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Serious Has anybody watched Colttaine?



It's just bone, bro
Jun 27, 2023
He made videos about feminism, female nature, women. He is a MGTOW, MGTOW Chad, probably; in one of his videos he states that he goes through a ten pack of condoms in a month. The MGTOW Chad lifestyle is one where you fuck a lot of women, but also know that the idea of love is more of a trap outside of being a young 15yo Chad who pair bonds with JB. Basically the MGTOW Chad lifestyle is a common type of Chad lifestyle. Some crypto Chads have MGTOW behaviors naturally because of how women are like putty in their hands.

His videos are incredible. They are a relic of the incel community golden era of 2018. If you haven't watched any, start with this video.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HRac2ZZnOCRg/

I noticed before MGTOW content was wiped of the face of the Earth that MGTOWs had this running theme of monkeys and apes (Thinking Ape, Turd Flinging Monkey are the examples to mind). I think it's very fitting when it comes to down to talking about evolutionary psychology and human nature.
What Colttaine doesn't seem, or at the time time didn't, to understand was how important the looks aspect was or the sheer hornyness of men everywhere (he's flush with the belief that it's money that women want most, which isn't totally wrong of course). Because of this, I don't agree with everything he says in his videos.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jVswBLDlaLYe/

The thing about his character I admire the most his grasp of the scientific method and how much he relies on and defers to facts. That is a man I would heed words from. You'll need to watch multiple videos on his channel to see this, and it's the prudent nature that you need to have being in this blackpilled world.
Where can I find his videos? Looks like good stuff. Have you heard of Howard Dare? He's another MGTOW commentator who has made it his prerogative to educate misguided young men.

View: https://youtu.be/WK3Q9caWfq4?si=l9dWBC0Mp_lNY1-4

His videos are insightful; rife with anecdotes and observations, all of which culminate to the cresendo of his practical ideology of self-preservation and optimal living as a man in modernity. He left an impression on me in my late adolescence, and was at the forefront of my introduction to this convoluted sphere of the internet.
Holy shit, Colttaine is 6'4 and has an IQ of 126. This is brutal mogging.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BqiSwahrfZE/

By the way, this video is crazy. He explains how humans are both monogamous and polygamous here, and put it better than I could have.

@cvh1991 I think you might like his videos if you've never seen them. They are at the least entertaining if not informative. He says something that you wrote in a post. Almost identically he speaks about "forming the most accurate worldview". So, you think alike. I forgot what video he says this in.
@cvh1991 I think you might like his videos if you've never seen them. They are at the least entertaining if not informative. He says something that you wrote in a post. Almost identically he speaks about "forming the most accurate worldview". So, you think alike. I forgot what video he says this in.
Thanks for the recommendation I’ll take a look into his channel after work. Oh yeah I remember that post I think. Cheers man
That's some cool coincidence brocel cause i discovered him just a few hours ago through the first vid you posted.

Recently upon launching my pc i've been bombarded by those home page articles that were claiming that women invented a lot of shit and that evil men stole it from them. I read it out of curiosity then looked it up to see if it was true. From what i could gather i could alrealy smell the bullshit and knew that a lot of these claims probably were a helluva stretch, but i couldn't find many counter points. Then i found this video and it all make sense now :feelshaha:

Also read this based comment from some dude :

View attachment 1184035View attachment 1184037View attachment 1184038View attachment 1184041
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And my comment responding to some foid which pretty much sums up my opinion and outrage with that whole "women in science" thing, the misandrist undertones in it are just shocking and unbelievable. I post it so i don't have to repeat myself.

View attachment 1184060

But you know what ? They are winning hard. I mean i'm already in a deep inkler internet rabbit hole and could barely find any rebuking to this before (google search is extremely jewed). And that reflex in itself, that is of not taking it at face value and fact checking it, takes a special kind of person like an incel/misogynist.

So a normie male will believe it which will mess with his perception of society further demoralizing him, and foids will of course want it to be true, and we underestimate how simple and apparently innocent informations such as these are damaging for our civilization. Imagine the chip on the shoulders of foids being brainwashed by this fucking garbage. It's the whole feminishit package : female hubris + demonizing men + auto-victimization.
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I feel like i should do a new thread for this shit. I can't stand soyciety's lies and must warn othercels

Attachements got all messed up in last post and i cant edit it. Fuck doing anything on the phone :feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh:

The based comment :

il y a 8 mois
Let´s be clear here:-Charles Babbage (male) and Luigi Federico Menabrea (male) created the first concepts for hardware and software computing; Ada Augusta Byron Lovelace (female) merely translated their notes, but didn´t do shit;-Corrado Böhm (male) created the first compiler; Grace Hopper (female), merely supervised it, but didn´t do shit;-Otto Hahn (male) and Fritz Strassmann (male) discovered nuclear fission in December 1938; and a month later, on January 1939, Otto Robert Frisch (male) and his aunt Lise Meitner (female) used previous descriptions by Ernest Rutherford (male) to just described the process, but didn´t do shit;-Friedrich Miescher (male) discovered both DNA and RNA back in 1869; William Astbury (male) and his assistant Elwyn Beighton (male), first photograped both DNA and RNA back in 1937; Alec Stokes (male), John Randall (male) and Erwin Chargaff (male), directed allt he matematical, physical and chemical research it involved; Francis Crick (male), Maurice Wilkins (male) and James Dewey Watson (male), correctly dilucidated the DNA double helix structure; Raymond Gosling (male) took the famous although overrated "Photo 51", which was never fundamental to anything because there were already existing photographs of both DNA and RNA from many years before as we have previously clarified a few lines up; Rosalind Franklin (female) was about in the London King´s College at the time of that discovery, but didn´t do shit;-Jonathan Zenneck (male), Wilhelm Broetjles (male), Nikola Tesla (male), Guglielmo Marconi (male) and the whole German army during World War I were using different tipes of radio frequency hoping, what is the basis of current Wi-Fi, Blue-Tooth, etc; what George Antheil (male) and Hedy Lamarr (female, and who didn´t finish high school and didn´t attend college because she first got married at age 16, so she had no formal or technical training to invent or develop anything) did was patent a never used torpedo guidance system that has nothing to do with modern day spread spectrum technologies and that was completely useless since those radio signals to direct torpedos just does not work under several meters down the water surface of the ocean, so she didn´t do shit;-Halcolmbe Laning (male), Richard Battin (male), Alex Kosmala (male), Jack Crenshaw (male), etc., created both the hardware and software for the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and after all the work was finished, completed and sealed, a group of ten technicians (9 males and 1 single female, that is, Margaret Hamilton) merely implemented it into the mission looking for bugs, which, by the way, the programme was so good, they didn´t find, but didn´t do shit;-Fritz Zwicky (male), Jacopus Kapteyn (male), Jan van der Oort (male) and the whole North American and North and Central European Space Research community of scientists in the late half of 19th century and the first half of 20th century already had discovered and theorized about the existence of the so-called "dark matter" and in the 60s-70s and 80s of the same century, scientists in general and Kent Ford (male) in particular were the responsibles to create all the telescopes and technologies that would allow to study more deep-in that subject, and, once again and after all the intellectual theoretical an all the technical manual job was done on the whole, a group of PHD students (again all of them males, except for one single female, that is Vera Rubin), had the opportunity to look through those gadgets and write some vacuous articles about them having done and proving nothing new, so she didn´t do shit;-Anthony Hewish (male) and Martin Ryle (male) were the only creators and manufacturers of all the hardware and software surrounding the deep outer space resonance investigations that lead to the discovery of many things in general and pulsars in particular; what a group of several PHD students (all of them male except for one single female, that is Jocelyn Bell Burnell did was just noticing a twinkle sign which was later analyzed again by both Hewish and Ryle who conducted all the research to dilucidate them again without the help of any of their mentorees to define and classified those pulsars, so the two males did all the previous and ulterior work to discover pulsars and the students just realize one single cosmic wink, because that is what pulsars are, so she didn´t do shit;-The first black hole photo ever taken, involved over 300 scientists all over the world (90% of them having been male and the other 10% female), specialy Mareki Homna (male) and Andrew Chael (male), who respectively created the algorithm to capture that image and wrote almost all the code for it. Not only Katie Bouman (female) was an absolute nobody in the project, but according to fellow female scientists Dr. Sarah Issaoun´s words "Despite all the media mass storm, Katie´s tiny contribution (she changed the font color) was not even used to take the photo", so basically, she didn´t do shit;-And with examples like all these past, I could spent hours, days and weeks, when not months and years, deconstructing all the lies surrounding the so called female contribution to science.By the way, some relatives and friends of mine watch regularly this video every few days just to check if this comment I´ve already posted three times have been strangely erased again, and, as we all have it kept on Word and PDF in several USBs, it doesn´t matter how many times Jewtube hides of eliminates it, some of us will come back and post it again and again and again and the some more, and when you think it is impossible for any of us to post it again, guess what, will do it one more time. So don´t sweet trying to cover up the truth because it won´t work anymore.And by the way too, Covid was the greatest con in the history of mankind, as it was just the flu with a chaged name, but it allowed to impoverish the already shrinking Western world economies in botth North America and Western Europe by illegally locking people up for months for a never existing fakedemic, something that, coincidences of life, was never possible to implement until at least 50% of all doctors and physicians in those continents were female, figure that was achived for the first time in the annals of mankind in the year 2017, only two years before that scam. And by the way (and this is the third "by the way", by the way), there´s also no war in Ukraine or Gaza, because with all the nuclear power all the developed countries in the world have nowadays, just by pressing one single button the entire planet Earth would disappear into thin ice more than fifteen times in a row, but they are specially used to justify an unjustifiable rise in the price of oil and energy that run not only the entire companies and therefore economies of the developed but in-transit-to-shithole first world but also the heating of civilians houses, the lorries of retailers that provide everything and the cars of every single worker, empoverishing again what once was the cradle of civilization but that is about to disappear forever if people continue doing nothing before a decade (that is why Agenda 2030 is called Agenda 2030, not because it sounded cool, but because it limits a deadline to fullfill that diabolical plan).And having said so, greetings to everyone. Take care and don´t buy the NWO propaganda manure.

And my comment :
It's women that hate men and isn't this video proof of that ? Now it's normal to slander men and make up lies at their expense in order to elevate women. If a woman happens to be smart and achieve something or at least participate in noble pursuits it will invariably be used against men as a collective. This is fucked up. It's almost like you are an ennemy class of men and that's why men had to put you in your place back in the day.
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I feel like i should do a new thread for this shit. I can't stand soyciety's lies and must warn othercels

Attachements got all messed up in last post and i cant edit it. Fuck doing anything on the phone :feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh:

The based comment :

And my comment :
Make a new thread with paragraphs.
specialy Mareki Homna (male) and Andrew Chael (male), who respectively created the algorithm to capture that image and wrote almost all the code for it. Not only Katie Bouman (female) was an absolute nobody in the project, but according to fellow female scientists Dr. Sarah Issaoun´s words "Despite all the media mass storm, Katie´s tiny contribution (she changed the font color) was not even used to take the photo", so basically, she didn´t do shit
I remember this happening. The media spun it, and probably believed their own lies in the process.
I feel like i should do a new thread for this shit. I can't stand soyciety's lies and must warn othercels

Attachements got all messed up in last post and i cant edit it. Fuck doing anything on the phone :feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh:

The based comment :

And my comment :
Afrocentrist tier levels of historical manipulation and falsification.
Make a new thread with paragraphs.
For some reason it didn't copy the paragraphs present on the yt page. Haven't seen it cause i was in a hurry :feelsseriously:

Afrocentrist tier levels of historical manipulation and falsification.
Yeah i made the same parallel it's exactly the same type of propaganda. False crediting, exagerations... but there's even the "we wuz kangz" equivalent, claiming that women invented everything fundamental like agriculture, pottery, clothing etc.
For some reason it didn't copy the paragraphs present on the yt page. Haven't seen it cause i was in a hurry :feelsseriously:

Yeah i made the same parallel it's exactly the same type of propaganda. False crediting, exagerations... but there's even the "we wuz kangz" equivalent, claiming that women invented everything fundamental like agriculture, pottery, clothing etc.
Can you send me what the foid fabrications were? The attachments aren't working for me. If anything, it sounds even more laughable than negrocentrics because you can make a case for sub saharans having accomplished way more for the sciences, culture and arts than foids did, meaning they have even less of a leg to stand on compared to we wuzzers.
I remember this happening. The media spun it, and probably believed their own lies in the process.
Yeah and this in contrary to these other claims was widely discussed on the internet but do the test : if you try to find the real version (she didn't do shit) on google via key words you will still get the soy and feminist lies and propaganda.
Covid was the greatest con in the history of mankind, as it was just the flu with a chaged name, but it allowed to impoverish the already shrinking Western world economies in botth North America and Western Europe by illegally locking people up for months for a never existing fakedemic, something that, coincidences of life, was never possible to implement until at least 50% of all doctors and physicians in those continents were female, figure that was achived for the first time in the annals of mankind in the year 2017, only two years before that scam.
@Kamanbert does that commenter mean Covid was created to artificially elevate foids further?
@Kamanbert does that commenter mean Covid was created to artificially elevate foids further?
Nah he's probably just saying that the sheer possibility of implementing garbage like ZOGvid vaxxing also known as Cohen-19 on a large scale is indirectly a byproduct of feminism or more exactly foids entering the workforce and being so numerous in the medical personnel but idk about this tbh, maybe it's a stretch to affirm this.

But on that topic one thing that was disgusting for sure during peak Covid hysteria is the whole nurses phenomenon : attentions whores having the time and energy to do cringe dances on TikTok while pretending having it super tough in their empty hospitals. It was like another subtle form of female worship in the form of the modern western nurse.
Nah he's probably just saying that the sheer possibility of implementing garbage like ZOGvid also known as Cohen-19 on a large scale is indirectly a byproduct of feminism or more exactly foids entering and being so numerous in the medical personnel but idk about this tbh, maybe it's a stretch to affirm this.
You might be interested in this comment by me. I just refuse to believe any male and female stats. They all aim to undermine most men. Blue red, black. All pilled stats are psyops.

There are conspiracy shits my mind has drifted off to like artificially controlling foid population to abjectly worsen the already dire sexual market or dumbing down men, but there's one thing I really believe that most countries are choosing curriculums that favor foids and reward foid activities like dancing and singing. IQ test results? Undermine men by targeting a good portion of men as 'dumb'. If there's a stat showing men have some physical weakness that foids don't, well, men are a burden.
But on that topic one thing that was disgusting for sure during peak Covid hysteria is the whole nurses phenomenon : attentions whores having the time and energy to do cringe dances on TikTok while pretending having it super tough in their empty hospitals. It was like another subtle form of female worship in the form of the modern western nurse.
I said it because nurses have been ascended to godhood. They still were before Covid. I knew it was bound to happen and it was already clear to me why it'd happen. It's not that nurses aren't replaceable. It's that they are in the medical industry. It doesn't really matter how much they contribute. Only a man is held responsible for his contribution. Nurses are never slandered despite medical negligence is one of the leading causes of deaths. It's a simple logic of the coddled first-worlders.

"Without medical professionals, you wouldn't have a long life."

Which obviously isn't true since nurses have existed since the dawn of time. Exaggerating, but you know what I mean. Foids having agency undermine men to an unbelievable degree. It's still isn't enough for them though. That's why they have started rewriting the history of human innovations, the methods ranging from latching onto tenuous foid connections to blatantly false rewrites. The history of Computer Science especially has been deeply poisoned by it.
Foids having agency undermine men to an unbelievable degree. It's still isn't enough for them though. That's why they have started rewriting the history of human innovations, the methods ranging from latching onto tenuous foid connections to blatantly false rewrites. The history of Computer Science especially has been deeply poisoned by it.
Yeah dude it's just terrible that "equality" in one way or another ends up being used against men. It's just that simple and i start to think that there's something in the female Anima (or whatever we wanna call it) that deeply ressents men, which is something that men back in the day had identified and were able to understand. We are living in times in which the writing is on the fucking wall but it's like only a select handful of autists can really see it :feelsUgh:
It's well known in some circles that men have a different distribution of IQ scores than females do. Hence why there's more genius men than there are genius foids, but at the same time more clinically retarded men than there are sped foids. In this sense, it can be said that men are smarter than women since they have a greater quantity of individuals with highly superior intellect. However, there are some or a few compelling studies that add more to this notion to show the bigger picture as that this isn't the the only way you can regard men as being more intelligent than women. Some studies actually have proof of men having higher average IQs than foids too, which I will link below.

Many of the expert figures who authored the following papers have controversial reputations due to their non mainstream opinions, no surprise there at all. but all of them do have credibility and expertise from decades spent in the field. But since I'm on this site, that type of connotation is a compliment and honor, so I still thought it would be interesting to share the papers they wrote here. That kind of unintended praise only makes me trust them even more.

I haven't seen any MGTOW channels use this material yet.
In any case, I'm thinking about leaving this compiled in another thread.
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It's well known in some circles that men have a different distribution of IQ scores than females do. Hence why there's more genius men than there are genius foids, but at the same time more clinically retarded men than there are sped foids. In this sense, it can be said that men are smarter than women since they have a greater quantity of individuals with highly superior intellect. However, there are some or a few compelling studies that add more to this notion to show the bigger picture as that this isn't the the only way you can regard men as being more intelligent than women. Some studies actually have proof of men having higher average IQs than foids too, which I will link below.

Many of the expert figures who authored the following papers have controversial reputations due to their non mainstream opinions, no surprise there at all. but all of them do have credibility and expertise from decades spent in the field. But since I'm on this site, that type of connotation is a compliment and honor, so I still thought it would be interesting to share the papers they wrote here. That kind of unintended praise only makes me trust them even more.

I haven't seen any MGTOW channels use this material yet.
In any case, I'm thinking about leaving this compiled in another thread.
Colttaine covered that in one of his videos.

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