Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Why is our community so hostile to any kind of self-improvement.

We should focus more on healthmaxxing and wealthmaxxing. Motivate others to work instead of LDAR and NEET.
I've given up on the LDAR lifestyle. Now I only focus on my studies(which will give me high paying job) and my health (cardio/weight lifting/right eating).

A rich successfull and healthy Sub4 male life mogs a poor depressed soul less NEET Sub4 male.
Because Redpill is for those who still have hope
Blackpill is for those who don't
We should focus more on healthmaxxing and wealthmaxxing. Motivate others to work instead of LDAR and NEET.
I've given up on the LDAR lifestyle. Now I only focus on my studies(which will give me high paying job) and my health (cardio/weight lifting/right eating).

A rich successfull and healthy Sub4 male life mogs a poor depressed soul less NEET Sub4 male.

This. Self improvement as an incel is just about finding more positive ways to cope with your situation and try to make your life a little less miserable.
Because some people's thought process goes like this: "I will spend the rest of my life as a LDARing NEET, life isn't worth living because Becky doesn't wanna suck my WeeWee". So, people here love to spite on normies because they "They are simps and betabuxxes, so they do everything for sex and validation", so what does those people do? Of course, they refuse to do anything in life because they won't get any validation or sex :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:.

guys like you literally legitimize the basement dweller meme, its like you don't live in real life
Now that's the money quote! There are some dense motherfuckers around here that seem to think that life is all about sex, and that normies are in a 24/7 lifelong orgy where everyone is having tons of sex and love while they're rotting, when in reality, things are much different. Of course, despite those people saying over and over that a life without sex and validation isn't worth living, they seem to never kill themselves, i wonder why :waitwhat:.
because this site is mostly a crab bucket full of fakecels who could actually find happiness if they put in a tiny bit of effort.

You only have to look at the Rate Me threads to see most of these guys have nothing wrong with their looks but they'd rather LDAR because they're spoilt bitches who think everything should be handed to them. That's why they borderline homo worship chad because he's a guy who gets everything without doing anything.

I don't even fucking post here anymore because literally post anything remotely positive and you get retards calling you a fakecel or infiltrator. I used to try and give actual fellowcels advice but literally "go outside and get some hobbies" gets met with "fakecel! chad doesn't have to go outside" bullshit.

Join looksmax.org or better yet find some copes and get healthier. It's better than moping on this site.
Doesnt make sense to put Chad in more than 1 or 2 excuse. Youre not Chad, ok everyone know that. Chad is 1/1000 and his harem is 100, there are still 900 foids left for the 999 guys, some of those foids are hookers also.
what do i have to do to compete? Or to get some sex?ldar will leave one at zero chance.
this is .co not looksmax.org

Nothing he said had anything to do with looks :feelsseriously:

Because Redpill is for those who still have hope
Blackpill is for those who don't

Doing whats beneficial has nothing to do with emotional reasoning like "hope" (it clearly does for you as you are an emotional thinker)

Doing whats beneficial comes down to logic, and the black pill is all about logic

Also I'll say it again, people need to stop falsely conflating the nihilism of the blackpill with defeatism

Nihilism - "The rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless"
Defeatism - "The acceptance of defeat without struggle, often with negative connotations"

Accepting that life is meaningless doesn't mean - "well I have to give up on everything I want now and do nothing"

This is the BS I keep seeing peddled all over this forum, which is 100% false

Nihilism is an observation of reality not a decree of defeatist life choices (which is what defeatism is)

Whether life has meaning or not food still tastes good, sleep still feels refreshing, sex still feels amazing, entertainment is still entertaining, etc, etc, meaning isn't required to enjoy life

No point in doing anything if I cant get sex and validation tbh

Yet you won't kill yourself, it must not be that bad living without these things then

Its funny how you "see the point" in continuing to just exist and suck up oxygen but doing things that improve that very existence you cling to you can't "see the point" of it

That makes no sense at all

they seem to never kill themselves, i wonder why :waitwhat:.

Therein lies the contradiction, they'll keep asking - "why improve" and they don't seem to get the simple fact that they already know the answer, they are just being disingenuous and willfully ignorant

The reason to improve can be extrapolated from the reason they cling to life despite hating it

The same reason these guys won't kill themselves is the basis for the same reason why they should improve their lives
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because its useless
No, no, no, no... I am not talking about shit normie advice to self-improve in order to attract foids. No. I am talking about self-improvement for your own sake (like eating healthy, exercising, getting a better job). Sure, being lonely sucks. But, being lonely AND poor, and sick, sucks even more.
At the end of the day, nothing matters as much as sex and relationships. And often these bad habits are good copes for that. If you have to work hard and keep healthy only for yourself with no appreciation or support from others...you are going to fall down eventually.

The normie advice that 'you should work for yourself, care for yourself, and be your own cheerleader' (aka don't depend on others, be outcome independent) doesn't work because humans are social creatures by biology and psychology. It's just more bluepill nonsense to keep the loners from turning on the normies.
Since we can't attain relationships, acceptance and validation, we lose our motivation to keep our health and pursue money. After all, the end goal of money, exercise, career and health is procreation. Without the promise of procreation and family, life becomes meaningless.

True. And the thing about men is that they can stomach a pic-related lifestyle. In an irreligious, virtueless world you use money and health to attract friends and hopefully girlfriends to have fun with. That is not an option for truecels, and in the face of that working and self improvement become utterly pointless.


You need a strong set of virtues to keep yourself going and to stay hungry for success if you are cursed with inceldom, most just don't have it in them. And increasingly our valueless, feminised culture never instilled masculine virtues in the face of true adversity in boys to begin with.
Because if you're a trucel you cannot get a driver's license, let alone a job.
At the end of the day, nothing matters as much as sex and relationships

Food matters way more than any of those things, you just don't think that right now because you have access to food

If you were starving to the point of being near death and I told you you could choose between a burger and fries combo or a girlfriend who would never cheat on you, you'd choose the food

You guys just exaggerate the worth of women and "relationships", and either way you can just pay for sex if you focused on improving your wealth, as for relationships, who really needs them tbh, most men get into relationships BECAUSE OF SEX, so you might as well rewrite that statement as

"At the end of the day, nothing matters as much as sex and more sex"

Because most of us will die soon anyways so what difference does it make
Because if you're a trucel you cannot get a driver's license, let alone a job.

Jesus fucking christ. The drivers license crap again.
At the end of the day, nothing matters as much as sex and relationships. And often these bad habits are good copes for that. If you have to work hard and keep healthy only for yourself with no appreciation or support from others...you are going to fall down eventually.

The normie advice that 'you should work for yourself, care for yourself, and be your own cheerleader' (aka don't depend on others, be outcome independent) doesn't work because humans are social creatures by biology and psychology. It's just more bluepill nonsense to keep the loners from turning on the normies.

And what's wrong with working and caring for yourself? Every rational person should work and care for themselves. It literally has nothing to do with having a gf/wife. By your logic, we all should just stop breathing and eating. Yet, nobody does (with the exception of those who were brave enough to off themselves). If you're gonna continue to live, there is nothing wrong with trying to make your existence more comfortable. It's bluepilled to think that self-improvement leads to happiness. This is not what I am suggesting.
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No, no, no, no... I am not talking about shit normie advice to self-improve in order to attract foids. No. I am talking about self-improvement for your own sake (like eating healthy, exercising, getting a better job). Sure, being lonely sucks. But, being lonely AND poor, and sick, sucks even more.

I agree. Every time I make a thread about improving my looks through gym/make-up/hair-surgery etc all I get is called a coper it's very annoying ngl. What do you want me to do then go ER or something? Like I'm already 25 in a month or so there is not much left for me. 25 is do or die for me.
It's mostly the NEETs (who are also weebs).

Better to be an Incel with so much disposable income and a roof over your head than an Incel who's homeless.

Count your blessings.
Food matters way more than any of those things, you just don't think that right now because you have access to food

If you were starving to the point of being near death and I told you you could choose between a burger and fries combo or a girlfriend who would never cheat on you, you'd choose the food

You guys just exaggerate the worth of women and "relationships", and either way you can just pay for sex if you focused on improving your wealth, as for relationships, who really needs them tbh, most men get into relationships BECAUSE OF SEX, so you might as well rewrite that statement as

"At the end of the day, nothing matters as much as sex and more sex"

I think you took me too literally.
Of course food matters more, but do hobbies matter more? No. Friends? Maybe, not really. Having a girl makes life worth living and otherwise ambition is zero. We're just programmed to be that way, it's not a choice not a bad thing - if not for women thinking it bad and many men too.

And yes sex is #1 but on its own it's not good enough, otherwise escortcels would tell us all to escortcel and this forum would close.
it's not a choice

It is

And yes sex is #1 but on its own it's not good enough, otherwise escortcels would tell us all to escortcel and this forum would close.

You can't magically overwrite years of indoctrination with a single proposition, this forum won't close because most users are obsessed with Chad on an almost homosexual level and because they were all pretty much raised to value women and see having a woman as a means to affirm your masculinity to yourself, which is why they won't pay for sex, its an ego thing
It is

You can't magically overwrite years of indoctrination with a single proposition, this forum won't close because most users are obsessed with Chad on an almost homosexual level and because they were all pretty much raised to value women and see having a woman as a means to affirm your masculinity to yourself, which is why they won't pay for sex, its an ego thing
Utterly bluepilled if you think your sex drive and touch starvedness and need for companionship and company are "choices". You're making yourself part of the problem with that kind of thinking, blaming yourself for problems that aren't in your ballpark at all and are other people's problem in practice or should be (it's not their faults but THEY are the ones who could compensate, they're just too lazy and selfish too because globalism + technocracy means everyone is a click away from a chad or stacy).

As for the indoctrination, that's again not anyone's fault or problem and not all of us are indoctrinated. Despite my dislike for the supposed strengths of diversity, I think this community never agreeing on anything and always having a wide range of views and values is what makes it so strong and talkative. There is no cult mentality, because there is no dominant school of thought. Our circumstances and situations - our inceldom - is the bonding link and the blackpill - the anger and acceptance of the inevitability that we will never have any women in our lives - is just looking at facts rationally, not any opinion or ideology.

I don't value women and never have because my parents are east European. They push me to find a girlfriend as some of my friends and colleagues/coworkers do or have, but the real pressure comes from seeing so many couples in real life and online, many of which are slightly younger than me already.
I also don't care about Chads - if I don't know them, they're just some random asshole. If I do, I'm probably scared of them and their power to shut me up in an argument because years of positive feedback has made them gods at comebacks and shutting people up while getting and hoarding all the bitches. So I just avoid them.
if u can self improve yourself to ascension then u were a fakecel all along
Utterly bluepilled if you think your sex drive and touch starvedness and need for companionship and company are "choices"

Learn to read, that is not what I was saying at all, I'm tired of stating the obvious

The sex drive isn't a choice, the "need for companionship" is all in your head, there is no need, its a WANT not a NEED

It was a norm for men to simply rape and claim women as wives, all this "pair bonding" and "companionship" stuff is rather new for human history, yet you guys pretend as if its biologically hardwired because you don't want to reliquish the cucked mindset you were raised with

I'm sorry, but hundreds of thousands of years ago, men weren't getting down on one knee and giving bitches flowers, men weren't having "oneitis" and men didn't "beta orbit", THEY TOOK WHAT THEY WANT BY FORCE

You saying that all of a sudden so recently in our history (relative to our existence) that "love" is now biological is ridiculous


We don't even have to go back hundrends of thousands of years ago, just go back a few centuries, and "brides by conquest" and "arranged marriages" (for political reasons or reasons of raising prestige) were the norm, not "falling in love"


But, indoctrinated fools like yourself will keep peddling the lie that for some reason "love" is biological

No it isn't


You're making yourself part of the problem with that kind of thinking, blaming yourself for problems that aren't in your ballpark at all and are other people's problem in practice or should be (it's not their faults but THEY are the ones who could compensate, they're just too lazy and selfish too because globalism + technocracy means everyone is a click away from a chad or stacy).

As for the indoctrination, that's again not anyone's fault or problem and not all of us are indoctrinated. Despite my dislike for the supposed strengths of diversity, I think this community never agreeing on anything and always having a wide range of views and values is what makes it so strong and talkative. There is no cult mentality, because there is no dominant school of thought. Our circumstances and situations - our inceldom - is the bonding link and the blackpill - the anger and acceptance of the inevitability that we will never have any women in our lives - is just looking at facts rationally, not any opinion or ideology.

I don't value women and never have because my parents are east European. They push me to find a girlfriend as some of my friends and colleagues/coworkers do or have, but the real pressure comes from seeing so many couples in real life and online, many of which are slightly younger than me already.
I also don't care about Chads - if I don't know them, they're just some random asshole. If I do, I'm probably scared of them and their power to shut me up in an argument because years of positive feedback has made them gods at comebacks and shutting people up while getting and hoarding all the bitches. So I just avoid them.
Because self improvement is a scam and you can still improve your life without focusing on self improvement to the excess extent normies in the rat race do.
This is also a place to get away from the demands of society, not acquiesce to them.
Yeah this right here. I don't want this board littered with no fap bullshit and david gaggins platitudes. This is a safehaven free from expectation. Also self improvement is a redpill ideal. The blackpill encompasses genetic determinism, the two are completely at odds with one another.
Learn to read, that is not what I was saying at all, I'm tired of stating the obvious

The sex drive isn't a choice, the "need for companionship" is all in your head, there is no need, its a WANT not a NEED

It was a norm for men to simply rape and claim women as wives, all this "pair bonding" and "companionship" stuff is rather new for human history, yet you guys pretend as if its biologically hardwired because you don't want to reliquish the cucked mindset you were raised with

I'm sorry, but hundreds of thousands of years ago, men weren't getting down on one knee and giving bitches flowers, men weren't having "oneitis" and men didn't "beta orbit", THEY TOOK WHAT THEY WANT BY FORCE

You saying that all of a sudden so recently in our history (relative to our existence) that "love" is now biological is ridiculous


We don't even have to go back hundrends of thousands of years ago, just go back a few centuries, and "brides by conquest" and "arranged marriages" (for political reasons or reasons of raising prestige) were the norm, not "falling in love"


But, indoctrinated fools like yourself will keep peddling the lie that for some reason "love" is biological

No it isn't

Ok, you're right. Now, would you kindly answer me some things?

1) How do you undo the socialization (no redpill bullshit please)

and 2) if you want to clearly distinguish between biological needs and socialized wants, why don't you say that directly instead of saying "IT is a choice', where it could be anything?

3) Since affection's socialized and it can't be undone or is dangerous to do so (rape laws etc), does affection matter and is it different from sex as a craving?

4) How do you plan to handle or rebut all the feminism-brainwashed women who complain that all men care about is sex and thus brush you off/pre-reject you for being horny, not even giving you a chance because you come on too strong or desperate (aka being honest as opposed to the cucked stuff you seem to think I'm promoting)?
Yeah this right here. I don't want this board littered with no fap bullshit and david gaggins platitudes. This is a safehaven free from expectation. Also self improvement is a redpill ideal. The blackpill encompasses genetic determinism, the two are completely at odds with one another.
tbh a lot of people that engage in self improvement these days have a tendency to brag about it to others and make others feel like they are falling behind. It's like a form of humble bragging and subtly elevating yourself above others to talk about self improvement instead of doing it and letting the results speak for themselves.

Plus there is no requirement that self improvement has to be discussed in order for people to get their lives in order.
Really why would anyone need to discuss it self improvement on a forum like this aside from some things like cooking and exercise routines (which some people here do discuss in The Lounge)?
As a general rule too men are competitive among each other and sharing self improvement tips just increases the competitive feel of the forum and encourages one-upping each other just like in the normie world.
Others can call it crab bucket mentality if they want but imo there's too much competition and self improvement comparison contests between guys these days and this forum doesn't need that.
I think it's hard to get into that mindset where you're self-improving for yourself, and not for women. A lot of incels may not even see the point in self-improving, as there's not much of a tangible reward. If at the end of your self-improvement journey you still don't get what you want - which is to ascend - then why self-improve at all? I want to self improve, but I can't seem to find the motivation to push me to do so. If I could find a way to forget about ascending, to forget about all those who have it better than me, and that the only thing that matters is me, then maybe I'd be able to do it.
No, no, no, no... I am not talking about shit normie advice to self-improve in order to attract foids. No. I am talking about self-improvement for your own sake (like eating healthy, exercising, getting a better job). Sure, being lonely sucks. But, being lonely AND poor, and sick, sucks even more.
Absolute piece of gold. The soyciety and media brainwash us into thinking everything we must do to self improve should be finally for a foid, happiness is getting validation from a foid. Fuck that, we must all focus towards self-improvement. We must start to love ourself. We must be happy with the validation that our parents and friend and most importantly we provide for ourself. Everyday aim should be a better person than yesterday.
Last time I checked, most men pursue wealth and status TO GET SEX, NOT BECAUSE THEY ALREADY GET SEX

The thing is that it's not a guarantee, many users here feel that it is not worth it to burn themselves out in university and careers just so they can maybe just maaaybe land a used up bitchy old fat woman who still might not give them much sex and has atleast a 45% chance of divorceraping them taking all their hard work away.

Also we have studies posted here how higher education/IQ = less sex, male STEM students more likely to be virgin and all that.
Well, why do you care? If you want to go ahead and do that, then do it.

No one here is stopping you.
1) How do you undo the socialization (no redpill bullshit please)

You don't need to undo anything you just to finally accept that it isn't real

I don't get it, if your whole life you thought 1+1=11 because you've never been exposed to or done math, and then I show you math and prove to you that 1+1=2, and you now believe me, what is there to "undo"

You've already been exposed to the black pill, you already know the blue pill you've been fed all your life was false

What do you need to undo?

The answer is nothing, what you need to do is finally accept everything you believed was fake, that's it, and if you can't do that, then you are still attached to the blue pilled world, there are things in that world you still appreciate and believe to be true and you don't want to let go

There's nothing that can be done for someone like that, its as simple as you accept something to be false or you still believe it to be true

There's nothing to undo, many men just don't want to let go of the past, that's their fault and their problem

and 2) if you want to clearly distinguish between biological needs and socialized wants, why don't you say that directly instead of saying "IT is a choice', where it could be anything?

I don't, maybe I'm expecting too much from you based on the context of the argument (the context you initiated) and my preceding statements, it could never be "anything" in the context of the argument

You said:
Having a girl makes life worth living and otherwise ambition is zero. We're just programmed to be that way, it's not a choice
Then I responded with:

So in that context I obviously mean that it is a choice to have ambition whether you have "a girl" or not and were not programmed to have zero ambition just because we don't currently have a woman

3) Since affection's socialized and it can't be undone or is dangerous to do so (rape laws etc), does affection matter and is it different from sex as a craving?

Of course its different, and affection itself doesn't matter, but the appearance of affection does matter for keeping up modern day social appearances and obviously not going to jail lol

Rape is not the only means of circumventing affection though, if yo have money you can circumvent it in many ways:
Go to a 3rd world country and pay a father for his daughter to marry you (if you are still that desperate just to get married to fit into society, you'd have to stay in that country though)

Think of all these known celebrity couples where one has been caught cheating, the other partner has to pretend that they are "muh healing and working through things" and say that shit publicly but they are arguing and fighting when cameras and people aren't around

Also nobody craves affection, what they crave IS WHAT AFFECTION IMPLIES

As men we've been raised to mentally associate receiving affection from women as something that affirms our masculinity, something that validates our manhood, so what you actually crave is to "feel like a man", since your manhood is psychologically tied to how women perceive you, failure to attain a favorable perception from women will leave you feeling like you failed yourself and your family, this is why being an incel in these times is so depressing

If you were born in times before rape laws, for example, as part of a raider tribe, you would not give a fuck. Women finding you ugly would annoy and anger you, not depress you, and either way you'd just claim a wife by force during a raid, none of that shit would even matter

4) How do you plan to handle or rebut all the feminism-brainwashed women who complain that all men care about is sex and thus brush you off/pre-reject you for being horny, not even giving you a chance because you come on too strong or desperate (aka being honest as opposed to the cucked stuff you seem to think I'm promoting)?

JFL no wonder you asked "How do you undo socialization", like I said you really are clinging onto the blue pilled world

You actually think I plan on approaching and dating women?

If that is still your plan, then you haven't accepted the black pill or you know to yourself that you aren't really incel and you are good looking enough to still have a chance

There's nothing to "handle" because I won't be taking part in that rigged game

I'm going to wealthmax (get rich), move to a 3rd world country like the phillipines or thailand, and fuck whores while pursuing other business ventures and enjoying various leisure activities

I don't know how you don't get it yet, but if you are in your 20's and never had sex with a willing woman, ITS OVER, the game is over for you, trying to take part is nothing but desperation and lack of honesty with yourself, this game was not meant for you, you can keep playing and keep losing, or you can play a different game

All I can do is wish you luck, but the path you are pursuing will likely just lead to you being some 50+ year old virgin who still posts on this forum years from now

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