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Theory Are Women Programmed to Cheat?



"Grass" said she has a BF
May 25, 2021
Is extra-pair copulation (EPC or infidelity) by women currently adaptive? Or, does women's EPC currently advance women's reproductive success (RS)? An evolved adaptation may be currently nonadaptive and even maladaptive because the current ecological setting in which it occurs differs from the evolutionary historical setting that was the selection favoring it. An adaptation will be adaptive currently when the current ecological setting is the selection pressure that molded it.

For centuries it was held that women were the arbitors of monogamy, wishing for an individual man for each individual woman for prosparity & romance. But increasingly, not even low-tier normies are amused.
Let the article above's paragraph be the basis for our discussion-Do women tend to cheat? If so, is it based on genetic design or simply a reaction to their current enviroment?

Hormone analysis showed that the calling behaviour of copulating females was unrelated to their fertile period and likelihood of conception. Instead, females called significantly more while with high-ranking males, but suppressed their calls if high-ranking females were nearby. Copulation calling may therefore be one potential strategy employed by female chimpanzees to advertise receptivity to high-ranked males, confuse paternity and secure future support from these socially important individuals.
The general consensus that female apes (including human ones) engage in copulation vocalization (or moaning) to attract other males (especially chads), so to promote sperm competition and to "confused paternity". It's not completely unsubconscious either.
That ancient strategy might help explain the following article.
We examined how sperm respond to follicular fluid, a source of human sperm chemoattractants, from either their partner or a non-partner female when experiencing a simultaneous or non-simultaneous choice between follicular fluids. We report robust evidence under these two distinct experimental conditions that follicular fluid from different females consistently and differentially attracts sperm from specific males. This chemoattractant-moderated choice of sperm offers eggs an avenue to exercise independent mate preference.
This phenomena strongly suggest that women (specifically their eggs) had to engage in multiple extra-pair copulations, otherwise, it wouldn't as selected and universal. This may additionally explain why humans participate in sperm competition, developed foreskin, and why their phelluses' length is long relative to their size (compared to other animals).
Concealed estrus is present in women as evidenced by men’s limited ability (compared to other male mammals) to detect estrus, women’s limited behavioral changes (compared to other female mammals) during estrus, and estrous women’s efforts to limit male mate guarding. Evidence supports the hypothesis that concealed estrus is adaptation that functions in extra-pair-bond copulation to cuckold the main partner in service of better genes for offspring, while maintaining the main partner’s material benefits. Research findings indicate that women’s estrogen-based sexual ornaments honestly signal residual reproductive value.
In addition to confusing paternity and promoting spermicide/competition, Mountainbikecel noted that vaginal discharge (cervical mucus) resembles seminal fluid. Researchers found that cervical mucus's consecration peaks during ovulation.

The woman-picked Peak Day was the same as the referent day in 25% of 117 cycles, within ±1 day in 58% of cycles, ±2 days in 84%, ±3 days in 87%, and ±4 days in 92%. The ±1 day and ± 4 days' agreement was 50% and 90% for the expert-picked and 47% and 87% for the computer-picked Peak Day, respectively.

Women's daily tracking of cervical mucus is a low-cost alternative for identifying the estimated day of ovulation.
This is relevant to the fact women prefer extra-pair mates during ovulation.
Consistent with this hypothesis is the observation that women's preference for the odour of men with low fluctuating asymmetry (a correlate of testosterone-facilitated trait size and developmental stability) increases with the probability of conception across the menstrual cycle. Symmetrical men report more extra-pair copulation partners, and extra-pair copulation rates peak in midcycle.
Women not using oral/hormonal contraceptives report greater sexual interest in extra-pair men and fantasize more about them than their pair-bonded mate when conception is likely, near ovulation, than when conception is unlikely, during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle
(Gangestad, Thornhill, and Garver, 2002).
Piecing these correlations together, cervical mucus is perhaps designed to accommodate the conception that women naturally secret seminal-like fluids, so to reduce suspicions when women chose to have extra-pair relations.

But as women become older, their menstrual cycle less frequent and influencial. You might conclude once they reach a certain age, women will have weaker tendency for EPC. Unfortunately, their monogamous loyalty doesn't get better with time.
As men age, their testosterone levels gradually decrease; women’s levels rise. Going into their thirties, women get hairier, their voices deepen, and they behave more assertively. And, in the author’s words, “it’s also quite common for them to experience a dramatic increase in their desire for other men.”
(Langley cites Theresa Crenshaw’s The Alchemy of Love and Lustand Michael Liebowitz’s The Chemistry of Love on these matters.)

Women view masculine's faces as a measurement for attractiveness and type of partnerships. However, they sexually interact with both and different levels of satisfaction.
More symmetrical men should also be preferred as women’s extra-pair mates (i.e., mates chosen by women who already have primary mates, regardless of whether the man has a primary mate).

Bellis and Baker(1990) found preceisely this pattern in a sample of British women. If women’s patterns of extra-pair sex thus favor the sperm of extra-pair mates, this effect might be mediated by women’s preferences for specific attributes valued in extra-pair partners, especially those associated with symmetry.

women use short-term mating to evaluate men as potential long-term partners or for mate-switching. Buss and Schmitt (1993) have found that women place greater emphasis on men’s physical attractiveness and physical prowess when evaluating them for possible short-term relationships.
Baker and Bel lis (1995) report that women who have both an in-pair (primary) partner and an extra-pair partner have patterns of orgasms that facilitate the retention of sperm from the extra-pair partner. If Baker and Bell is are right, indicators of a partner’s genetic fitness should be cues that lead women to have more frequent sperm-retaining orgasms during extra-pair sex.

Women experienced more orgasms if their partner was more symmetrical, r52.27. More important, high sperm-retention orgasms (i.e., those occurring close to ejaculation; Baker &Bellis 1995) were significantly correlated with the men’s degree of symmetry. Aside from their partner’s physical attractiveness, no other male feature correlated with the frequency of female orgasms.
the researchers found that if a woman has an orgasm (and that orgasm might indeed include uterine contractions) soon after her male partner, she literally sucks sperm into her reproductive tract. If she has no orgasm, or orgasms after the man, she retains much less sperm.
This has been attributed to lack of sexual satisfaction of females by their husbands due to either, their genetic make-up, age, socio-culture and means of survival. Physiological sexual differences between men and women also support the cuckold relationship as the ideal for marriage.

As a result, a woman's increasing sexual appetite, due to her biologically age-based sex drive, gives her greater sexual needs than her husband. She needs more sexual encounters, longer sexual encounters and more orgasms than her spouse.
Take all these in account the fact women are more comfortable to not use a condom with attractive men, so the likelihood of being cuckolded after 48hrs of intercourse is significant for long-term partners.
Perhaps men have mechanisms detect adultery.

It's no secret that women utilize maquillage to show fidelity which signals of sexual availability. Anyone who goes outside knows that women use cosmetics, even if they're married. Further proving the point of this thread.
Using the same face database but with a new set of participants, we also replicated previous findings of above-chance accuracy for opposite-sex faces, but only for women rating men's faces and not men rating women's faces. Taken together, both men and women showed above-chance accuracy for men's faces but not women's faces.
In women, vocal parameters did not predict infidelity intention or relationship commitment [unlike men]. Taken together, this study suggests that vocal characteristics predict infidelity intention and relationship commitment in men but not in women. The current findings have important implications for research on voice in the mating-related domain.

Both of these statements may suggest that women have evolved to trick long-term partners into believing being they're faithful to decrease suspicion of infidelity. Women's ability to conceal infidelity is so affective, other females can't tell if they're being fooled. This capability may also be a by-product of social/emotional intelligence.

complex quantitative genetic traits such as personality are likely to depend on hundreds of genes. such that a complete sex-specific regulation of allelic effects at all these loci will be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. The example of human infidelity (Figure 3) is particularly striking in that respect. A vast number of genes are likely to affect each personality component that will,in turn, influence the probability of engaging in extra-pair mating.

You may assume that this is more in support of equalitarianism, until you stop to :feelsthink: 'which one of the two sexes is the most social/extroverted'? Men are globally known to keep to themselves, while women on the other hand, follow the people. (This dimorphism has to do with differences in serotonin and estrogen.)

And speaking of genes, we already pinned three genetic causes why women tend to cheat. Behaviours like extroversion may just allow more opportunities to copulate with extra-pair mates.
It had a lasting impact.
Regression analysis showed that age was positively related to the number of children. Age at first intercourse, in turn, was negatively related to the number of children, suggesting that earlier loss of virginity predicts more children. Midpoint of sleep and sleep duration contributed to the regression model with people being later chronotypes having fewer children, and shorter sleep duration was linked with more children. Extroversion was positively correlated with number of children, as was the long-term relationship orientation. Propensity of going out and lifetime number of sexual partners were negatively correlated.
Do the math, those who are extroverted have more children and want long-term partners, at the same time, they also tend to commit infidelity. As I've already pointed out, women tend to be extroverted. It's not rocket science.

I've already demonstrated (in a previous link), it's been well attested that women's estrogen to dopamine activation not only makes them more prone to addiction, it also makes them more disinterested in sex with their LTRs.
That is to say, because sexual boredom is a strong cue for sexual infidelity, people who use this cue prior to engaging in sexual infidelity may experience relatively low guilt, as they believe that they have forewarned the mate.
Many of you might feel justified to put blame the wives' sexual boredom on the husbands, the obvious objection to this, girls are participating in sexual behaviour as early as 10-12 yo, so by the time they've reached 18-20 (more so once they've “settled down”) the only thing of sexual novelty to them: is fornicating with new people. That's not something LTR individuals provide within themselves. This may explain why modern women have low satisfaction and sexual interest after marriage. Plus, this phenomena isn't unique to heterosexual couples. So to blame men for women's sexual boredom is a negative IQ thing to say.

(Women are innocuous, little angels, therefore if they cheat, it must be because their partners are shit.)>:soy:
Ignoring girls' biological tendency to cuck guys, what determines a "shit"ty male partner so to deny him sex and betray him behind his back? Being a misogynist? Having a criminal history? Low IQ? Withholding love?
Soyboys need to understand, women often don't cheat as punishment or really as a means to protect herself. Rather
Women made sense of their affairs as a space in which to reclaim power and to have experiences for no one else but themselves. Women considered the temporary nature of their affairs to be liberating, since affairs could serve as an arena in which women set the rules.

Walker found evidence that women achieved a non-normative‘ perspective shift’ regarding beliefs about monogamy and relationships. Rather than blame their individual partners for dissatisfaction in their primary sexual relationships, some women problematized monogamy as a societal expectation.
And it's not supported by the data.
(EPC-S), having sex with someone other than one's mate, and EPC-other (EPC-O), having sex with someone else's mate.
Fifty-seven women and 43 men reported an EPC-S and 64 women and 53 men reported an EPC-O. As can be seen in figure 2, women and men who reported an EPC-S experienced significantly higher levels of total early psychosocial stress than those who did not report an EPC-S
Individuals who reported an EPC-O also had higher levels of total early psychosocial stress than those did not report an EPC-O, but these differences did not reach significance in women,

You could argue this is all part of modernity and that women are more miserable in the post sexual revolution, then you're going to reconcle that women who partipate in extra-pair affars are generally happier.
We found that monogamous people reported slightly lower sexual satisfaction and lower orgasm rates than those who are consensually non-monogamous (CNM). Moreover, the type of CNM in which a person engages is important: swingers consistently reported higher sexual satisfaction than monogamous individuals, whereas those in open relationships had equivalent levels of satisfaction to those in monogamous relationships. Relationship satisfaction did not differ between CNM and monogamous groups.
You may not care so much about sexual activity, rather, you care more about companionship and life time commitments. Too bad.
CNM partners reported more lifetime sexual partners than individuals in monogamous relationships. In addition, compared with monogamous partners, CNM partners were more likely to (i) report using condoms during intercourse with their primary partner; (ii) report using condoms during intercourse with extradyadic partners; and (iii) report having been tested for STIs. Approximately one-quarter of monogamous partners reported sex outside of their primary relationship, most of whom indicated that their primary partner did not know about their infidelity. The percentage of participants reporting previous STI diagnoses did not differ across relationship type.
Monogamy may not even natural to women (or females in general). It's more likely that monogamy was enforced to maintain civility, which created modern civilation. If this is a fact, then we should expect to see the degregation of social cohension if monogamy is no longer enforced.
Experimental results support an interplay of different factors in the evolution of social monogamy – female dispersion and availability and breeding season duration – and suggests that polygamy will only evolve in populations with a female-biased operational sex ratio or one where cheating is common.
Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.
The flood of violence from the 1960s through the 1980s reshaped American culture, the political scene, and everyday life.

The 1960s decivilizing process affected the choices of individuals as well as policy-makers. Many young men decided that they ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more, and instead of pursuing a respectable family life, they hung out in all-male packs that spawned the familiar cycle of competition for dominance, insult or minor aggression, and violent retaliation. The sexual revolution, which provided men with plentiful sexual opportunities without the responsibilities of marriage, added to this dubious freedom.
There are those who wish to return to patriarchy where people engage in arrange marriages or pay for dowries to avoid the likelihood of cuckoldry. That may not be sufficient.
In this sample, 31.8 per cent of Himba women had at least one extra-pair (omoka) birth during their lifetime. This accounts for 17.6 per cent of all marital births. Of the 36 women who had at least one extra-pair birth, 20 had one, nine had two and six had three or more. This is a conservative estimate of EPP in this population due to reporting bias and the exclusion of children who died.

Women in ‘love matches’ were significantly more faithful to their husbands than women in arranged marriages. There were no omoka children born within love matches (0 of 79), compared with 23.2 per cent omoka children from arranged marriages . This is highly unlikely to be due to chance (p < 0.001).
Avoiding arranged marriages may seem like a better solution, rather we allow people to chose their partner indepenantly, however, we see similar rates extra-pair mating in sexual liberated counties, even in conservative circles.

20% to 40% of American women report having cheated on their partner, and prevalence estimates of offspring from extra-pair copulations range from 1% to 30% across cultures, averaging around 10%.

15% of women between the ages of 16 and 24 years reported having concurrent sexual relationships, and Gallup, Burch, and Berens Mitchell (2006) found 25% of women in a college sample reported at least one extra-pair copulation.
The result of this study is that cheating strategies by rural women (in the Trenggulunan Village, Ngasem District, Bojonegoro Regency) have two ways, namely first; meeting strategies which include setting schedules, planning communication, meeting safe times, meeting activities, and duration of meetings. Second: advanced strategies which include changing names on cellphones, hiding evidence of infidelity, returning to their homes separately, and maintaining relationships with cheating partners.
Participants (N = 459) from India and the USA were apportioned a ‘mate budget’ to construct their ideal short- and long-term partners.
Genetic traits were favoured for short-term relationships; material traits were favoured for long-term relationships. However, women with a more restricted sexuality preferred short-term mates who closely resembled their long-term preferences.
Both of our methods therefore estimated a substantially lower historical EPP rate for Flanders than the 8–30% per generation suggested by previous studies based on behavioural data on rates of EPCs in Western Europe and given the absence of reliable contraceptive methods.

This suggests that EPP rates have not changed substantially during recent centuries in Western European populations, and have not greatly decreased after the large-scale introduction of contraceptives in the 1960s.

Bluepillers might be tempted to say if 'I accept single mothers since they're maybe less likely to cuck me afterwards, because they passed having their "fun"'. Well, nature doesn't seem to agree.
comparing the distributions of extra-pair paternity (EPP) rates shows that there are proportionally more cooperatively breeding species with EPP levels >30% (20% of cooperatively breeding species, than those socially monogamous species with biparental care (14% of socially monogamous species), although this difference was not statistically significant.
Stop for a moment and just think about from the single mothers' perspective. Why in the world do you think they want to stop sleeping around after you've shown that you're willing to accept them as they are (even after fucking hundreds of chads and caring for their kids regardless, especially if they can divorce rape you if you object)?

You would think that having one biological child of a twin implies the other is also yours'. Unfortunately-
It is estimated that at least one dizygotic (DZ) twin maternity in twelve is preceded by superfecundation (the fertilization of two ova by sperm from different coitions). Presumably this parameter varies from population to population eg. with coital rates and rates of double ovulation. Sometimes superfecundation occurs by two different men. The frequency with which this occurs must depend on rates of infidelity (promiscuity). It is suggested that among DZ twins born to married white women in the U.S., about one pair in 400 is bipaternal.
One could suggest that women's innate desire to cuckold their long-term mate is just a biological adaptation to search for "good genes". This hypothesis fails to consider that many of the characteristics of these "good genes" are directed by the mother's epigenetic environment:
potential cuckoldry from whom are supposedily the "most empathic people" fathers' should trust is the reality they have to face, even though said people may not benefit from it.
In studies that solely looked at couples who obtained paternity testing because paternity was being disputed, there are higher levels; an incidence of [fraud was] 17% to 33% (median of 26.9%).

From biological processes, behaviour, sociological benefits, and genes, all the data points that women intrinsically desire for extra-pair copulation, and they're genetically equipped for secure extra-pair young to term & development.
This adaptation perhaps was useful in our ancient past where genetically dissimilar mates were difficult to obtain in a tribe solely women (like herds of elephants) or completely family group so to avoid incest. But, humanity has reach beyond those models in favor of monogamy/patriarchal-centric polygamy, which strongly contributed the construction of modern civilization.
In light of this, we can say that women's sexual strategy is maladaptive because the current ecological setting, if not detrimental to it. But as we all are well aware, you can't negotiate with female desire, so until something changes, we all have to move forward knowing that women are programmed to cheat by design and environment.

TLDR; :feelswhere::feelsstudy::giga:Yes, they are.:feelscry::feelsrope:
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I've seen a forum about babies and most of the posts were women confessing cheating
Sobre. Qual é o sentido dos relacionamentos de relacionamentos para os homens mais?
If you're not chad it's basically cucking, any woman is content with a man non-chad her biology looks for the best genes
Its been biologically statistically proven that the mere thought of being unfaithful wettens their pussies like the hoover dam
Everybody cheats, its just easer for a woman to find countless partners so she does. People weren't designed to be together for 30-50 years, that's why so many divorces.
I read a little bit of it,which is interesting. But way too long to read. I agree with women become more masculine part. From what I've seen in women ,is that everything gots to be perfect for them not to cheat and they cant have better options.

I look at a situation like locked down 23 and 1 on YouTube. Hes good looking that's how he got her and that's why she's with him. Even though he had nothing,not even a car when they met,and she did. She let him build his self up while they were together. He was lucky and had a dad that became successful with a business and put him on his buisness,so he was already making good money,and then became a youtuber. Now she doesnt have to work no more at offices.

So is she going to cheat? Most likely not,she's content and happy with what she's got. Now sometimes tall Chad's of tyrones are dumped because they dont want to work. I've seen that before. And if you are average to ugly and not working ,you are really seen as a piece of shit in her eyes. If you are average to ugly and got a good job,she might stay with you unless there is a better opportunity she can branch swing too.
Beyond brutal. Women are evil
Thanks for a great post.
Sex is the only instrument of power women have ever had over men (be it selection/rejection; shaming someone based on prowess/size or rape allegations).
Having this power brings 'em immense pleasure.
If they didn't have it, their insecurities over not really having anything else would be confirmed in reality and greatly enhance their neuroticism.
That's why we (men in general) should correct behaviour of women, thus preventing further dissolution of society. IMO
Can't relate tbh. Literally, I don't care. men deserve what happens to them because they take animals (aka women) seriously.
what do you expect from humans? They are complete scum; Their existance, their history and their biology are all decadent.
Nice looks like a decent post, will read up later.
Yes, they are programmed to go on cheat mode when they meet a new Chad.
Monogamy was a cultural institution made by men because women naturally unregulated are nature's whores, women are naturally polygamous. [But, within the context of sexual hypergamy of top men only.]

The reason why monogamy was created historically is because as human populations grew in numbers women's natural sexual hypergamous or polygamous nature created too much internal social strife, men that don't get pussy become rogue rebels, rogue rebels become revolutionary, and eventually revolutionaries threaten the entire existence or social orders of societies, so ancient man devised monogamy as a way of making it where a majority of men could get their dicks wet thus neutralizing the rebellious impulses of a majority of men. Unfortunately they've pretty much have abolished monogamy in our modern day western feminist societies, so naturally the same cycle is about to repeat itself all over again because our dumb fuck global elites are historically illiterate and because they're so obsessed with global depopulation because they want the entire world for themselves only without everybody else in it. These dumb fuck global elites of course are going to learn overtime what happens when you go around toying or fucking around with human nature in their supreme collective arrogance.

I honestly hope to live long enough to see them hanging on lamp posts everywhere for their stupidity, they really deserve it at this point.

It really is this fucking simple period, you cannot maintain social stability and a well ordered society by reducing a majority of men to sexual celibacy, it doesn't work and it never fucking will. I don't care what kind of feminist social utopian bullshit you embrace, it doesn't fucking work that way. Anybody that understands history, economics, psychology, and has an I.Q. above room temperature knows this basic shit already.
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Its been biologically statistically proven that the mere thought of being unfaithful wettens their pussies like the hoover dam
Further proving the point that LT partners shouldn't be held responsible if the woman is sexually bored
Everybody cheats, its just easer for a woman to find countless partners so she does. People weren't designed to be together for 30-50 years, that's why so many divorces.
I'll address this in another thread. Men are biologically monogamous, while women aren't.
I read a little bit of it,which is interesting. But way too long to read. I agree with women become more masculine part. From what I've seen in women ,is that everything gots to be perfect for them not to cheat and they cant have better options.

I look at a situation like locked down 23 and 1 on YouTube. Hes good looking that's how he got her and that's why she's with him. Even though he had nothing,not even a car when they met,and she did. She let him build his self up while they were together. He was lucky and had a dad that became successful with a business and put him on his buisness,so he was already making good money,and then became a youtuber. Now she doesnt have to work no more at offices.

So is she going to cheat? Most likely not,she's content and happy with what she's got. Now sometimes tall Chad's of tyrones are dumped because they dont want to work. I've seen that before. And if you are average to ugly and not working ,you are really seen as a piece of shit in her eyes. If you are average to ugly and got a good job,she might stay with you unless there is a better opportunity she can branch swing too.
The science seemly disagrees. Just as @ldar_ricecel alluded, women will eventually get bored and move on the next chad. Will lookism play a role how soon/late until they do? Absolutely. But women cheating is, as the data lead us to conclude, inevitable.
Thanks for a great post.
Sex is the only instrument of power women have ever had over men (be it selection/rejection; shaming someone based on prowess/size or rape allegations).
Having this power brings 'em immense pleasure.
If they didn't have it, their insecurities over not really having anything else would be confirmed in reality and greatly enhance their neuroticism.
That's why we (men in general) should correct behaviour of women, thus preventing further dissolution of society. IMO
Thank you. I think humanity is passed the point of compromise knowing this in light of the rise and destruction of civilization. The only way to move forward and correct women's behaviour is to genetically alter them or replace entirely them with robots.
Can't relate tbh. Literally, I don't care. men deserve what happens to them because they take animals (aka women) seriously.
what do you expect from humans? They are complete scum; Their existence, their history and their biology are all decadent.
As more data on the subject of monogamy and women unfolds, more and more guys should adopt this mindset. It's the only honesty reaction to the monogamy/parasitepill.
If you're not chad it's basically cucking, any woman is content with a man non-chad her biology looks for the best genes

Beyond brutal. Women are evil

Yes, they are programmed to go on cheat mode when they meet a new Chad.

Monogamy was a cultural institution made by men because women naturally unregulated are nature's whores, women are naturally polygamous. [But, within the context of sexual hypergamy of top men only.]

The reason why monogamy was created historically is because as human populations grew in numbers women's natural sexual hypergamous or polygamous nature created too much internal social strife, men that don't get pussy become rogue rebels, rogue rebels become revolutionary, and eventually revolutionaries threaten the entire existence or social orders of societies, so ancient man devised monogamy as a way of making it where a majority of men could get their dicks wet thus neutralizing the rebellious impulses of a majority of men. Unfortunately they've pretty much have abolished monogamy in our modern day western feminist societies, so naturally the same cycle is about to repeat itself all over again because our dumb fuck global elites are historically illiterate and because they're so obsessed with global depopulation because they want the entire world for themselves only without everybody else in it. These dumb fuck global elites of course are going to learn overtime what happens when you go around toying or fucking around with human nature in their supreme collective arrogance.

I honestly hope to live long enough to see them hanging on lamp posts everywhere for their stupidity, they really deserve it at this point.

It really is this fucking simple period, you cannot maintain social stability and a well ordered society by reducing a majority of men to sexual celibacy, it doesn't work and it never fucking will. I don't care what kind of feminist social utopian bullshit you embrace, it doesn't fucking work that way. Anybody that understands history, economics, psychology, and has an I.Q. above room temperature knows this basic shit already.
Women can have multiple orgasms in a row without a refractory period, the man maximum one / two fucks then needs to recharge.

This says a lot about evolution
Women can have multiple orgasms in a row without a refractory period, the man maximum one / two fucks then needs to recharge.

This says a lot about evolution
That was something I didn't even consider. Great catch!
I wish the mods would let users edit their orginal post so I could add this along with Women have backup partners and Microchimerism.
Human beings naturally aren't monogamous to begin with.
Everybody cheats, its just easer for a woman to find countless partners so she does. People weren't designed to be together for 30-50 years, that's why so many divorces.
Everybody cheats, its just easer for a woman to find countless partners so she does. People weren't designed to be together for 30-50 years, that's why so many divorces.
They won't cheat with chad. They will monkey branch to the strongest branch they can then just settle down.
I hate them sluts, chief. I hate them
They are programmed to always chase the most good looking men. They sell sex and companionship to their husbands/boyfriends in exchange for money, favors and attention. And cheat with chad at the same time.

If you end up betabuxxing a foid, be prepared for an open relationship.

Alpha’s fuck, beta’s buck
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Yeah lol

There isn't a woman on earth whos faithful.

Put them in front of chad and watch them go crazy.
What happens is, women don't have natural principles, honor and loyalty the way men can have. So if they have little to nothing to lose and feel like it, most will do it, whereas some men might not do it. They are profoundly guided by the status quo and the status quo nowadays says adultery is not a big deal.

Not to mention that it's ridiculously easy for them to find someone to cheat with, compare to men who, if non-Chad, have to put some work even if they are above average.
this post was way too high iq for this forum of mouthbreathing shit for brains teenagers. Good read.
Could we reprogram women using designer babies, this would save next generation
Could we reprogram women using designer babies, this would save next generation
I think what will happen is more women will start going to sperm banks or seeking private sperm donations from chads when they can't get knocked up by one the usual way, add on to that things like CRISPR and what you're going to have is something close to homo sapiens 2.0, a world full of chads bastards being raised by betabux bluepillers. Genetic engineering and cloning seems more likely to be the end for the nonchad male than it is a saviour for normals and incels.

For centuries it was held that women were the arbitors of monogamy, wishing for an individual man for each individual woman for prosparity & romance. But increasingly, not even low-tier normies are amused.
Let the article above's paragraph be the basis for our discussion-Do women tend to cheat? If so, is it based on genetic design or simply a reaction to their current enviroment?

The general consensus that female apes (including human ones) engage in copulation vocalization (or moaning) to attract other males (especially chads), so to promote sperm competition and to "confused paternity". It's not completely unsubconscious either.
That ancient strategy might help explain the following article.

This phenomena strongly suggest that women (specifically their eggs) had to engage in multiple extra-pair copulations, otherwise, it wouldn't as selected and universal. This may additionally explain why humans participate in sperm competition, developed foreskin, and why their phelluses' length is long relative to their size (compared to other animals).

In addition to confusing paternity and promoting spermicide/competition, Mountainbikecel noted that vaginal discharge (cervical mucus) resembles seminal fluid. Researchers found that cervical mucus's consecration peaks during ovulation.

This is relevant to the fact women prefer extra-pair mates during ovulation.


(Gangestad, Thornhill, and Garver, 2002).
Piecing these correlations together, cervical mucus is perhaps designed to accommodate the conception that women naturally secret seminal-like fluids, so to reduce suspicions when women chose to have extra-pair relations.

But as women become older, their menstrual cycle less frequent and influencial. You might conclude once they reach a certain age, women will have weaker tendency for EPC. Unfortunately, their monogamous loyalty doesn't get better with time.

(Langley cites Theresa Crenshaw’s The Alchemy of Love and Lustand Michael Liebowitz’s The Chemistry of Love on these matters.)

Women view masculine's faces as a measurement for attractiveness and type of partnerships. However, they sexually interact with both and different levels of satisfaction.




Take all these in account the fact women are more comfortable to not use a condom with attractive men, so the likelihood of being cuckolded after 48hrs of intercourse is significant for long-term partners.
Perhaps men have mechanisms detect adultery.

It's no secret that women utilize maquillage to show fidelity which signals of sexual availability. Anyone who goes outside knows that women use cosmetics, even if they're married. Further proving the point of this thread.



Both of these statements may suggest that women have evolved to trick long-term partners into believing being they're faithful to decrease suspicion of infidelity. Women's ability to conceal infidelity is so affective, other females can't tell if they're being fooled. This capability may also be a by-product of social/emotional intelligence.

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You may assume that this is more in support of equalitarianism, until you stop to :feelsthink: 'which one of the two sexes is the most social/extroverted'? Men are globally known to keep to themselves, while women on the other hand, follow the people. (This dimorphism has to do with differences in serotonin and estrogen.)

And speaking of genes, we already pinned three genetic causes why women tend to cheat. Behaviours like extroversion may just allow more opportunities to copulate with extra-pair mates.
It had a lasting impact.

Do the math, those who are extroverted have more children and want long-term partners, at the same time, they also tend to commit infidelity. As I've already pointed out, women tend to be extroverted. It's not rocket science.

I've already demonstrated (in a previous link), it's been well attested that women's estrogen to dopamine activation not only makes them more prone to addiction, it also makes them more disinterested in sex with their LTRs.

Many of you might feel justified to put blame the wives' sexual boredom on the husbands, the obvious objection to this, girls are participating in sexual behaviour as early as 10-12 yo, so by the time they've reached 18-20 (more so once they've “settled down”) the only thing of sexual novelty to them: is fornicating with new people. That's not something LTR individuals provide within themselves. This may explain why modern women have low satisfaction and sexual interest after marriage. Plus, this phenomena isn't unique to heterosexual couples. So to blame men for women's sexual boredom is a negative IQ thing to say.

(Women are innocuous, little angels, therefore if they cheat, it must be because their partners are shit.)>:soy:
Ignoring girls' biological tendency to cuck guys, what determines a "shit"ty male partner so to deny him sex and betray him behind his back? Being a misogynist? Having a criminal history? Low IQ? Withholding love?
Soyboys need to understand, women often don't cheat as punishment or really as a means to protect herself. Rather

And it's not supported by the data.

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You could argue this is all part of modernity and that women are more miserable in the post sexual revolution, then you're going to reconcle that women who partipate in extra-pair affars are generally happier.

You may not care so much about sexual activity, rather, you care more about companionship and life time commitments. Too bad.

Monogamy may not even natural to women (or females in general). It's more likely that monogamy was enforced to maintain civility, which created modern civilation. If this is a fact, then we should expect to see the degregation of social cohension if monogamy is no longer enforced.


There are those who wish to return to patriarchy where people engage in arrange marriages or pay for dowries to avoid the likelihood of cuckoldry. That may not be sufficient.

Avoiding arranged marriages may seem like a better solution, rather we allow people to chose their partner indepenantly, however, we see similar rates extra-pair mating in sexual liberated counties, even in conservative circles.





Bluepillers might be tempted to say if 'I accept single mothers since they're maybe less likely to cuck me afterwards, because they passed having their "fun"'. Well, nature doesn't seem to agree.

Stop for a moment and just think about from the single mothers' perspective. Why in the world do you think they want to stop sleeping around after you've shown that you're willing to accept them as they are (even after fucking hundreds of chads and caring for their kids regardless, especially if they can divorce rape you if you object)?

You would think that having one biological child of a twin implies the other is also yours'. Unfortunately-

One could suggest that women's innate desire to cuckold their long-term mate is just a biological adaptation to search for "good genes". This hypothesis fails to consider that many of the characteristics of these "good genes" are directed by the mother's epigenetic environment:
potential cuckoldry from whom are supposedily the "most empathic people" fathers' should trust is the reality they have to face, even though said people may not benefit from it.


From biological processes, behaviour, sociological benefits, and genes, all the data points that women intrinsically desire for extra-pair copulation, and they're genetically equipped for secure extra-pair young to term & development.
This adaptation perhaps was useful in our ancient past where genetically dissimilar mates were difficult to obtain in a tribe solely women (like herds of elephants) or completely family group so to avoid incest. But, humanity has reach beyond those models in favor of monogamy/patriarchal-centric polygamy, which strongly contributed the construction of modern civilization.
In light of this, we can say that women's sexual strategy is maladaptive because the current ecological setting, if not detrimental to it. But as we all are well aware, you can't negotiate with female desire, so until something changes, we all have to move forward knowing that women are programmed to cheat by design and environment.

TLDR; :feelswhere::feelsstudy::giga:Yes, they are.:feelscry::feelsrope:
So being born in 1950s were the best years to be born. Some technology being used on daily basis like cars and also social life on significantly better level. 1950-2000 in the west were the Golden Age of Mankind
Dual mating strategy.
Women are indeed programmed to be hypergamous. Does the same go for males too?
If it weren’t for eve women wouldn’t have cheated on their husband - Prophet muhammed sahih Bukhari
I read a little bit of it,which is interesting. But way too long to read. I agree with women become more masculine part. From what I've seen in women ,is that everything gots to be perfect for them not to cheat and they cant have better options.

I look at a situation like locked down 23 and 1 on YouTube. Hes good looking that's how he got her and that's why she's with him. Even though he had nothing,not even a car when they met,and she did. She let him build his self up while they were together. He was lucky and had a dad that became successful with a business and put him on his buisness,so he was already making good money,and then became a youtuber. Now she doesnt have to work no more at offices.

So is she going to cheat? Most likely not,she's content and happy with what she's got. Now sometimes tall Chad's of tyrones are dumped because they dont want to work. I've seen that before. And if you are average to ugly and not working ,you are really seen as a piece of shit in her eyes. If you are average to ugly and got a good job,she might stay with you unless there is a better opportunity she can branch swing too.
So this how women see me
This post has data, studies, and references. This the kind of high IQ, high effort post that belongs in Must-Read.

@Master @Fat Link
This post has data, studies, and references. This the kind of high IQ, high effort post that belongs in Must-Read.

@Master @Fat Link
Done! :feelsokman:
I am programmed to cheat. If I ascended, the first thing I would do is cheat, then manipulate the bitch into thinking I won't cheat again, and then I cheat again :hax:
Those studies are flawed and misogynistic, sweatie. Women are perfect angels. :soy::soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:

^^^ Average response of a coping retard in the face of this profound evidence. :feelsjuice:

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