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Will confessing to my oneitis cure me of the condition?

Shea Vulgate

Shea Vulgate

Jan 18, 2024
I don't know what to do. She is going to be my classmate for several more years and during that time I will see her grow, get a relationship with chad, and talk about it while I rot. It's a detriment to my medschoolcelling and takes away valuable brain capacity I could use otherwise. I know that she doesn't see me as a human and will be repulsed if she knew that I viewed her that way. But there is still a bluepilled part of my brain that I want to lobotomize that keeps telling me that "she's special". My incel friend tells me that I have to confess to her for a physical confirmation that she is disgusted by me. But I fear that I would still have this condition afterwards and I would have just looked like a retard and probably kill my reputation. Please, to anyone who confessed to their oneitises, share your experiences.
Saw title and Dnr
Kids.is strikes again
I know how you feel. You can either know rejection or go on not knowing the answer. I wouldn't say anything to her unless you're familiar with rejection already.
How old are you?
trust me, if a foid likes a guy she makes it very clear.

having a oneitis is a sign of testosterone deficiency.
eat some pumpkin seeds.
I know how you feel. You can either know rejection or go on not knowing the answer. I wouldn't say anything to her unless you're familiar with rejection already.
I didn't even get to feel rejection back in High School. The foids that I confessed to didn't even acknowledge me.
And you still haven't stopped obsessing over random ass bitches?
At that point she already has been through several teenchads.

Go ahead, i guess. Just be ready for what will obviously happen, if you are subhuman.
I don't know what to do. She is going to be my classmate for several more years and during that time I will see her grow, get a relationship with chad, and talk about it while I rot. It's a detriment to my medschoolcelling and takes away valuable brain capacity I could use otherwise. I know that she doesn't see me as a human and will be repulsed if she knew that I viewed her that way. But there is still a bluepilled part of my brain that I want to lobotomize that keeps telling me that "she's special". My incel friend tells me that I have to confess to her for a physical confirmation that she is disgusted by me. But I fear that I would still have this condition afterwards and I would have just looked like a retard and probably kill my reputation. Please, to anyone who confessed to their oneitises, share your experiences.
Approach her, likely get rejected, move on.
Don’t do it. You already know the answer.
Just ask her out and be ready to face rejection. Once she's a complete cunt to you, you'll find out she's no longer attractive to you. Then you can finally move on.
Well, I guess I'm doing it. I just hope the post depression won't hinder my copes for too long, I have exams next week.
I didn't even get to feel rejection back in High School. The foids that I confessed to didn't even acknowledge me.
Are you pajeet by any chance? No one else goes around confessing like this.

Either way you need some serious help, start watching gore and ghetto videos to toughen up
Another day another GrAY
Just realize that she is likely a whore like 99% of modern women
Do you talk to her already? At least a little bit? Also this is very bad place to get advice on your oneitits because we all have absolutely zero experience with females
Are you pajeet by any chance? No one else goes around confessing like this.

Either way you need some serious help, start watching gore and ghetto videos to toughen up
I'm SEAcel. The rejection was slightly larp as I didn't really confess to them outright. Just with my friends who pointed out who likes who during some interactions with foids. Most of them at least got to talk to them sometime afterwards while I was straight up ignored.
Just realize that she is likely a whore like 99% of modern women
And realize that she probably already has a lineup of guys trying to get with her. But she cucks them and keeps them in the waiting line. So why would she ever choose an ugly loser like you? I highly suggest getting used to being alone and finding something else to obsess about other than females.
Kill what reputation? If your incel than you shouldn’t have one at all, cause no one interacts with you by choice
Dnr but yes, do confess. You’ll see that she’ll look at you with disgust and answer with “eww” or laughs. Maybe you’ll realise she’s just like everyone else
Do you talk to her already? At least a little bit? Also this is very bad place to get advice on your oneitits because we all have absolutely zero experience with females
We are compelled to talk to each other during group works or discussions. Otherwise, no.
If you get rejected, yes
I don't know what to do. She is going to be my classmate for several more years and during that time I will see her grow, get a relationship with chad, and talk about it while I rot. It's a detriment to my medschoolcelling and takes away valuable brain capacity I could use otherwise. I know that she doesn't see me as a human and will be repulsed if she knew that I viewed her that way. But there is still a bluepilled part of my brain that I want to lobotomize that keeps telling me that "she's special". My incel friend tells me that I have to confess to her for a physical confirmation that she is disgusted by me. But I fear that I would still have this condition afterwards and I would have just looked like a retard and probably kill my reputation. Please, to anyone who confessed to their oneitises, share your experiences.
How about you forget about her and move on with your life. Dont let a foid control you.
I'm SEAcel. The rejection was slightly larp as I didn't really confess to them outright. Just with my friends who pointed out who likes who during some interactions with foids. Most of them at least got to talk to them sometime afterwards while I was straight up ignored.
Sea and pajeet same thing, anyway don’t confess, life isn’t a romcom.

Your crush is just another gook slut who hates her men, she doesn’t want some nerd med student either
I am finally free. I have confessed and I have been rejected. Water truly is wet.
I know you already confessed but lets be honest, if she was interested, you wouldve gotten her without effort, it wouldve been natural.

If you havent gotten laid by a oneitis within the first week to a month, forget about it. Not that its ever going to happen to incels, cause it never began.
I know you already confessed but lets be honest, if she was interested, you wouldve gotten her without effort, it wouldve been natural.

If you havent gotten laid by a oneitis within the first week to a month, forget about it. Not that its ever going to happen to incels, cause it never began.
I know that. In fact, I know exactly how she was going to reject me verbatim with the "let's be friends" speech. Unfortunately, the part my brain that thinks logically is clouded by my fantasies with her. Now that I got her confirmation though, I feel empty.

With her died my last semblance of hope for the female race. I don't feel happy nor sad. I just feel nothingness and apathy inside of me. It was like testing to see if the clock would hit 12:00 noon at 11:30 PM, watching the seconds hand and hearing it chime.

Now, I know that I am labeled a "bad person" simply due to my genes. Don't worry society or god if there is one, I will make sure fulfill my "villain" duties for the plot.
You have nothing to lose but your pride. If you're lucky you might even get your dick wet.
I don't know what to do. She is going to be my classmate for several more years and during that time I will see her grow, get a relationship with chad, and talk about it while I rot. It's a detriment to my medschoolcelling and takes away valuable brain capacity I could use otherwise. I know that she doesn't see me as a human and will be repulsed if she knew that I viewed her that way. But there is still a bluepilled part of my brain that I want to lobotomize that keeps telling me that "she's special". My incel friend tells me that I have to confess to her for a physical confirmation that she is disgusted by me. But I fear that I would still have this condition afterwards and I would have just looked like a retard and probably kill my reputation. Please, to anyone who confessed to their oneitises, share your experiences.

Option A: You could try being friendly with her. And if she doesn't reciprocate your friendliness, it is confirmation that she isn't into you.

Option B: Assume the worst, approach her, get your "confirmation" and move on.

From my experience, being rejected isn't the hard part. Getting over her is.
You would get rejected so no
Yes just confess and get rejected so you can move on, that's what I did before.
Yes just confess and get rejected so you can move on, that's what I did before.
What did you feel afterwards? Right now my body feels stiff and heavy and I have been lying down on my bed for 12 hours.
What did you feel afterwards? Right now my body feels stiff and heavy and I have been lying down on my bed for 12 hours.
I felt sad in the first week, but after that I felt better knowing I at least tried. I don't let dumb shit like foids keep me down I still try my best despite being a nasty inkwell. It sounds retarded but I actually am alright being with myself. I'd rather be incel than be with some whore lol.
I don't know what to do. She is going to be my classmate for several more years and during that time I will see her grow, get a relationship with chad, and talk about it while I rot. It's a detriment to my medschoolcelling and takes away valuable brain capacity I could use otherwise. I know that she doesn't see me as a human and will be repulsed if she knew that I viewed her that way. But there is still a bluepilled part of my brain that I want to lobotomize that keeps telling me that "she's special". My incel friend tells me that I have to confess to her for a physical confirmation that she is disgusted by me. But I fear that I would still have this condition afterwards and I would have just looked like a retard and probably kill my reputation. Please, to anyone who confessed to their oneitises, share your experiences.
Try to make convo at an appropriate time. You'll accept whatever the outcome afterwards. If she's not interested then, she may never be
Yes, because she will treat you like shit and then you'll see her as an evil, entitled, narcissistic whore, like all other foids.
I'm proud of you buddy. Just remember that every married man is suffering. The best outcome is to get a nice job and pay prostitutes. You haven't lost anything but bragging rights.
Don't ever "confess". Where did you get such a stupid idea? Romcom, anime? If that shit worked, then the biggest chad would be the anime club president, and Hollywood writers would be samsons rather than Jewish dweebs. Don't take cues from media, it's stupid garbage made by stupid people for the enjoyment of other stupid people.

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