Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious Yes, mentalcels do exist, and shycels are also legitimate. And to deny this is anti-blackpill. research cited.

Social anxiety is real, mental disorders are real but "shyness" is bullshit if you don't already have an underlying mental disorder or some traumatic experience beforehand like physical violence. In addition, genetic chad is never shy because he is born into social success and even if he didn't have skills in place or didn't know how to interact there is no absolute way he wouldn't get that shit spoon-fed to him. Let's be serious now. The "shyness" that some chads might have is only an actual quirk if anything, not debilitating overall. This is why I believe mentalcels are real but step-back on mentioning the word here as to not get clumped together with those who actually believe muh "shyness" and muh "lack of social skills" matter in any way for the broad picture of someone's life-history.
That's all I have to say. This is coming from someone who suffers deeply from being a mentalcel not only regarding sexual-success but also every other area of life:fuk:.

This true.

Why does this mean anything? A lot of access to girls doesn't mean they magically pick you. The blackpill still applies. Whores in highschool pretty much don't go for anyone from the school. There is only one case I can think of and that is literally where a 4'10 ugly latino goblina went for a 6'4 blonde blue-eyed strong jawline chad (I am dead serious, these are literal descriptions). JFL.

Of course you would say that kys nigger


That's absolute bullshit lmao.

That's because it's not totally certain for them at the moment, boys tend to lose their virginities later than girls if they do at all. It doesn't have anything to do with high school being easier, their bodies just haven't matured entirely and sometimes life can take a drastic turn for some people an obvious example being sudden gain in wealth or moving to another country/place.
I would argue that mental disorders are not real, the human brain is a complex thing and people's behaviors exist on a spectrum. "Genetic chad" is not always born into social success. I'm rich as hell and and awkward as hell virgin who can't get laid. And people can be pushed out of the fixed ~20% by mental *states* though I wouldn't call that mental illness. This is also a pretty good thread. But the rest of this and ESPECIALLY the last paragraph are UTTERLY based, good job.
I don't deny that there are men who are so mentally ill that they'll manage to ruin everything even if a girl undresses herself and jumps onto them. It's just that those men are odious from the perspective of an NT ugly incel. I talked about it in more detail this very old thread.

Also, it's obvious that some good-looking people here will exploit the mentalcel excuse to be able to humblebrag and shit like that. "I'm 6'3 and have a 7/10 face, but hey, I'm a kissless virgin because I'm a mentalcel, so I belong here."
"Looks are everything" :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Females are attracted to asshole, aggressive, immoral, dumb behavior. This is literally the only thing that makes sense with evolution. Between shit like this and your Cringestianity, Mainlander is the definition of "good music, bad posts" lmao :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Oh yea a 6’3 good looking guy is allowed because of social anxiety but a 5’2 ugly curry isn’t allowed because he’s 17 in high school:feelstastyman:
Allow them both. :feelzez::feelzez::feelzez:

Autism =/= shyness

You can be extroverted, low-inhib & autistic, but that puts an even bigger target on your back. "Little Professor" Syndrome did they call Asperger's back then.
If you have niche interests it's extremely hard to connect with other people in general. And in school bullying is guaranteed (even if you are NT).
And then of course if you take the upfrontness/non-chalantness of Autism into account everything gets amplified. If you have Autism social interactions are a minefield where you only learn by trial & error, NTness would be like a metall detector in the minefield of social interaction. And the voice changes too with monotony/velocity/etc.

And Autism doesn't only affect the mind, it's literally visible in your body too. With comorbidites like coordination disorders/movement difficulties, off body postures, lacking eye contact, physical stims (like chewing shit/walking in circles/repeting certain phrases when stressed/etc.), lacking facial expressions, etc.
Non-verbal communication is EXTREMELY important in humans too and this is what Autists furthermore often lack. No matter what you do you stand out.
And compulsive/repetitive behavior is the pussy drier that makes people automatically come off as "creepy".

Even if someone has everything else he would fail in dating if he is severly autistic or schizophrenic or mentally handicapped.

Case in point: ER who would nowadays be bullied by most users here.
Very high iq post. people deny the power of the brain. looks are a very huge factor. but mental health is also one of them. Even chad can struggle with this if he is high inhib and autistic.

chad can struggle too. if chad was extremely high inhib with the worst social anxiety known to man kind. i promise you, he would struggle.
Yes, lol. And what about sexually submissive "dom me mommy" BDSM chad with no money to pay hookers? :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
I am gonna get crucified for saying this, but I will say it anyways. Yes. Mentalcels exist and are legitimate, and shycels and socialanxietycels are also legitimate. This is NOT anti-blackpill nor is it bluepill. The bluepill is the belief that any guy, regardless of his genetics, can get girls easily just by having a good personality or being confident, and that if you can't get laid it's solely due to your personality or because you're depressed or self-loathing. This is obviously laughable logic. It doesn't say anything about mental illness, autism, shyness, or social anxiety.

What I am about to say is backed up by research. Yes, mentalcels exist and so do shycels and incels with social anxiety. Autisticcels definitely exist too. Anyone who denies this isn't blackpilled. The blackpill doesn't say that looks are the only thing that determine dating success, but also genetics. Mental illness is often innate, and sometimes comes from genes. Sometimes environmental factors cause it, but it's still innate and intrinsic.

Let's look at the data. Shall we?


Studies show that schizophrenics have lower numbers of children. In the paper Schizophrenia and comorbid human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis C virus, it found that schizophrenics were less likely to non-schizophrenics to be sexually active. Among those who were sexually active, they were more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors such as lack of protection or promiscuity: "Although being sexually active tends to be less common among patients with schizophrenia than among nonpsychotic individuals, patients with schizophrenia who are sexually active are more likely than nonpsychotic individuals to engage in high-risk behavior."

Some studies show that schizophrenics are more sexually active and sleep around a lot more than other people. In one cross sectional study of people in Italy, 58% of schizophrenics had multiple sexual partners. One research paper showed varying results, with some studies showing that schizophrenics are far more sexually active and some showing they are less sexually active.


There's also OCD. People who struggle with severe OCD (something i struggled with from ages 19 to the beginning of 23) are less likely to have a sexual partner and some of which haven't had sexual intercourse in years. "Many patients do not have a partner (47% according to Freund and Steketee) or have not had sexual intercourse for years." One study found this about 44 OCD patients (ages 19 to 52, mean age=32):

So it finds that they are less likely to have dated frequently (a majority (66%) did NOT date frequently), half did not have steady boyfirends/girlfriends, and only 27% had intercourse as a teenager, compared to a much higher percentage of non-OCD teens.

OCD patients often have sexual dissatisfaction and dysfunctions, affecting 54-73% of them in classical studies. Another study of OCD patients looked at sexual problems and of the 25 out of 46 patients (54.3% of the patients) (including 64% of the men having sexual problems compared to 42.86% of the women). 55.56% of the women with sexual problems and 37.6% of the men with sexual problems were virgins. 12.5% of the men with sexual problems were in permanent relationships with a long time of no sex compared to 11.11% of the women with sexual problems. This means that 50% of the OCD men with sexual problems and 66.667% of the women with OCD and simultaneous sexual problems were either virgins or haven't been sexually active in a long time. The average age of the 11 virgins was age 26 (SD=6.9 years).

Social phobia

According to Sexual Function and Behavior in Social Phobia, the data found that men with social phobia lose their virginity a few years later than normal controls and 21% had sex exclusively with hookers whereas none of the normal controls had sex exclusively with hookers. 41.667% of men with social phobia in the sample had sex with a hooker before compared to only 8.33% of the normal men. They also had a little less sex partners than normal men.

Even sex and relationship therapists have acknowledged that many later-in-life virgins they meet suffer from extreme shyness or social anxiety disorder. Other studies have shown that virgins over 40 years old are more likely to be obese, white, unemployed, from a lower-income household, and diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder or dependent personality disorder. It's common for them to suffer from shyness, social anxiety or social awkwardness.

Love-shyness is also something that affects 1.5% of men, with research showing that virtually all of these men never will experience romance or sex in their lifetime. Look it up.

Even on this forum, most of y'all have social anxiety, bad social skills or shyness. Additionally, 25-40% of the people here have autism, and studies have shown that autistic men are significantly less likely to experience relationships, dating, sex, holding a woman's hand, or even their first kiss.

Shyness can cause inceldom and so can social phobia. I was a mentalcel for 4.5 years of my early adulthood and dealing with exceptionally severe OCD interfered with my life. I couldn't do anything with my life other than dealing with mental illness. At 23, i got it past me. Now i have lack of opportunities to meet people because no matter how much i put myself out there, I can't meet anyone or even encounter anyone. I barely spoke to girls at all since finishing HS (no i didn't date in HS either, fakecel hunters). Mentalcels and shycels are NOT volcels. Voluntary celibacy means someone who doesn't even WANT to experience intimacy, let alone tries to. Shyness is NOT something anyone can choose, same with social anxiety and bad social skills or mental illness. It's very difficult for many people to overcome shyness or social anxiety or mental illness, and it can interfere with their dating life by making it hard for them to approach people. Telling them they're volcels who need to just simply go and ask someone out is like telling a hobo "just buy a house" or telling someone with clinical depression "just cheer up" or telling someone with anxiety "just stop being anxious". It's completely equivalent to telling someone "just be confident", so you're acting similar to bluepillers. Shyness isn't a choice nor is mental illness or social anxiety, otherwise nobody would suffer it. What masochist would choose such a thing?! In order to be able to talk to someone and ask them out, you DO need social skills otherwise you can't even communicate let alone hold a good conversation. So how the hell are you gonna actually be able to ask them out or even have a proper date with them? This is why bad social skills and social awkwardness are barriers to dating and mental illness makes it very difficult for some people to overcome. Although many mentally ill people get laid a lot, there can be ones here and there who don't date or get laid because their mental illness makes it hard for them to do anything in life. they are busy dealing with their illness all the time and are unable to function with normal schedules. Shy people and socially anxious people can have a super hard time being able to talk to anyone. This is extreemly hard to overcome and thus telling them they're volcels who should approach someone is like telling someone "just buy a house" if they are hobos. A volcel is someone who chooses and WANTS to be celibate and would do anything to avoid it. They literally decide they will wait until marriage or for the right person or they don't want to ever experience intimacy. That's a volcel. Even standardcels I wouldn't even call volcels. If shyness/mental illness is volceldom, then according to your logic, anyone here is a volcel because most of you all never tried to put yourselves out there to meet people (like I did this past year). But you guys are still incel because this isn't something you want, but you gave up due to being doomed or messing up all your life.

I am NOT bluepilled because the bluepill believes you just need to be confident or have a good personality even if you're an autistic 1/10 deformed nasally voiced balding fat indian dwarf. Bluepillers believe it's your bad personality or lack of confidence that deters you. The blackpill doesn't just believe in looks, it believes in genetics, too. Even the scientific blackpill speaks about how autism and schizophrenia is a death sentence. Social anxiety disorder, autism, mental illness, etc. also can be genetic or at least intrinsic and just as intrinsic as your looks. It's, like looks, something determined by chance in what life or person you born being as or born into. If you deny the mentalpill or the autismpill or the shypill or socialanxietypill, you're NOT blackpilled.

This forum needs to be reformed, and its members need to learn more about this. We need to STOP gatekeeping anyone who isn't some short ugly ethnic guy. We need to realize that society stigmatizing virgins and showing NO empathy towards them is EXACTLY why we resorted to this forum in the first place. We had nowhere else to go. And when you gatekeep tons of incels from the forum because they aren't short ugly and ethnic, you are attacking your own people. You are a traitor to your own kind. You are oppressing your own people and are doing exactly what society does. You are joining society.

The gatekeeping in this forum NEEDS TO END. We need to welcome all incels. Tallcels, shycels, mentalcels, socialanxietycels, autistcels, mayocels, you name it. The only group who could be gatekept are high school incels. If you're under 18 and in High school, get off the forum. You're in a the easiest time of life to get laid or find a girlfriend and chicks have lower standards at your age. After high school its much harder to find a girlfriend or lose your virginity. Many 15 year olds here could easily find a girlfriend or lose their V card in the next couple years. Only autistic high schoolers or ones with social anxiety disorder can stay here. The rest shouldn't come back until they graduate. Yes, mentalcels and socialanxietycels and shycels DO exist. Do NOT bring up anecdotal evidence to debunk what I said. Thats an IT move. only IT do that shit. Your unconfirmed anecdotes do NOT necessarily represent what usually happens and you CANNOT bring up anecdotes. Everything i say is backed up by RESEARCH PAPERS AND STATISTICS. If we're going to use research papers to backup lookism then why is research backing up the mentalpill or autismpill or shynesspill any different? That's not only the special pleading fallacy but you're cherrypicking research papers that only suit your perspective by saying "yeah but your research papers are false" when i bring up ones confirming the mentalpill or NTpill. We cannot deny research that disobeys our point of view. IT do that and we cannot do that because then we're using the special pleading fallacy and are cherrypicking and acting like a cult.

And before you faggots bring up mentally ill chads or shy chads, those are anomalies. Idk what research would show about them so I have nothing to say, but most of them ain't chads whatsoever. They probably don't have square jawlines and hunter eyes with cheekbones and shit. You don't have to be ugly to be incel.

TLDR: stop gatekeeping mentalcels and shycels. lots of research shows they're legitimate.

@Alone75 @-BrettyBoy- @Mentally lost cel thoughts?
Mostly good. Certainly better than retards on this forum like Dregster666. But a more accurate thing to say would be, "Females are only going to give a male a worthwhile amount (of sex, love, romance, etc.) if he makes her FEEL DOMINATED. Lacking in ANY category that contributes to making primitive females feel dominated (height, face, status/domination, aggression/"alpha" thug swagger, etc.) in the EXTREME is going to have a disproportionate impact on one's ability to get a worthwhile amount, so much so that one cannot easily chalk up individual factors to the "percentage" of effect which they have on one's chances. There is also a lot of variation in females (to what extent money makes them feel dominated, for instance), but this is not bluepilled and 80/20 still applies because each individual female is often attracted to far LESS than 20% of males, and the variation is what bumps it UP to 20%. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman: Furthermore, while money is not a zero-sum game in terms of quality of life afforded, it IS a zero-sum game in terms of females attracted to oneself because they only choose the top in terms of wealth, in any society no matter how collectively wealthy.
"Looks are everything" :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Females are attracted to asshole, aggressive, immoral, dumb behavior.
But I didn't say looks are everything there, I agree that dark triad/thug shit raises one's attractiveness to women.

This is literally the only thing that makes sense with evolution.
You don't need evolution to explain that. The explanation is human evil and equal attracting equal.

There's no evolutionary advange to breeding with a violent criminal who puts your own life and the lives of your children at risk.

Between shit like this and your Cringestianity, Mainlander is the definition of "good music, bad posts" lmao :feelshaha::feelshaha:
I'm glad you like my music, but I think you didn't interpret what I said correctly.
Also, it's obvious that some good-looking people here will exploit the mentalcel excuse to be able to humblebrag and shit like that. "I'm 6'3 and have a 7/10 face, but hey, I'm a kissless virgin because I'm a mentalcel, so I belong here."
most mentalcels are average looking, not tall chadlites
I am gonna get crucified for saying this, but I will say it anyways. Yes. Mentalcels exist and are legitimate, and shycels and socialanxietycels are also legitimate. This is NOT anti-blackpill nor is it bluepill. The bluepill is the belief that any guy, regardless of his genetics, can get girls easily just by having a good personality or being confident, and that if you can't get laid it's solely due to your personality or because you're depressed or self-loathing. This is obviously laughable logic. It doesn't say anything about mental illness, autism, shyness, or social anxiety.

What I am about to say is backed up by research. Yes, mentalcels exist and so do shycels and incels with social anxiety. Autisticcels definitely exist too. Anyone who denies this isn't blackpilled. The blackpill doesn't say that looks are the only thing that determine dating success, but also genetics. Mental illness is often innate, and sometimes comes from genes. Sometimes environmental factors cause it, but it's still innate and intrinsic.

Let's look at the data. Shall we?


Studies show that schizophrenics have lower numbers of children. In the paper Schizophrenia and comorbid human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis C virus, it found that schizophrenics were less likely to non-schizophrenics to be sexually active. Among those who were sexually active, they were more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors such as lack of protection or promiscuity: "Although being sexually active tends to be less common among patients with schizophrenia than among nonpsychotic individuals, patients with schizophrenia who are sexually active are more likely than nonpsychotic individuals to engage in high-risk behavior."

Some studies show that schizophrenics are more sexually active and sleep around a lot more than other people. In one cross sectional study of people in Italy, 58% of schizophrenics had multiple sexual partners. One research paper showed varying results, with some studies showing that schizophrenics are far more sexually active and some showing they are less sexually active.


There's also OCD. People who struggle with severe OCD (something i struggled with from ages 19 to the beginning of 23) are less likely to have a sexual partner and some of which haven't had sexual intercourse in years. "Many patients do not have a partner (47% according to Freund and Steketee) or have not had sexual intercourse for years." One study found this about 44 OCD patients (ages 19 to 52, mean age=32):

So it finds that they are less likely to have dated frequently (a majority (66%) did NOT date frequently), half did not have steady boyfirends/girlfriends, and only 27% had intercourse as a teenager, compared to a much higher percentage of non-OCD teens.

OCD patients often have sexual dissatisfaction and dysfunctions, affecting 54-73% of them in classical studies. Another study of OCD patients looked at sexual problems and of the 25 out of 46 patients (54.3% of the patients) (including 64% of the men having sexual problems compared to 42.86% of the women). 55.56% of the women with sexual problems and 37.6% of the men with sexual problems were virgins. 12.5% of the men with sexual problems were in permanent relationships with a long time of no sex compared to 11.11% of the women with sexual problems. This means that 50% of the OCD men with sexual problems and 66.667% of the women with OCD and simultaneous sexual problems were either virgins or haven't been sexually active in a long time. The average age of the 11 virgins was age 26 (SD=6.9 years).

Social phobia

According to Sexual Function and Behavior in Social Phobia, the data found that men with social phobia lose their virginity a few years later than normal controls and 21% had sex exclusively with hookers whereas none of the normal controls had sex exclusively with hookers. 41.667% of men with social phobia in the sample had sex with a hooker before compared to only 8.33% of the normal men. They also had a little less sex partners than normal men.

Even sex and relationship therapists have acknowledged that many later-in-life virgins they meet suffer from extreme shyness or social anxiety disorder. Other studies have shown that virgins over 40 years old are more likely to be obese, white, unemployed, from a lower-income household, and diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder or dependent personality disorder. It's common for them to suffer from shyness, social anxiety or social awkwardness.

Love-shyness is also something that affects 1.5% of men, with research showing that virtually all of these men never will experience romance or sex in their lifetime. Look it up.

Even on this forum, most of y'all have social anxiety, bad social skills or shyness. Additionally, 25-40% of the people here have autism, and studies have shown that autistic men are significantly less likely to experience relationships, dating, sex, holding a woman's hand, or even their first kiss.

Shyness can cause inceldom and so can social phobia. I was a mentalcel for 4.5 years of my early adulthood and dealing with exceptionally severe OCD interfered with my life. I couldn't do anything with my life other than dealing with mental illness. At 23, i got it past me. Now i have lack of opportunities to meet people because no matter how much i put myself out there, I can't meet anyone or even encounter anyone. I barely spoke to girls at all since finishing HS (no i didn't date in HS either, fakecel hunters). Mentalcels and shycels are NOT volcels. Voluntary celibacy means someone who doesn't even WANT to experience intimacy, let alone tries to. Shyness is NOT something anyone can choose, same with social anxiety and bad social skills or mental illness. It's very difficult for many people to overcome shyness or social anxiety or mental illness, and it can interfere with their dating life by making it hard for them to approach people. Telling them they're volcels who need to just simply go and ask someone out is like telling a hobo "just buy a house" or telling someone with clinical depression "just cheer up" or telling someone with anxiety "just stop being anxious". It's completely equivalent to telling someone "just be confident", so you're acting similar to bluepillers. Shyness isn't a choice nor is mental illness or social anxiety, otherwise nobody would suffer it. What masochist would choose such a thing?! In order to be able to talk to someone and ask them out, you DO need social skills otherwise you can't even communicate let alone hold a good conversation. So how the hell are you gonna actually be able to ask them out or even have a proper date with them? This is why bad social skills and social awkwardness are barriers to dating and mental illness makes it very difficult for some people to overcome. Although many mentally ill people get laid a lot, there can be ones here and there who don't date or get laid because their mental illness makes it hard for them to do anything in life. they are busy dealing with their illness all the time and are unable to function with normal schedules. Shy people and socially anxious people can have a super hard time being able to talk to anyone. This is extreemly hard to overcome and thus telling them they're volcels who should approach someone is like telling someone "just buy a house" if they are hobos. A volcel is someone who chooses and WANTS to be celibate and would do anything to avoid it. They literally decide they will wait until marriage or for the right person or they don't want to ever experience intimacy. That's a volcel. Even standardcels I wouldn't even call volcels. If shyness/mental illness is volceldom, then according to your logic, anyone here is a volcel because most of you all never tried to put yourselves out there to meet people (like I did this past year). But you guys are still incel because this isn't something you want, but you gave up due to being doomed or messing up all your life.

I am NOT bluepilled because the bluepill believes you just need to be confident or have a good personality even if you're an autistic 1/10 deformed nasally voiced balding fat indian dwarf. Bluepillers believe it's your bad personality or lack of confidence that deters you. The blackpill doesn't just believe in looks, it believes in genetics, too. Even the scientific blackpill speaks about how autism and schizophrenia is a death sentence. Social anxiety disorder, autism, mental illness, etc. also can be genetic or at least intrinsic and just as intrinsic as your looks. It's, like looks, something determined by chance in what life or person you born being as or born into. If you deny the mentalpill or the autismpill or the shypill or socialanxietypill, you're NOT blackpilled.

This forum needs to be reformed, and its members need to learn more about this. We need to STOP gatekeeping anyone who isn't some short ugly ethnic guy. We need to realize that society stigmatizing virgins and showing NO empathy towards them is EXACTLY why we resorted to this forum in the first place. We had nowhere else to go. And when you gatekeep tons of incels from the forum because they aren't short ugly and ethnic, you are attacking your own people. You are a traitor to your own kind. You are oppressing your own people and are doing exactly what society does. You are joining society.

The gatekeeping in this forum NEEDS TO END. We need to welcome all incels. Tallcels, shycels, mentalcels, socialanxietycels, autistcels, mayocels, you name it. The only group who could be gatekept are high school incels. If you're under 18 and in High school, get off the forum. You're in a the easiest time of life to get laid or find a girlfriend and chicks have lower standards at your age. After high school its much harder to find a girlfriend or lose your virginity. Many 15 year olds here could easily find a girlfriend or lose their V card in the next couple years. Only autistic high schoolers or ones with social anxiety disorder can stay here. The rest shouldn't come back until they graduate. Yes, mentalcels and socialanxietycels and shycels DO exist. Do NOT bring up anecdotal evidence to debunk what I said. Thats an IT move. only IT do that shit. Your unconfirmed anecdotes do NOT necessarily represent what usually happens and you CANNOT bring up anecdotes. Everything i say is backed up by RESEARCH PAPERS AND STATISTICS. If we're going to use research papers to backup lookism then why is research backing up the mentalpill or autismpill or shynesspill any different? That's not only the special pleading fallacy but you're cherrypicking research papers that only suit your perspective by saying "yeah but your research papers are false" when i bring up ones confirming the mentalpill or NTpill. We cannot deny research that disobeys our point of view. IT do that and we cannot do that because then we're using the special pleading fallacy and are cherrypicking and acting like a cult.

And before you faggots bring up mentally ill chads or shy chads, those are anomalies. Idk what research would show about them so I have nothing to say, but most of them ain't chads whatsoever. They probably don't have square jawlines and hunter eyes with cheekbones and shit. You don't have to be ugly to be incel.

TLDR: stop gatekeeping mentalcels and shycels. lots of research shows they're legitimate.

@Alone75 @-BrettyBoy- @Mentally lost cel thoughts?
You are misunderstanding peoples points, some 6'2 cute guy with "anxiety" doesnt belong on this shit but a 5'10 normie schizo does.

You need to draw the line somewhere or you will end up like 4 chan
I know a guy who has social phobia (he is in therapy) is currently 25 years old and considers himself involuntary celibate.
It's a combination of factors. Shyness or social anxiety on its on will not lead to an incel.

A shy, socially introverted Chad will not struggle to get laid. And in fact, his shyness will be short lived as he receives validation every single day of his life.

Now let's say an average dude, who is both shy and socially introverted. Then yes, any opportunity that he may of had for getting laid will go down the drain as not only is he average looks but his personality is shit due to his introversion.

Point is...

Your looks determine what personality flaws you can get away with.
I am gonna get crucified for saying this, but I will say it anyways. Yes. Mentalcels exist and are legitimate, and shycels and socialanxietycels are also legitimate. This is NOT anti-blackpill nor is it bluepill. The bluepill is the belief that any guy, regardless of his genetics, can get girls easily just by having a good personality or being confident, and that if you can't get laid it's solely due to your personality or because you're depressed or self-loathing. This is obviously laughable logic. It doesn't say anything about mental illness, autism, shyness, or social anxiety.

What I am about to say is backed up by research. Yes, mentalcels exist and so do shycels and incels with social anxiety. Autisticcels definitely exist too. Anyone who denies this isn't blackpilled. The blackpill doesn't say that looks are the only thing that determine dating success, but also genetics. Mental illness is often innate, and sometimes comes from genes. Sometimes environmental factors cause it, but it's still innate and intrinsic.

Let's look at the data. Shall we?


Studies show that schizophrenics have lower numbers of children. In the paper Schizophrenia and comorbid human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis C virus, it found that schizophrenics were less likely to non-schizophrenics to be sexually active. Among those who were sexually active, they were more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors such as lack of protection or promiscuity: "Although being sexually active tends to be less common among patients with schizophrenia than among nonpsychotic individuals, patients with schizophrenia who are sexually active are more likely than nonpsychotic individuals to engage in high-risk behavior."

Some studies show that schizophrenics are more sexually active and sleep around a lot more than other people. In one cross sectional study of people in Italy, 58% of schizophrenics had multiple sexual partners. One research paper showed varying results, with some studies showing that schizophrenics are far more sexually active and some showing they are less sexually active.


There's also OCD. People who struggle with severe OCD (something i struggled with from ages 19 to the beginning of 23) are less likely to have a sexual partner and some of which haven't had sexual intercourse in years. "Many patients do not have a partner (47% according to Freund and Steketee) or have not had sexual intercourse for years." One study found this about 44 OCD patients (ages 19 to 52, mean age=32):

So it finds that they are less likely to have dated frequently (a majority (66%) did NOT date frequently), half did not have steady boyfirends/girlfriends, and only 27% had intercourse as a teenager, compared to a much higher percentage of non-OCD teens.

OCD patients often have sexual dissatisfaction and dysfunctions, affecting 54-73% of them in classical studies. Another study of OCD patients looked at sexual problems and of the 25 out of 46 patients (54.3% of the patients) (including 64% of the men having sexual problems compared to 42.86% of the women). 55.56% of the women with sexual problems and 37.6% of the men with sexual problems were virgins. 12.5% of the men with sexual problems were in permanent relationships with a long time of no sex compared to 11.11% of the women with sexual problems. This means that 50% of the OCD men with sexual problems and 66.667% of the women with OCD and simultaneous sexual problems were either virgins or haven't been sexually active in a long time. The average age of the 11 virgins was age 26 (SD=6.9 years).

Social phobia

According to Sexual Function and Behavior in Social Phobia, the data found that men with social phobia lose their virginity a few years later than normal controls and 21% had sex exclusively with hookers whereas none of the normal controls had sex exclusively with hookers. 41.667% of men with social phobia in the sample had sex with a hooker before compared to only 8.33% of the normal men. They also had a little less sex partners than normal men.

Even sex and relationship therapists have acknowledged that many later-in-life virgins they meet suffer from extreme shyness or social anxiety disorder. Other studies have shown that virgins over 40 years old are more likely to be obese, white, unemployed, from a lower-income household, and diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder or dependent personality disorder. It's common for them to suffer from shyness, social anxiety or social awkwardness.

Love-shyness is also something that affects 1.5% of men, with research showing that virtually all of these men never will experience romance or sex in their lifetime. Look it up.

Even on this forum, most of y'all have social anxiety, bad social skills or shyness. Additionally, 25-40% of the people here have autism, and studies have shown that autistic men are significantly less likely to experience relationships, dating, sex, holding a woman's hand, or even their first kiss.

Shyness can cause inceldom and so can social phobia. I was a mentalcel for 4.5 years of my early adulthood and dealing with exceptionally severe OCD interfered with my life. I couldn't do anything with my life other than dealing with mental illness. At 23, i got it past me. Now i have lack of opportunities to meet people because no matter how much i put myself out there, I can't meet anyone or even encounter anyone. I barely spoke to girls at all since finishing HS (no i didn't date in HS either, fakecel hunters). Mentalcels and shycels are NOT volcels. Voluntary celibacy means someone who doesn't even WANT to experience intimacy, let alone tries to. Shyness is NOT something anyone can choose, same with social anxiety and bad social skills or mental illness. It's very difficult for many people to overcome shyness or social anxiety or mental illness, and it can interfere with their dating life by making it hard for them to approach people. Telling them they're volcels who need to just simply go and ask someone out is like telling a hobo "just buy a house" or telling someone with clinical depression "just cheer up" or telling someone with anxiety "just stop being anxious". It's completely equivalent to telling someone "just be confident", so you're acting similar to bluepillers. Shyness isn't a choice nor is mental illness or social anxiety, otherwise nobody would suffer it. What masochist would choose such a thing?! In order to be able to talk to someone and ask them out, you DO need social skills otherwise you can't even communicate let alone hold a good conversation. So how the hell are you gonna actually be able to ask them out or even have a proper date with them? This is why bad social skills and social awkwardness are barriers to dating and mental illness makes it very difficult for some people to overcome. Although many mentally ill people get laid a lot, there can be ones here and there who don't date or get laid because their mental illness makes it hard for them to do anything in life. they are busy dealing with their illness all the time and are unable to function with normal schedules. Shy people and socially anxious people can have a super hard time being able to talk to anyone. This is extreemly hard to overcome and thus telling them they're volcels who should approach someone is like telling someone "just buy a house" if they are hobos. A volcel is someone who chooses and WANTS to be celibate and would do anything to avoid it. They literally decide they will wait until marriage or for the right person or they don't want to ever experience intimacy. That's a volcel. Even standardcels I wouldn't even call volcels. If shyness/mental illness is volceldom, then according to your logic, anyone here is a volcel because most of you all never tried to put yourselves out there to meet people (like I did this past year). But you guys are still incel because this isn't something you want, but you gave up due to being doomed or messing up all your life.

I am NOT bluepilled because the bluepill believes you just need to be confident or have a good personality even if you're an autistic 1/10 deformed nasally voiced balding fat indian dwarf. Bluepillers believe it's your bad personality or lack of confidence that deters you. The blackpill doesn't just believe in looks, it believes in genetics, too. Even the scientific blackpill speaks about how autism and schizophrenia is a death sentence. Social anxiety disorder, autism, mental illness, etc. also can be genetic or at least intrinsic and just as intrinsic as your looks. It's, like looks, something determined by chance in what life or person you born being as or born into. If you deny the mentalpill or the autismpill or the shypill or socialanxietypill, you're NOT blackpilled.

This forum needs to be reformed, and its members need to learn more about this. We need to STOP gatekeeping anyone who isn't some short ugly ethnic guy. We need to realize that society stigmatizing virgins and showing NO empathy towards them is EXACTLY why we resorted to this forum in the first place. We had nowhere else to go. And when you gatekeep tons of incels from the forum because they aren't short ugly and ethnic, you are attacking your own people. You are a traitor to your own kind. You are oppressing your own people and are doing exactly what society does. You are joining society.

The gatekeeping in this forum NEEDS TO END. We need to welcome all incels. Tallcels, shycels, mentalcels, socialanxietycels, autistcels, mayocels, you name it. The only group who could be gatekept are high school incels. If you're under 18 and in High school, get off the forum. You're in a the easiest time of life to get laid or find a girlfriend and chicks have lower standards at your age. After high school its much harder to find a girlfriend or lose your virginity. Many 15 year olds here could easily find a girlfriend or lose their V card in the next couple years. Only autistic high schoolers or ones with social anxiety disorder can stay here. The rest shouldn't come back until they graduate. Yes, mentalcels and socialanxietycels and shycels DO exist. Do NOT bring up anecdotal evidence to debunk what I said. Thats an IT move. only IT do that shit. Your unconfirmed anecdotes do NOT necessarily represent what usually happens and you CANNOT bring up anecdotes. Everything i say is backed up by RESEARCH PAPERS AND STATISTICS. If we're going to use research papers to backup lookism then why is research backing up the mentalpill or autismpill or shynesspill any different? That's not only the special pleading fallacy but you're cherrypicking research papers that only suit your perspective by saying "yeah but your research papers are false" when i bring up ones confirming the mentalpill or NTpill. We cannot deny research that disobeys our point of view. IT do that and we cannot do that because then we're using the special pleading fallacy and are cherrypicking and acting like a cult.

And before you faggots bring up mentally ill chads or shy chads, those are anomalies. Idk what research would show about them so I have nothing to say, but most of them ain't chads whatsoever. They probably don't have square jawlines and hunter eyes with cheekbones and shit. You don't have to be ugly to be incel.

TLDR: stop gatekeeping mentalcels and shycels. lots of research shows they're legitimate.

@Alone75 @-BrettyBoy- @Mentally lost cel thoughts?
Very high iq
Even blackpillers will not understand u JFL
I have avarage face. If not my disgust to NPCs and nonconformism, I would probably ascend. Women are meant to be taken by force, I ain't gonna change for a cunt.

@Edmund_Kemper good thread
Telling them they're volcels who need to just simply go and ask someone out is like telling a hobo "just buy a house" or telling someone with clinical depression "just cheer up" or telling someone with anxiety "just stop being anxious". It's completely equivalent to telling someone "just be confident", so you're acting similar to bluepillers.
right on
This forum needs to be reformed, and its members need to learn more about this. We need to STOP gatekeeping anyone who isn't some short ugly ethnic guy.
I bet most here would thought if they see me in life I ascended and fucked at least once. No I didn't. I had struggles in life and to this day I have. Yet when I am white 5-6/10 I am fakecel. Like fuck off. You don't know my story
Mental + Lookscel = gigainceldom
It worst possible combo because you won't even be capable of escortmaxxing or SEAmaxxing.
I am trying to get the mental part fixed. Sadly there is no fix for the looks part.
I'm of the opinion that social anxiety is just an unrecognized form of autism.

The term "anxiety" implies something that could be overcome but i have never known or met someone who had social phobia that was ever able to "get over it".

As the OP sort of intimated, a true "mentalcel" is someone whose mental problems are not "psychological" but are the result of a concrete, physical disfunction of their brain's chemistry or structure, which in most cases is just as genetic as physical appearance.
:soy: and :bluepill:pilled thread
I don't know how I managed to get through all of that. Somehow I struggles through your personal DSM-V manuel.

After high school its much harder to find a girlfriend or lose your virginity.
This is not always true [UWSL]and my statement is not some weak anecdotal one. Trust me please. That's all [/UWSL]

Are you a fat nasal voicecel Indian dwarf?

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