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Serious Women are literally Disgusting



Ironic minion meme.
May 24, 2018

Why the Fuck would someone, as great as I, unite My Flesh with lowlier flesh for meaningless pleasure. They are fucking disgusting, dumb, using, pathetic, manipulative, weak Shit dogs. Imagine having a woman thinking you're high status, submitting, looking at you like she's a slave - Being Abysmally Pathetic; and it would be even more pathetic to think that one needs that Shit.
dude your avatar is literally a minion i will never read your posts
OK volcel

Why the Fuck would someone, as great as I, unite My Flesh with lowlier flesh for meaningless pleasure. They are fucking disgusting, dumb, using, pathetic, manipulative, weak Shit dogs. Imagine having a woman thinking you're high status, submitting, looking at you like she's a slave - Being Abysmally Pathetic; and it would be even more pathetic to think that one needs that Shit.
based and true
women are disgusting and their only purpose is reproduction
Logically yes but monkey brain wants human to fuck to release pleasure chemicals and remove pain chemicals...
Imagine having a woman thinking you're high status, submitting, looking at you like she's a slave - Being Abysmally Pathetic; and it would be even more pathetic to think that one needs that Shit.
Contrary to popular belief, I think most of us would be even bigger misogynists if we had a woman.
dude your avatar is literally a minion i will never read your posts
Your avatar is capeshit which is unironically worse.
Your username is from Harry Potter as well.
Go to the emergency room and kill yourself you colossal faglord
Your avatar is capeshit which is unironically worse.
Your username is from Harry Potter as well.
Go to the emergency room and kill yourself you colossal faglord
Better than minion shit.

Also, look up Bane of Arthropods, because it's certainly not from Harry Potter. Sorry if i offended you, Minion Lover 69.
Ok but you realize Bane of Arthropods is a minecraft meme right? I don't get how someone could defend minion memes, i thought we were better than that.
Ok but you realize Bane of Arthropods is a minecraft meme right? I don't get how someone could defend minion memes, i thought we were better than that.
yeah I realised it after I posted cause im a slow nigger
at least minions are usually posted with a veneer of irony though, unlike capeshit
at least minions are usually posted with a veneer of irony though, unlike capeshit
I actually just like Robert Downey Jr. a lot, he's my favorite actor tbh. Marvel is kind of gay, i don't usually watch it.

I personally can't get over minions because of how cancerous and stupid they look. At least Tony Stark isn't fucking hideous :feelskek:
sexual urges. that's literally it. if it weren't for the primal instinct of lust we would've reached the stars already. sexual urges is a monstrous power that ruins men, even good men. it's a defunct, harmful feature of the brain that hasn't adapted to the modern living conditions.

nobody who thinks rationally would want to get a smelly dumb whore if it weren't for sexual urges.

"Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up. "

women aren't even aesthetically pleasing or their body is fit for athetic abilites or good for anything other than shitting out babies which will soon be replaced by artificial wombs.
It's the remnants of your biology what makes you crave for the company of women, not women themselves. In case we alter the physiological processes to not need what women represent for the body, women's value in sex and love for men would be as important as a grain of sand. Basically it would be a game over for them.
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a thot under a bus would be a real sight I just wonder would her fat ass act as a buffer or just hinder her chances at survival.
Water is wet, try better next time
Either trolling or having a maniac attack.
Let this be a lesson to all of you who deny profile pic halo and failo.
The halo around yours is huge and you have S tier red username. Mogs me forever.
You're clearly into cp, you sick fucking degenerate.
Edith/Margo are 9/12 so puberty could've started for them, so not children. Notice I held back on Agnes.
Edith/Margo are 9/12 so puberty could've started for them, so not children. Notice I held back on Agnes.

Are you seriously to justify your search for cartoon child porn? Go back to IT, you pizza-loving degenerate.

Mods pls.
Are you seriously to justify your search for cartoon child porn?
Mid-pubescent foids aren't children, DWI
You're talking like a feminist who only accept post-pubescent post-teens as non-children.
If nature has them start producing viable eggs they aren't kids.
Your avatar is capeshit which is unironically worse.
Your username is from Harry Potter as well.
Go to the emergency room and kill yourself you colossal faglord

I'd like to see the look on the admitting nurse's face.

"Hi I'm here to kill myself. Could you point me to the morgue please"
Mid-pubescent foids aren't children, DWI
You're talking like a feminist who only accept post-pubescent post-teens as non-children.
If nature has them start producing viable eggs they aren't kids.

Teenagers aren't children. A pubescent 16 year old and a pubescent 10 year old are in different stages of cognitive development.

No amount of labeling and name calling is going to excuse your pedophilia.
Teenagers aren't children.
So you're saying 13 is non-child and 12 is child because of the semantic organization of suffixes?

A pubescent 16 year old and a pubescent 10 year old are in different stages of cognitive development.
Are you referring to Piaget's idea of "concrete operational" v "formal operational" ?

Supposedly this will happen when a foid is old enough:
  • begins to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems
  • abstract thought
  • think more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social, and political issues that require theoretical and abstract reasoning
  • use deductive logic, or reasoning from a general principle to specific information
Does this actually happen though?

If not, then what specifically are you awaiting?
So you're saying 13 is non-child and 12 is child because of the semantic organization of suffixes?

No, I'm arguing that your child/non-child dichotomy is not mediated strictly by biology (pubescence). That is, you can have an individual who is sexually developed, but still a child.

The distinction between child/non-child is a combination of biological maturation and cognitive development.

Are you referring to Piaget's idea of "concrete operational" v "formal operational" ?

Supposedly this will happen when a foid is old enough:
  • begins to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems
  • abstract thought
  • think more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social, and political issues that require theoretical and abstract reasoning
  • use deductive logic, or reasoning from a general principle to specific information
Does this actually happen though?

If not, then what specifically are you awaiting?

I'm not referring to Piaget's model. Any similarity or overlap is a coincidental, not referential.

There is some point at which these cognitive processes that you listed occur, but they are, by and large, happening only after pubescence. The brain starts progressing its development after the body's development reaches the late stages. This is primarily due to the high energy expenditure of the brain. A bigger body needs more calories, but the brain hardly grows in actual size (I think the infant brain is about 80% the size of the adult brain on average). And so the brain lets the body grow properly first in order to optimize its own development.

Only extremely rarely does it happen prior. It can happen with gifted children, for example, who truly do develop a complex understanding of things, despite their limited data (knowledge) and life experiences. These are anomalous cases.

A cognitively developed person who is not biologically mature would still be considered a child, by most conventional definitons of "child."
you can have an individual who is sexually developed, but still a child.
If you mean in mental respect then that's 90+% of post-teen foids anywhere, so what distinction are you making?

The distinction between child/non-child is a combination of biological maturation and cognitive development.
Will you call it misogyny if I question the cognition of women being so beyond?

I'm not referring to Piaget's model. Any similarity or overlap is a coincidental, not referential.
Which model then?

There is some point at which these cognitive processes that you listed occur,
but they are, by and large, happening only after pubescence.
The brain starts progressing its development after the body's development reaches the late stages.
You sound like you're approaching one of those "the age of consent should be 25 because that's when the prefrontal cortex stops growing and it's used for impulse control" bullshit post-wall feminist angles.

You don't need 100% growth in all brain parts. That certainly correlates with mental potential, but full size doesn't guarantee impressiveness any more than partial size guarantees incompetence. Plasticity and connections from experience seem more important than size.

the brain lets the body grow properly first in order to optimize its own development.
Pretty sure you're smarter and shit when you're newborn (ie how you learn languages and stuff) though this might be in respect to one type of intelligence and not other types.

Maturity/informedness just seems more like accrued learning than actual enhanced capacity. IE if you spend your first 20 years locked in a sensory isolation chamber, you're still a mental baby when you come out, not a mature woman.

Only extremely rarely does it happen prior.
It can happen with gifted children, for example, who truly do develop a complex understanding of things, despite their limited data (knowledge) and life experiences.
These are anomalous cases.
Foids developing a 'complex understanding of things' is limited even among adults, so why fixate on it?

A cognitively developed person who is not biologically mature would still be considered a child, by most conventional definitons of "child."
What's "biologically mature" though?
"growth in the pelvis of males may continue until 21 of age, and females may complete pelvic growth even later"

AOC 22 because pelvis has to be at max size before sex is okay?

That's what this leads to unless you want to explain why to draw the line X degrees earlier but not Y degrees earlier.

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