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Ban Discussion Megathread

Never interacted with any of these except for the last guy
Oh boy, consider yourself lucky.

The first two were/are clear underaged edge lords who just want to treat the forum as their personal shitposting place.

The third one was the biggest glownigger I've ever seen online.

The fourth was a manlet-shaming insufferable bragger

Fifth was a pretentious richfag, who was exposed as the alt of a banned user.
I could name some, but I don't want to get a % for beef in ban discussion, but I will named some banned/left users:
@General Alek
@Mentally lost cel
Plus @timmy and all of his alts
@timmy only tried to have banter with @PLA1092. I don't see why that alone is considered ban-worthy.
All of his posts are whining or insulting other users
He may be even worse than @Intellectual
@timmy only tried to have banter with @PLA1092. I don't see why that alone is considered ban-worthy.
Wasn't me. But he was retarded either way, 0 value to the forum. :feelswhere:
Wasn't me. But he was retarded either way, 0 value to the forum. :feelswhere:
Was he banned recently? I don't recall that, plus it's weird he has a 2022 join date yet was barely active until recently, those accounts are always sus tbh.
Was he banned recently? I don't recall that, plus it's weird he has a 2022 join date yet was barely active until recently, those accounts are always sus tbh.
Anyone know what happened to this postmaxer? Dude had 25k posts around this time. You can’t click his profile and I forgot his user.

He used to have an anime avi tho
Why are you asking about some nigga who was banned in 2019?
Anyone know what happened to this postmaxer? Dude had 25k posts around this time. You can’t click his profile and I forgot his user.

He used to have an anime avi tho
Permabanned for "shilling weebs.fun in pms"

Is this some 2018cel reference I'm too 2020cel to understand?
Damn that’s all it took?

I swear if Knajjd didn’t ban 90% of 2019cels this site would be thriving. So many based users. Go to pages 100-200 (March to December 2019) and seeing the users is a trip down memory lane.

These dudes I would talk with for 8 hours everyday during those months.
All of this because of a mod turned tranny :feelshaha:
@anandkonda? :feelshehe: :feelsLSD:
You guys were relived because I was gone or missed me?

Probably the former because no one like me even here just like irl. :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
The incel who talks about every single thing except inceldom itself :feelshaha:
Don't we all here? I speak plenty about my problems here also.
Anandkonda don't want none always, always tries to start wars, be they about race, religion, or even curry caste [like how he's railed against me for being a Kamma multiple times (he himself is a Brahmin)].
Other users have said this a gazillion times, but the only method that curries know to cope with their subhumanity (besides nationalism) is constantly trying to scapegoat and affirm their superiority over other varities of curries. Anandkonda in particular is a hindu supremacist and caste-baiter
Kamma are the worst in Andhra anyone will tell you this. May I remind you that you were the one who brought up caste not me. I don't know anyone's caste here except yours. Andhra Kammas are obsessed with caste. That was the first thing you asked me nigger.

Kammas see themselves different to others. "Us" vs "Them" dynamic is present in their languages.

Other users have called you out on that as well here

y do you talk about curries like you aren't one too
i know but he talks about curries like a separate entity, as if he wasn't one himself
he says "curries" "them" instead of "us" "we"
someone like @Rabbi Schneerson is also a self hating nigger but he doesnt talk like he isnt a nigger as well
Faggot didn't even ping me:feelsUgh:. He can go slit his throat for all I care.
I hated that nigger too. He claimed tamil woman aren't beautiful. Hope he gets eaten by a pack of wolves. Fakecel nigger
is @anandkonda gone forever?
ofc not according to the extremely retarded new policy :feelsseriously:
Yeah thanks to the mods. I thought I was going to get permabanned for the nuisance I caused.

Mods thanks for being lenient towards me.
just unban most of the banned users theory
I cannot get over the fact that an indian caste has the same name as the mutant cow in Fallout games.
Nigga you so perplexed to realize it is other way around? Dummy.
should be unbanned
Believe me, compared to some other users myself & others have had to deal with, he's a breath of fresh air, despite his tendency to derail threads & start up wars.
Thanks for the kind words brocel :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:
You guys were relived because I was gone or missed me?

Probably the former because no one like me even here just like irl. :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:

Don't we all here? I speak plenty about my problems here also.

Kamma are the worst in Andhra anyone will tell you this. May I remind you that you were the one who brought up caste not me. I don't know anyone's caste here except yours. Andhra Kammas are obsessed with caste. That was the first thing you asked me nigger.

Kammas see themselves different to others. "Us" vs "Them" dynamic is present in their languages.

Other users have called you out on that as well here
I missed you ngl

Welcome back :feelsokman:
Was @Expat another alt of @indian dude/@Gujarati
I was always confused why curries liked calling themselves that mutant cow from fallout games when I first heard it.
Like you are the one to talk. Slave word came from Slav :lul: :lul: :lul:
Like you are the one to talk. Slave word came from Slav :lul: :lul: :lul:
Nobody actually call themselves slavs here though while you take pride in calling yourself "brahmins" :feelskek:
You literally have "Slav" in your custom title
Stop throwing ad hominems at me faggot. I only set that as my title instead of "baltic" so it's easier for foreigners to understand.
Do you know what "ad hominem" even means Slav nigger? I proved your claim to be incorrect.
Like you are the one to talk. Slave word came from Slav :lul: :lul: :lul:
You literally have "Slav" in your custom title
My "claim" was that it's funny that curries called themselves brahmins. You are arguing about absolutely nothing. Just throwing your tangents at me and going off topic about slavs because you got butthurt.
My "claim" was that it's funny that curries called themselves brahmins.
Your claim was also that Slavs don't call themselves Slavs, which is untrue just with your example.
Your claim was also that Slavs don't call themselves Slavs, which is untrue just with your example.
nigga how did you manage to start a war in banned discussions :feelskek: :feelskek: end it before you get banned again
Your claim was also that Slavs don't call themselves Slavs, which is untrue just with your example.
You are giga retarded so let me put it this way for you. Only online chuds like me call themselves slavs.
You are giga retarded so let me put it this way for you. Only online chuds like me call themselves slavs.
Ok. I assumed all Slavs call themselves Slavs.
@Substitute Subhuman
How did @AsakuraHao get temp banned like 2 min ago?

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