Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

JFL average 2024cels view on what this forum is about

google search is a click away
I don't need google to define basic words, but I guess you do, so I'll help you. Bragging is the act of arrogantly professing something that you did / happened to you, with a sense of superiority. I did not do such a thing.
You were humble bragging in a way and most importantly you kept insulting other users similarly to how @Despicablecel kept insulting users , not 100% like him but somewhat like him
Give me a definition
Give me a definition
Wait a second you said you were "Superior intellectually to me" earlier yet you don`t even know that the word bragging means funny
Wait a second you said you were "Superior intellectually to me" earlier yet you don`t even know that the word bragging means funny
If you could read you would see I gave my definition but wanted to see how others defined bragging. Thanks for making me chuckle by manifesting you didn't read the post.
If you could read you would see I gave my definition but wanted to see how others defined bragging. Thanks for making me chuckle by manifesting you didn't read the post.
Why would you need others definition for bragging when their is an objective answer don`t ever call anyone else dumb again you`re projecting like crazy lucky to be still here too
This forum is turning into a joke tbh. I don't feel like i belong here anymore.
i feel like a lot of members on this forum still have this weird normie mentality ngl, hence why i feel i don't belong on this forum as well, but sadly theres no alternative.
Why would you need others definition for bragging when their is an objective answer don`t ever call anyone else dumb again you`re projecting like crazy lucky to be still here too
he keeps asking "what is bragging" and when people tell him what it is and he doesn't like it because it describes what he did, he just goes "that's not the definition"
This all started because OP said face doesn't matter in response to my post where I said I got rejected once a foid saw my face.
@PersonalityInfoWars btw i never said this. i asked him to show where i said this and he can't do it. tbh slandering people with false words should be bannable
I am not treating it like a popularity contest, this was brought up in the first place because some retard with less than 300 post was trying to tell me what to do.
why should post count invalidate what someone says if what they say is valid? again... this forum isn't a popularity contest kid
@Samurai the High IQ play is to chadfish these foids into sending you nudes.
he keeps asking "what is bragging" and when people tell him what it is and he doesn't like it because it describes what he did, he just goes "that's not the definition"
The definition is objective no idea what the fuck he is doing it`s fucking hilarious he isn`t banned
@PersonalityInfoWars btw i never said this. i asked him to show where i said this and he can't do it. tbh slandering people with false words should be bannable
In which post did you supposedly say that? I want to check it out
The definition is objective no idea what the fuck he is doing it`s fucking hilarious he isn`t banned
he keeps asking to get mods involved as if he wouldn't get 6 warnings for insulting other users and 2 for bragging and catch a lengthy ban
In which post did you supposedly say that? I want to check it out
he says i said it in the original thread i referenced

i can't find where i said it, he can't show me where i said it. jfl at this guy samurai
he keeps asking to get mods involved as if he wouldn't get 6 warnings for insulting other users and 2 for bragging and catch a lengthy ban
He brags and insults other users then cries victim :feelskek:
he says i said it in the original thread i referenced

i can't find where i said it, he can't show me where i said it. jfl at this guy samurai
Yep, you didn't say it anywhere as far as I can see, unless you deleted that comment. Idk
This forum is just supposed to be a place to discuss inceldom and trying to help other incels find copes and whatnot, mainly the purpose of these forums is for incels to talk about interesting things.
If we all saw this as some popularity contest like how normies see their social media platforms ie instagram and snapchat, this website would suck.
This is also why I don't like it when people use "greycel" as an insult, but maybe that's just because I'm a greycel.
The greycel hazing is kind of annoying
Youd think a site full of incels would be against something like hazing but apparently not

but I can see why people here do it with the retarded users that show up here most of them are fakecels too
Tbh I assume the girls messaging him are just trying to get him to dox himself

I mean really, every community will devolve into people trying to be "popular". People literally spend days spamming in the sewers just to get a high post count for "status" here jfl.
Do people Here actually relate your post count to how much status you have ?? :feelskek:

I only really care about a user here if they make good posts or I find them funny and chill
Idgaf about post count or how many years someone has been on here
You're jealous of my channel too. Your videos are inferior to mine, and you developed a hatred so big that out of nowhere you insulted me for my faith, despite the fact I subscribed and commented on your video. That wasn't enough for you, and as a result, lost me as a subscriber, forsooth you became aware of this and attacked me again as a result.
Over for youtuberCels
Do people Here actually relate your post count to how much status you have ?? :feelskek:

I only really care about a user here if they make good posts or I find them funny and chill
Idgaf about post count or how many years someone has been on here
Yes they definitely do care about your post count.
The state of .is smh
I'm a gentleman and a true Christian so I wouldn't do that
Ok then just chadfish to prove a point, that these girls are truly only "into you" because they have delusioned themselves into thinking you are some pretty boy.
yes, peasant
.is users below 4000 posts
8BA12D9F 5626 4167 816A DB5127C4182E
just get the lady of the lake to bless u with a high postcount bro
The peasant .is user is forced to go back to the sewers and slave away posting retarded shit attempting to raise his status so he can escape postcount poverty
A female subscriber said she found my voice attractive, wanted to meet me and gave me her previous address and photos of her and her birth certificate, but later on when I showed her my face, she began calling me "man" and she suddenly said our personalities were not compatible and she isn't ready for a relationship.

You never show your face, EVER.

If they ask to see you, send a body pic if you’re at least somewhat fit. (You can always edit it on an app called manly or airbrush, takes 5 mins).

Have the phone in front of your face, that way all the attention is on your body.

I used to do this when I was using steroids, not one foid specifically asked for a face pic, all they wanted to see was my dick.

(Again, this is if you are exclusively talking to efoids like Snapchat and instagram)
A female subscriber said she found my voice attractive, wanted to meet me and gave me her previous address and photos of her and her birth certificate, but later on when I showed her my face, she began calling me "man" and she suddenly said our personalities were not compatible and she isn't ready for a relationship.
There's no face for you're voice
that troll has been on my ignore list since he joined :feelsseriously:
View attachment 1198070
this guy was humblebragging how e-foids are hitting him up over his voice on youtube but he just can't seem to seal the deal! And is trying to garner sympathy. Of course, I called him out on this and this was the response.

This forum isn't about inceldom, blackpill, or anything of the likes. No no no. It's about how much popularity, "fame", notoriety you can get. It's about being remembered!

JFL. imagine coming to a blackpill space to share your woes about your life, society rejecting you, how your genetics and poor looks ruined every aspect of your life, to have some retarded zoomer try and say you are a faggot because you don't have "notoriety" in the community all the while humblebragging how foids are messaging him and sending him pictures of themselves.

here is the thread in question if anyone wants to have a read; https://incels.is/threads/another-painful-rejection-she-saw-im-no-pretty-boy.629161/
Monday left you broken
Anyway truecel trait if you give a shit about the community here
We are just a bunch of ghost accounts, nothing more
A bunch of words for our shitty life
Nobody really knows us
One day the accounts will all disappear, and you will never know who the user X was
Long distance relationships wouldnt count

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