All my keywords I gave you are true. Why cannot people just accept how it is? Why are you in denial about that?
- Driving is necessary in this life and era in order to basically exist
- Having a car is not only a status symbol, it is significant in order to survive in this life and era
- Knowing how to drive is indeed something that every men should be capable of
- Knwoing how to drive is also a masculine trait, since it is a symbol of freedom and being independent
- You need to drive in order to be seen as normal
What exactly is wrong with my keywords? If you cannot drive you are even unable to do basic errands. You cannot even do groceries, this is why I said that it is indeed necessary in this life in order to exist. 50 million cars in Germany just confirms my point. And pelase, do not give me any bluepilled answer to it because first off this thread is not even about that and I am also somewhat tired of it.
Again, objectively none of this is true unless you live in upper mongolia.
Grocery delivery is a thing and has been for 20+ years.
So is a car service. So is a bike. So is the metro.
I live in a city where only 1/5 of the people have cars, let that sink in. Are they all unmanly subhumans? Or are you the unmanly subhuman who can't even function without a car?
ER had a car, lots of good it did.
I drive a minivan, do you think I feel "manly" driving a minivan? Or is it just a fucking tool to get from A to B.
And most weeks I still use the grocery delivery because I don't have to waste gas or time.
And nothing I have posted here is subjective.
Nothing you've written so far in the last 3 pages has been objective.
You've basically written about your feelings on various topics, followed by whining about "condescention."
I'm honestly not trying to offend you, but I'm also not going to roll over for random stupidity.
Plenty of them are indeed coping or perhaps even in denial about certain topics and this is what this thread is about.
They're not "in denial."
Gender issues is simply not their focus, other issues are.
When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Most people are able to compartmentalize, like if I'm on a site about blackpill, then gender issues is the focus.
But if I'm on the young republicans website, then the topic is gonna be illegal immigration, coronavirus, the budget, democrats, etc etc.
Also, you are correct here but once again you missed this definition: ''a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views).''
I don't think there's anything "weak" or "servile" about compartmentalization.
And just FYI?
Most "progressives" are the biggest racists I've ever met.
They just use a different toolset, they use social engineering like "women's lib" as the new jim crow.
Perhaps this might your intention here, but this thread is not even about it. In fact, it is a summary of how rightwing people think like. Nothing more and nothing less.
They have their focus, you have yours, I have mine.
I'm more of an "all-around" kind of guy, in other words the red pill is not the only focus of my life.
If some people are simps, that's not the biggest issue to me, there are more pressing matters.
aka compartmentalization
Also, why are my statements subjective and all other stuff from other people are objective?
Is that a trick question?
See below.
If you fall off your bike and I tell you to keep practicing, that's a "blue pill solution."
But in this case it's also the only solution, other than "stop riding bikes and walk." (which is also a "blue pill solution" according to you.)
In your specific case there probably is no solution, but that doesn't make you correct either. It just means you can't function, it doesn' t mean "solutions don't exist" or that solutions have a pill associated to them.
Anyway I'm done with you, happy sperging.