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Blackpill Women are designed to be raped



Jan 13, 2021
-Pregnancy happens when the male orgasms, female orgams are irrelevant.
-Males have a sufficient strength advantage that 90% of males could rape 90% of females, even without muscle training.
-Men run faster than women too.
-When ejaculation happens, the brain tells the male that he should stop. This guarantees that a male can rape many different women, instead of fucking 1 woman for 5 hours.
-The advantage in logical thinking is beneficial as well, so males can detect potential hiding spots.
-Despite what cucks say, sex has aggression as its main component not love, this fits perfectly with the rape hypothesis.
-The most common female fantasy is rape fantasy.

Like it or not, men are raping machines and this was probably our main method of procreating for 99.99% of human history. :feelsokman:
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Based and true, this should be pinned.
High IQ, plus foids' most common sexual fantasies/fetishes revolve around objectification, degredation, forceful sex, etc.
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INB4 Cucktears posts this.
high iq, good thread.
mogging Elon musk level iq
It's common for women to orgasm when they are raped.
>inb4 plebbit

Rape orgasms
-Pregnancy happens when the male orgasms, female orgams are irrelevant.
incorrect on two counts:

1) pregnancy is not immediate on male orgasm, if betabux cooms in his wife then if chad fucks him right after his dick will scoop out the cuckold's sperm to make room for chad's seed
2) oxytocin increased fluid to fallopian tubes, orgasm produces oxytocin, ergo orgasms incrase foid fertility

-Males have a sufficient strength advantage that 90% of males could rape 90% of females, even without muscle training.
rape requires more than just raw strength it also requires common sense about grappling mechanics

although this might be more compicated in modern era as we donned clothes

-Men run faster than women too.
yeah but does that equate to being able to do a gentle enough takedown that doesn't damage them? they need to bring your seed to bear so injuries can't big large

-When ejaculation happens, the brain tells the male that he should stop. This guarantees that a male can rape many different women, instead of fucking 1 woman for 5 hours.
I don't think that's necessarily specific to rape but just not overseeding the same plot

sex has aggression as its main component not love, this fits perfectly with the rape hypothesis.
wouldn't that depend on the position and context? I don't see how you could support either interpretation tbh

The most common female fantasy is rape fantasy.
Fantasies can be pleasant or unpleasant so perhaps we should emphasize that it's their most common PLEASANT fantasy.

Like if I have a common fantasy of a spider eating my eyes that doesn't mean I'm aroused by it

Like it or not, men are raping machines and this was probably our main method of procreating for 99.99% of human history. :feelsokman:
I'm doubtful of that because the irony is those most capable of rape (muscular mesomorph low-inhib chads) basically wouldn't have to since foids would spread so quickly for him he wouldn't have time to fuck them before they gave their implicit consent
this should be pinned.
her arms should be pinned
foids' most common sexual fantasies/fetishes revolve around objectification, degredation, forceful sex
only forceful sex from chad
I watched a Ted Talk once and the guy said that the ancestor of humans foughg over females which is why the males were larger than the females.
These good old times should back:feelsokman:
Hypergamous foids deserve rape
rape is paramount, moral and right
I'm doubtful of that because the irony is those most capable of rape (muscular mesomorph low-inhib chads) basically wouldn't have to since foids would spread so quickly for him he wouldn't have time to fuck them before they gave their implicit consent
Cope. Foids want skinny hipster twinks. Muscles don't guarantee pussy.
Cope. Foids want skinny hipster twinks. Muscles don't guarantee pussy.
I would go so far as to say they women barely care about muscles or masculine aesthetics at all. Many women these days seem to have a strong preference for the feminine- I would estimate that at least a third of women aged 16-25 are either lesbian or bisexual.
I would go so far as to say they women barely care about muscles or masculine aesthetics at all. Many women these days seem to have a strong preference for the feminine- I would estimate that at least a third of women aged 16-25 are either lesbian or bisexual.
Yep, even the thugs they go for are feminine looking and not your typical sailor type of masculine.

In our society the masculine is literally fought everywhere and regarded as a threat. Young foids want tall/lean soy bfs who can be easily controlled. A masculine boyfriend can't be easily controlled.

Yeah sure, they want to be treated like garbage by a Chad who they're fucking, but in a long term relationship? No fucking way. Being soy is literally a requirement for a relationship. (Which is ok for Chad since he doesn't want that shit anyway).
And ugly men are designed to die alone?
I would go so far as to say they women barely care about muscles or masculine aesthetics at all. Many women these days seem to have a strong preference for the feminine- I would estimate that at least a third of women aged 16-25 are either lesbian or bisexual.
I read somewhere that straight women have low sex drives. And women who have high sex drives are always lesbians/bisexual.
I read somewhere that straight women have low sex drives. And women who have high sex drives are always lesbians/bisexual.
All women are Chadsexual. They have high sex drives towards Chad and low sex drives towards all others.
You rapecels are an unimaginative lot, I would rather reduce a woman to nothing, see her starved, and have her visited by every misery, indignity, or suffering in this world that it has to offer where afterwards in total destitution and surviving in a barren wasteland widdled away next to nothing coming up to me completely naked with tears running down her face begging me to take her in for refuge. Get on my level..

I swear people have no imagination of possibilities anymore. If you're going to be diabolical or sinister at least do it right the smart way.
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All women are Chadsexual. They have high sex drives towards Chad and low sex drives towards all others.
Too true. Studies say indicate that women have lower sex drives overall. I would argue that all that energy goes towards their attraction to Chad.
You get tired after cooming though, which is counterproductive if you need to run away after raping.
You rapecels are an unimaginative lot, I would rather reduce a woman to nothing, see her starved, and have her visited by every misery, indignity, or suffering in this world that it has to offer where afterwards in total destitution and surviving in a barren wasteland widdled away next to nothing coming up to me completely naked with tears running down her face begging me to take her in for refuge. Get on my level..

I swear people have no imagination of possibilities anymore. If you're going to be diabolical or sinister at least do it right the smart way.
Unfathomably based.
Unfathomably based.
Back in the old days there use to be super genius diabolical evil, the elegant sophisticated kind that utilized indirect methods of achieving one's goals, this seems lost on the younger generations which is unfortunate.

We need to make the world diabolically and sophisticatedly evil again, there's too many amateurs running amuck.
You rapecels are an unimaginative lot, I would rather reduce a woman to nothing, starve her, and have her visited by every misery or suffering in this world where afterwards in total destitution and surviving in a barren wasteland widdled away next to nothing coming up to me naked with tears running down her face begging me to take her in. Get on my level..
I’d rather book a commercial space flight to a crater on the moon and take a group of foids with me. Then after tying down the male pilot, I would then insist on ejecting everyone from the spaceship unless the foids suck me good.

Once we reach the moon, I would then scatter the foids around the environment and play a game where I run around impregnating them like it’s hide and seek.
I’d rather book a commercial space flight to a crater on the moon and take a group of foids with me. Then after tying down the male pilot, I would then insist on ejecting everyone from the spaceship unless the foids suck me good.

Once we reach the moon, I would then scatter the foids around the environment and play a game where I run around impregnating them like it’s hide and seek.
If you have to do something like that by travelling to the distance of the moon, you've already lost.
Yep, even the thugs they go for are feminine looking and not your typical sailor type of masculine.

In our society the masculine is literally fought everywhere and regarded as a threat. Young foids want tall/lean soy bfs who can be easily controlled. A masculine boyfriend can't be easily controlled.

Yeah sure, they want to be treated like garbage by a Chad who they're fucking, but in a long term relationship? No fucking way. Being soy is literally a requirement for a relationship. (Which is ok for Chad since he doesn't want that shit anyway).
Yes, in our society, weakness and victimhood are elevated to among the highest virtues. Strength and masculinity are reviled- a strong, unapologetically masculine man is seen as a potential "oppressor." If you want to participate in the dating/mating game, subservience to the feminine- or "simping" as it's called, really is a necessity for almost all men.
Cope. Foids want skinny hipster twinks. Muscles don't guarantee pussy.
We're talking about caveman days where things were different.

In olden days being thin was a sign you were badly off and couldn't get enough food.

It's not like n ow where since we can store food in fridge we don't need to gorge and store fat, where fatness has instead become an indicator of lack of willpower, being too poor/dumb to get healthy fod, etc.

Basically part of sexual selection does change in respect to our society and how people perceivs it.

Muscle is always going to be an aid, but moreso I'm talking about guys inherently mesomorphic which makes muscle low-effort to gain/maintain compared to ectomorphs/endormorphs

but whenever I use the word "rape" in my threads, it gets deleted. I'm surprised this wasn't. Maybe the mods are uncucking themselves

but whenever I use the word "rape" in my threads, it gets deleted. I'm surprised this wasn't. Maybe the mods are uncucking themselves
They are, one of my first ever warnings was over a thread about rape
-Pregnancy happens when the male orgasms, female orgams are irrelevant.
-Males have a sufficient strength advantage that 90% of males could rape 90% of females, even without muscle training.
-Men run faster than women too.
-When ejaculation happens, the brain tells the male that he should stop. This guarantees that a male can rape many different women, instead of fucking 1 woman for 5 hours.
-The advantage in logical thinking is beneficial as well, so males can detect potential hiding spots.
-Despite what cucks say, sex has aggression as its main component not love, this fits perfectly with the rape hypothesis.
-The most common female fantasy is rape fantasy.

Like it or not, men are raping machines and this was probably our main method of procreating for 99.99% of human history. :feelsokman:
Makes sense, that’s what @ThoughtfulCel does
great thread pin worthy. nowadays when I look at a hot foid I just think "damn I'd love to rape her" instead of muh lovey dovey bluepill feels :feelscomfy::feelsYall:
-Pregnancy happens when the male orgasms, female orgams are irrelevant.
-Males have a sufficient strength advantage that 90% of males could rape 90% of females, even without muscle training.
-Men run faster than women too.
-When ejaculation happens, the brain tells the male that he should stop. This guarantees that a male can rape many different women, instead of fucking 1 woman for 5 hours.
-The advantage in logical thinking is beneficial as well, so males can detect potential hiding spots.
-Despite what cucks say, sex has aggression as its main component not love, this fits perfectly with the rape hypothesis.
-The most common female fantasy is rape fantasy.

Like it or not, men are raping machines and this was probably our main method of procreating for 99.99% of human history. :feelsokman:
Based, but if u are ugly and you rape foid, she report you to police :feelswhat:

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