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2020 will be the incel-decade



Aug 10, 2019
This is what we have to wait:

Hordes of guys swarming to incel-communities aswell as MGTOW. Many will try out PUA, but soon realise its worthless, they will also go MGTOW or become incels.

Not only that, but you will see way more western men running JBW-game in east asia, you will also see more and more men going to poor european countries like ukraine, poland etc.

2020 will be the incel-decade.
Yes, the incel extermination decade.
Probably, but things will just get worse for us
I'm hoping that a follow-up to The Misandry Bubble is posted on 1/1/20. This is from the original article that was posted on 1/1/10:

The contract between the sexes has been broken in urban America (although is still in some effect in rural America). The 'progressive' income tax scale in the US was levied under the assumption that men who could earn 10 times more than they needed for themselves would always do so, for their families. A man with no such familial aspirations may choose an easier job at lower pay, costing the state more than he costs himself. Less tax revenue not just means fewer subsidies for single mothers and government jobs for women, but less money for law enforcement. Less tax revenue also means fewer police officers, and fewer court resources through which to imprison men. The 'feminist' hypergamous utopia is not self-financing, but is precariously dependent on every beta man working at his full capacity, without which the government bubble, inseparable from the misandry bubble, collapses. Misandry is thus mathematically impossible to finance for any extended period of time. A state with a small government is far more sustainable than a state seeking an ever-expanding government, which then cannot be financed, and descends into a mass of contradictions that is the exact opposite of what the statists intended. See the gangster capitalism that dominates contemporary Russia.

These Four Horsemen will all converge at the end of this decade to transfer the costs of misandry from men onto women, and on 1/1/2020, we will assess how the misandry bubble popped and the fallout that women are suffering under for having made the mistake of letting 'feminists' control their destiny.
Many will try out PUA, but soon realise its worthless, they will also go MGTOW or become incels.

White men will breed the hell out of midget filipino subhuman women and to exacerbate the divide between whites and ethnics by creating a growing class of short statured hapa incel men.

ER decade
Not only that, but you will see way more western men running JBW-game in east asia, you will also see more and more men going to poor european countries like ukraine, poland etc.

Not going to work tbh, women in those countries are already getting entitled AF, they will either require white chad, or just "play along" until they get their green cards, and then they will divorce-rape them.

Honestly, our life is not going to get worse, surprisingly, it can get a little better, as incelibacy gains more and more recognition.
Incels will be getting a HUGE boost.
All the increasing WMAF pairings in the US/Can is going to create a superior incel-tier genome. Happas will be our elite forces.
I hate women. They ruin everything
Not only that, but you will see way more western men running JBW-game in east asia
Dinde, that was in the 1990s. JBW doesn't work anywhere, whereas JBC works everywhere
I'm not sure if the number of incels will increase as exponentially as we think. I think the phenomena of there "seeming" to be more incels is rather a symptom of men that are already incel, just delving deeper into the blackpill as a hobby, thus spending more time on the internet seeding the gospel zealously throughout all the corners of the web. We have ample time to do so, seeing as how we have nothing better to do, and have truly given up any hope at this point.

The internet is a small space is some respects, and you see the same incel screen names consistently being the loudest voices. In reality, there are no more than 2000 of us- perhaps there are millions of incels that don't know they are incels yet- but it is not likely these people would become blackpilled as us.

In the future I see this site will get shut down, and our entire movement will shift into something more bluepilled. The next incel site would probably be like the old r9k. I don't know how, but society/governments have too much at stake to let the blackpill run rampant, as inceldom is the canary-in-the-coalmine for a weakened low-trust society.
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I'm not sure if the number of incels will increase as exponentially as we think. I think the phenomena of there "seeming" to be more incels is rather a symptom of men that are already incel, just delving deeper into the blackpill as a hobby, thus spending more time on the internet seeding the gospel zealously throughout all the corners of the web. We have ample time to do so, seeing as how we have nothing better to do, and have truly given up any hope at this point.

The internet is a small space is some respects, and you see the same incel screen names consistently being the loudest voices. In reality, there are no more than 2000 of us- perhaps there are millions of incels that don't know they are incels yet- but it is not likely these people would become blackpilled as us.

In the future I see this site will get shut down, and our entire movement will shift into something more bluepilled. The next incel site would probably be like the old r9k. I don't know how, but society/governments have too much at stake to let the blackpill run rampant, as inceldom is the canary-in-the-coalmine for a weakened low-trust society.
The only reasonable comment ITT.
I'm not sure if the number of incels will increase as exponentially as we think. I think the phenomena of there "seeming" to be more incels is rather a symptom of men that are already incel, just delving deeper into the blackpill as a hobby, thus spending more time on the internet seeding the gospel zealously throughout all the corners of the web. We have ample time to do so, seeing as how we have nothing better to do, and have truly given up any hope at this point.

The internet is a small space is some respects, and you see the same incel screen names consistently being the loudest voices. In reality, there are no more than 2000 of us- perhaps there are millions of incels that don't know they are incels yet- but it is not likely these people would become blackpilled as us.

In the future I see this site will get shut down, and our entire movement will shift into something more bluepilled. The next incel site would probably be like the old r9k. I don't know how, but society/governments have too much at stake to let the blackpill run rampant, as inceldom is the canary-in-the-coalmine for a weakened low-trust society.

Our sub culture is growing. They can't can it forever.
I am not roping to see beta uprising and it is approaching.

In the future I see this site will get shut down, and our entire movement will shift into something more bluepilled. The next incel site would probably be like the old r9k. I don't know how, but society/governments have too much at stake to let the blackpill run rampant, as inceldom is the canary-in-the-coalmine for a weakened low-trust society.
n the future I see this site will get shut down, and our entire movement will shift into something more bluepilled. The next incel site would probably be like the old r9k. I don't know how, but society/governments have too much at stake to let the blackpill run rampant
This is already the incel decade ngl
I wouldn't be surprised if it's the decade when there's a huge increase in incel violence. Not just incel, but beta male violence as well. The men who were teenagers when social media and dating apps started getting big will realize that there is no hope for them, and there will be mass shootings/riots/terrorist attacks every day. The government will have no option but to grant the Incel party full control of the United States.
In the future I see this site will get shut down, and our entire movement will shift into something more bluepilled. The next incel site would probably be like the old r9k. I don't know how, but society/governments have too much at stake to let the blackpill run rampant, as inceldom is the canary-in-the-coalmine for a weakened low-trust society.

This is probably the worst-case scenario, and therefore the most-likely scenario. Our incel community will be co-opted like MGTOW/MRA were about a decade ago, and like R9K/Wizchan were roughly five years ago. This will result in incels feeling even more alienated and having even less of a sense of community/belonging than they already do.
I'm not sure if the number of incels will increase as exponentially as we think. I think the phenomena of there "seeming" to be more incels is rather a symptom of men that are already incel, just delving deeper into the blackpill as a hobby, thus spending more time on the internet seeding the gospel zealously throughout all the corners of the web. We have ample time to do so, seeing as how we have nothing better to do, and have truly given up any hope at this point.

The internet is a small space is some respects, and you see the same incel screen names consistently being the loudest voices. In reality, there are no more than 2000 of us- perhaps there are millions of incels that don't know they are incels yet- but it is not likely these people would become blackpilled as us.

In the future I see this site will get shut down, and our entire movement will shift into something more bluepilled. The next incel site would probably be like the old r9k. I don't know how, but society/governments have too much at stake to let the blackpill run rampant, as inceldom is the canary-in-the-coalmine for a weakened low-trust society.

Sorry, that's utter bullshit regarding the number of incels.

By definition, there must be tens of millions of incels. There is just no way men get sex on a regular basis, unless chad. You can't meet women anymore, it's illegal and considered harassment.

Online requires phone verification and you get you're account deleted for the slightest transgression.

Unless you are a complete cuck and try to serve the femoid overlords and tread on eggshells there are simply no channels through which to meet women.

Incels must number into their tens of millions in western countries.

I've been an incel my whole life, before I even knew what one was. A lot of people won't admit to being incel.

Being incel has probably been standard since the 2000s but people are only just realising that it was standard all a long rather than thinking it was just them.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's the decade when there's a huge increase in incel violence. Not just incel, but beta male violence as well. The men who were teenagers when social media and dating apps started getting big will realize that there is no hope for them, and there will be mass shootings/riots/terrorist attacks every day. The government will have no option but to grant the Incel party full control of the United States.

That's already happened. The first generation are now in their 30s.
Sorry, that's utter bullshit regarding the number of incels.

By definition, there must be tens of millions of incels. There is just no way men get sex on a regular basis, unless chad. You can't meet women anymore, it's illegal and considered harassment.

Online requires phone verification and you get you're account deleted for the slightest transgression.

Unless you are a complete cuck and try to serve the femoid overlords and tread on eggshells there are simply no channels through which to meet women.

Incels must number into their tens of millions in western countries.

I've been an incel my whole life, before I even knew what one was. A lot of people won't admit to being incel.

Being incel has probably been standard since the 2000s but people are only just realising that it was standard all a long rather than thinking it was just them.

That's already happened. The first generation are now in their 30s.
I said there are MILLIONS of incels that do not know they are incels. However, our movement of the blackpill will not grow, it will shrink due to getting censored by feminists.
What? Shrink cause of feminists? Lol, no. It will grow and grow a SHIT TON

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