Women's value is so high all throughout their lives (and I mean until like age 60) that they don't have to care about their present or past. Just them
being at all means they don't have to care about anything. In fact, I'm fairly sure the only way for a woman to not achieve success in life is for them to LITERALLY DIE before a baby comes out of their pussy. If your definition of success doesn't involve a baby, then even fewer of the already few women who don't achieve the standard definition of success aren't successful, because no women are celibate past age 15.
Coping. If women have to do hard drugs, join a gang, run back to abuse Chad 50 times before he finally caves her skull with a tire iron to see consequences of their actions, then this just isn't true when thought applied to women. Women never reap what they sow, unless what they sow is bound to kill them.
You can't stop these copers from coping. Like in their mind, there has to be some justice. Thinking clearly, it isn't that way at all. If you are blackpilled, the word deserve will come to mean
nothing to you.
Exactly. The more I was learning about women's nature and our gynocentric world and the biologically enforced discrimination against men (women's in-group preference, men's out-group preference), the less I felt I could do about it. I feel like I'm watching colossal powers moving in slow motion in so many aspects of our society. Being a man is like being born a second-class citizen and there's even an underclass among that (incels). There is a leisure class (women).
I was thinking for a while. Why do we even fathom that men and women are the same? Because we belong to the same species? The inequality between the genders is so massive that I can't be aware of how easy women have life at all moments of my day. Perhaps that's partly why we think that men and women are fundamentally similar, because the differences are so massive and personal.
When I hear 'woman' or 'her' (knowing it's not a tranny) I feel this spite or something rise in me, because all women have such high value that I know that whatever follows in that sentence is going to make me bitter for the rest of the day. Pronouns could be replaced with 0 and 1, where men are 0 because men are worthless, and women are 1 because that's all our species can care about and it gives a conscious indication to the value of each sex.
Our species preference for women (1994 study that named the Women-are-wonderful effect
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect) is the most depressing item that's been on my mind for months now.
@cvh1991 this thread makes me feel MGTOW.
She can lose that weight and become unbelievably high SMV in months. Besides, women have to be severely overweight for it even to affect their SMV slightly due to where female bodies deposit fat.
What's that thing about the young milkman or pool cleaner that your wife would be fucking while you were at work. Men have never had it good, only varying degrees of the worst, which is possibly today's dating market.