il y a 8 mois
Let´s be clear here:-Charles Babbage (male) and Luigi Federico Menabrea (male) created the first concepts for hardware and software computing; Ada Augusta Byron Lovelace (female) merely translated their notes, but didn´t do shit;-Corrado Böhm (male) created the first compiler; Grace Hopper (female), merely supervised it, but didn´t do shit;-Otto Hahn (male) and Fritz Strassmann (male) discovered nuclear fission in December 1938; and a month later, on January 1939, Otto Robert Frisch (male) and his aunt Lise Meitner (female) used previous descriptions by Ernest Rutherford (male) to just described the process, but didn´t do shit;-Friedrich Miescher (male) discovered both DNA and RNA back in 1869; William Astbury (male) and his assistant Elwyn Beighton (male), first photograped both DNA and RNA back in 1937; Alec Stokes (male), John Randall (male) and Erwin Chargaff (male), directed allt he matematical, physical and chemical research it involved; Francis Crick (male), Maurice Wilkins (male) and James Dewey Watson (male), correctly dilucidated the DNA double helix structure; Raymond Gosling (male) took the famous although overrated "Photo 51", which was never fundamental to anything because there were already existing photographs of both DNA and RNA from many years before as we have previously clarified a few lines up; Rosalind Franklin (female) was about in the London King´s College at the time of that discovery, but didn´t do shit;-Jonathan Zenneck (male), Wilhelm Broetjles (male), Nikola Tesla (male), Guglielmo Marconi (male) and the whole German army during World War I were using different tipes of radio frequency hoping, what is the basis of current Wi-Fi, Blue-Tooth, etc; what George Antheil (male) and Hedy Lamarr (female, and who didn´t finish high school and didn´t attend college because she first got married at age 16, so she had no formal or technical training to invent or develop anything) did was patent a never used torpedo guidance system that has nothing to do with modern day spread spectrum technologies and that was completely useless since those radio signals to direct torpedos just does not work under several meters down the water surface of the ocean, so she didn´t do shit;-Halcolmbe Laning (male), Richard Battin (male), Alex Kosmala (male), Jack Crenshaw (male), etc., created both the hardware and software for the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and after all the work was finished, completed and sealed, a group of ten technicians (9 males and 1 single female, that is, Margaret Hamilton) merely implemented it into the mission looking for bugs, which, by the way, the programme was so good, they didn´t find, but didn´t do shit;-Fritz Zwicky (male), Jacopus Kapteyn (male), Jan van der Oort (male) and the whole North American and North and Central European Space Research community of scientists in the late half of 19th century and the first half of 20th century already had discovered and theorized about the existence of the so-called "dark matter" and in the 60s-70s and 80s of the same century, scientists in general and Kent Ford (male) in particular were the responsibles to create all the telescopes and technologies that would allow to study more deep-in that subject, and, once again and after all the intellectual theoretical an all the technical manual job was done on the whole, a group of PHD students (again all of them males, except for one single female, that is Vera Rubin), had the opportunity to look through those gadgets and write some vacuous articles about them having done and proving nothing new, so she didn´t do shit;-Anthony Hewish (male) and Martin Ryle (male) were the only creators and manufacturers of all the hardware and software surrounding the deep outer space resonance investigations that lead to the discovery of many things in general and pulsars in particular; what a group of several PHD students (all of them male except for one single female, that is Jocelyn Bell Burnell did was just noticing a twinkle sign which was later analyzed again by both Hewish and Ryle who conducted all the research to dilucidate them again without the help of any of their mentorees to define and classified those pulsars, so the two males did all the previous and ulterior work to discover pulsars and the students just realize one single cosmic wink, because that is what pulsars are, so she didn´t do shit;-The first black hole photo ever taken, involved over 300 scientists all over the world (90% of them having been male and the other 10% female), specialy Mareki Homna (male) and Andrew Chael (male), who respectively created the algorithm to capture that image and wrote almost all the code for it. Not only Katie Bouman (female) was an absolute nobody in the project, but according to fellow female scientists Dr. Sarah Issaoun´s words "Despite all the media mass storm, Katie´s tiny contribution (she changed the font color) was not even used to take the photo", so basically, she didn´t do shit;-And with examples like all these past, I could spent hours, days and weeks, when not months and years, deconstructing all the lies surrounding the so called female contribution to science.By the way, some relatives and friends of mine watch regularly this video every few days just to check if this comment I´ve already posted three times have been strangely erased again, and, as we all have it kept on Word and PDF in several USBs, it doesn´t matter how many times Jewtube hides of eliminates it, some of us will come back and post it again and again and again and the some more, and when you think it is impossible for any of us to post it again, guess what, will do it one more time. So don´t sweet trying to cover up the truth because it won´t work anymore.And by the way too, Covid was the greatest con in the history of mankind, as it was just the flu with a chaged name, but it allowed to impoverish the already shrinking Western world economies in botth North America and Western Europe by illegally locking people up for months for a never existing fakedemic, something that, coincidences of life, was never possible to implement until at least 50% of all doctors and physicians in those continents were female, figure that was achived for the first time in the annals of mankind in the year 2017, only two years before that scam. And by the way (and this is the third "by the way", by the way), there´s also no war in Ukraine or Gaza, because with all the nuclear power all the developed countries in the world have nowadays, just by pressing one single button the entire planet Earth would disappear into thin ice more than fifteen times in a row, but they are specially used to justify an unjustifiable rise in the price of oil and energy that run not only the entire companies and therefore economies of the developed but in-transit-to-shithole first world but also the heating of civilians houses, the lorries of retailers that provide everything and the cars of every single worker, empoverishing again what once was the cradle of civilization but that is about to disappear forever if people continue doing nothing before a decade (that is why Agenda 2030 is called Agenda 2030, not because it sounded cool, but because it limits a deadline to fullfill that diabolical plan).And having said so, greetings to everyone. Take care and don´t buy the NWO propaganda manure.