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Serious Working out is homosexual



I just wanna hold a girls hand
Jul 4, 2023
Working out lowers your testosterone and decreases your lifespan. It causes stress which is no good for you. The guy who popularized running ended up dying in his 50s from a heart attack. Gym is for vain faggots who look at themselves in every reflective surface they walk by
Working out lowers your testosterone
So true OP. While chuddy white nationalists were lifting weights, we studied the Funko pop. There will be no mercy. :feelsdevil:
Working out lowers your testosterone and decreases your lifespan. It causes stress which is no good for you. The guy who popularized running ended up dying in his 50s from a heart attack. Gym is for vain faggots who look at themselves in every reflective surface they walk by

So just be unhealthy and fat theory?
So true OP. While chuddy white nationalists were lifting weights, we studied the Funko pop. There will be no mercy. :feelsdevil:
Still nothing wrong with being born white, First slaves was egypt, Another time was white european slaves enslaved by the turkish ottoman, They are only upset over the slave trade in USA, When in real its only a small part, Blacks even bought black slaves themselves and most slave ships in that era was of jewish origin, Stop blaming the whites for everything, Hitler didnt only have whites in his ranks too, I recently saw a pic of a negroid riding next to rommel behind his seat.
Still nothing wrong with being born white, First slaves was egypt, Another time was white european slaves enslaved by the turkish ottoman, They are only upset over the slave trade in USA, When in real its only a small part, Blacks even bought black slaves themselves and most slave ships in that era was of jewish origin, Stop blaming the whites for everything, Hitler didnt only have whites in his ranks too, I recently saw a pic of a negroid riding next to rommel behind his seat.
Ban OP for being stupid. No other reason.
working out is fakecel trait real truecels will nevER work because they know it is ovER
Babe Ruth GIF by MLB


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To the Editor:
The question of Voltaire's anti-Semitism, which is again being discussed in your pages (Letters, Aug. 12 and Aug. 26), has been an object of controversy for more than two centuries. The discussion began in Voltaire's own lifetime when Isaac de Pinto wrote to Voltaire to complain of his aspersions on the Jews. Voltaire answered that anyone could be what he pleased, even a Jew, provided he was a philosopher. This exchange has been quoted to this very day as ''proof'' that Voltaire was not an anti-Semite. He was at war with both Judaism and Christianity. He wanted to purge all men, of whatever persuasion, from these superstitions in order to make them enlightened.
In a book published more than 20 years ago, in 1968, entitled ''The French Enlightenment and the Jews,'' I argued against this construction. An anti-Semite of the most damaging kind is one who asserts that, no matter what Jews might believe, their inherent character is fixed - and nasty. In the book, I cite dozens of passages from the whole corpus of Voltaire to the very end of his life, more than a decade after he had made his brief bow to de Pinto. Two citations will suffice. In his ''Letter of Memmius to Cicero'' (1771), Voltaire, in the pose of an ancient Roman reporting on the Jews, wrote: ''They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.'' In the next year, writing the essay ''One Must Take Sides'' - introduced as ''the last word by Voltaire on metaphysics'' - he ridiculed each of the major religions, but he was meanest to the Jews: ''You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.'' This is hardly the rhetoric of a man who thinks that Jews are just another people waiting to be enlightened. It is the talk of a ''noble Roman,'' his favorite self-definition, who has no patience with inferior people such as Jews and, for that matter, blacks.

The defenders of Voltaire have continued to argue that he was not personally an anti-Semite but only guilty of some rhetorical excesses. That is not how those who were arguing for and against the emancipation of the Jews, both in his own time and in the next several generations, read him. Jacobins such as Jean Francois Rewbell in the 1790's and the socialist Pierre Proudhon in the next generation are among the many figures, especially of the left, who justified their arguments against the Jews by quoting Voltaire. Such figures were not quarreling with Judaism; they were attributing innate wickedness to the Jewish character. This is racist anti-Semitism. Such opinions helped open the door to the horrors of our century.




Saint Nephon (4th century A.D.) had proclaimed that “just as the Earth produces both white and dark grapes, thus does it also give light and dark-skinned people; however, all of them are children of God, destined for Paradise.”

Ever since the 5th century, the Church also honors and celebrates the memory of the blessed Moses the “Ethiopian” (=with reference to his dark skin) – not forgetting to also mention the other “Ethiopian” Eunuch of the 1st century: perhaps the first black person to become a member of the Church (as mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles).


Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch: Early church welcomed queers in Bible story

The important Father and Teacher, Saint Gregory of Nyssa ("Precise Exegesis on Ecclesiastes", Homily 4, PG 44,664 etc) has been expounding from the 4th century the views of the Gospels, which certain others tried to copy, many centuries later:

"I have acquired slaves and servants"... Can you see the magnitude of one’s arrogance here? These words constitute a mutiny against God... if that person considers himself the lord and master of men and women he has -if anything- surpassed human nature with his pride. [...] You condemn to slavery a human being whose nature it is to be free and self-governing, and you erect your own law opposite the law of God, thus overturning the law that governs the life of a human being. The one who was forged precisely to be the lord of the earth and who was appointed by the Creator to rule, you have subjected to the yoke of slavery, which contravenes and opposes the divine commandment. [...] “I have acquired slaves and servants”... At what price? tell us. What did you find in nature that is equal to them? [...] Somebody gave birth to them and likewise to you; your lives are common; the passions of the soul and the body are the same for all: joy and impatience, sorrow and pleasure, anger and fear, sickness and death. Does a master differ at all to his slave in all these? Don’t they both breathe the same air? Don’t they both see the sun in the same way? Won’t they both turn into the same dust after death? If therefore you are the same as all the others, tell me, where do you possess the advantage over the others, so that even though you are a human being yourself, you consider yourself the master of another human being?


When putting together all my studies regarding the (Greek) 25th of March anniversary and the (Orthodox Church's) “Hidden School”, I was obliged to read all the “wisdoms” of progressive historians on these topics as well. That was where I noticed how the “refrain” common to all of them was their condemnation of the Church as something obscure and medieval, supposedly because She was opposed to progress and the light that the enlightenment movement had brought to mankind. And naturally, they never ceased to point out that the Church was also opposed to the 1821 revolution in Greece for its liberation after 400 years of Turkish occupation - the appearance of which we are being told we supposedly owe exclusively to the Enlightenment, which is the most progressive thing ever to have appeared on earth, given that we people all owe our “human rights” to it.

So, all people are indebted to the Enlightenment…..

All people?

Well, almost all, but not quite….

Because all those - who so vehemently label as an obscurantist anyone who dares to express any opposition to the enlightenment movement – have “forgotten” to show us another, not-so-enlightened aspect of the “century of lights”…

In other words, they omit to tell us that human rights -albeit a good and perfect idea- apply exclusively to ... the white race! Yes, all those magnificent and outstanding anti-racists of our time happen to be the staunch supporters and fiery heralds of the cruelest racist movement ever to have appeared, which is none other than the Enlightenment. This explains why all the major representatives of the Enlightenment are also the toughest kind of racists – in fact, with a racism so savage, that it profoundly shocks every person who has noticed it…

We will now begin with the views expressed by the Enlightenment’s “crème de la crème”, namely Voltaire, on negroes and their … “rights”; this philosopher had made the following… non-racist statement when describing our negro fellow-men :

(And they are not men, except in their stature, with the faculty of speech and thought at a degree far distant to ours. Such are the ones that I have seen and examined.)

«Εt on peut dire que si leur intelligence n’est pas d’une autre espèce que notre entendement, elle est fort inférieure. Ils ne sont pas capables d’une grande attention; ils combinent peu, et ne paraissent faits ni pour les avantages ni pour les abus de notre philosophie»:

Essai sur les moeurs, κεφ. CXLI.[3]

(And one could say that if their intelligence is not of another species than ours, then it is greatly inferior. They are not capable of paying much attention; they mingle very little, and they do not appear to be made either for the advantages or the abuses of our philosophy.)

And the best quote:

«C'est une grande question parmi eux s'ils son descendus des singes, ou si les singes sont venus d'eux. Nos sages ont dit que l'homme est l'image de Dieu: voilà une plaisante image de l'Etre éternel qu'un nez noir épaté, avec peu ou point d'intelligence! Un temps viendra, sans doute, où ces animaux sauront bien cultiver la terre, l'embellir par des maisons et par des jardins, et connaître la route des astres. Il faut du temps pour tout»:

Lettres d’Amabed, Septième lettre. D'Amabed.[4]

(And it is a big question whether among them they are descendants of monkeys, or if monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man is the image of God: behold a pleasant image of the eternal Being with a flat black nose, with little or no intelligence! A time will come, without a doubt, when these animals will know how to cultivate the earth well, to embellish it with houses and gardens, and to know the routes of the stars. Time is a must, for everything.)

What repulsion that supreme Enlightener and FOUNDER of human rights –Voltaire- must have truly felt for black people! And how the teachings of the Holy Bible must have annoyed him (that all people originate from one sole couple, Adam and Eve) And how could it be otherwise, given that for all racists this specific teaching of the Bible is like a red rag to a bull (see the amazing analysis by William B. Cohen, The French Encounter With Africans: White Response to Blacks, 1530-1880, Indiana University Press 2003, p. 84 etc.).

Of course the above are just a small sample of the beautiful non-racist things that Voltaire had written about negroes.

So, was it only Voltaire who had such…humanitarian and very anti-racist views? Of course not! Listen to what the equally great, enlightened philosopher David Hume says:
Runner's high is real mang.
Hot, blonde girl IQ.
20240104 184951
I can't take the gym seriously. It's always hilarious seeing the short baldies, or the 7ft tall gigachads getting even more gigachad. Such a meme
Those gymfags that eat 12 boiled eggs in the morning and take roids are digging themselves an early grave. Exercising is good for you, you have to do it the right way.
It is definitely not a bad idea to be strong as an incel. Just don't ruin your health with roids. Good for those -cels that have willpower and energy to gymmaxx.
Working out lowers your testosterone and decreases your lifespan. It causes stress which is no good for you. The guy who popularized running ended up dying in his 50s from a heart attack. Gym is for vain faggots who look at themselves in every reflective surface they walk by
Not being physically active will lower your lifespan. Where do you get your information from? Random unknown news sources?
Shorter lifespan is a plus for incels though considering our lives are shit. I am achieving that with alcohol and other means however, fuck going to the gym.
Working out lowers your testosterone and decreases your lifespan. It causes stress which is no good for you. The guy who popularized running ended up dying in his 50s from a heart attack. Gym is for vain faggots who look at themselves in every reflective surface they walk by
Dentedhead speech bubble
Working out is okay but just to stay fit, not to build tons of muscle like a complete gay lord.
Not being physically active will lower your lifespan. Where do you get your information from? Random unknown news sources?
Exercise in tbe dictionary means something that you naturally don't want want do because it is stressful. Like for example pullups. Walking around is different than exercise. Tons of gymcopers in this thread
Kinda true tbh never worked out for my 6 pack
Did you go to school at RU (Retard University)?
Based OP, you can enjoy life without wasting tons of hours by simply being lean.
read the full thing...can't help with that.
Working out lowers your testosterone and decreases your lifespan. It causes stress which is no good for you. The guy who popularized running ended up dying in his 50s from a heart attack. Gym is for vain faggots who look at themselves in every reflective surface they walk by
obesity GIF

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