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Discussion Advice for teencels?

Go on welfare as soom as possible!
I'm only a few years removed from high school. Tinder was released years prior. The 7/10 "chad" at the top of our hierarchy had them propositioning him for blowjobs. It's overblown. At parties, in school, etc the best/top in that context are the ones that get sex.

Not every girl browses her phone at a party looking for a hookup after they leave. There would be no point in them going to night clubs, parties, etc if that were the case.
It gets WAY harder after high school. And it gets worse every year.
Prioritize everything that has to do with Looks and making money.
>Cut out meat and dairy
>Get a lean physique with low bf%
>Dont go into debt
> If you are not a poorfag where college ends up free DO NOT GO TO UNIVERSITY. Unless the job actually requires a degree like accounting, then avoid it. At worst do two years.community or Junior college and find out if you like it.

That's it, being physically fit with money will open up a lot of options.
If you could give teencels any advice for high school what would it be?
Looksmaxx and keep it going. Stay fit, get healthy, take care of hygeine, (slightly) style and fashionmaxx, workout (but don't gymcel into an abomination) and try to socialise with people. It's the last time in life where you'll get to make rough "small talk" with people without it seeming weird (too weird at least).
Also save money dude. Get your license and attempt to get a car as early as possible. Also get a job, doesn't have to be much, but if it's bringing you money, and you are ok with the work, then do it. Try to become the most normie or hightier normie tier dude in your highschool.
Even if it fails, and you don't have a gf by the time you leave highschool, at least you'll be in a MUCH better position than i am now. Stuck as a 20 year old KHHV NEET living with his mother, and i'm overweight and have bad hygiene. The earlier the better for doing all of these things.
Also try to keep fapping to a max of 2 a day, also stop watching porn. If you have "lazy" hobbies like videogames, movies, listening to music, and things like that, try to balance them out by doing physical activities like i mentioned above. You can do things like sports, or learning how to fight, working out and exercising etc. Just don't be a fucking couch potato, it gets you nowhere.

I look after teencels and youngcels like they're a younger brother to me, i care about you guys and want you to succeed.
Also, @ThePlagueDoctor you need to read this shit. This is some of the most beneficial things you could hear from me
There are absolutely people on the border. Maybe none who'd get rated by hardcore lookism people who even underrate some male models. Lol.

Either way there's no loss to improving your looks. God-tier skin can make a lot of people look better. There's a lot you can do if you're early in puberty.

Unless you're just saying every American girl is a landwhale then no. Regardless, it's a phenomenon specific to America. True landwhales are the ones that they don't need to get lucky with.
My point is, ascension for the average guy in high school is super fucking hard in this day and age, just ask @JohnWickCel. I'm not sure how many years ago you were in high school but goddamn. It's not 2010 anymore.
Also don't smoke
My point is, ascension for the average guy in high school is super fucking hard in this day and age, just ask @JohnWickCel. I'm not sure how many years ago you were in high school but goddamn. It's not 2010 anymore.
I don't think everything changed in 3 years. He doesn't even have an account on looksmax.org from what I see. We have no insight into his behavior. We don't know what school he goes to. You have no idea if he won't get lucky in his remaining years.

Was @Mrpvolts was a straight up a Chad larping? Or was he just a normie that got lucky?

I can tell you this with certainity: If I discovered the blackpill when I was 15 I would not be here or at the very least I would have had to LARP to post here.
I don't think everything changed in 3 years. He doesn't even have an account on looksmax.org from what I see. We have no insight into his behavior. We don't know what school he goes to. You have no idea if he won't get lucky in his remaining years.

Was @Mrpvolts was a straight up a Chad larping? Or was he just a normie that got lucky?

I can tell you this with certainity: If I discovered the blackpill when I was 15 I would not be here or at the very least I would have had to LARP to post here.
Lie to yourself all you want, genes are everything. Ascension is getting cucked in the end anyways. If I had the discovered the blackpill even at 12 I couldn't have ascended, I have a small frame, I am below 6 ft and I'm non-NT. Those things cannot be changed, I'm not sure what you had to work with back then.
ive seen so many ppl say "do everything in ur power to ascend in hs" but that is just completely unrealistic for some (such as myself back when i was in) depending on ur circumstances, if ur hated by everyone, have no talents, friendless, autist, and unattractive looksmaxxing wont do nearly enough and socially u will just look like at fool at every turn, i grinded though it because I thought things would get better afterwards but if i knew what i knew now i would've begged my parents to take me out or just rope
Start gymmaxxing. Don't even ask, just start working out. Start learning to cook and wash your own clothes. Don't waste time on parties. If your truly incel they won't get you anywhere. They will only leave you feeling miserable and hungover the next day.

The reason why you should learn all this stuff early on is simple. You'll be on your own later on in life with no wifey around. A wifey material female is just as much of a mythical creature for incels as a leprechaun or unicorn tbh.
Environment plays a role.
I'm not sure which one you were in, maybe you were surrounded by truecels.
Matters a lot less in high school than it does in the real adult world. Adult women value frame and height much more.
Height and frame matter a fuck ton to high school foids, just like it does to all foids. What are you even talking about?
Are you just LARPing as one are you actually diagnosed with autism or personality disorders?
From what I've seen I'm pretty sure I'm not neurotypical.
Looksmaxx and keep it going. Stay fit, get healthy, take care of hygeine, (slightly) style and fashionmaxx, workout (but don't gymcel into an abomination) and try to socialise with people. It's the last time in life where you'll get to make rough "small talk" with people without it seeming weird (too weird at least).
Also save money dude. Get your license and attempt to get a car as early as possible. Also get a job, doesn't have to be much, but if it's bringing you money, and you are ok with the work, then do it. Try to become the most normie or hightier normie tier dude in your highschool.
Even if it fails, and you don't have a gf by the time you leave highschool, at least you'll be in a MUCH better position than i am now. Stuck as a 20 year old KHHV NEET living with his mother, and i'm overweight and have bad hygiene. The earlier the better for doing all of these things.
Also try to keep fapping to a max of 2 a day, also stop watching porn. If you have "lazy" hobbies like videogames, movies, listening to music, and things like that, try to balance them out by doing physical activities like i mentioned above. You can do things like sports, or learning how to fight, working out and exercising etc. Just don't be a fucking couch potato, it gets you nowhere.

I look after teencels and youngcels like they're a younger brother to me, i care about you guys and want you to succeed.
Also, @ThePlagueDoctor you need to read this shit. This is some of the most beneficial things you could hear from me
Yeah man, I’m trying to looksmaxx otherwise I can’t say I haven’t tried.
Height and frame matter a fuck ton to high school foids, just like it does to all foids. What are you even talking about?
No, it definitively matters less among younger girls. If you were a prettyboy even if you were short you'd be able to fuck especially in early high school. There's a reason why people make memes about guys as "JB slayers" who are short with prettyboy faces.

Too many posts to quote but I'm just gonna tell you now. @GoffSystemQB you sound WAY too optimistic, hopefull, and it seems like you are trying too hard to bring teencels useless positivity.
No, it definitively matters less among younger girls. If you were a prettyboy even if you were short you'd be able to fuck especially in early high school. There's a reason why people make memes about guys as "JB slayers" who are short with prettyboy faces.

Here's the thing, not everyone has the genetics of a pretty boy. Pretty boys are pretty much chadlites with low T. Tell me, how do you intend to become a pretty boy then? Given the chance to be 15 again.

I'm going to have to repeat my point once more, genetics are everything. You can only do so much to ascend, if you're a high tier normie you probably can with loads of effort, but it if you're like most average guys, females won't fuck with you no matter how hard you try. They can just fuck the genetically superior football jocks and older men. You are underestimating the degeneracy of females, you seem to think that they will actually stick with their high school classmates instead off fucking older chads which they will totally do, due to their nature.

There's no point in saying that you could have ascended, you never did so how do you know?
Too many posts to quote but I'm just gonna tell you now. @GoffSystemQB you sound WAY too optimistic, hopefull, and it seems like you are trying too hard to bring teencels useless positivity.
There is zero point to anybody not attempting to try. The agepill is brutal and real. Every single year it gets worse and worse. Your competition in high school is nothing compared to College and the real world.
There is zero point to anybody not attempting to try. The agepill is brutal and real. Every single year it gets worse and worse. Your competition in high school is nothing compared to College and the real world.
I don't think there's anything wrong with trying, it's self improvement. But most teenagers will find themselves dissappointed due to making such an effort for foids and getting nothing out of it in the end. It's cucked if you do it for the foids because you're not getting anything in return for your efforts, if you do it in the name of self-improvement then I see nothing wrong with trying to be your best version, just don't go around thinking that it's gonna get you laid.
If someone talks down to you, get into a fight with them. You won't have this opportunity after 18 as you can get arrested.
Post in .co or join looksmaxxme
If you could give teencels any advice for high school what would it be?
Never be submissive to anyone, and never be afraid to beat the shit out of anyone who dares to disrespect you
fuck off, go play fortnite,do heavy drugs or whatever shit kids are doing now.
alternatively you can do me a favor and simply kill yourself

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