Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious An Increasing Majority Of Incels On This Site Are Mentalcels (Self Fullfilling Prophecy)

Except I care about physical pleasure
After you castrate yourself you will always feel like you just had sex all the time, never craving physical pleasure again, just that "aftersex" feel forever, no slaving away for years just to fuck some noodlewhore, no money wasted.

I haven't placed the restrictions on myself
You actually did. "I will not castrate myself, I will slave away for years just for a whiff of a pussy."

you and guys like yourself who will never date and will never pay for sex should probably chemically castrate yourself
Won't help since we're normal human beings who are hardwired to crave "love" and justice.

To make my point more clear, were both in an ice cream store, I would like to eat ice cream period (any flavor) but I prefer pistachio, you will only eat pistachio flavor and its your favorite, we both find out there's no pistachio left, in fact the only flavor sold at that store is vanilla

Me: "Guess I'll just take vanilla then"

You: "You should just forget about buying ice cream, don't bother there's no pistachio"
Bad analogy, vanilla ice cream don't hate you and don't living lavish lifestyle by exploiting you unlike whores.

maybe after "having my fill" I'll get tired of that too and stop escortceling (likely will)
You can reach this afterwhorefucking state now by castrating yourself.
You can reach this afterwhorefucking state now by castrating yourself.

I hope you see the irony in the fact that the people who would say that paying for sex is cucked would advocate for a man castrating himself (quite literally the highest form of self cucking imaginable)

You actually did. "I will not castrate myself, I will slave away for years just for a whiff of a pussy."

No need for exaggerations - "I will not castrate myself, I will work and build wealth like every other human on this planet, and rather than invest my resources into a single woman and children I'll spend it to fuck cheap whores"

I don't see whats wrong with that, at the end of the day all humans are pretty much "slaving away for years", I'm just investing those resources into things that are less of a gamble, I don't know if I'll have a whore daughter, a faggot son, a cheating wife, I could get all three, but when I pay a whore for sex, I get sex, its as simple as that, why spend on a gamble when you can spend on a guarantee

Would you be making your slaving away argument towards a user who is trying to wealthmaxx so they can get surgeries to improve their looks and try to ascend, they'd literally be slaving away ON A GAMBLE, and even if they get a GF there's no guarantee she won't cheat or leave them, ascension is just one gamble after next, a series of never ending games

"will she marry me"
"is the baby even mines"
"will she divorce me and take 50% of my wealth"

Are you as opposed to ascension as you are to prostitution?

If not I hope you see the extreme irony in that

A man spending money on a guarantee and you exaggerate about getting a "whiff of a pussy"

A man literally gambling with the actual possibility that may LITERALLY ONLY GET A WHIFF, and guys like you don't make such statements now do you

Is a gamble seriously money better spent to you than a guarantee?

Bad analogy, vanilla ice cream don't hate you and don't living lavish lifestyle by exploiting you unlike whores.

Like I keep telling you and you keep ignoring, as though you are purposefully avoiding the argument:

if you do everything with others in mind so much, you'll just lose sight of whats good for you and what benefits you, you'll lose sight of yourself

This mindset is the perfect example of cutting off your nose to spite your face

I'll ask again:

What is more important to you?
  1. Your enemy losing
  2. You winning
Both are not essentially the same thing, people who prefer to see others lose rather than themselves win will have a very self destructive lifestyle, and will do things that are too their own detriment just to ruin their enemies life a little bit, its a foolish way to live, I do what benefits me regardless of how it benefits others
I hope you see the irony in the fact that the people who would say that paying for sex is cucked would advocate for a man castrating himself (quite literally the highest form of self cucking imaginable)
You're egoless so cucking yourself shouldn't concern you. And how is this cucked, it's not like you lose anything by castrating yourself. What's actually cucked is making your enemies rich.

I don't see whats wrong with that, at the end of the day all humans are pretty much "slaving away for years", I'm just investing those resources into things that are less of a gamble
Well, you can work less if you give up on foids.

Would you be making your slaving away argument towards a user who is trying to wealthmaxx so they can get surgeries to improve their looks and try to ascend, they'd literally be slaving away ON A GAMBLE, and even if they get a GF there's no guarantee she won't cheat or leave them, ascension is just one gamble after next, a series of never ending games
Both is cuckoldry, there is no good, non-cucked solution to this problem in 2019, better to just give up on foids altogether.

if you do everything with others in mind so much, you'll just lose sight of whats good for you and what benefits you, you'll lose sight of yourself

This mindset is the perfect example of cutting off your nose to spite your face

I'll ask again:

What is more important to you?
  1. Your enemy losing
  2. You winning
You have given examples of corporations, video game developers, these people actually slave away just to please me and they don't hate me so it's okay to buy their products, you're not cucking yourself here at all. Whores just ldar and sell something that is free for 55% of people for enormous price. That's exploitation, I'm not going to make them win. Of course they'll win anyway because of paypigs, but at least it's not me who made them win. I will not win much by paying them anyway, because I crave companionship and because I can just jack off, so why fund their life of luxury?

I do what benefits me regardless of how it benefits others
Like I said castration would give you the same results without benefeting whores at all, it's free shortcut.
The "through tinder" part needs to be removed because that is a huge limiting factor, basically only 6/10 men can be volcel at that point and its getting worse and worse, as you yourself said: "The sexual market is incredibly skewed thanks to modernity"

So with your criteria for volceldom, as time goes on, less and less men would be volcel, just by virture of failing on tinder :feelskek:

Come on dude, you know that makes no sense
there's no other way to quantifiably say that someone "can ascend" than by looking at how well they fare on Tinder, which is why it's the only criteria that makes any sense. What you think someone can or can't do irl is irrelevant as there are so many different variables that come into play, i.e. social circle, betabuxxing, autism etc. whereas with Tinder it's very simple. Does he receive enough matches or not? If he doesn't then accusing that person of being a volcel seems purely speculative inferred on how you think they do irl
Jesus Christ, this is the lowest IQ post I've read from you to date. It's a bit obvious if you're on this site you're obviously too fucking ugly to participate in the game.

When people say they won't take out an average woman out on a date, it's because they already know it's a lost cause. The best a genetically inferior male can do is pull left wing cuck game, maybe pull one guilt trip coffee date, but 100% of the time it will lead to ghosting or the friend-zone, and not even a kiss or hand-holding.

I don't know why you are arguing for whores and sex. They way everyone on earth processes non-platonic love and affection is not a binary one-size-fits-all solution. It seems like you want it to be this way. It so happens that for many people here, whores are a cheap, filthy substitute for such a thing. You can't pay a whore to love you.
A lot of the users on this site seem to have deeply internalized self hatred and are essentially masochists in the way they live their lives, its as if in some way they get off on creating and imposing mental restrictions on themselves that deny them success and pleasure in life, and its like they are unaware of what they are doing to themselves, like its subconscious

It's not a self fulfilling prophecy if it's already happening without you controlling it.

The rulesets these men have placed on themselves means that they will remain sexually starved permavirgins, yet they come online everyday to complain about not getting sex, knowing full well the rulesets they restrict themselves by is what is actually keeping sex outside of their reach, it makes no sense to complain about a self imposed handicap, but its like they have some kind of mental block keeping them from making that connection and removing said handicap

Not really. If the non fakecels became very less bleak, that wouldn't change anything at all.

I see a lot of users speaking as if they would never pay for sex due to moral or ego based reasons ON TOP OF saying/alluding to that they would never date either because "I would never take a whore out on a date", they are never specific about what their criteria of a whore is, as far as I'm concerned all women today are whores, you aren't going to find any virgins anymore so at the end of the day you are paying for used goods.

I get if you're complaining about the second part, if you don't take a girl on a date and you have the option to, you're a volcel. Paying for sex though, doesn't make you any less incel.

I once asked a user who said he'd refuse to pay for sex because he doesn't get validation, if he would pay for dates (to point out the obvious irony of paying to gamble rather than paying for a guarantee)

His response was that he would not date modern women either because of how they are today, yet complained as if him never having sex isn't something he imposed on himself

Modern women are a problem, and if you're a sub-6 male, "dating" in the dating pool for YOU is just dine and dashers, basically foids who will go on a "date" with you, but only because they're going to be eating some food that isn't on them. Don't expect a reply the next day. If anyone was more positive about this type of situation, it wouldn't stop it from happening.




Like again, the first part doesn't make you any less incel. Literally ANYONE can pay for sex unless you look like the elephant man. Second part I would, but I would take precaution. Third part, I don't, because I'm not Chad. I don't expect anything, because even if I'm positive about it (like I was for YEARS before being involved in incel circles), the scenario never goes in my favor. At all.

A lot of this sites users are worse than feminists when it comes to logic (in some cases) and that's a feat in of itself. They have all these weird mentalcel self imposed restrictions that there is no way out of, the rules are purposefully set so that they will never get anything they want so that they can endlessly complain, its set so that they just have to remain a sexually starved permavirgin, these guys aren't operating on logic.

A lot of these guys speak as though women are literally just supposed to fall out of the sky onto their cock, some of these guys prove the "entitlement" meme feminists keep peddling around about incels, like they are larps doing it on purpose to spread a false narrative

I will never understand how someone gets to this point and can't be introspective enough to realize that they have locked themselves in a cage and they are holding the key, if you won't date, and you won't pay for sex, then you've closed off any oppurtunity to ever get sex, so why are you now complaining that you can't get sex, its makes no sense at all, its so confusing.

I mean, women do literally fall out of the sky for Chad's cock, but like again, we're not expecting anything except rejection because it's been happening for YEARS, YEARS before we joined incel circles, YEARS before we became negative, YEARS before we took the blackpill, etc etc. No matter how positive we are about it and no matter our ambitions, it literally won't happen.

I usually like your threads but this one is on the lower side of IQ.
Most men are betabux in a way or another. They're paying for dates or betabuxing a wife. I watched a video yesterday of a attractive guy and his 3 exes. All of them were saying that he used to pay for dates. A guy who mogs all 3 of the girls in question is paying for dates. Do you really think that the average guy isn't?

So yeah, most men are definitely paying in a way or another. Even the gl ones. Very few man can make a girl come diretcly to his house just to fuck him without a proper date.

Fucking Christ, your goddamn mindset has no bearing on whether you are incel or not. Your incel status is determined purely by how many wonen would fuck you. If the count is zero you are incel. Doesn't matter what else you say or think.

Go to incels.co and see threads with IT tier logic, it is truly over.


If you are literally too neurologically retarded to be able to navigate the typical courtship requirements for normie men then waiting for pussy is legit all you can do.

The brain can be just as fucked up as any other part of the body and it not working doesn't make someone volcel.

A lot of these guys speak as though women are literally just supposed to fall out of the sky onto their cock, some of these guys prove the "entitlement" meme feminists keep peddling around about incels, like they are larps doing it on purpose to spread a false narrative
Feminists get cock for doing literally nothing, and they offer their pussies up to Chad just because he's there, they have no business complaining about anyone else feeling entitled to anything sexual.

60% of the human population gets sex for nothing (100% of women and 20% of men) yet the ugliest dumbest motherfuckers of the remaining 40% get called "entitled" just because they're mad about being told to jump through 100 hoops just for a miniscule chance at sex.
Their whole argument is “Chad get X, then I deserve the same”. “Chad can have free sex, then paying whores is cuckery”.

I’m done arguing about what Chad is supposed to do. I suggest you to end this virtual crudade because no-one will listen to you.

Most incels take Chad as a parameter, their arguing is all about what their ideal Chad can get for free in life.

It’s bullshit, why on earth do I have to constantly comprare myself to an abstract idea of a Chad?
This is the same argument that dating coaches use to justify why their clients are not getting pussy despite trying their best. It's always your fault, it's because you haven't done this or that you are not getting laid. It's all in your head, you've imposed this limitation on yourself. Just get out there, fuck a hooker and ask women out lol. I'm 30 years old; I have heard this same garbage before, in fact, since my early 20s. I'm surprised that such a view is still being discussed and promoted, especially on a forum like this.
I could never ask them out any more, I'm just here to vent my fanatical hatred of them
If you have had sex, enjoyable sex, you'd understand why what you're saying here is complete Bs, it can't even be compared

Eh, subjective.

Some people may prefer to stimulate their penis through porn (bc conveniency, or whatever) , others may prefer to stimulate through prostitution (bc sex, or whatever) .

It's all ultimately coping with loneliness, whilst neither of those activities actually cures loneliness.

And loneliness is pretty much the core issue for most people here, or even irl.
I think OP is mostly right, though once you lose your virginity to a bona fide hooker (at which point it's mainly about getting your rite of passage over with, even if it is through a loophole), it's mainly about the validation as a human being. Depending on where you live, an escort's services might not even be worth the time and money, and the risk if you're in an incelphobic hellscape like the United States, where even complimenting a femoid's hair as a sub5 male can get you charged with sexual harassment, or at least a visit from Human Resources if you're stupid enough to talk to people at work as an incel.
Dating is fucking gay. I have never been tested as some mental health patient, but come on, I just can't understand why a man would ever talk to a woman to have sex.

You have sex when you get rich and can give the father of your bride a lot of pigs and a cow.

Everything else is gay AF. Anarcho-primitivist posadist revolution now.
'Mentalcels" cries the man who throws his money at whores but pretends to be better than the bluepilled cucks he speaks out against.
I can't even get a date so this doesn't apply to me,and yes I've tried approaching but only faced rejection and humiliation.
Like I said castration would give you the same results without benefeting whores at all, it's free shortcut.

Yes, killing your testosterone production as a man is a free shortcut to bad health, I don't even want to think about the unintended side effects of such a thing, I already don't even build muscle all that fast now, imagine how my health will go down once I stop producing testosterone at my normal rates

Are you serious about this, I don't think you've thought this through, you think your libido is just going to stop like magic and that's the end of it, nothing else bad happens, nothing is ever that simple. The side effects I've heard of are shit like reduced bone density, increase in weight gain, possibility of osteoporosis (a bone disease)

Like come on dude, its not worth it

How about this, you first, you go first, send my medical documents proving you've done it, then report to me about how great it is a year in, I guarantee you will come off of the drugs by then if not before when you start to feel the changes in your body, its ridiculous for someone who already has incel tier genetics, to destroy their libido, which is connected to sex hormones, which is connected to basically everything related to your health

Lets say I do go through with it, I get no side effects, my libido is completely killed


What do I do, let me guess - "hobbies, video games?"

I got tired of that shit years ago, it no longer really interests me, the interest I have with sex is not only physical, its because its something I haven't experienced fully, an act I haven't explored yet, while when it comes to games I've played so many they almost become a blur.

Even if my libido did die, I'd still be thinking about sex, I just wouldn't be aroused anymore

You can kill the want, but you can't kill "the want to want", you can kill your sexual arousal, but you can't kill your memories of arousal and orgasms, even if you don't crave it anymore, you'll still remember how good it felt, how enjoyable it was, and you'll want to feel it again

You can kill your want, but not "the want to want"
I already don't even build muscle all that fast now
The side effects I've heard of are shit like reduced bone density, increase in weight gain, possibility of osteoporosis (a bone disease)
Eunuchs live longer. All this "testosterone makes you healthy" is most likely broscience created by the same egomaniacs ("muh dick makes me real man") who promote nofap and I don't understand why egoless person would care about being slightly overweight or weak. Also, the alternative is to slave away for years just to make some whore rich.

How about this, you first, you go first, send my medical documents proving you've done it, then report to me about how great it is a year in
I didn't claimed to be egoless and I didn't claimed that I don't need companionship. If I castrate myself I would still crave for companionship and the sex need can easily be satisfied with fap. Also, vasectomy is banned in my country, so castration is probably too.

Even if my libido did die, I'd still be thinking about sex, I just wouldn't be aroused anymore
I become completely disinterested in sex after fap. I guess castratos are always like that.


What do I do, let me guess - "hobbies, video games?"

I got tired of that shit years ago, it no longer really interests me, the interest I have with sex is not only physical
I guess that's depression, I have this too, but it's because of realization that I would be incel forever and because of injustice. I don't understand how this can happen to egoless person who don't need companionship and have all his needs satisfied.
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All women are whores to chad. When you learn that, there is no point in even bothering to ascend.
I noticed that a lot of cucks are also whores for chad. Jfl its truly over..,
A lot of the users on this site seem to have deeply internalized self hatred and are essentially masochists in the way they live their lives, its as if in some way they get off on creating and imposing mental restrictions on themselves that deny them success and pleasure in life, and its like they are unaware of what they are doing to themselves, like its subconscious

The rulesets these men have placed on themselves means that they will remain sexually starved permavirgins, yet they come online everyday to complain about not getting sex, knowing full well the rulesets they restrict themselves by is what is actually keeping sex outside of their reach, it makes no sense to complain about a self imposed handicap, but its like they have some kind of mental block keeping them from making that connection and removing said handicap

I see a lot of users speaking as if they would never pay for sex due to moral or ego based reasons ON TOP OF saying/alluding to that they would never date either because "I would never take a whore out on a date", they are never specific about what their criteria of a whore is, as far as I'm concerned all women today are whores, you aren't going to find any virgins anymore so at the end of the day you are paying for used goods.

I once asked a user who said he'd refuse to pay for sex because he doesn't get validation, if he would pay for dates (to point out the obvious irony of paying to gamble rather than paying for a guarantee)

His response was that he would not date modern women either because of how they are today, yet complained as if him never having sex isn't something he imposed on himself




That is the very definition of a self fulfilling prophecy

A lot of this sites users are worse than feminists when it comes to logic (in some cases) and that's a feat in of itself. They have all these weird mentalcel self imposed restrictions that there is no way out of, the rules are purposefully set so that they will never get anything they want so that they can endlessly complain, its set so that they just have to remain a sexually starved permavirgin, these guys aren't operating on logic.

A lot of these guys speak as though women are literally just supposed to fall out of the sky onto their cock, some of these guys prove the "entitlement" meme feminists keep peddling around about incels, like they are larps doing it on purpose to spread a false narrative

I will never understand how someone gets to this point and can't be introspective enough to realize that they have locked themselves in a cage and they are holding the key, if you won't date, and you won't pay for sex, then you've closed off any oppurtunity to ever get sex, so why are you now complaining that you can't get sex, its makes no sense at all, its so confusing.
I think most of us are mentalcels
most people on this site are larping, especially the Low T animefag attention whores
why would I date a westernized skank when I can take plane ticket to SEA as a white man
why would I date a westernized skank when I can take plane ticket to SEA as a white man
even a 5/5 white foid looks better than the average noodleskank..on top of that,
asian woman are the most selfish, calculative and demanding
from all the horror stories I read about afwm couples
wifing up a noodlefoid seems like the worst thing a man can do
>Muh Self Fullfilling Prophecy

Dating is fucking gay. I have never been tested as some mental health patient, but come on, I just can't understand why a man would ever talk to a woman to have sex.

You have sex when you get rich and can give the father of your bride a lot of pigs and a cow.

Everything else is gay AF. Anarcho-primitivist posadist revolution now.
I like the anarcho primitivist idea boyo, fuck civilisation and technology
wifing up a noodlefoid seems like the worst thing a man can do
why would anyone marry? you sound bluepilled as fuck. why would I go out of my way courting a white western skank for the hopes of pussy when i can take flight over to SEA and fuck on first or second day knowing a bitch without having to go through a bunch of elaborate ritualistic dating scenarios just for the hopes I MIGHT get some ass? it is common to date a western whore for half a year before getting sex from her. why would i go through all this when I can fuck a submissive Asian whore slaving after my white cock?
why would anyone marry? you sound bluepilled as fuck. why would I go out of my way courting a white western skank for the hopes of pussy when i can take flight over to SEA and fuck on first or second day knowing a bitch without having to go through a bunch of elaborate ritualistic dating scenarios just for the hopes I MIGHT get some ass? it is common to date a western whore for half a year before getting sex from her. why would i go through all this when I can fuck a submissive Asian whore slaving after my white cock?
If you can do that than i think you might be a fakecel dude..
And you better hurry cos the competition is getting worse by the day even in sea
If you can do that than i think you might be a fakecel dude..
And you better hurry cos the competition is getting worse by the day even in sea
don't think being able to get pussy by flying literally across the world to a 3rd world shit hole equals im a fakecel, but yes, I agree that the competition is getting higher even in these places and the clock is ticking. im going as fast as I can. I believe I can do this year, before 2020.
High IQ OP to be honest

it's a shame that low iq coping fakecels have turned this into a thread about how you're always paying for sex unless you're chad. (low IQ.)

The majority of people on this site are absolutely mentalcels and I'd go further and say they're fakecels.

They haven't ever approached a girl. They haven't ever tried to looksmaxx or moneymaxx or statusmaxx. They don't want to put in any effort and would rather pretend that the world is out to get them because they don't live a Dan Bilzerian life as though it's owed to them.

I routinely get called a LARPer and an IT infiltrator on this site for pointing out the absolute bullshit that comes from lazy teenager LDARers who have no real world experience though, so what do I know
larps doing it on purpose to spread a false narrative
can't be introspective
These quotes here really have validity.
There is a form of argument multiple times a day about who's true, fake, LARP, jealous normies, prudes, trolls, etc.
The crime that mostly concerns me is distorting blackpill in such a dilusional fashion that it just comes out as immature, entitlement, misleading etc.
Without introspect, several years of suffering, and a real understanding the core of your inceldom. There is potential, because this is a voyeurism sensitive forum, that your inability to articulate, awareness / understand your limits. You are just being counter productive.
It's not a good idea to volunteer to be a mentalcel that spirals out of control out of convenience, and then misrepresent the forum and express yourself in such a shitty way to further your own agenda.

Expressing this shit is difficult I must say, not everyone has sufficient practice, but lack of discretion just brings the wrong kind of attention to people with the genuine plight.

So ya... False narratives, or another thing to add is that it's actually impossible for everyone to all agree with every radical, angry, hyper emotional post ever made on here. Because from a political perspective it's pretty fucking retarded how incels as a whole are being perceived.
The majority of people on this site are absolutely mentalcels and I'd go further and say they're fakecels.

They haven't ever approached a girl. They haven't ever tried to looksmaxx or moneymaxx or statusmaxx. They don't want to put in any effort and would rather pretend that the world is out to get them because they don't live a Dan Bilzerian life as though it's owed to them.

I've observed the same thing, a lot of these guys are fakecels who have used mental gymanstics to convince themselves that they are incel, no actual incel would have such huge egos, it would have already been destroyed by years of countless approaching and failure, their mindset does not reflect that of an incel, it reflects that of an entitled normie

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