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A conversation I had with a so called ''rightwing''

Hey, first of all thanks for tagging me, this was quit a interesting read.

You really did read all of this? It was quite a lot.

I have to say it's still amazing to me, how many people seem to be unable to understand, how important having a driver licence is, in todays society. It's such a crucial part, of a persons developement, and shouldn't be ignored. I find it rather funny, how most people on this forum, who have a driver licence.

The thing is, most people do not get it. They think I am joking. Most likely people who can drive seem to be struggling to understand this. They are also unable to think of the most ovbious thing of why you cannot drive. I also made a thread about it:

''Also the topic driver licence came up. I also tried to explain to her, that I am struggling with driving itself. She could not get behind of it. I also explained to her, why she is unable to get behind of it. I used a comparison in order to make myself more clear:
''Someone who can walk never thinks about not to walk. But someone who cannot walk always thinks about walking. It is comparable to driving itself, since walking is as important as driving. It is basically essential for survival in this life and era.''

She was still unable to get behind of it. I then went on and said: ''Just think about something you are bad in it, now apply this to driving.''
Some sentences later, she said, that she is unable to swim and that she would like to learn it, since she and her own family love to travel.
And here it becomes quite obvious that we have 2 completely different people. Me, who is a fucking loser and a female, who is a mother and who has basically a decent life:
She has an own family
She has a driver licence
She has a car
She has 3 apprenticeships
She has a workpalce within the office environment
She has a lot of work experience, since she worked in several jobs
She is traveling around the world together with her own family
She is social and basically neurotypical

I am 25 and I do have nothing of it. How am I supposed to survive within the work environment? She asked me if I do think about such stuff on a regular basis. I agreed and I said, that I need to think about stuff i norder to get through the day. I guess you know what the next question was about. She asked me, if I suffer fro msomething like ''autism'', but I just said, that this word is most likely used as an excuse in order to cover up for your own incompetence.''

Act like not having one isn't a big deal, just like chad and stacy would probably argue that sex isn't that important. It's only when you're deprived of either sex or driving, that you're able to realise how significant it is.

If you cannot drive you simply cannot do anything at all. I was just watching Smallville and this series just reminds me, that it is absolutely significant to know how to drive. I cannot even do basic errands. In order to buy some groceries I need to go out with my backpack like a toddler while everyone else is just driving. They all do it like it is nothing... I do not get it why people can drive that easily to be honest.
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Read every word
Brb hiring a lawyer to read that.
Read the first sentence. But I just want to say driving feels pretty damn good
Such brag should actually be punished.

Driving has no effect on inceldom, it's not a brag at all. If it did, then conservative leaders back then would have never let women drive as they would see it as cucked.
Driving has no effect on inceldom, it's not a brag at all.

Ok, then why did you mention that driving feels good in the first place? Also, driving has a huge impact on life in general. Why is it that specifically people who can drive are in denial about that? @Joelossus @rightfulcel @azakhan
Ok, then why did you mention that driving feels good in the first place? Also, driving has a huge impact on life in general. Why is it that specifically people who can drive are in denial about that? @Joelossus @rightfulcel @azakhan

it feels good in the current quarantine, because we're all locked in. If quarantine wasn't on, I wouldn't say anything about it because it's as normal as shitting. I know you'll say "if you say it's as normal as shitting, you just proved how lucky you are to have driving be a normal thing". Thing is I don't live in Europe where architecture is built stacked on top of each other where everything is literally next to each other, and you can walk everywhere, go downstairs and your supermarket is there. And also you have good public transit


I have to live in this sprawled out dead suburbia where the grocery store is 50 km away.
Ok, then why did you mention that driving feels good in the first place? Also, driving has a huge impact on life in general. Why is it that specifically people who can drive are in denial about that? @Joelossus @rightfulcel @azakhan
Btw do you think Mercedes production will end Forerver in Ludwigsfelde?
it feels good in the current quarantine, because we're all locked in. If quarantine wasn't on, I wouldn't say anything about it because it's as normal as shitting. I know you'll say "if you say it's as normal as shitting, you just proved how lucky you are to have driving be a normal thing". Thing is I don't live in Europe where architecture is built stacked on top of each other where everything is literally next to each other, and you can walk everywhere, go downstairs and your supermarket is there. And also you have good public transit


I have to live in this sprawled out dead suburbia where the grocery store is 50 km away.
In Berlin at least 1/3 of the population doesnt have a driving liccence.
To be fair Last German lives in a suburb thoug where everyone has a car.
it feels good in the current quarantine, because we're all locked in. If quarantine wasn't on, I wouldn't say anything about it because it's as normal as shitting.

Right and now imagine you are unable to do it... Sucks, does not it?

Thing is I don't live in Europe where architecture is built stacked on top of each other where everything is literally next to each other, and you can walk everywhere, go downstairs and your supermarket is there. And also you have good public transit

False and also please stop this nonsense with ''good public transportation''. I have explained this over and over again, but you have a completely wrong image about Germany. I literally had to wait more than 2 hours for my bus to arrive. I literally have to wait 30 minutes for my train.

I have to live in this sprawled out dead suburbia where the grocery store is 50 km away.

We also have places that look exactly the same...

Btw do you think Mercedes production will end Forerver in Ludwigsfelde?

Why only specific for Ludwinsfelde though? They actually enforced reduced working hours in general as far as I know.

In Berlin at least 1/3 of the population doesnt have a driving liccence.

I think most likely men are affected by it. But this is indeed a concerning number and yet people here dismiss this topic completely and they think I am crazy or something.
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Right and now imagine you are unable to do it... Sucks, does not it?

Not specifically driving. Mainly just going out to get some sunlight so I don't kill myself. Tbh I have been going on daily walks and jogs so I get vitamin D. I've gone driving exactly once in the past 11 days, just to get groceries. If I had somewhere close, I would just walk. Driving isn't worth it with the cost of maintenance and insurance.
Nigga how did you remember all this shit?
Ok, then why did you mention that driving feels good in the first place? Also, driving has a huge impact on life in general. Why is it that specifically people who can drive are in denial about that? @Joelossus @rightfulcel @azakhan
No comment lol
thats a lot of fucking text dude lol
anyway i dont care about right or left wing tbh i just want to get some pussy
Literally this. Post is waaayy too long and fuck politics btw I'm not interested.
JFL, Germany has better a social safety net than the U.S. does for sure.

I don't get it either. You're 25 and you don't have €2k? How would you even be able to afford a car?
JFL, Germany has better a social safety net than the U.S. does for sure.

I don't get it either. You're 25 and you don't have €2k? How would you even be able to afford a car?

You surely did not read the thread which I do not mind but you also seem to missed the time where I explained this topic over and over again. Also keep in mind. This thread is actually not really about this topic. The other half of this conversation I had with those guys was about ''just become a pro gamer brah'' or ''just write a book about conspiracies brah''. I just want to show off how so called ''rightwing'' people think like.
You surely did not read the thread which I do not mind but you also seem to missed the time where I explained this topic over and over again. Also keep in mind. This thread is actually not really about this topic. The other half of this conversation I had with those guys was about ''just become a pro gamer brah'' or ''just write a book about conspiracies brah''. I just want to show off how so called ''rightwing'' people think like.

I got bored after reading two-thirds of it.

Yao Ming is like 7'6 by the way, why can't he play basketball?
And no, I don’t have a rich family, they haven’t paid for shit. My brother is 22 and he bought the car on finance.

There's only one word to describe a 22-year-old who takes out a loan to buy a €60k asset that loses half its value the moment he drives it: stupid.
I do not know. His comparison did not make any sense whatsoever.

Normies never make any sense.
There's only one word to describe a 22-year-old who takes out a loan to buy a €60k asset that loses half its value the moment he drives it: stupid.

He is just living his life. I envy him.

Normies never make any sense.

The thing is, he is actually ''rightwing''. The majority of them are actually bluepilled.
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If youre brown its for free
Based. You get everything pushed in the ass if you are a refugee in Germany. Childcare, Foids, driving licence university scholarships...

If they weren’t so low IQ they could almost live like women here.
My nation and the whole of Northern Europe are the clowniest societies which ever existed in the history of mankind :feelsclown:.

I hope Coronachan will fuck up the economy so people come to senses here otherwise we will cease to exists in a couple of decades.
Where should I go to?

Honestly, right wing, left wing, redpilled, bluepilled, blackpilled doesnt matter. Most of those replies are a reaction. Not much thought goes into those. Another flaw in human brain.
You dont know why you fail at it, right? I can empathize with that. I feel the same about some other things.
Honestly, right wing, left wing, redpilled, bluepilled, blackpilled doesnt matter. Most of those replies are a reaction. Not much thought goes into those. Another flaw in human brain.

That is indeed true, despite the fact I have explained this topic to him over and over again, he was basically unable to get behind of it or at least to accept it.

You dont know why you fail at it, right? I can empathize with that. I feel the same about some other things.

This is why I brought up several comparisons in order to explain it to him but he refused to accept it.
He told me ''just become a pro gamer brah'', ''just write a book about conspiracies brah'', ''just leave germany brah:: or ''just become a teacher brah''.

All this stuff is easy to say if you do not have to follow any of your own ''advices''.
There's only one word to describe a 22-year-old who takes out a loan to buy a €60k asset that loses half its value the moment he drives it: stupid.

Normies never make any sense.
how about spending 10k on an asset (an engagement ring) that will lead to your inevitable ass rape ?
Men I don't think you are that bad at driving you haven't even got an opportunity to really learn. Simulation is absulute shit and a waste of time you only learn doing the real thing change to another driving school if necessary.
Driving is like a video game you get good at practicing try to drive illegaly in remote areas to train.
I also have problems but i am already good at driving but i always fuck everything up because i can't control my nerves
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Men I don't think you are that bad at driving you haven't even got an opportunity to really learn.

Once again, this thread is actually not about this topic. But you would not say this, if you would see me driving.

Simulation is absulute shit and a waste of time you only learn doing the real thing change to another driving school if necessary.

It looks like that you do not know the full story about it which is fine because this thread is not about this topic.
Let me explain it to you, briefly:
On the first driving lesson (which was a double lesson) the driving teacher told me, that I have no foundation whatsoever. On the second one, he canceled the lesson at some point. He then told me I should do driving simulation first. Keep in mind that I wil lturn 26 in a couple of months.
I had to do 10 lessons of driving simulation. Even on my last lesson, I could not get comfortable with it. This is not normal at all. I also made a thread about it.
Now, if I am struggling like this with driving simulation, I will even more struggle with real driving.

Driving is like a video game you get good at practicing try to drive illegaly in remote areas to train.

This is the same condescending attitude I experienced while chatting to these so called ''rightwing'' people. You do not know what you are talking about. Just drive illegaly brah. I am really tired of this nonsense.

I also have problems but i am already good at driving but i always fuck everything up because i can't control my nerves

You already can drive...

Have you tried driving karts in an amusement park? Or a motorcycle?

I just want to know how to drive.
That was a tedious but sort of funny convo bub, but yeah I think I came to the conclusion that right wingers are generally low IQ. That doesn't mean they are wrong though. Anybody wants to see this watch the Eric Striker vs Destiny debate. Grug brain vs scientifically literate liberal
Denying the drivers license pill is bluepilled as fuck.

Denying the drivers license pill is bluepilled as fuck.


By the way, despite the fact I said it a couple of times but I want to repeat myself here once again to make myself clear. This thread is actually not about that topic. This conversation shows more than that. It shows the mindset of so called ''rightwing'' people and it shows that although they think they are at least redpilled, they talk typical bluepilled nonsense like ''just go for a sports schoolarship brah'', ''just become a pro gamer brah'', ''just write a book about conspiracy theories brah'' or ''jsut ebcome a teacher brah''.
By the way, despite the fact I said it a couple of times but I want to repeat myself here once again to make myself clear. This thread is actually not about that topic. This conversation shows more than that. It shows the mindset of so called ''rightwing'' people and it shows that although they think they are at least redpilled, they talk typical bluepilled nonsense like ''just go for a sports schoolarship brah'', ''just become a pro gamer brah'', ''just write a book about conspiracy theories brah'' or ''jsut ebcome a teacher brah''.
I got baited into it by InkwellSlayer tbh

Im completely bored of any sort of "license pill" discussion because it's stupid. There is an even bigger issue at play that causes your or anyone else's inability to drive a vehicle.

Its not like flying a plane or a train. Literal retards are out there driving.
Read every word, you have my sympathies.

My comments in no particular order

You can be blue pill and right wing, red pill and left wing, none of that has anything to do with each other, one is a political alignment, and the other is a socio-sexual alignment. Plenty of hard right folks are /extremely/ blue pilled and think women (especially white women) are pure white angels that shit snow.

With that out of the way, I have to ask with all due respect, what do you want? What were you looking to get out of this conversation? Empathy? Solutions? Pity? Agreement that your life is hopeless and it's time to rope? What do you want to hear?

Because this is not rocket science.

Option 1 - Push thru and learn to drive by any means necessary. I would not necessarily trust any driving instructor or simulations for assessment, they have a vested interest to make you stay in the course so of course they are going to say "you are doing horrible." You would do much better with an old car in an empty lot, and just practice practice practice.

Option 2 - Ok we have accepted that driving for you is not gonna happen. So get comfortable walking, bicycling, ubering or taking public transport everywhere. While it may feel "cucked" you can lie to people and just say you are trying to prevent global warming, or that you don't like to drive. In the city I live in (big city) almost nobody has a car. Last year my license was suspended and I had to take uber everywhere. I thought it would be unimaginably painful but after a couple of days I really didn't give a shit.

Option 3 - You can't drive, you're too embarassed to take a bus, you're on the spectrum and your social anxieties are running wild. So the problem now is just finding some way to support yourself. First thing I would look at is Neetbux/Disability (Don't know how good Germany is with that.) Second thing I would look for is any kind of "work from home" opportunities. Learning to code, making websites, remote IT support, proofreading, customer service, etc etc. Whatever you think you can do.

Option 4 - You can't drive, you can't get out of the house, you can't work from home, well at least your parents can support you for now, and hopefully they have some savings to help you when they pass away. Worse comes to worse, you will eventually become homeless. Again I don't know how good Germany is with this, my gut feeling is that they would probably have a pretty good safety net (well it is a first world country after all.)

Option 5 - Start researching a way to escape this mortal coil. (Disclaimer : Personally, I think this is really crappy option, I mean you're only 25, it would be a huge waste.)

So those are your options, can you think of some others?
Plenty of hard right folks are /extremely/ blue pilled and think women (especially white women) are pure white angels that shit snow.

Funny is, I can actually make another thread about this topic specifically.

With that out of the way, I have to ask with all due respect, what do you want? What were you looking to get out of this conversation? Empathy? Solutions? Pity? Agreement that your life is hopeless and it's time to rope? What do you want to hear?

It actually all started little as you can see. First we talked about escorts and then we swapped over to other topics. I quoted most of it. This is also the first time I talked to these people and I will never do that again.
I most likely thought we would at least find a common basis of understanding and I was wrong.

Option 2 - Ok we have accepted that driving for you is not gonna happen. So get comfortable walking, bicycling, ubering or taking public transport everywhere. While it may feel "cucked" you can lie to people and just say you are trying to prevent global warming, or that you don't like to drive. In the city I live in (big city) almost nobody has a car. Last year my license was suspended and I had to take uber everywhere. I thought it would be unimaginably painful but after a couple of days I really didn't give a shit.

Sorry, but did you read any of my threads regarding to this topic? Also, you did not give any shit because you already had a driver licence and you can drive. Stop giving me this bluepill attitude here.

Second thing I would look for is any kind of "work from home" opportunities. Learning to code, making websites, remote IT support, proofreading, customer service, etc etc. Whatever you think you can do.

Sorry, but you really sounds like the people I talked to. ''Just learn how to code brah.''. ''Just make a website brah''.

So those are your options, can you think of some others?

Like I said, this thread is actually not even about this topic. So, why do you only focus on that part despite the fact you read anything? Why do you give me the same bluepill nonsense like the people I have talked to?

Despite the fact you gave me the same nonsense, I still appreciate the fact, that you actually read the whole thing. Ultimately, there is no option nor solution to it. You said, that ''I am just 25''. Do you really think that I am young? Of course I am younger compared to people that are older than me, but they have a foundation at life.
It looks like you forgot one important factor. I do not have any foundation whatsoever. I cannot drive, I do not have any social circle, no female, no apprenticeship, no significant ceritication, no real skills and no motivation. My youth is basically gone. The best time at my life is over. Yes, there are of course people who have it much worse than me, no doubt. But this is my situation and I am telling you how it is.

You are actually like the people I have talked to. You are talking to me in the same condescending way. ''Just do this brah'' or ''just do that brah''. If it is so easy, I would not be in this situation.

I also have some questions for you. Despite the fact you read anything, why did you only focus on that ''driving part''? Despite the fact you read anything, why did you give me the same bluepilled advices like the people I have talked to?
Let us be honest here, you actually know how I think about this topic and yet you told me I should use a bicycle. Why are you doing this?
Also, you did not give any shit because you already had a driver licence and you can drive.

So what does a driver's license/ability to drive represent to you? A status symbol? Proof of manhood? Pussy qualification?

What would you do with a car that you cannot do now?

You said, that ''I am just 25''. Do you really think that I am young? Of course I am younger compared to people that are older than me, but they have a foundation at life.
It looks like you forgot one important factor. I do not have any foundation whatsoever. I cannot drive, I do not have any social circle, no female, no apprenticeship, no significant ceritication, no real skills and no motivation. My youth is basically gone. The best time at my life is over. Yes, there are of course people who have it much worse than me, no doubt. But this is my situation and I am telling you how it is.

Yeah I get it, your life is a joke, but that's not really unusual at 25.

If you want a real blackpill, ask me how many 40 and 50 year olds I know whose life is all of the above + health problems, it's alot more common than you'd think. Life is not TV. Success is rare. Failure is the default.

You are actually like the people I have talked to. You are talking to me in the same condescending way. ''Just do this brah'' or ''just do that brah''. If it is so easy, I would not be in this situation.

Not sure what else you're wanting/expecting to hear.

See below.

I also have some questions for you. Despite the fact you read anything, why did you only focus on that ''driving part''? Despite the fact you read anything, why did you give me the same bluepilled advices like the people I have talked to?
Let us be honest here, you actually know how I think about this topic and yet you told me I should use a bicycle. Why are you doing this?

Why, what else would I focus on? Your right wing buddies being blue-pilled?

I suppose I made the mistake of thinking you wanted solutions.

Now I think you just want agreement that your life is hopeless and there's nothing you can do about it.

Is that accurate?
So what does a driver's license/ability to drive represent to you? A status symbol? Proof of manhood? Pussy qualification?

What would you do with a car that you cannot do now?

Are not the answers obvious to it? Are you actually serious right now because it sounds pretty condescending to me and I am not in the mood to play ''answer my questions''-game. So, I will give you only a short explanation to it:
- Driving is necessary in this life and era in order to basically exist
- Having a car is not only a status symbol, it is significant in order to survive in this life and era
- Knowing how to drive is indeed something that every men should be capable of
- Knwoing how to drive is also a masculine trait, since it is a symbol of freedom and being independent
- You need to drive in order to be seen as normal

Be real here, you actually know the answers to all these questions, specially if you read all of my text and know my threads regarding to this specific topic. So, please stop playing around.

If you want a real blackpill, ask me how many 40 and 50 year olds I know whose life is all of the above + health problems, it's alot more common than you'd think. Life is not TV. Success is rare. Failure is the default.

Did you read my last post because I actually gave an answer to that already:
Yes, there are of course people who have it much worse than me, no doubt. But this is my situation and I am telling you how it is.

Also I am actually aware of it due to the fact I worked at warehouse logistics and I met such men first hand.

Now I think you just want agreement that your life is hopeless and there's nothing you can do about it.

I have to interefere here. Although you said, that you did read my thread you still missed the point of it:
This thread shows how most of the men who are rightwing actually thinks like. They talk about ‚red pill‘ suff but in the end they are more bluepilled than anybody else.

But I slightly agree here that this was my intention back then when I had this conversation. But this thread is not about it. It just shows the mindset of rightwing people. In fact, I am actually agreeing with specially non-whitecels here who call out rightwing people for being cucks or weak in general.

Not sure what else you're wanting/expecting to hear.

Sorry, but what is even your intention here? Because this seems kinda pointless to me. You are just asking the same questions over and over again despite the fact I already gave the answer to it. You came into this thread with the attitude of ''what are you expecting to hear''. This thread is not even about this. You say that you did read it, yet you seem to missed the first paragraph which is once again this line:
This thread shows how most of the men who are rightwing actually thinks like. They talk about ‚red pill‘ suff but in the end they are more bluepilled than anybody else.
I can say what I do not want to see here: typical statements, specially if I had a whole conversation about it and then someone here comes along and give me the exact same bullshit again. How do you think I am going to react to this?

And for some reason you are focused on that ''driving part'' despite the fact that this thread is not even about it. Why is that?

Why, what else would I focus on? Your right wing buddies being blue-pilled?

They are not my buddies. This was actually the first time I talked to them.
First off, why did you ignore all of my questions and instead you are once again asking me question?
But I will answer your question by quoting myself:
This thread shows how most of the men who are rightwing actually thinks like. They talk about ‚red pill‘ suff but in the end they are more bluepilled than anybody else.

By the way, this topic is actually not about driving itself. It just happens that we also talked about it. I just quoted everything. The other half of the text is about ''just write a book brah'', ''just become a pro gamer brah'' or ''just go to Alex Jones brah''. In this thread I wanted to show how so called rightwing people are thinking and that they are actually bluepilled.

You said you read my text and yet for some reason you did not read that part? Once again, this thread is actually exactly about that topic. It is about how rightwing people think like.

I suppose I made the mistake of thinking you wanted solutions.

I actually think that perhaps your intention is not malicious at all and like the people in the conversation I had with, you actually want to give me a helping hand, but as you can see, I never asked for that. First off, this thread is not even about that and secondly, you actually cannot help me out and I am aware of it.
Also, you really sounds like someone from the conversation, also a bit condescending as well.

I also want to ask you, why do you think I want a ''solution''? A ''solution'' to what actually?

Now I think you just want agreement that your life is hopeless and there's nothing you can do about it.

Once again, this is not the point of this thread. My point is:
This conversation shows more than that. It shows the mindset of so called ''rightwing'' people and it shows that although they think they are at least redpilled, they talk typical bluepilled nonsense like ''just go for a sports schoolarship brah'', ''just become a pro gamer brah'', ''just write a book about conspiracy theories brah'' or ''jsut ebcome a teacher brah''.
Sorry for the long delay, I've been mentally munching at what you wrote.

Are not the answers obvious to it? Are you actually serious right now because it sounds pretty condescending to me and I am not in the mood to play ''answer my questions''-game. So, I will give you only a short explanation to it:
- Driving is necessary in this life and era in order to basically exist
- Having a car is not only a status symbol, it is significant in order to survive in this life and era
- Knowing how to drive is indeed something that every men should be capable of
- Knwoing how to drive is also a masculine trait, since it is a symbol of freedom and being independent
- You need to drive in order to be seen as normal

Objectively none of that is even remotely true.

Subjectively is subjective, I notice you say "condescending" alot, like you always feel lower. I don't really think it has anything to do with cars but you probably think it does.

But this thread is not about it. It just shows the mindset of rightwing people. In fact, I am actually agreeing with specially non-whitecels here who call out rightwing people for being cucks or weak in general.

Right wing people tend to prioritise their own race over others. Part of that is keeping "our" women protected, because that's how you continue the race. A tribe that don't keep its women protected won't be a tribe for long.

Of course ethnicels would have a problem with that since they are trying to become included into the host society.

The word "cuck" means you let some other guy bang your woman, or in the case of right-wing, another tribe bang your women. So even if she's a "slut" that's not really the focus of right-wing thinking. It differs in the calculus of racial dynamics vs gender dynamics.

Sorry, but what is even your intention here? Because this seems kinda pointless to me.

My intention is to socialize.

It all seems kinda pointless including this thread.

I can say what I do not want to see here: typical statements, specially if I had a whole conversation about it and then someone here comes along and give me the exact same bullshit again.

Well, people can tell you what objectively your options are, you may not like any of them.

I thought you wanted solutions so I replied.

And for some reason you are focused on that ''driving part'' despite the fact that this thread is not even about it. Why is that?

Then I missed the point of the thread.

I gather you are more interested in gender dynamics than racial dynamics, hence you find flaws in right-wing thinking, and they find flaws in yours.

Okay but so what? Everybody in the world isn't going to agree, people have different priorities.
Objectively none of that is even remotely true.

All my keywords I gave you are true. Why cannot people just accept how it is? Why are you in denial about that?

- Driving is necessary in this life and era in order to basically exist
- Having a car is not only a status symbol, it is significant in order to survive in this life and era
- Knowing how to drive is indeed something that every men should be capable of
- Knwoing how to drive is also a masculine trait, since it is a symbol of freedom and being independent
- You need to drive in order to be seen as normal

What exactly is wrong with my keywords? If you cannot drive you are even unable to do basic errands. You cannot even do groceries, this is why I said that it is indeed necessary in this life in order to exist. 50 million cars in Germany just confirms my point. And pelase, do not give me any bluepilled answer to it because first off this thread is not even about that and I am also somewhat tired of it.

Subjectively is subjective

And nothing I have posted here is subjective. In fact, it is a summary and all my keywords are correct. This is how life works today and i just accepted it instead of being in denial about it.

I notice you say "condescending" alot, like you always feel lower.

Because it is true. Like I said. I just tell you how it is. This is how life works.

I don't really think it has anything to do with cars but you probably think it does.

Please stop making up assumptions.

Right wing people tend to prioritise their own race over others.

You really do not need to tell me anything about that since I am well aware of it. I also can tell you, that a good handful of people there are also talking a lot of nonsense. Plenty of them are indeed coping or perhaps even in denial about certain topics and this is what this thread is about.

The word "cuck" means you let some other guy bang your woman, or in the case of right-wing, another tribe bang your women. So even if she's a "slut" that's not really the focus of right-wing thinking. It differs in the calculus of racial dynamics vs gender dynamics.

Sorry but this attitude of yours is kinda annoying and once again also a bit condescending as well. You do not need to explain anything to me because I am aware of it. I also never asked for it in the first place.

Also, you are correct here but once again you missed this definition: ''a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views).''

Before you want to call me out for that, you really should put more effort into it.

My intention is to socialize.

It all seems kinda pointless including this thread.

Perhaps this might your intention here, but this thread is not even about it. In fact, it is a summary of how rightwing people think like. Nothing more and nothing less.

If it is really true what you are telling me here, I do appreciate the attempt for lending me a helping hand but like I said, this thread is not about it and I am tired of repeating myself.

Well, people can tell you what objectively your options are, you may not like any of them.

I still missed the time where I asked for any options since I am well aware of it. You are also the only one here who is talking like this. Also, why are my statements subjective and all other stuff from other people are objective?

I thought you wanted solutions so I replied.

Why do you think like this? You are making up a lot of assumptions here.

Sorry, but you really seem to have an issue here. Once again:

By the way. I used caps here to make myself clear. I am not lashing out on you, in fact, I really want to make sure, that you really get this point since I have explained myself to you for the third time and you still seem to have troubles to understand it.

Then I missed the point of the thread.

Yes, I already told you that. That kinda makes your whole comment pointless to be honest. I tried to explain it to you for the third time now. I told you over and over again, that this thread is not even about that, yet you completely dismissed it for some reason.

I gather you are more interested in gender dynamics than racial dynamics

I am interested in plenty of topics. Both are topics I am of course interested in, since it belongs to biology and it is indeed an interesting subject, therefore I am in touch with it for several years now.

Okay but so what? Everybody in the world isn't going to agree, people have different priorities.

This thread is not about to agree or disagree. In fact, it is a summary of what I have experienced. Of course you can disagree with the whole summary but you did not do that, in fact, for some reason you are focused on that ''driving part'' despite the fact this is only a part of the summary itself.

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