed. Yes Incel that includes you and me.

Society currently now is in a suicidal phrase. Which is why we have what we have.
So I don't see how eugenics are going to help anyone. Society needs all and everyone to breed. Yes Incel that includes you and me.
Kindly disagree. I think most of us lack the experience with the world to make our children fit for the harsh life. This could be only managed by the help of society, for example public schools and normal social circles for the incel kids. But why should people with really unpleasant features have children and continue their genes if they could adpot a healthy child instead?

Society currently now is in a suicidal phrase. Which is why we have what we have.
Fully agree on that. It's really hard to tell what the future will be like. I hope the current state of the world breaks together so something new and beautiful can come :bluepill:
Kindly disagree. I think most of us lack the experience with the world to make our children fit for the harsh life. This could be only managed by the help of society, for example public schools and normal social circles for the incel kids. But why should people with really unpleasant features have children and continue their genes if they could adpot a healthy child instead?

Fully agree on that. It's really hard to tell what the future will be like. I hope the current state of the world breaks together so something new and beautiful can come :bluepill:

Fair enough especially as there are alot of healthy children that needs adoption.

I'd like 3 biological kids of my own some day even though that seems a pipe dream now.
Fair enough especially as there are alot of healthy children that needs adoption.

I'd like 3 biological kids of my own some day even though that seems a pipe dream now.
I feel you brother. Would love to have a family myself one day.
Maybe in a few years we can engineer ourselves enough to have functional offspring...
Just don't affiliate with people based on their political believes?
The Spartan society = worshipped Chad. Died out. No diversity and no balance.

Nazi Germany = LARPed as Chad central. Run by sub 4 men. Picked fights with too many people. Wiped out. Started getting high on their own supply (ScarFace).

So I don't see how eugenics are going to help anyone. Society needs all and everyone to breed. Yes Incel that includes you and me.

Society currently now is in a suicidal phrase. Which is why we have what we have.

Spartans and Nazis wouldn't have survived for a sexond without their enslaved underclass.

Soviet Union won because of planned economy. Boko Haram is losing buy gets recruits by promising wives.

Considering how capitalism lures women to the cities to br fucked by chad, a combination of Marxism-Leninism and Boko Haram could seize much of the third-world with ease.

We need Marxism Rodgerism.
Cope, leftism = Hypergamy, the breakdown of tradition, the very reason why Incels exist today is because of Leftism. Being right wing, and more specifically a form of conservative that cares and wants to bring back enforced monogamy, whether it be culturally, or legally is what is actual cultural evolution, and that's what has been destroyed and why Incels are as rampant as they are today.
say what you want to chicks in public say you love feminism just make sure to vote for trump/ the right come polling day
Politics are cope, you gotta take the political blackpill.

Kinda this tbh

I’m politically conservative but I don’t support any actual party. However all incels should always vote against feminism, ie Republican in USA, Tory in UK, etc
Yeah cause you need to be left if you're not right

Jfl at this normie bs
The only alternative is National Socialism. That's true centrism my guy.
CHAD NAZI can easily get offers to fuck from ethnic women by the hundreds. Women don't give a fuck about political world-view if you are a Chad. Someone even made a catfishing account to prove it, although I forgot where I saw it. On the other hand, if you are an incel, you are fucked, liberal or no, nazi or commie.
In this forum are many top tier posts!
At least the traditionalists, who tend to be right leaning, want state enforced monogamy. This would in turn free up Chad's virtual monopoly of the foid market. The prospect of one day having a family of your own >NEETbuxx and LDAR
It’s all cope. Most doing it are coping and lack self awareness.
Heres a better alternative

Good goy, obviously nothing matters and you should be nihilistic. Haha just give up bro.
liberal women = feminist women = AVOID AVOID AVOID AT ALL COSTS

btw I wouldn't even trust those university studies. Universities are just left-wing propaganda machines.
Economically, I'm very progressive. Socially (at least as far as feminism) I'm pretty conservative.

There are problems with both sides. Thats why I'm technically an independent. But supporting the "free market" as an incel (or really as anyone that isn't a rich piece of shit) is dumb imo. The "free market" does not and cannot exist. Know what the "free market" is? Good-looking/popular people always naturally rise to the top regardless of their talent.

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