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A conversation I had with a so called ''rightwing''

I am sorry but are you really claiming you are incel because you cant drive?

I understand that a car is important but to claim you are in your current situation because you cant drive is pure cope.

Especially in Germany(i guess you live there).

Bist du noch nie in einen Bus gestiegen? Du musst doch bemerkt haben, dass nicht nur Schüler Bus fahren, sondern auch viele, die zwar ein Auto besitzen, aber trotzdem die Öff. benutzen, wegen Umwelt etc..

Either its your face/height or you are simply fake and trolling here hardcore since your whole online persona is about your inability to drive.
I am sorry but are you really claiming you are incel because you cant drive?

And here we go again...

I understand that a car is important but to claim you are in your current situation because you cant drive is pure cope.

This thread is not even about this topic. You clearly did not read the whole text, which is fine, but then again, stop making up assumptions.

Bist du noch nie in einen Bus gestiegen? Du musst doch bemerkt haben, dass nicht nur Schüler Bus fahren, sondern auch viele, die zwar ein Auto besitzen, aber trotzdem die Öff. benutzen, wegen Umwelt etc..

Lol at ''because of evnironment''.

Either its your face/height or you are simply fake and trolling here hardcore since your whole online persona is about your inability to drive.

You clearly did not read the thread.
And here we go again...

This thread is not even about this topic. You clearly did not read the whole text, which is fine, but then again, stop making up assumptions.

Its not only about this thread its about your whole online persona.

Lol at ''because of evnironment''.

Funny but many people actually think like that at least in Berlin.

You clearly did not read the thread.

I did. Can u then enlighten me and tell me why are you incel(assuming you are not just trolling)

''Its not only about this thread its about your whole online persona.''

And here we go again with this whole ''online persona'' thing. Seriously, you have 6 posts now, what do actually know about me or anything else? By the way, this is a serious question and I am not trying to put you down here, in fact, I actually want to know what your intention is. You just came casually along and you are making up a lot of assumptions here.

''Funny but many people actually think like that at least in Berlin.''

So...? Ok, so you are at least aware that I lived in Berlin which means you actually know what this is all about and you actually most likely know how I think about this topic. So, I really do not get your post here. I made myself clear what this topic is all about.

''I did. Can u then enlighten me and tell me why are you incel(assuming you are not just trolling)''

Really? Then once again why are you only focused on that specific part despite the fact, that his thread is not even about it? You clearly missed the first paragraph at least:
This thread shows how most of the men who are rightwing actually thinks like. They talk about ‚red pill‘ suff but in the end they are more bluepilled than anybody else.

You are accusing me of trolling the very first time with only 6 posts and you are talking about ''online persona''. You also seem to know something about me despite the fact you are new here (according of how many posts you have and how much time you spend online). You also seem to be focused on very specific points. On top of that you are also very eager in regards to certain points about me and you are almost even passive-aggressive despite the fact we are talking the very first time here. Which means, you clearly have a problem with me despite the fact I never attacked you nor insulted you in any kind of way. This really sounds like that somebody here made a second account.

What exactly do you want to hear? My only ''halo effect'' that I have is my body. I admit that but once again, I actually did something for it. The only thing you can accuse me for, is to not go to East Asia but once again, this is retarded. Just force any white men to go to East Asia...?
All my keywords I gave you are true. Why cannot people just accept how it is? Why are you in denial about that?

- Driving is necessary in this life and era in order to basically exist
- Having a car is not only a status symbol, it is significant in order to survive in this life and era
- Knowing how to drive is indeed something that every men should be capable of
- Knwoing how to drive is also a masculine trait, since it is a symbol of freedom and being independent
- You need to drive in order to be seen as normal

What exactly is wrong with my keywords? If you cannot drive you are even unable to do basic errands. You cannot even do groceries, this is why I said that it is indeed necessary in this life in order to exist. 50 million cars in Germany just confirms my point. And pelase, do not give me any bluepilled answer to it because first off this thread is not even about that and I am also somewhat tired of it.

Again, objectively none of this is true unless you live in upper mongolia.

Grocery delivery is a thing and has been for 20+ years.

So is a car service. So is a bike. So is the metro.

I live in a city where only 1/5 of the people have cars, let that sink in. Are they all unmanly subhumans? Or are you the unmanly subhuman who can't even function without a car?

ER had a car, lots of good it did.

I drive a minivan, do you think I feel "manly" driving a minivan? Or is it just a fucking tool to get from A to B.

And most weeks I still use the grocery delivery because I don't have to waste gas or time.

And nothing I have posted here is subjective.

Nothing you've written so far in the last 3 pages has been objective.

You've basically written about your feelings on various topics, followed by whining about "condescention."

I'm honestly not trying to offend you, but I'm also not going to roll over for random stupidity.

Plenty of them are indeed coping or perhaps even in denial about certain topics and this is what this thread is about.

They're not "in denial."

Gender issues is simply not their focus, other issues are.

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Most people are able to compartmentalize, like if I'm on a site about blackpill, then gender issues is the focus.

But if I'm on the young republicans website, then the topic is gonna be illegal immigration, coronavirus, the budget, democrats, etc etc.

Also, you are correct here but once again you missed this definition: ''a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views).''

I don't think there's anything "weak" or "servile" about compartmentalization.

And just FYI?

Most "progressives" are the biggest racists I've ever met.

They just use a different toolset, they use social engineering like "women's lib" as the new jim crow.

Perhaps this might your intention here, but this thread is not even about it. In fact, it is a summary of how rightwing people think like. Nothing more and nothing less.

They have their focus, you have yours, I have mine.

I'm more of an "all-around" kind of guy, in other words the red pill is not the only focus of my life.

If some people are simps, that's not the biggest issue to me, there are more pressing matters.

aka compartmentalization

Also, why are my statements subjective and all other stuff from other people are objective?

Is that a trick question?

See below.


If you fall off your bike and I tell you to keep practicing, that's a "blue pill solution."

But in this case it's also the only solution, other than "stop riding bikes and walk." (which is also a "blue pill solution" according to you.)

In your specific case there probably is no solution, but that doesn't make you correct either. It just means you can't function, it doesn' t mean "solutions don't exist" or that solutions have a pill associated to them.

Anyway I'm done with you, happy sperging.


''Its not only about this thread its about your whole online persona.''

And here we go again with this whole ''online persona'' thing. Seriously, you have 6 posts now, what do actually know about me or anything else? By the way, this is a serious question and I am not trying to put you down here, in fact, I actually want to know what your intention is. You just came casually along and you are making up a lot of assumptions here.

''Funny but many people actually think like that at least in Berlin.''

So...? Ok, so you are at least aware that I lived in Berlin which means you actually know what this is all about and you actually most likely know how I think about this topic. So, I really do not get your post here. I made myself clear what this topic is all about.

''I did. Can u then enlighten me and tell me why are you incel(assuming you are not just trolling)''

Really? Then once again why are you only focused on that specific part despite the fact, that his thread is not even about it? You clearly missed the first paragraph at least:

You are accusing me of trolling the very first time with only 6 posts and you are talking about ''online persona''. You also seem to know something about me despite the fact you are new here (according of how many posts you have and how much time you spend online). You also seem to be focused on very specific points. On top of that you are also very eager in regards to certain points about me and you are almost even passive-aggressive despite the fact we are talking the very first time here. Which means, you clearly have a problem with me despite the fact I never attacked you nor insulted you in any kind of way. This really sounds like that somebody here made a second account.

What exactly do you want to hear? My only ''halo effect'' that I have is my body. I admit that but once again, I actually did something for it. The only thing you can accuse me for, is to not go to East Asia but once again, this is retarded. Just force any white men to go to East Asia...?
Yes i only have 6 posts but that doesnt mean shit. Whether you believe it or not, i am almost 10 months lurking here. But rank shaming seem to be very real here.

I dont have anything against you nor did i insulted you since i dont know who you really are, but i live in Germany and to be honest you are describing a reality that is not true. Nobody gives a shit about driving here, since public transportation is really good.

But maybe its important to you and your enviornment.

And again its not just about this post, i am truly interested why you are an incel tbh and i didnt asked about your "halos", but a solid reason, obviously you dont need to answer this.

btw. nobody is telling you to go to east asia.

You are also 6 years older than me, but yet still seem to have the same worries as high schoolers.
Again, objectively none of this is true unless you live in upper mongolia.

And once again, everything about of what I have posted about it, is completely true, perhaps a bit too hyperbolic but in the end I am right about it. I will go into detail later on, in this post. So please bear with me for a moment.

Grocery delivery is a thing and has been for 20+ years.

So is a car service. So is a bike. So is the metro.

Grocery delivery is not an argument, neither is ''just ride a bicycle''. Is this an argument not to drive? Of course not. I am asking you because you do have a driver licence and a car. Quite a contradiction, right?

I drive a minivan, do you think I feel "manly" driving a minivan? Or is it just a fucking tool to get from A to B.

At least you can drive and at least you have a car. But once again. This thread is not about that. So, I ask you to stop here.

And most weeks I still use the grocery delivery because I don't have to waste gas or time.


Nothing you've written so far in the last 3 pages has been objective.

And nothing you have posted is objective either. The only thing you did are making up a lot of assumptions here without any foundation whatsoever.

I don't think there's anything "weak" or "servile" about compartmentalization.

And once again you are missing the point here. I just gave you the definition of it.

They have their focus, you have yours, I have mine.

I'm more of an "all-around" kind of guy, in other words the red pill is not the only focus of my life.

If some people are simps, that's not the biggest issue to me, there are more pressing matters.

aka compartmentalization

Which is compeltely fine. but then once again, this whole conversation here is pointless as you can see. You are jsut accusing me of not being objective despite the fact you did make a lot of assumptions about me.

Is that a trick question?

See below.

You did not give any valid evidence to it. Also, I just said multiple times that this thread is not even about it and yet you are still focused on that part for some reason.

In your specific case there probably is no solution, but that doesn't make you correct either.

Now for some reason you are saying there is no solution. Once again, I never asked for any ''solutions'' because this topic is not even about it. The whole ''solution thing'' is an assumption made up by you.

Also, how am I not correct here? Because you disagree with my keywords and you are countering it with ''living in Mongolia''? Sorry, but this is ridiculous. You know very well that driving is important. The only thing you can accuse me of, is being too hyperbolic and I would actually agree here, at least partly. Sometimes I am a bit over the topic, I agree here but that does not mean I am incorrect. I mean, you do have a driver licence yourself and even a car. You are just a living proof that I am correct. So please calm down and please cut out your condescending attitude here because I am actually somewhat tired of it.

Anyway I'm done with you, happy sperging.

Is this you true attitude here? Most likely. This whole thing ''I want to help you out'' is nothing but an act, am I correct? I never asked for your ''help'', nor for any ''solutions''. You completely missed the whole point of this thread. I also just want to point out that you are the one who started it.
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Yes i only have 6 posts but that doesnt mean shit. Whether you believe it or not, i am almost 10 months lurking here. But rank shaming seem to be very real here.

Fair enough.

I dont have anything against you nor did i insulted you since i dont know who you really are, but i live in Germany and to be honest you are describing a reality that is not true.

Ok, but why are you so focused about that part despite the fact you said that you did read the whole conversation? You know very well that this thread is not even about that and you actually called me out for ''online persona'' which is quite weird.

Nobody gives a shit about driving here, since public transportation is really good.

Sorry but why are you lying here? Every job will ask for a driver licence. If you cannot drive, multiple jobs are not even accessible for you. That is a huge drawback and there is no need to be in denial about that.

Regarding public transportation @rightfulcel
We talked about this quite a lot here already. When it comes to agglomeration areas public transportation does not seem so bad... at first. But since you live in Germany, you know very well that DB and BVG is not very reliable at all. A lot of delays, road works, obstructions and the general waiting time.
I do not see how it is better to wait 30 minutes for the train than to drive in your own car. In general, to rely on something else such as public transportation is not a good thing at all.
I really do not know why some people here are so eager to defend this nonsense?

And again its not just about this post, i am truly interested why you are an incel tbh and i didnt asked about your "halos", but a solid reason, obviously you dont need to answer this.

Ok but you know that this thread is not about it, right? Instead you could have just asked me directly. I also gave you a short reply to it. But I will go into detail once again:
- I lack some facial aesthetics
- Chin
- My eye area has become worse due to taking minoxidil
- Bad beard, this is why I also took minxodil (I know that some people here say it is a cope but it is not a cope at all)
- And some more minor issues as well but they are not that significant
- I have also some physical conditions but they are not that bad (nasal problems, collagen, low energy)

Also: no social circle, no apprenticeship, no real skills, unemployed for a long time, I still live with my parents and I will become 26 in a couple of months. I also know that some people here will claim that this is a cope, but that also comes into play and it does not help me at all. In fact I am severely limited because of it.
I am a believer that hair can actually raise your SMV. I recommend any incels on the verge of normies tier to try it out.
Didnt read
Fair enough.

Ok, but why are you so focused about that part despite the fact you said that you did read the whole conversation? You know very well that this thread is not even about that and you actually called me out for ''online persona'' which is quite weird.

Sorry but why are you lying here? Every job will ask for a driver licence. If you cannot drive, multiple jobs are not even accessible for you. That is a huge drawback and there is no need to be in denial about that.

Regarding public transportation @rightfulcel
We talked about this quite a lot here already. When it comes to agglomeration areas public transportation does not seem so bad... at first. But since you live in Germany, you know very well that DB and BVG is not very reliable at all. A lot of delays, road works, obstructions and the general waiting time.
I do not see how it is better to wait 30 minutes for the train than to drive in your own car. In general, to rely on something else such as public transportation is not a good thing at all.
I really do not know why some people here are so eager to defend this nonsense?

Ok but you know that this thread is not about it, right? Instead you could have just asked me directly. I also gave you a short reply to it. But I will go into detail once again:
- I lack some facial aesthetics
- Chin
- My eye area has become worse due to taking minoxidil
- Bad beard, this is why I also took minxodil (I know that some people here say it is a cope but it is not a cope at all)
- And some more minor issues as well but they are not that significant
- I have also some physical conditions but they are not that bad (nasal problems, collagen, low energy)

Also: no social circle, no apprenticeship, no real skills, unemployed for a long time, I still live with my parents and I will become 26 in a couple of months. I also know that some people here will claim that this is a cope, but that also comes into play and it does not help me at all. In fact I am severely limited because of it.

Brutal livewithparentspill. You have zero chance at ascension if you don't live on your own
Fair enough.

Ok, but why are you so focused about that part despite the fact you said that you did read the whole conversation? You know very well that this thread is not even about that and you actually called me out for ''online persona'' which is quite weird.

Sorry but why are you lying here? Every job will ask for a driver licence. If you cannot drive, multiple jobs are not even accessible for you. That is a huge drawback and there is no need to be in denial about that.

Regarding public transportation @rightfulcel
We talked about this quite a lot here already. When it comes to agglomeration areas public transportation does not seem so bad... at first. But since you live in Germany, you know very well that DB and BVG is not very reliable at all. A lot of delays, road works, obstructions and the general waiting time.
I do not see how it is better to wait 30 minutes for the train than to drive in your own car. In general, to rely on something else such as public transportation is not a good thing at all.
I really do not know why some people here are so eager to defend this nonsense?

Ok but you know that this thread is not about it, right? Instead you could have just asked me directly. I also gave you a short reply to it. But I will go into detail once again:
- I lack some facial aesthetics
- Chin
- My eye area has become worse due to taking minoxidil
- Bad beard, this is why I also took minxodil (I know that some people here say it is a cope but it is not a cope at all)
- And some more minor issues as well but they are not that significant
- I have also some physical conditions but they are not that bad (nasal problems, collagen, low energy)

Also: no social circle, no apprenticeship, no real skills, unemployed for a long time, I still live with my parents and I will become 26 in a couple of months. I also know that some people here will claim that this is a cope, but that also comes into play and it does not help me at all. In fact I am severely limited because of it.

There are jobs which require a license, such as food delivery, but most dont + yes especially the DB has problems, but generally public transportation is fine( i use it everyday).But i dont want to talk about it anymore.

The other points are legit and i am not judging anyone here, it was just strange for me since all u talked about was your inability to drive.

While every other factor u mentioned is at least twice as important.

But its your life and if you really think thats the main thing holding you back, you may continue.

Btw how do you get Hartz 4 if you live with your parents+ without the Jobcenter annoying you every few weeks or do your parents pay for your expenses?
but generally public transportation is fine( i use it everyday).But i dont want to talk about it anymore.

I just want to make it clear, that you started to talk about it, not me. I also said multiple times that this thread is not about it.
But I can tell you that public transpotation is not that good at all in Germany. Of course we can point out it is different in agglomeration areas but this also counts for USA for example, so this is not a valid point.
I can tell you, that it is not funny to wait 30 minutes for the train or to wait 2 hours for the bus.
And even if this would not be the case, that does not mean that you should not drive. In fact, Germany has more than 50 million cars. It seems like a lot of people have a different opinion about that, yet for some reason people here think otherwise. Also, as good as all jobs ask for a driver licence. A driver licence is absolutely needed within the work environment. I am just pointing out facts here.
Sorry, but I really do not get people here who come up with this ''public transportation'' nonsense. I also say this because I have this conversation a lot and people always bring the same bullshit ''arguments''.

I am also only talking about it because you made it into a topic.

The other points are legit and i am not judging anyone here, it was just strange for me since all u talked about was your inability to drive.

Of course it bothers me a lot because I am failing at something what everyone can do without any effort at all. Imagine being emasculated by a 17 year old girl.

Btw how do you get Hartz 4 if you live with your parents+ without the Jobcenter annoying you every few weeks or do your parents pay for your expenses?

I get the normal amount of Hartz 4. I also have to write a lot of applications and I am in some special program for coaching.
licensepill is a meme
I got my license the first try, no one cared except my dad
meanwhile fb/ig roasties and semi-chads had like 50-60 likes posting their results lmao
licensepill is a meme
I got my license the first try, no one cared except my dad
meanwhile fb/ig roasties and semi-chads had like 50-60 likes posting their results lmao


I am actually tired of thise nonsense. You clearly did not read anything. This thread is not about it. And no it is not a meme. You clearly do not understand what this thread is about and you also did not understand what the driver licence pill is about. But that is ok because you are not affected by it.
what do you mean by brag?
normies talk about how many time they passed and failed and sympathize with each other
meanhwile no one cared I did my best
I would rather be a slave to public transportation and being a 6' chad rather than a 5'6 "decent" driver
I would rather be a slave to public transportation and being a 6' chad rather than a 5'6 "decent" driver

This is not what the driver licence pill is about. Chad can even murder people. This is why it is an appeal to Chad and therefore not a valid argument. Nobody claimed that a driver licence would give you magical powers to attract any female.
But would you rather have a driver licence or not have a driver licence? The answer here is simple. And once again, this thread is not about that topic.
This is not what the driver licence pill is about. Chad can even murder people. This is why it is an appeal to Chad and therefore not a valid argument. Nobody claimed that a driver licence would give you magical powers to attract any female.
But would you rather have a driver licence or not have a driver licence? The answer here is simple. And once again, this thread is not about that topic.
well sorry my bad but I was tired of listening to the recurring "I will ascend with my driver license"
well sorry my bad but I was tired of listening to the recurring "I will ascend with my driver license"

You are making a lot of assumptions here because nobody claimed such bullshit in the first place. This thread is also not about it.
Well, objectively being able to drive is better than not being able to drive.

But that's like saying "It's better to be able to draw than not to be able to draw."

Completely dependent on whether you're interested in drawing.

Obviously car culture carries alot of meaning for you and you find it distressing not to participate.

Also objectively having a car has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is you have a car and can drive it.

The disadvantage is that cars (lease, insurance, maintenance all of that) cost money.

For alot of people the tradeoff of owning a car is not worth it.

You've stated multiple times that this thread is about cucked right-wingers rather than "car pill." Well I suppose I am guilty about wanting to talk about the topics I like to talk about. (Car Pill) and less interested in talking about cucked right wingers.

And finally I apologize for the sperg comment, that was unncessary.

Take care
Well, objectively being able to drive is better than not being able to drive.

That is actually my point when it comes to this topic.

For exmaple: I never claimed that you will magically attract every female with a driver licence. That would be a retarded thing to claim. I also think that some people assume similar things when they hear about that topic.
So, I am aware of the prejudices when it comes to this topic and I know why people think like this. I just want to make that clear.

But that's like saying "It's better to be able to draw than not to be able to draw."

Do you want to talk about the significance of it? Since you also have a driver licence and yet you think it would have the same value as ''drawing''. I do not really know if driving and drawing have the same value though. I highly doubt it.

Also objectively having a car has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is you have a car and can drive it.

The disadvantage is that cars (lease, insurance, maintenance all of that) cost money.

These are not disadantages. It is called responsibility. Also, if you do not have a driver licence you have to rely on public transportation which is quite expensive as well.

For example (I use average values here):
1km with a decent car 105kw costs 0,39 Euro.
A bus ticket costs about 2,65 Euro. You have to buy 2 of them or even more but let us assume 2.
2 x 2,65 Euro = 5,30 Euro
One month of work = 106 Euro
You have to pay over 100 Euro to use public transportation while working a hard job... You also have to wait a lot and you rely fully on public transportation as a grown up man.
But you also have to do basic errands as such as doing groceries. Let us assume you buy groceries 3 times a week.
3 x 5,30 = 15,90 Euro
For an entire month you have to pay another 63,6 Euro.
You have to pay 169,60 Euro for public transportation every month on an average value.

The only part I can agree on, is that insurance is quite expensive and indeed a nuisance. I say this despite the fact I cannot drive. So much for that I am not objective.

For alot of people the tradeoff of owning a car is not worth it.

I do not know why you are so in denial when it comes to this topic because you can drive and you also have a car. You should know better and you kinda contradict yourself with it. Also 50 million cars in Germany also disagree with your point. I just go by official numbers here.

You've stated multiple times that this thread is about cucked right-wingers rather than "car pill."


Well I suppose I am guilty about wanting to talk about the topics I like to talk about. (Car Pill) and less interested in talking about cucked right wingers.

That is ok. But we can also talk about it somewhere else or if you are really interested in, I can give you certain hyperlinks to specific threads where I have talked about it. Perhaps then you might get a better point of view.
Because like I said, this topic is not about it. I explained it somewhere else if you are interested in it.
Did you guys ever discuss sexual Economics? Cuckservatives never want to talk about that.
In short: ''I know a lot of guys in their 20s who live in Europe and cannot drive... Why cannot you drive brah? Yao Ming can play absketball brah. Sel-fdriving cars brah. Uber brah. Taxi brah. Go for a sports scholarship brah. Become a pro gamer brah. Write a book about conspiracies brah. Go to Alex Jones brah. Leave Germany brah and go to unviersity brah. Just become a teacher brah.''
must b tough out there in Burgerland 4 brocels :worryfeels:

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