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Ban Discussion Megathread

That's subjective, I like climbing ranked ladders, I stayed true to my words and got rank 5 before 2023, I surpassed my archnemesis @Repulsive123 and reached rank 3, but then mods started agitating because I was outpacing their little """autistic""" boy and accused me of scripting, despite me proving (or atleast I tried to prove it) I was not.
You scared me, thought i had been banned. Just woke up
RIP you if that wasn't the case...
It isn't, but there is no way to prove it especially when the threads are gone.
But I still need to know why my non sewers threads got deleted as well.
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Every activity ever in the history of Mankind including watching paint dry is more interesting than "postmaxxing." You have to be a seriously demented retard to do that. No wonder a lame cunt like "CruxGammata" loves spending countless hours doing it.
Just let the him do what he wants to do?
Nigga are you dutch
No it's a meme
Just let the him do what he wants to do?
I don't understand this post. I'm not preventing him from spamming dots and singular letters like a retard. I'm mocking him for doing so.
I don't understand this post. I'm not preventing him from spamming dots and singular letters like a retard. I'm mocking him for doing so.
You do understand. There's no reason for you to mock him and not let him be.
You do understand. There's no reason for you to mock him and not let him be.
I do not want to let him be, and I have multiple reasons for that actually. Firstly, he responded to my gif about him reaching "3rd rank" (by posting dots all day) with some salty reply about my avatar. Secondly, faggots like him ruined the sewers, which actually wasn't just mindless spam when it started, something you never experienced. Lastly, I simply do not like him. See? Multiple reasons. What there is no reason for is for you to butt in and nanny.
2 day temp for glowing like the freaking sun

3 glowposts in 40 minutes

It may become a perma, we'll see
Can you please give @Luzifer another chance?
He just told me he will not do it again and behave.
I'm sorry for his sins.
I do not want to let him be, and I have multiple reasons for that actually. Firstly, he responded to my gif about him reaching "3rd rank" (by posting dots all day) with some salty reply about my avatar. Secondly, faggots like him ruined the sewers, which actually wasn't just mindless spam when it started, something you never experienced. Lastly, I simply do not like him. See? Multiple reasons. What there is no reason for is for you to butt in and nanny.
Genuine valid criticisms that could lead to fruitful discourse, I wouldn't have engaged if this is what you said at first. Yes I will "butt in" if you call a user I am on good terms with a "demented retard" and a "lame cunt" without any valid criticism attached to it.
Firstly, he responded to my gif about him reaching "3rd rank" (by posting dots all day) with some salty reply about my avatar.
I don't even remember you :feelshaha:
Secondly, faggots like him ruined the sewers, which actually wasn't just mindless spam when it started
I redefined it, no, venerable master @decembrist_kirillov did, while he was botting, his posting style inspired me to optimize my postmaxxing technics because I was doing it with texts before switching to random numbers and emotes, this eventually led me to discover a way to bypass the posting cooldown.
In fact, I have a lot of respect for kirillov and surpassing him was a great achievement.

something you never experienced.
Joined Jun 18, 2018 Posts 3,195

Lastly, I simply do not like him.
Aren't you a little bit obsessed with me?
Genuine valid criticisms that could lead to fruitful discourse, I wouldn't have engaged if this is what you said at first. Yes I will "butt in" if you call a user I am on good terms with a "demented retard" and a "lame cunt" without any valid criticism attached to it.
Thank you @Mortis
2 day temp for glowing like the freaking sun

3 glowposts in 40 minutes

It may become a perma, we'll see
How bad was it? It obviously wasn't gripmaxxing bad, else he'd have been perma'd without question.
I don't even remember you :feelshaha:
If you can't remember something that happened within the last 24 hours and you replied multiple times to then you have even bigger problems than just being a demented retard & lame faggot that'll spend countless hours doing a mind-numbingly boring activity just to see a number go up.
I redefined it, no, venerable master @decembrist_kirillov did, while he was botting, his posting style inspired me to optimize my postmaxxing technics because I was doing it with texts before switching to random numbers and emotes, this eventually led me to discover a way to bypass the posting cooldown.
In fact, I have a lot of respect for kirillov and surpassing him was a great achievement.
Nobody gives a fuck.
Joined Jun 18, 2018 Posts 3,195
Aren't you a little bit obsessed with me?
Uh, no. I posted a soyjak when you bragged about posting tens of thousands of dots or the equivalent. I don't know who you are outside of this thread, you are quite literally a dime a dozen useless moron posting thousands and thousands of dots.

Waoh I bypassed teh posting cooldown and then I spent hours upon hours spamming random trash, bing bing wahoo witness me!!
If you can't remember something that happened within the last 24 hours and you replied multiple times to then you have even bigger problems than just being a demented retard & lame faggot that'll spend countless hours doing a mind-numbingly boring activity just to see a number go up.
Walls of text to justify being ignored, I don't remember it because you are irrelevant to me.

Nobody gives a fuck.
Your actions speak otherwise

in league of legends its usualy considered bad to be at a low elo after having a high amount of games, the same is true with post count.

I posted a soyjak when you bragged about posting tens of thousands of dots or the equivalent.
Nothing more soyish than a g*gachad avi

I don't know who you are outside of this thread
Oh no I bet you do, probably monitoring and reporting every post I make.
My postmaxxing is remaining until the downfall of this forum and as long as it makes users I have never seen before die in their rage.
yes, you are a newfag. You don't need to keep repeating it.
one soyjak countered all of your 4troon tier soyjaks, I've been there before you little man, back when soyjaks were contained in /qa/, don't soyduel me lol.
52876   SoyBooru
I've been there before you little man
Unlikely. You're a newfag there just like you are a newfag here. On here you came just to be a spam tranny in the fallen sewers, and on there you came just to be an r9ktranny. Verifiable facts with documents to prove it if a mod requests them.
Unlikely. You're a newfag there just like you are a newfag here. On here you came just to be a spam tranny in the fallen sewers, and on there you came just to be an r9ktranny. Verifiable facts with documents to prove it if a mod requests them.
took you a while googling what's 4ch/qa/, okay then, name 5 soyjak subvariants
+ you are running out of arguments for resorting to registration date, a classic 4troon moment, I know you are itt an oldfag wouldve named them easily by now
probably posting a thread on the four asking for help right now, but soyjaks are shuned there and you got saged to oblivion by your fellow 4trooners
Hahaha clown
here are 5 soyjak subvariant names to win your future argument:
baby feraljak
baby gapejak
wholsome soyjak
Now stfu I intentionally asked for sub-variants because variants names are easily found on google.
it makes non sense for you because you have no idea what are you posting and quoting me with, I told you, I've been there long before you and I won and lost many soyduels to more autistic and dedicated 'jakers, you have no right to post a soyjak, alas I can't stop you.
it makes non sense for you because you have no idea what are you posting and quoting me with, I told you, I've been there long before you and I won and lost many soyduels to more autistic and dedicated 'jakers, you have no right to post a soyjak, alas I can't stop you.
So your point is that both website soyjaks and all variant and sub-variants fit you better because you are a gay nerd? Agreed :feelsokman:
So your point is that both website soyjaks and all variant and sub-variants fit you better because you are a gay nerd? Agreed :feelsokman:
stop embarassing yourself in front of the entire forum and take the L as a man.
once you lost the oldfag debate (your last argument) you started accusing me of faggotry and gender dysphoria, there is no point in wasting any more time ""arguing"" with if you keep making up baseless claims.
stop embarassing yourself in front of the entire forum and take the L as a man.
Uh. You posted a 4chan soyjak because I used a word from 4chan, but then proceeded to prove that you spend more time on 4chan yourself. I wasn't googling any such thing and wasn't going to bother to answer either, spam tranny. You've proven that you spend too much time on 4chan posting the same mind-numblingly stupid shit on there as you do here. I still have been posting off and on on 4chan since 2006 though.

Here's your "W"
I don't even remember you :feelshaha:

I redefined it, no, venerable master @decembrist_kirillov did, while he was botting,

how do you know he was botting ? :feelswhere:
his posting style inspired me to optimize my postmaxxing technics because I was doing it with texts before switching to random numbers and emotes, this eventually led me to discover a way to bypass the posting cooldown.
In fact, I have a lot of respect for kirillov and surpassing him was a great achievement.

Joined Jun 18, 2018 Posts 3,195

Aren't you a little bit obsessed with me?
2 day temp for glowing like the freaking sun

3 glowposts in 40 minutes

It may become a perma, we'll see

I think his posts just make this forum look like shit and keep potential new comers away, and when they dont make the forum look like shit its just low effort garbage, I would support users like this being banned but it would have to be a more consistent enforcement of the rules, I mean he seems like he has been around for ages now with a lot of posts.

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