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A conversation I had with a so called ''rightwing''



Nov 2, 2018
This is most likely the most cringe-worthy thread that I will ever post but this conversation actually really happened.

This thread shows how most of the men who are rightwing actually thinks like. They talk about ‚red pill‘ suff but in the end they are more bluepilled than anybody else.

I know that this is a lot of text and that most people will not even read it but I will still post it since I did spend a lot of time into it. Also @Joelossus
We have 3 participants.
Rightwing Person 1
Rightwing Person 2

Everything in BOLD is a quote
Everything in BOLD and italic is a direct quote within Skype itself.

Rightwing Person 1: ‚okay for a decent escort yeah expensive but not every place is going to bankrupt you

Well, if I want to visit a decent white and blonde/German whore (which I do not want to) every week, I have to pay a lot for it. It is not affordable and I do not want that in the first place

Me: Well, if I want to visit a decent white and blonde/German whore (which I do not want to) every week, I have to pay a lot for it. It is not affordable and I do not want that in the first place. Dude... it is so fucking over. A lot of men cannot even fucking drive... What is even going on... They want to take cars away from men. I just cannot anymore. Everyone has become a fucking sissy. Everyone is a slave to females.

I have mentioned this topic earlier on in this discussion, we talked about how Germany is being ruined on an economical level, for example Mercedes is enforcing reduced working hours.

Rightiwng Person 1: lol they cant drive? Germans have Autobahn. I thought every dude knows how to drive.

This basically shows how gullible most people actually.

Me: Well, we do have actually a growing number. For example; Even the media in USA confirmed it: ''More females have a driver licence than men.''

Rightwing Person 1: Also at least in America we have a car culture thank god kids at 13 and 14 are already driving and at 16 you can get a license to drive.

I did not like his attitude at all.

Me: By the way, I am 25 years old and I cannot fucking drive

Rightwing Person 1: It sucks though I know a lot of European dudes in their 20s that haven't driven a car or have the license.

Here I thought he would at least understand from where I am coming from, but I was wrong… very wrong…

Rightwing Person 1: 25 and you cant drive wtf come on man

First he tells me, he knows a lot of guys in Europe in their 20s who cannot drive and here he is being shocked…

Also at least in America we have a car culture thank god kids at 13 and 14 are already driving and at 16 you can get a license to drive.

Me: Yea... but you also have to pay 20$ for your fucking licence... Here in Germany you have to pay at elast 2000 Euro.

Rightwing Person 1: how you gonna stock up on the virus essentials like that? like toilet paper and vodka. Will you become a raider then?

At this point I knew that this conversation will be something else…

Rightwing Person 1: what is stopping you just the money situation to get the license?

Me: Think about it, what is stopping me?

Rightwing Person 1: okay but in most first world countries people drive im not sure about Europe but in usa, a lot of areas are like car centric cities and towns you cant get around unless you have a car

I do not even know why he is talking like this. This is all obvious. He is also seems even unaware of the car culture in Germany despite the fact he brought up the term Autobahn.

Me: Sorry, but this shit is triggering to me because I have this conversation quite a lot. People do not get me.

Rightwing person 1: well it certainly isn't some female bitch anyone can go out and get a license

Rightwing Person 2: ok tell us the reason, how are we supposed to know?

Me: Can nobody think of a reason, despite the fact it is obvious?

Rightwing Person 1: what was it the female test instructor for the test to take the exam or the road test? I had a female I had to take the test with too and she was a old cranky bitch

Me: What?

I still do not what he is trying to say here.

Rightwing Person 1: luckily I charmed her and was friends with her mentor a cool irish dude

Rightwing Person 2: the price thing i dont accept because i used to drive in parking lots and stuff since the age of 15

Typical humblebrag. Muuhh, I do not believe you. Everybody has more than 2000 Euro brah. I was driving since the age of 15 brah. By the way, I jsut want to add once again that money is not an issue anymore but it is still a factor.

Me: So...?

Rightwing Person 2: you can drive without paying 2000 euros for a licence

No, you cannot. This is simply not true and he has no clue what he is talking about here.

Rightwing Person 1: it can only be money what else can hold you back unless your missing legs like jf gariepy who has no lower body

Rightwing Person 2: just practice how is it difficult

Rightwing Person 1: is it a kgb operation to keep you from driving?

Haha… funny.

Rightwing Person 2: no such thing, just need practice

Me: You would not say that if you would have seen me driving

Rightwing Person 1: wtf its the most natural thing for a man to drive we made the damn machines in the first place

Me: Ohhhhhhh realllly?! Wooow...Do not you think it is even more infuriating because of it?

Rightwing Person 1: well that's the modern world bub. we don't make our civilization centered around the horse travel anymore. besides id much rather drive on paved concrete then ride a horse on dirt roads and destroy my hip before age 40 from riding constantly

Sure brah. Bub brah.

So, I think I have captured enough text about this topic. I will now make some jumps since at this point it is back and forth and back and forth… and he still is unable to get behind of it.

He basically gave the typical nonsense as a reply, such as: Ask a relative brah, ask your dad brah… Sure. I mean this is not stuff that is obvious, right?

He also asked me questions like, how do you want to do groceries and what if the power went out… This chat was so fucking irritating. He was talking to me like I am a toddler and that I did not even tried despite the fact he does not even know me.

I told him, that he is basically answering his own fucking questions because I cannot do shit.

He also asked me, what do you want to do when a storm is happening? Do you sit at home and die? I mean, is this guy even serious at this point? He kept going on asking me stupid questions despite the fact the answer to it, is obvious.

He was also trying to convince me that Europe has generous programs… which they do not have at all. Funny is, first he seems to be unaware of how Europe works and know he knows everything of it. I seriously, hate people like this. He has basically no clue what he is talking about and I am actually still pretty sure, he was torlling the entire time.

He was then talking about Yao Ming for some reason. He said, if somebody like him could play basketball, that I can drive…

I think that shows how stupid rightiwng people actually are.

He then said, if I am smart enough I should go for a sports scholarship… I mean, What are we even talking about here? Just get a sports schoalrship brah, it is easy brah. By the way, I am actually too old for it. So, that is not even a thing anymore.

At this point I will once again quote relevant stuff like this:

Rightwing Person 1: okay well there is tons of sports im sure one will take you. maybe the nihilist league you would do well in that

I did not even think ot the ‘nihilist league‘ brah… No seriously, at this point I knew I was talking to a fucking idiot.

Rightwing person 1: ask your mom or dad to borrow theirs or for tips

He was saying the same stuff over and over again. Ask your dad, ask your mom, ask your relatives, ask this guy, do this, just do sports brah…

He also said, if they are bsuy ask them on the weekend brah. I seriously could not stand how he was talking to me.

But then he finally admits it:

Rightwing Person 1: okay EVERYONE is bad at something though

But then he once again gave some bluepilled gibberish:

Rightwing Person 1: everyone is bad when they first try something. it takes time thats all

At this point I just explained everything to him because I was tired hearing all of this nonsense from him.

Me: Ok, please hold on. I will explain it to you. On the first driving lesson, which was a double lesson, the driving teacher told me that I have no foundation whatsoever. On the second one he told me that I should do driving simulation first. I had to do 10 driving simulation lessons. Even at my last lesson, I was still struggling with itI will explain it to you why that isI am just struggling to get behind of it. I am struggling to stick to the road properly, since I am leaning to much to the right side of it. I am also struggling to adjust the speed in regards to the road signs. I am also struggling to adjust my speed regarding to the general traffic, I am struggling to have an eye to my surroundings and I am struggling to change the gear to it. So, in the end I am just struggling in general.

And if I am honest here, I am also somewhat anxious about driving itself, I am anxious about crashing the car. I am aware of all of that what you are talking about. I know you want to be a helping hand here, but it is not helping me at all. I know that I have to drive, specially I am aware of it, someone who cannot do it. Is it retarded, yes... But it is the way it is

He then completely ignored what I have explained to him.

Rightwing Person 1: okay but cars are pretty safe nowadays, and you can pre adjust all the settings on the car for speed and traffic it will automatically take care of it for you also you can adjust the steering wheel and actually shift it more to the left or right if your problem is leaning or verrying to far in one direction

Then the other guy comes in once again with a very stupid comment.

Rightwing Person 2: again self driving cars are more and more quickly becoming a reality

So, first off they say, you need to drive but then they say, just wait for self-driving cars brah. I mean, they are very expensive on top of that but who cares, right? This level of stupidity is really something else.

Rightwing Person 1: then take a ubber or taxi man, do you know they have self driving cars now??

At this point I lash out on him because I could not stand his condescending attitude towards me. First, he says that I need to drive but now I should just take an uber or a taxi?



Seriously, this conversation is the epitome of being neurotypical....Just take an uber brah - Says the one who is driving. Alright, ok. I am done

Rightwing Person 2: ok sry dude we were just trying to help

At this point I was just shaking my head to it. We want to help you out brah. Take an uber brah. See, we are helping brah.

I then explained that I have this conversation quite a lot. By the way, not only here, but in general. After I explained it, the other guy comes along with a comment like this:

Rightwing Person 1: why not try a electric bike or electric motorcycle like a faggio

Like a ‚faggio‘ brah. Just buy yourself an ‘e-bike‘ which costs like 2000 Euro brah. First he tells me that I have to drive, which I already know and now I should buy myself an ‘e-bike‘.

Ok, we are now going into another topic as well. I do not even know what he is talking about. He is talking complete nonsense at this point:

Rightwing Person 1: if you had the time you could study a subject then offer to teach it to classes either real world or online or write articles even under pseudonym

Just study a subject and become a teacher or something like this brah. Just write some articles brah.

I then explained the situation to him:

Me: I was also a part of a forum back then and I was talking about topics like Holocaust, jews and different races and traits. I have been doing all of this. Back then I also wrote a lot on YouTube but not anymore... So...I have been doing all of this. I actually wasted my life because of this. Let me tell you something to end this topic. I am 25 years old and I will become 26 in a couple of months. Then, one year have passed since a applied myself to driving school. I do not have any apprenticeship or any skill, I have been unemployed for years now. I also have no driver licence and I am struggling with it and I already give you the reason why that is. This is reality, whether I like it or not. Did I applied myself? Yes, numerous times although at first I did not take it seriously and now I am in a vicious circle. Even if I find myself a workplace, I will never earn at least somewhat decent money. I could do 3 jobs and my father would still make more money than me. So, if this is a game, what would this all mean? Exactly... I lost. I lost at life. Not being able to drive is just the final blow to it

He just gave me this reaction to it:

Rightwng Person 1: work for your dad?

He do not know me and here he is making assumptions. Just work for your dad brah. Just asked everybody brah. Just do some sports brah. Just wait for self-driving cars brah. Just take an uber brah.

I replied with this:

Me: Do not you think we did not try that already...? I mean, it is all obvious. My father works within the car industry and it is EXTREMLY hard to find a workplace there and I am not exaggerating here. Why cannot you accept what I am saying here? I am just giving out facts

He did not reply to this, instead at this point he went on total troll mode.

Rightwing Person 1: well there is at least one thing you can do that I know you can do man. want to know what it is

strap some bombs to yourself or a plane and do the honorable thing and take out the german enemies kamikaze style

Me: This theory is also called: Just sacrifice yourself because you are a loser only so that the media can declare war on white men – theory

Instead of accepting that his own recommendation is nonsense, he just replied with:

Rightwing Person 1: so the solution do nothing?

So, we have two options here. Kill yourself and/or other people on top ft that or do not do it.

Me: There is no solution to it. There is no starting point to begin with. That is the problem

Rightwing Person 1: no system no government and no situation ever remains the same though bro remember that we may not have any control over it. we may only be pawns in the game but nothing stays the same forever

‘BRO‘… I do not know if he is serious or not at this point.

Me: It is a vicious circle. For example, the gap in my resume became bigger and bigger and of course therefore companies declined my application and so one - and therefore the gap became even more bigger and bigger

Rightwing Person 1: we just have to live our life through it keep our genes surviving

no one can say no one has a crystal ball but no system no government no order lasts forever

the only thing that lasts forever is blood and race the goverments fall but the people remain

Me: I also want to add something in addition to it. I also find it kinda funny that I have to sacrifice myself for nothing, while most people living their lives and having fun. Quite unfair, is not it? People are meeting each other, having fun, driving around, making unique experiences while I have to kill myself. My death will be pointless and my life is pointless as well

He just casually replied with:

Rightwing Person 1: then find a reason to do something

Me: Sorry I do not want to attack you here, but this becomes more and more bluepilled. Ok, let me explain once again. Let us assume I will find an apprenticeship. I have to spend 3 1/2 years for it. Then I will be almost 30. Then I have to work and then it will take more time to create myself a foundation I can stand on. Perhaps I will be 32-35 if I am luckyWhich means, my best years are basically overAnd this only applies if I find myself an apprenticeship. Please do not forget my huge gap in my resume which I have been talking about hereThen we also have to keep in mind other factors, like the economical situation

He then came up with ‚I know a guy‘:

Rightwing Person 1: I know guys in their 50s that finally got their life together and had a kidits possible man anything is

Just wait until you 50 brah. Just wait until you hit retirement home brah.

Me: Also, these are only rare cases and unfortunately not common at allAnd once again, my best years are over then. My youth is gone

Rightwing Person 1: no man your still young. still have huge life

Is not it weird? First he says he know some guys in their 20s who live in Europe who cannot drive and yet he is shocked that I cannot drive at age 25. Then he tells me all the obvious stuff and that I am still very young despite the fact he alsh out on me for being unable to drive a tage 25.

Me: Ohhh god...This is nonsense. Please, stop this. Stop lying to me

Rightwing Person 1: you don't even have any grey hairs

At this point I knew, it is pointless. The whole problem is, that I am trying to talk to him. I then thought about something different and a question came into my mind.

Me: Let me ask you a question. How is your life?

His answer did not surprise me at all.

Rightwing Person 1: its decent its okay at least

Me: Ok. this is why you are talking like this. You are unable to understand me despite the fact I have explained it to you. If I take anything away from you, perhaps then you are able to understand from where I am coming from, but what I will say to you, is this. Enjoy your life, you do not even have a reason to be here. For you, this most likely seems nothing but an insignificant side activity. 25 is not young at all, specially if you are a nobody

Rightwing Person 2: the sooner you start the sooner you reach the goal

It seems like that he did not even read what I have explained earlier on.

Me: I know you want to help. But those tpyical phrases are not helping at all. I am basically aware of anything, since I have wasted my life with stuff like this

Rightwing Person 1: how did you spend your teenage years

Me: Basically coping. I have wasted my teenage years with conspiracy theories. I started very early on. I also played games in order to distract myself from reality

Then the conversation became really ridiculous.

Rightwing person 1: okay but if you like something or have a hobby then that's a good thing to have. if you liked games, or conspiracy theories there is money to be made in both those fields. you can become a pro gamer or a game developer you can write articles or books on conspiracy or call up alex jones for a interview or become part of the jones network im sure they are in germany people even pay you to play games nowadays

Just become a pro gamer brah. Just go to Alex Jones brah. Just write a book about conspiracies brah.

And for som reasons, he also thinks here in Germany there are people who pay you money for palying games. This is not even a thing at all.

I just replied with...

Me. Cope

Rightwingperson 1: does your lungs taking air into your body to keep you alive and breathing say "cope" bro. maybe that will happen one day to you

Me: No, you are basically giving bluepilled nonsense advices

Rightwing Person 1: your so edgy your lungs will one day say cope

Me: Ohh, edgy. The only thing that is edgy are your ''advices'' here

Rightwing Person 1: no man doing a kamikaze style attack is full of honor

He was really saying stuff like this. I am just quoting him this entire time. ‘No man brah, jsut kill yourself brah.‘

Me: Yea... and this is not edgy at all, right? Are you actually for real here or have you been trolling this entire time?

He then went on full troll mode

Rightwing Person 1: you could always join the warfront? why not fight in a war that will be pretty good for you

Me: I tried to explain everything to you, I tried to be reasonable and yet you really give me adives like ''become a pro gamer'' or ''jsut write a book about conspiracies''?

Me: Are you for real here?

Rightwing Person 1: wow man are you telling me in battlefield you don't do kamikaze attacks with Japanese planes? be honest here man

Me: If it is so good, then do it yourself

Rightwing Person 1: I been in a warzone man

By the way, some days ago he said that he has been working in an office, so this is msot likely lying here.

I then asked him where and when and why he did not do a kamikaze attack.

Rightwing Person 1: because kamikaze have honor haven't you read any ww2 books

I didn't do it because I prefer to live for the moment. if circumstances change I would do it

Me: Yes, I can see that

Me: Please stop trolling, I am really not in the mood for this nonsense

Rightwing Person 1: okay but don't say I didn't try to help you

The pure condesceding attitude of this comment actually makes my blood fucking boil.

Me: You did not help at all although perhaps at the start you tried to ''help'' me but this is not any help, but now you are trolling and I am really not in this mood right now

He then admits that he was actually trolling at the end.

Rightwing Person 1: okay the later end was trolling but still trying to help

Me: I know that you wanted to give me a helping hand and I do appreciate the attempt but like I said, it is not helping nor actual help because you actually gave me only solution that are obvious and I am aware of all of that and I also explained this earlier onOf course I did all of this stuff

We then talked about the differences between USA and Germany.

Me: USA also has a really good university life. Such thing does not even exist here in GermanyMy life would be different though... unfortunately this is nothing but a mere imagination

He then basically replied with, that I should leave Germany and go somewhere else.

Rightwing Person 1: okay but in eu you can go to so many countries. don't have to go to uni in germany

Me: Once again, you need to have the ressources for it. Let me ask you again, is your family rich? Or do they have decent money at least or do you have a decent income?

Rightwing Person 1: no I am not rich by any means nor is my family

Me: Ok, but decent enough money to change your country? Because you do need a lot of ressources to do it and I do not have such ressources in the first place. I also have no target which I can go to. I also lack the grades to study in the first place. Like I said, I just lost at life

Rightwing Person 1: no I don't have money to just change countriesbut maybe you can be a german language teacher

Just become a teacher brah, despite the fact that I do lack the grades for it and I have also explained this to him earlier on.

We just talked a bit about it. He then said, that I could become more like of a casual teacher who teaches people online without any certification. He also told me that you do not need any real skills for it which just confirms my point, that I am basically a person without any skills whatsoever. This is basically the end of the conversation I had. This really showed me, that I do not belong to any group at all.
thats a lot of fucking text dude lol
anyway i dont care about right or left wing tbh i just want to get some pussy
Not a single letter.

thats a lot of fucking text dude lol
anyway i dont care about right or left wing tbh i just want to get some pussy

Not a single letter.


In short: ''I know a lot of guys in their 20s who live in Europe and cannot drive... Why cannot you drive brah? Yao Ming can play absketball brah. Sel-fdriving cars brah. Uber brah. Taxi brah. Go for a sports scholarship brah. Become a pro gamer brah. Write a book about conspiracies brah. Go to Alex Jones brah. Leave Germany brah and go to unviersity brah. Just become a teacher brah.''
In short: ''I know a lot of guys in their 20s who live in Europe and cannot drive... Why cannot you drive brah? Yao Ming can play absketball brah. Sel-fdriving cars brah. Uber brah. Taxi brah. Go for a sports scholarship brah. Become a pro gamer brah. Write a book about conspiracies brah. Go to Alex Jones brah. Leave Germany brah and go to unviersity brah. Just become a teacher brah.''
theres really not that much point to driving if you're a neet tbh, public transport is free and takes little to no effort, the only downside is that it takes an hour more to do some things but you dont have to deal with the bullshit owning a car gives you
Do you know this guy in real life?
Kek do you actually tell people about "driver license pill" in real life ?
theres really not that much point to driving if you're a neet tbh, public transport is free and takes little to no effort

I actually do not want to go on some rant again because of this topic, so I will make it short. No, you need to drive in order to do even basic errands. Also, public transportation is not free at all and taking public transportation as a grown up man is not only stressful but also cucked.

the only downside is that it takes an hour more to do some things but you dont have to deal with the bullshit owning a car gives you

I would gladly deal with this ''so called bullshit'' in order to own a car. Owning a car is something that is necessary in this life and era.

Do you know this guy in real life?

No, not at all.
i read a bit but quit at some point, because driverslicensepill is cope
Kek do you actually tell people about "driver license pill" in real life ?

I actually only brought up this topic once since it was actually necessary. I also made a thread about this.
Can we have a coherent tldr please?
i read a bit but quit at some point, because driverslicensepill is cope

This thread is not even about this topic and no, the driver licence pill is not a cope at all. If you want to know more about, read my topics. If you are not interested in it, I am fine with it, but then please do not talk about it.

Can we have a coherent tldr please?

Basically this:
In short: ''I know a lot of guys in their 20s who live in Europe and cannot drive... Why cannot you drive brah? Yao Ming can play absketball brah. Sel-fdriving cars brah. Uber brah. Taxi brah. Go for a sports scholarship brah. Become a pro gamer brah. Write a book about conspiracies brah. Go to Alex Jones brah. Leave Germany brah and go to unviersity brah. Just become a teacher brah.''

Do you even have ABI?

What is the highest degree you have?
This thread is not even about this topic and no, the driver licence pill is not a cope at all. If you want to know more about, read my topics. If you are not interested in it, I am fine with it, but then please do not talk about it.

Basically this:

I mean did you finish Realschule or Hauptschule ?
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What is the highest degree you have?

MSA. The grades are not that good and I actually have been declined from a secondary school which focuses on sports.
Does your mom know about the drivers license pill? I’m going to tell my mom about it tbh.
Why are European countries so selective about their licenses? Here in Cheeseburgeristan this they give out licenses like candy. You don’t even need to know basic shit like how to change oil.

Are European drivers better on average? I live in an American area with a high European population and didn’t notice them as much better drivers.
MSA. The grades are not that good and I actually have been declined from a secondary school which focuses on sports.
Hmm at least something. The grades don’t matter so much.
yeah I guess the rest of your statement is true though. I have two bachelor degrees and one master and I still struggled alot to find a somewhat decent jobs and foids still don’t want to go out with me.

You can’t even do a craftsman job since this would require a driving’s licence and I am not sure if you are able enough for professions in that Track.

I think it’s indeed over in todays society for you. You can’t even go to a warzone, because first our army sucks, and second even miltias or the army all require the ability to drive. I still hope though that in Case of civil war you would support the German nationalists.

But pls spent at least the rest of your life of doing stuff you kind of like to do.

You should also see a hooker. It sucks to die as a virgin. After this Corona madness is done, I can recommend you a couple of good ones.
Does your mom know about the drivers license pill? I’m going to tell my mom about it tbh.

Not about the word itself and not every aspect of it. But of course my parents see that I am struggling with it since it is obvious. I had to do driving simulation and even on my last lesson I was still struggling with it. After the last lesson for driving simulation I only went to driving school one time for pre-examination for theory. If I go back to driving, I will be still bad since I did not make any progress. And since the driving teacher told me to do driving simulation first because I was too bad at it, I just simply cannot go back. This is beyond embarrassing to be honest.
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Does your mom know about the drivers license pill? I’m going to tell my mom about it tbh.
Guess yes. They need to pay for the absurd high prices for driving school lessons here in krautland.
you can always get a job and pay the two thousand
you can always get a job and pay the two thousand
You sound like the right wing people rn. How is he going to get a job if he doesn't even have a driver's license?
Guess yes. They need to pay for the absurd high prices for driving school lessons here in krautland.

Please do not assume things which are not even true. My parents do not pay for it at all. I pay for it with my money I made in warehouse logistics. I am also on NEET currently.

you can always get a job and pay the two thousand

Once again. This thread is not even about this topic and secondly, money is not the issue anymore. I also have epxlained why that is.

You sound like the right wing people rn. How is he going to get a job if he doesn't even have a driver's license?

Also this. It is extremly hard to find a job in general.

Hmm at least something. The grades don’t matter so much.
yeah I guess the rest of your statement is true though. I have two bachelor degrees and one master and I still struggled alot to find a somewhat decent jobs and foids still don’t want to go out with me.

The humblebrag again.

You can’t even do a craftsman job since this would require a driving’s licence and I am not sure if you are able enough for professions in that Track.

True, they always ask for a driver licence.

I think it’s indeed over in todays society for you.

Yes, that is the harsh truth.

You can’t even go to a warzone, because first our army sucks, and second even miltias or the army all require the ability to drive.

Like I said, if yo ucannot drive you simply cannot do shit i nthis life and era and yet people here think I am joking.

But pls spent at least the rest of your life of doing stuff you kind of like to do.

To be honest, I actually do not like anything here. The only thing I want to do, is to drive.

You should also see a hooker. It sucks to die as a virgin. After this Corona madness is done, I can recommend you a couple of good ones.

I am actually not really interested in this.

they sounded condescending

Of course. They are talking from far above. Such attitude really makes my blood boil. They are talking to me like I am a child or that I did not try the obvious stuff, despite the fact they basically gave bluepilled advices and yet they call themselves ''rightwing''.

Why are European countries so selective about their licenses?

Like I said, I am not joking at all when I am saying, that they want to take cars away from men and the best thing to control it, is to control the driver licence.

Are European drivers better on average?

No, they are not.
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Just like any other normie,they cannot see life from others perspective and keep giving "advice" according to their good lives
NGL I gave up reading that after 2/5.

The way I see it the difference between America V Europe in driving is:

Yankees don't drive stick but Euros are forced to, this is a difference in difficulty, ever played a racing game with manual gears & a clutch button, a lot more shit to concentrate on for minimal gains but huge potential pitfalls.

Euro roads & landscape is very congested, you can't just find a big open area like an empty parking lot or wide Arizona dirt road to practice on uncontested.

Younger starting age, you learn more when you're young, you soak up information easier.

Testing in America is quite often done on a driving course setup at a driving school, in Europe you're on the actual roads in real world conditions.

Smaller cramped roads & navigating single lane roads due to parked cars either side & mandatory parallel parking in cramped streets requires a higher degree of proficiency & concentration.

Horrendously overinflated prices for young drivers, in America pizzaboy teenager delivers pizza in his car, in UK it was on moped as he can't afford car.

In UK all takeaway delivery drivers are ethnics in their 30's, 40's, in US it's rare to see someone doing that job over the age of 25. Why? The cost of driving for youngsters.
I get mogged a LOT but I’m pretty sure OP would mog me into the 4th dimension.

I just get that feeling from him:feelstrash:
Just like any other normie,they cannot see life from others perspective and keep giving "advice" according to their good lives

He is basically indeed nothing but someone who is neurotyical. He also worked within an office for a period of time.

NGL I gave up reading that after 2/5.

I do not mind though, it really is a long text.

The way I see it the difference between America V Europe in driving is

By the way, this topic is actually not about driving itself. It just happens that we also talked about it. I just quoted everything. The other half of the text is about ''just write a book brah'', ''just become a pro gamer brah'' or ''just go to Alex Jones brah''. In this thread I wanted to show how so called rightwing people are thinking and that they are actually bluepilled.
The driverlicensepill really is getting to you huh?
LastGerman is a living manifestation of Poe's Law
He is basically indeed nothing but someone who is neurotyical. He also worked within an office for a period of time.

I do not mind though, it really is a long text.

By the way, this topic is actually not about driving itself. It just happens that we also talked about it. I just quoted everything. The other half of the text is about ''just write a book brah'', ''just become a pro gamer brah'' or ''just go to Alex Jones brah''. In this thread I wanted to show how so called rightwing people are thinking and that they are actually bluepilled.
What I dont get is are you actually still right here?
We are here because our prime concern is that we can’t get into a romantic relationship, and your main concern and desire is to drive.
He is basically indeed nothing but someone who is neurotyical. He also worked within an office for a period of time.

I do not mind though, it really is a long text.

By the way, this topic is actually not about driving itself. It just happens that we also talked about it. I just quoted everything. The other half of the text is about ''just write a book brah'', ''just become a pro gamer brah'' or ''just go to Alex Jones brah''. In this thread I wanted to show how so called rightwing people are thinking and that they are actually bluepilled.
Imagine being a right-wing neo Nazi fighting for your homeland & identity, standing up for your women yet they're the ones supporting open borders & becoming single mother's raising the children of thug maxxed psychotics. Waste of fucking time, like having a gun with no bullets.
Fucking brutal man. Normies will NEVER understand how is it possible that a man can't drive. I know it very well. They are taught to drive since 14 or 15 by their fathers or friends. If you had neither YOU ARE FUCKED. Having anxiety and brain issues certainly doesn't help. It's over man, it's over for us. Not being able to drive is seen by society in the same way as never having a job or relationship, or even worse. Because driving is natural for majority of people. It's the most basic thing men do. And we are not able to do it. We are seen as complete retards.
Fucking brutal man. Normies will NEVER understand how is it possible that a man can't drive. I know it very well. They are taught to drive since 14 or 15 by their fathers or friends. If you had neither YOU ARE FUCKED. Having anxiety and brain issues certainly doesn't help. It's over man, it's over for us. Not being able to drive is seen by society in the same way as never having a job or relationship, or even worse. Because driving is natural for majority of people. It's the most basic thing men do. And we are not able to do it. We are seen as complete retards.
brutal truth. learning driving is hard as fuck without parent guidance
He was then talking about Yao Ming for some reason. He said, if somebody like him could play basketball, that I can drive…
The fuck? That is the most garbage analogy I have ever heard :feelskek: Yao Ming is like 7'6
What I dont get is are you actually still right here?

Where should I go to?

We are here because our prime concern is that we can’t get into a romantic relationship, and your main concern and desire is to drive.

I am 25 and soonish I will be 26, I completely missed the step into adulthood. That may sounds weird first, but missing out on driving is much worse than anything else. You may ask, why is that? I simply missed out on something what everyone can do without any effort at all. You basically cannot live without it in this life and era. I also missed out on something which is unique and will never come back.

i basically missed out on anything and now I am here.

Not being able to drive is seen by society in the same way as never having a job or relationship, or even worse. Because driving is natural for majority of people. It's the most basic thing men do. And we are not able to do it. We are seen as complete retards.

People will never understand this, specially people who can drive are simply unable to get behind of it. Funny thing is, if yo utake away their cars, they will cry like little babies.

The fuck? That is the most garbage analogy I have ever heard :feelskek: Yao Ming is like 7'6

Exactly. I also said to him, that this comparison is utter nonsense and that genetics are everything, specially when it comes to stuff like that. He most likely is jealous of his height.
I’m so jealous of all these teens that have siblings, friends and parents that allow them to drive their car on top of private lessons. They get their license before 18. I’m 24 now and it’s embarrassing as fuck not knowing how to drive. I don’t want to walk or take the public transport like a peasant anymore, it feels cucked. My younger brother had his license since he was 17 and he’s got a C-Class AMG, it’s suifuel seeing him leaving the driveway everyday :feelsree:

My cousins come over the other day and my foid cousin had her manual license for three years. I was ashamed to tell her I don’t have a license yet. There’s nothing worse than a foid licence mogging you. :feelsree:
I’m 24 now and it’s embarrassing as fuck not knowing how to drive. I don’t want to walk or take the public transport like a peasant anymore, it feels cucked.

This is why I actually do not want to get outside. I also cannot take this anymore.

My younger brother had his license since he was 17 and he’s got a C-Class AMG

Wait, seriously? New cars like this costs easily 60.000 Euro. How can your brother afford such car when he is like 17? Is your family rich?

My cousins come over the other day and my foid cousin had her manual license for three years. I was ashamed to tell her I don’t have a license yet. There’s nothing worse than a foid licence mogging you. :feelsree:

This is indeed fucking humiliating. Being emasculated by female driving is actually one of the worst things ever. This is why I actually do not want to go ooutside anymore. I cannot stand seeing this.
Where should I go to?

I am 25 and soonish I will be 26, I completely missed the step into adulthood. That may sounds weird first, but missing out on driving is much worse than anything else. You may ask, why is that? I simply missed out on something what everyone can do without any effort at all. You basically cannot live without it in this life and era. I also missed out on something which is unique and will never come back.

i basically missed out on anything and now I am here.

People will never understand this, specially people who can drive are simply unable to get behind of it. Funny thing is, if yo utake away their cars, they will cry like little babies.

Exactly. I also said to him, that this comparison is utter nonsense and that genetics are everything, specially when it comes to stuff like that. He most likely is jealous of his height.
You shoul go to r9k tbh.
Is getting a driver license and car really that hard ?
Even ogres ın my country have cars or a motorcycle at last.They dont even buy used cars they just fınd a wrecked dirt cheap car and get it fixed.
For me, yes. But once again this thread is actually not even about this topic.
Can you explain why you cant have a driver license ?
I know ıts out of context but licensepill looks promising.
Can you explain why you cant have a driver license ?
I know ıts out of context but licensepill looks promising.

I explained this numerous times already, but to make it short, I am just bad at it and that is it.
Cringe and interesting tbh. He’s bluepilled as fuck
And here people started crying when I said that right-wingers were cucks. :soy:
Cringe and interesting tbh.

I do not like this term but at this case, it was indeed cringy.

He’s bluepilled as fuck

Just become a pro gamer brah.

And here people started crying when I said that right-wingers were cucks. :soy:

It is true though. The majority of them are cucks and literally give typical bluepill advices despite the fact they call themselves redpilled or something else similar to that.
This is just american ignorance, he's not actually trying to get under your skin
It is true though. The majority of them are cucks and literally give typical bluepill advices despite the fact they call themselves redpilled or something else similar to that.
It's just like how ITers think they aren't incels, when they are. Jfl.
This is why I actually do not want to get outside. I also cannot take this anymore.

Wait, seriously? New cars like this costs easily 60.000 Euro. How can your brother afford such car when he is like 17? Is your family rich?

This is indeed fucking humiliating. Being emasculated by female driving is actually one of the worst things ever. This is why I actually do not want to go ooutside anymore. I cannot stand seeing this.

It’s so humiliating telling people that I don’t have a license, I can tell they pity me. It’s why I don’t want to go outside either, it triggers me badly. I envy people that can drive. And no, I don’t have a rich family, they haven’t paid for shit. My brother is 22 and he bought the car on finance. It’s not his first car either. His life is completely different to mine. He’s very good looking, low inhib and an earner. We’re not really close, so I don’t get any help from him.
Hey, first of all thanks for tagging me, this was quit a interesting read. I have to say it's still amazing to me, how many people seem to be unable to understand, how important having a driver licence is, in todays society. It's such a crucial part, of a persons developement, and shouldn't be ignored. I find it rather funny, how most people on this forum, who have a driver licence. Act like not having one isn't a big deal, just like chad and stacy would probably argue that sex isn't that important. It's only when you're deprived of either sex or driving, that you're able to realise how significant it is.

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