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RageFuel Women are attracted to good looking men, rather than productive but average men because they love hypothetical narcissistic fantasies of tutorial mode



Jan 2, 2018
Women want to flaunt tutorial value all the time. And the fact they're critical of themselves if they don't have it shows that the basis of where they are happy is in places of power/ vanity.

Women are tilling for tutorial mode traits, tyranny.
Women love the way a guy probably bullied girls, or people had anxiety towards them.
It makes me sick because I always wanted to be the domineering alpha and I WISHED the dominarchal halo was in my favor.
Women want men who don't have to try.
They want to have more than anything the vibe, resonation, features of being recognized as a higher entity.
One people want to be with, fear, etc.
And the needlethread bottleneck gets more and more tight the more competition, social media exposure, etc. there is. To the point where nearly nothing can be produced. It has to come from the most pure sources that are recognized. Recognized by the hierarchy of rare, and remarkable forms of acquisition/ refinement.
Novelty by acquisition, and it comes from the alpha, superiority lineage of not needing to compensate, be artificial, self improve, looksmax. Because that implies a life luxury that most want, but the base value very few had.
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Based and ERpilled
When women read this, they feel caught for 5 second and then thet rationalize that they do opposite.
based nad CHOpilled
Women want to flaunt tutorial value all the time. And the fact they're critical of themselves if they don't have it shows that the basis of where they are happy is in places of power/ vanity.

Women are tilling for tutorial mode traits, tyranny.
Women love the way a guy probably bullied girls, or people had anxiety towards them.
It makes me sick because I always wanted to be the domineering alpha and I WISHED the dominarchal halo was in my favor.
Women want men who don't have to try.
They want to have more than anything the vibe, resonation, features of being recognized as a higher entity.
One people want to be with, fear, etc.
And the needlethread bottleneck gets more and more tight the more competition, social media exposure, etc. there is. To the point where nearly nothing can be produced. It has to come from the most pure sources that are recognized. Recognized by the hierarchy of rare, and remarkable forms of acquisition/ refinement.
Novelty by acquisition, and it comes from the alpha, superiority lineage of not needing to compensate, be artificial, self improve, looksmax. Because that implies a life luxury that most want, but the base value very few had.
This goes with the same idea that they can change a loser tier chad.

They want the credit for being the motivator for turning things around for him.

There's no fun or challenge to latch on to a sub5male with little to no financial struggle.

Dumbass Sub25 yr old foids would rather struggle with chad than take the easy road with 25+ yr old betabuxxers.

Only high IQ foids who are lazy will take betbux male at a young age, knowing that they can get away with cheating on him when given the opportunity.
ALL women like to be dominated, humiliated and beaten up in bed. The only thing that changes between them is how hard they want it.
This goes with the same idea that they can change a loser tier chad.

They want the credit for being the motivator for turning things around for him.

There's no fun or challenge to latch on to a sub5male with little to no financial struggle.

Dumbass Sub25 yr old foids would rather struggle with chad than take the easy road with 25+ yr old betabuxxers.

Only high IQ foids who are lazy will take betbux male at a young age, knowing that they can get away with cheating on him when given the opportunity.
How much do you think it would infuriate men that a girl is trying as hard for a different guy as the guy is trying for them? How many guys do you think are aware that in the field of perceived self existence that girls are working for things as much as guys do?
ALL women like to be dominated, humiliated and beaten up in bed. The only thing that changes between them is how hard they want it.
They want this but only with Chad
How much do you think it would infuriate men that a girl is trying as hard for a different guy as the guy is trying for them? How many guys do you think are aware that in the field of perceived self existence that girls are working for things as much as guys do?
Many many men would be angry. If humanity accepted this reality at a 100% rate, society would collapse and we would regress back to a society of animals who would take what they want as they please.

I dont really understand this part so i will respond to it how i interpret it.

Blue pilled cucks think foids have it just as hard as males. They dont realize that chad gets to see a side of a foid that many sub8 men will never get to see in a lifetime.

Hard to tell how many men are actually aware of foid's tutorial mode of living and their effort compared to ours, who's dependent on looks AND intelligence.

This last section is for any normtard lurkers who view this thread.

skilled, strong, intelligent men in whatever field work harder than anyone else on this planet. Foids cannot even equal that same effort in a 1000 years, even with a gynocentric society to back them up.
Many many men would be angry. If humanity accepted this reality at a 100% rate, society would collapse and we would regress back to a society of animals who would take what they want as they please.

I dont really understand this part so i will respond to it how i interpret it.

Blue pilled cucks think foids have it just as hard as males. They dont realize that chad gets to see a side of a foid that many sub8 men will never get to see in a lifetime.

Hard to tell how many men are actually aware of foid's tutorial mode of living and their effort compared to ours, who's dependent on looks AND intelligence.

This last section is for any normtard lurkers who view this thread.

skilled, strong, intelligent men in whatever field work harder than anyone else on this planet. Foids cannot even equal that same effort in a 1000 years, even with a gynocentric society to back them up.
Self perceived existence that girls have, meaning the realm of reality/ perceptual sphere of themselves, life, etc.
The questio nwas how many guys do you think are aware girls are striving fiercely for a person as much as guys try for them.
It would make men feel their entire existence is worthless, and beta in all respects.
This goes with the same idea that they can change a loser tier chad.

They want the credit for being the motivator for turning things around for him.

There's no fun or challenge to latch on to a sub5male with little to no financial struggle.

Dumbass Sub25 yr old foids would rather struggle with chad than take the easy road with 25+ yr old betabuxxers.

Only high IQ foids who are lazy will take betbux male at a young age, knowing that they can get away with cheating on him when given the opportunity.

This fact is why im alive in the first place tbqh
Brings my piss to a boil
Self perceived existence that girls have, meaning the realm of reality/ perceptual sphere of themselves, life, etc.
The questio nwas how many guys do you think are aware girls are striving fiercely for a person as much as guys try for them.
It would make men feel their entire existence is worthless, and beta in all respects.

Not too many guys are aware of a foid's ability and hunger to chase chad. Sub8male Hearts would sink into despair if they realized that the girls they try so hard to pursue, are giving that same effort of pursuit to some bum tier chad who has no future prospect to build wealth.
We wouldn't have this bluepilled society if men woke up from that beta mindset. The more desperate betacuck males that realized foid nature don't give a shit, they know what's going on but are content with getting leftovers as long as there's something appealing enough left for them.
Not too many guys are aware of a foid's ability and hunger to chase chad. Sub8male Hearts would sink into despair if they realized that the girls they try so hard to pursue, are giving that same effort of pursuit to some bum tier chad who has no future prospect to build wealth.
We wouldn't have this bluepilled society if men woke up from that beta mindset. The more desperate betacuck males that realized foid nature don't give a shit, they know what's going on but are content with getting leftovers as long as there's something appealing enough left for them.
do you have any chief examples in your experience of bum tier chad getting laid more than a hard working gymcelling martial arts stem beta?
Imo the best thing to pair up with beta determination is lacking a conscience. If you don't take a conscienceless attitude towards seizing advantages then guess what? You won't be distinct enough to compare with Chad. Jews have hijacked themselves into alpha status only because they have power/ wealth/ status that is only acquirable through conscienceless approach.
Porn, real estate, law,pharmacy, psychiatry, stock broking, etc. They all enjoy leverage from these places.
When life has been unfair to you, then disregarding what is fair for others is only equal from the universe.
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do you have any chief examples in your experience of bum tier chad getting laid more than a hard working gymcelling martial arts stem beta?
Imo the best thing to pair up with beta determination is lacking a conscience. If you don't take a conscienceless attitude towards seizing advantages then guess what? You won't be distinct enough to compare with Chad. Jews have hijacked themselves into alpha status only because they have power/ wealth/ status that is only acquirable through conscienceless approach.
Porn, real estate, law,pharmacy, psychiatry, stock broking, etc. They all enjoy leverage from these places.
When life has been unfair to you, then disregarding what is fair for others is only equal from the universe.

No, from my experience, the few legitimate 10/10 chads ive seen were born to be successful. Im sure there are other users who's seen good looking men bartending or some low wage job, driving around in a beaten honda still pulling bitches, mostly co-worker foids. Ive seen that a few times but I dont really remember their actual rating, I haven't been around scum like them in a good 9-10 years. They were more in between 6-8/10.

About those 2. Depending how the stem beta looks, he has potential to get as much pussy as broke chad, his end would have to be done through lying and manipulation while being extremely NT and somewhat flaunt his wealth through expensive clothes and jewelry. He wont be getting a hole's genuine affection in the same way that broke chad will. Chad effort to get laid is definitely less than completepackagestemcel effort.
No, from my experience, the few legitimate 10/10 chads ive seen were born to be successful. Im sure there are other users who's seen good looking men bartending or some low wage job, driving around in a beaten honda still pulling bitches, mostly co-worker foids. Ive seen that a few times but I dont really remember their actual rating, I haven't been around scum like them in a good 9-10 years. They were more in between 6-8/10.

About those 2. Depending how the stem beta looks, he has potential to get as much pussy as broke chad, his end would have to be done through lying and manipulation while being extremely NT and somewhat flaunt his wealth through expensive clothes and jewelry. He wont be getting a hole's genuine affection in the same way that broke chad will. Chad effort to get laid is definitely less than completepackagestemcel effort.
The problem with a lot of people with a lot of pride like me if they try to beta max is because I hate taking hits to my ego and I’d love to be the supreme center of all social engagement
Have you ever seen a person who works out, let’s take the frame of a person is 5 foot six and is white To acquire that kind of power
Notsam five at six I’m a bit more tall around 6 foot but I’m asking you personally if you’ve ever seen something like that
yea They are fucking disgusting whores
To be honest I think you’d have better luck with having an esoteric personality in this highly anxious time in America defined your soul match who happens to be hot, but that’s extremely rare
Dumbass Sub25 yr old foids would rather struggle with chad than take the easy road with 25+ yr old betabuxxers.

Only high IQ foids who are lazy will take betbux male at a young age, knowing that they can get away with cheating on him when given the opportunity.
The problem with a lot of people with a lot of pride like me if they try to beta max is because I hate taking hits to my ego and I’d love to be the supreme center of all social engagement
Have you ever seen a person who works out, let’s take the frame of a person is 5 foot six and is white To acquire that kind of power
Notsam five at six I’m a bit more tall around 6 foot but I’m asking you personally if you’ve ever seen something like that

At some point, you're going to have to check that pride, you dont have to discard it, just let it be a reminder of your struggles and never fully give in to cuckoldry. If money is the only way you can enjoy sex, I say take it, enjoy the most you can out of it, we all die anyways so there's point being 6feet under with money in your bank account.

I dont really understand this section so Ill answer it how I see it.
On this note, yes I have seen 5'6" hideous manlets who gymcelled for a 5foot foid and still get facially mogged by 5'4" pretty boy twinks. I've seen a different 5'6" gymcel get mogged by ethnics who dont lift a thing.

Ive seen 5'8"-5'10" gymcels get mogged by pretty boy twinks shorter than them.

working out and getting absurdly buff really is fucking pointless if you're short or your face is trash. The above will always happen to you in 2019.
Women want to flaunt tutorial value all the time. And the fact they're critical of themselves if they don't have it shows that the basis of where they are happy is in places of power/ vanity.

Women are tilling for tutorial mode traits, tyranny.
Women love the way a guy probably bullied girls, or people had anxiety towards them.
It makes me sick because I always wanted to be the domineering alpha and I WISHED the dominarchal halo was in my favor.
Women want men who don't have to try.
They want to have more than anything the vibe, resonation, features of being recognized as a higher entity.
One people want to be with, fear, etc.
And the needlethread bottleneck gets more and more tight the more competition, social media exposure, etc. there is. To the point where nearly nothing can be produced. It has to come from the most pure sources that are recognized. Recognized by the hierarchy of rare, and remarkable forms of acquisition/ refinement.
Novelty by acquisition, and it comes from the alpha, superiority lineage of not needing to compensate, be artificial, self improve, looksmax. Because that implies a life luxury that most want, but the base value very few had.
Civilization IS OVER, dude.

It's already been settled, this shit is OVER.

It's only a matter of time, and unfortunately it could be a lot of time, but no one gives a fuck anymore about men being productive and good. All that shit has gone straight into the trash over the course of the 70s, 80s and 90s.
When women read this, they feel caught for 5 second and then thet rationalize that they do opposite.
based nad CHOpilled
Civilization IS OVER, dude.

It's already been settled, this shit is OVER.

It's only a matter of time, and unfortunately it could be a lot of time, but no one gives a fuck anymore about men being productive and good. All that shit has gone straight into the trash over the course of the 70s, 80s and 90s.
this, and this are very true.

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