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JFL "Advice from a 57 year old hugless, kissless, virgin"

Deleted member 101

Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017

Fuck. The idea of making it to almost 60 without even experiencing your first kiss terrifies the shit outta me. I can at least say I've hugged (IMO this isn't really an accomplishment, platonic hugs don't mean shit) girls but fuck. I don't know if I'd be willing to live at 30 without even kissing.

This is our fate if we don't rope.
I would rope far before reaching that point
@FrustratedWhiteMale thoughts?
cuck man simp reddit poster, eat shit

The fact he went out for the first time after decades and made friends and started playing fantasy football, thats so fucking NT (both to make friends that fast, and to be interested in that normie football LARP game normies play) AND the fact he enjoys going outside being around normies.


This is the Normicel I talk about. I cant fucking stand the Normiecel.
It's never too late!teehee:feelsrope:

This is so depressing to read, how cud normies still virtue signal.

It's always like this, you can't vent or show frustration, ur only allowed to stay in line even if you already got 1 leg in the coffin.

The fact he went out for the first time after decades and made friends and started playing fantasy football, thats so fucking NT (both to make friends that fast, and to be interested in that normie football LARP game normies play)


This is the Normicel I talk about.
I mean you can be autistic and have friends or enjoy fantasy football

But unless this dude's religious I cannot call him normie for making it to 57 without a kiss. Clearly something prevented him from achieving something most guys get in their teens.
@Emba thoughts?

The fact he went out for the first time after decades and made friends and started playing fantasy football, thats so fucking NT (both to make friends that fast, and to be interested in that normie football LARP game normies play) AND the fact he enjoys going outside being around normies.


This is the Normicel I talk about. I cant fucking stand the Normiecel.
trademark that term bro
im starting to believe it's true
Who did you hug and under what circumstances?
lol these are some of the worst copes I've ever seen
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fuck this "u don't need a relationship teehee" bullshit
I dunno...I'm a bit skeptical....it seems his friendships are based on activities. That isn't really friendship most people crave. Talking about sports and such is OK but these folks likely forget about him outside of that literal fantasy context.

I've had these types of friends and they dont' really seem to "care" about you. At least me...but its OK as I don't mind being alone. And if you have to act like a normtard to make friends, you're not even being a friend to yourself.
Who did you hug and under what circumstances?
Coworkers and some girls in school but I always had to initiate and they never did with me so sometimes I wonder if they only did it out of politeness and not because they wanted to
Jesus Christ Bro. I'd always imagine i were to never get laid, at least I would cope with money, but this nigga sounds poor. If I were him I would OD on Opiods earlier shieiieeett
I can at least say I've hugged (IMO this isn't really an accomplishment, platonic hugs don't mean shit) girls but fuck.

Maybe if he has a house paid off or something, some 50+ year old roastie who fucked up her finances and is poor might want to use him for the house (if he has one)
but I always had to initiate

there's your answer. if you have to initiate its over. most people are polite enough but remember non-verbal communication (that is not initiating with you or me) is 90% of communication. When people say shit like I've been really busy havent' had the time to hang out....they usually mean "hang out with you specifically" unless they work in Antarctica or something.
Maybe if he has a house paid off or something, some 50+ year old roastie who fucked up her finances and is poor might want to use him for the house (if he has one)
Even beta buxxers prefer some poor simp with at least some sex and dating experience. Not guys who make it to their 50s without kissing anyone.
"SeX iSn'T iMpOrTaNt AnYwAy SwEaTy, YoU sTiLL hAvE TiMe :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:"
My grandma is alone because her husband died, my grandmother remarried at 76 bla bla. These comments are annoying and add insult to this man's injury. The anaolgy is horrible. It's like comparing guy who was able to walk well throughout half of his life but lost his legs recently with an old man who is crippler since birth, and then telling the old crippler you don't be worried, look this guy who just lost his legs is also enjoying.
Coworkers and some girls in school but I always had to initiate and they never did with me so sometimes I wonder if they only did it out of politeness and not because they wanted to
Oh, come on dude... they wanted the "D". Potentially. The would have said no thanks if there was zero chance of it.
Oh, come on dude... they wanted the "D". Potentially. The would have said no thanks if there was zero chance of it.
M8 if you think a girl hugging you (that she didn’t even initiate) equates to her wanting the D then you are retarded
I’ve seen how girls act around good looking men they’re interested. Constantly chatting with them and initiating it, being flirty, touching. I’ve never had a woman do any of that. Most women don’t even talk to me unless I talk first. Otherwise I may as well be nonexistent.
For men, dying as a lonely virgin is a completely plausible reality.
M8 if you think a girl hugging you (that she didn’t even initiate) equates to her wanting the D then you are retarded
I’ve seen how girls act around good looking men they’re interested. Constantly chatting with them and initiating it, being flirty, touching. I’ve never had a woman do any of that. Most women don’t even talk to me unless I talk first. Otherwise I may as well be nonexistent.
Idk bro. Don't get offended, I'm not calling you a lying fakecel or anything. I'm just saying a hug might be deeper than you think. Might be a form of touchy flirting in and of itself.
The worst feel is knowing that this will eventually come unless I hurry up and rope.
Why wouldn’t he just fuck a hooker. I bet this guy has been avoiding getting sex all his life and if I gave him a beautiful, young, naked woman and said fuck her he will make all kind of excuses not to.
Why wouldn’t he just fuck a hooker. I bet this guy has been avoiding getting sex all his life and if I gave him a beautiful, young, naked woman and said fuck her he will make all kind of excuses not to.
I’m assuming he’s American. Hookers are illegal everywhere except in some place in Nevada just outside Las Vegas. Even then, quality hookers that look good, are clean, and won’t treat you like shit because of your looks and your virginity are expensive.
Also many incels won’t see hookers because they desire to have sex in a relationship by someone who likes them. They desire connection and real intimacy. Not paying someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire to have sex with you.
Me if I don’t find a cure for my disease and go to SEA.
I pledge my services to the grandmaster wizard. He is the fountain of mystical tradition and hidden knowledge.
I’m assuming he’s American. Hookers are illegal everywhere except in some place in Nevada just outside Las Vegas. Even then, quality hookers that look good, are clean, and won’t treat you like shit because of your looks and your virginity are expensive.
Also many incels won’t see hookers because they desire to have sex in a relationship by someone who likes them. They desire connection and real intimacy. Not paying someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire to have sex with you.

once you get to a certain age and realize you will never find love and intimacy what’s stopping you from having sex with prostitutes just for the sake of sticking your cock in a vagina. the legality issue will not stop you if you had the urge to fuck. prostitution is illegal almost everywhere in the world, including the international world capital for sex work Thailand. I’m telling you the guy is avoiding sex, probably because of a childhood trauma.
once you get to a certain age and realize you will never find love and intimacy what’s stopping you from having sex with prostitutes just for the sake of sticking your cock in a vagina. the legality issue will not stop you if you had the urge to fuck. prostitution is illegal almost everywhere in the world, including the international world capital for sex work Thailand. I’m telling you the guy is avoiding sex, probably because of a childhood trauma.
Dude said he’s poor. Going to Thailand ain’t cheap. And most men aren’t blackpilled so it’s obvious why they don’t want escorts.
Also Thailand they don’t police it well at all. Neither do they in the Philippines. Which is why pedophiles love it there.
I'm happy for him but despite his bluepilled agenda. I hate people who 'ascend' this way and think everyone else can just follow suit.

I'm 25 I know my chances are quite small - I'm not denying that. But it's realism to say it probably won't happen, not complete despair.
At least he won't have to deal with a nagging wife and getting ass raped in divorce court and losing his kids because of this cucked society we live under...
We have two fates: ER/rope or this
At least he won't have to deal with a nagging wife and getting ass raped in divorce court and losing his kids because of this cucked society we live under...
Hmm either have a horrible, unloving wife or die alone, lonely and unloved.

what a dilemma lol
How this shit is even allowed, how can you not allow a person to experience effection which is the most basic human desire for his whole life.I can't imagine being that age knowing that your life is about to end and yet you still haven't experienced something even 14yo has experienced.
How this shit is even allowed, how can you not allow a person to experience effection which is the most basic human desire for his whole life.I can't imagine being that age knowing that your life is about to end and yet you still haven't experienced something even 14yo has experienced.
I mean you can’t just force people to have sex with other people
But I think prostitution should be legal
''Also, I keep up with hobbies such as working on used cars in my past time''

Moggs me.

lol these are some of the worst copes I've ever seen
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fuck this "u don't need a relationship teehee" bullshit

This level of delusion is beyond anything. They are also trying to delude themselves on purpose ''I was looking for a comment like this to upvote''
They are all now in an echo chamber trying to convince each other that there is absolutely no problem if you are almsot a 60 year old virgin without any life experience whatsoever.
Just take some testosterone to increase your libido brah. Just wait until you hit retirement home brah.

That is one of the main problem in this society. People, specially men, are not only treated bad but they are trying to lie about it, they even delude themselves only so they can ignore reality.
Dude said he’s poor.

But he also said: ''(By the way, get a job if you dont have one).''

Just get a job brah. It is easy. Just work yourself to death for little money.

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