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Ban Discussion Megathread


we hit these 5 bullet points lol
wait a second did you insult niggers in public servers? because there is absolutely NO WAY for pisscord to have found out your server out of nowhere unless some rat reported it. From what I recall I did cause a few race wars in pisscord and I only got a warning from it but I had my account permanently disabled when I called out that fucking aussie-shit old-whore for grooming a youngcel.
wait a second did you insult niggers in public servers? because there is absolutely NO WAY for pisscord to have found out your server out of nowhere unless some rat reported it. From what I recall I did cause a few race wars in pisscord and I only got a warning from it but I had my account permanently disabled when I called out that fucking aussie-shit old-whore for grooming a youngcel.
Private server. It is possible there was a rat. They've been claiming they're going to scan for wrongthink for a while now, they might finally be making it more robust.
Private server. It is possible there was a rat. They've been claiming they're going to scan for wrongthink for a while now, they might finally be making it more robust.
BULLSHIT, someone DEFINITELY reported it there's a fuckton of servers in pisscord where they insult niggers and spam gore in it and none of them get taken down UNLESS someone reports them, I can recall from experience. I don't think they were scanning through every single private server for " wrongthink " someone must've definitely ratted you out.
Mine too.... fuck that faggot.
yeah fuck that pigskin aus-tard whore, I did NOTHING but call her out for grooming one of the youngcels and my account got disabled permanently. Fuck pisscord and Fuck pigskin cuckolds
BULLSHIT, someone DEFINITELY reported it there's a fuckton of servers in pisscord where they insult niggers and spam gore in it and none of them get taken down UNLESS someone reports them, I can recall from experience. I don't think they were scanning through every single private server for " wrongthink " someone must've definitely ratted you out.
I think you are probably right, but the fact that I was sending that "nigger" message when discord was down the day before we got nuked, and I tried it several times makes me think it got scanned somehow.
I think you are probably right, but the fact that I was sending that "nigger" message when discord was down the day before we got nuked, and I tried it several times makes me think it got scanned somehow.
I insulted niggers a million times on pisscord in public servers and I only got a warning for it, and besides everyone is offending niggers everywhere I don't think they'll scan each server automatically and ban users permanently like that ( if that is true then 20% of pisscord users will be history ). Pisscord only responds to reports made by users.
what @BeatingInceldom get banned for, he was still here yesterday
thx that was quick!
did he reveal himself on the forum or off the site?
not shure lol but that's what the warning said

tbh he already had some brag warnings, not surprised. Just look at the avatar
turns out he was a fakecel
What about this fakecel? @owaisi_supporter Why is this fucking fakecel only given a temp? This kike fucking ADMITTED to being one and he gets a temp? WTF?
What about this fakecel? @owaisi_supporter Why is this fucking fakecel only given a temp? This kike fucking ADMITTED to being one and he gets a temp? WTF?
JFL @ the state of this site :feelskek:
@The Enforcer could you unban the guy that had 2 accounts a few months ago?
I have removed General Alek from the forum. He hit both 100% warning percentage and also was hardbanned.

He had been reported 97 times total and also made 4 alts while previously banned. He does not have a place any longer in our community.

I will personally never unban him. If he is unbanned again in the future, that's not on me.

Any questions, please reach out to me
I have removed General Alek from the forum. He hit both 100% warning percentage and also was hardbanned.

He had been reported 97 times total and also made 4 alts while previously banned. He does not have a place any longer in our community.

I will personally never unban him. If he is unbanned again in the future, that's not on me.

Any questions, please reach out to me
Tag his alt accounts :feelshaha:
Tag his alt accounts :feelshaha:
I rejected them all

They were from when he was banned, which is very suspicious in and of itself. Why would a temp banned user immediately sign up for multiple alts?
I have removed General Alek from the forum. He hit both 100% warning percentage and also was hardbanned.

He had been reported 97 times total and also made 4 alts while previously banned. He does not have a place any longer in our community.

I will personally never unban him. If he is unbanned again in the future, that's not on me.

Any questions, please reach out to me
party dancing GIF
I have removed General Alek from the forum. He hit both 100% warning percentage and also was hardbanned.

He had been reported 97 times total
That has to be some kind of record holy fuck :feelskek:
and also made 4 alts while previously banned.
What were they?
He does not have a place any longer in our community.
Good. One less glowie.
I will personally never unban him. If he is unbanned again in the future, that's not on me.
Thanks boss:feelsYall:
Any questions, please reach out to me
Packing a nice fat cone of that @General Alek pack tonight, wish I had some of you brocels here to smoke it with,
we all know alek's coming back one way or the other tbh
@CorpseWatcher ?
I have removed General Alek from the forum. He hit both 100% warning percentage and also was hardbanned.

He had been reported 97 times total and also made 4 alts while previously banned. He does not have a place any longer in our community.

I will personally never unban him. If he is unbanned again in the future, that's not on me.

Any questions, please reach out to me

View: https://youtu.be/96NUsT-1k2A?si=odZagqlwbLjL6lK6

@DarkStarDown is going to be the first person in history that is going to die from a weed overdose.
I have removed General Alek from the forum. He hit both 100% warning percentage and also was hardbanned.

He had been reported 97 times total and also made 4 alts while previously banned. He does not have a place any longer in our community.

I will personally never unban him. If he is unbanned again in the future, that's not on me.

Any questions, please reach out to me

SMOKIN ON THAT GENERAL ALEK PACK :smonk::smonk::smonk::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
Mine is on Recluse tbh. If not, then Sneir would be my second guess.
Sneir's my first pick. Michael W. Ford would've been a big contender if he wasn't banned.
He got a 20% for race bait / offtopic plus he already had 80 for some faggot shit so he is now band
I don't think he deserves to be band, guy was going thru some shit
Traumatized beyond repair
I don't think he deserves to be band, guy was going thru some shit
Well he needs to put that in writing with a sincere apology. His shit is just that, his shit, not our problem to be tolerating his tirades.
Well he needs to put that in writing with a sincere apology. His shit is just that, his shit, not our problem to be tolerating his tirades.
I saw what he posted and it was a well deserved 80 tbh

so I didn't hesitate to give him that extra 20 knowing he would get banned
@Asgard I think wanted to leave the forum

From the evidence I have, I don't think he was actually hacked.
@Asgard I think wanted to leave the forum

From the evidence I have, I don't think he was actually hacked.
I was talking to him in private. 100% self ban. He was saying that the forum got boring and it was overrun by retards so he shitposted a little.
I saw what he posted and it was a well deserved 80 tbh

so I didn't hesitate to give him that extra 20 knowing he would get banned
Tbh he's lucky he didnt get banned sooner because of that faggot post:feelspuke:

This dumbass nigger crying about 20% :feelswhat:
jerkJocky is now banned. He racked up 5 warnings in the past few weeks and hit 110%. Mostly for fighting with everyone

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