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Serious Why do ITtards do this?



The Senator of Suffering & Minister of Misery
Jun 8, 2022
IMG 8513

Why does IT (especially the one's that lean on the more liberal side) turn into 1980's Ronald Reagan era republicans when talking about dating? Why do they refuse to see things socially and systematically and instead turn to the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense?

If they even put a little bit of social and systemic analysis into their view on dating then maybe they'll understand half of what we are trying to say.
attractive men don't work for anything they just have life on easy mode
Women do not have political views, one or another political ideology that a woman adheres to depends solely on what is beneficial to her in this situation. When it comes to low-ranking men, they are far right, when they need benefits and allowances, they are far left.
Foids are the equivalent of billionaires on the sexual market.
IT is not supposed to make sense, it exists as a bullying platform for foids and troons to push truecels to suicide so there will be more chads, you can't rationalize them.
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They're not serious, never was there any breakdown of anything seriously said by us, it focuses on bizzare raging vents, it even says so in their description, it exists to make a lolcow out of us and that's it.
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Why does IT (especially the one's that lean on the more liberal side) turn into 1980's Ronald Reagan era republicans when talking about dating? Why do they refuse to see things socially and systematically and instead turn to the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense?
because they're leftist dweebs and they're insecure about rightoids dunking on them for being pathetic

so they enjoy bitching about incels because it gives them a chance to play-act as rightwingers, flaunting their 'higher status' and celebrating the status quo like knock-off conservatives

but realistically they're still just limp-wristed, crying feminist faggots
Because their politics are not driven by any great complicated moral philosophy. They only hate the wealthy out of personal jealousy. It's nothing deeper than that.

take my updoot good sir
your average normcuck does not care about incels to the same extent that cucktears users would. it's just because A) they're fighting a hard war to prove to themselves that they aren't incels and B) they need something, someone to take their inner asshole out on just to seem morally superior since they can't just shit on any group, they have to shit on a group that society thinks it's okay to shit on.
Women do not have political views, one or another political ideology that a woman adheres to depends solely on what is beneficial to her in this situation. When it comes to low-ranking men, they are far right, when they need benefits and allowances, they are far left.
True, very high iq. Women do whatever is most convenient to them in that instant. If nazism becomes popular tomorrow, 70% of foids will immediately heil.
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Why does IT (especially the one's that lean on the more liberal side) turn into 1980's Ronald Reagan era republicans when talking about dating? Why do they refuse to see things socially and systematically and instead turn to the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense?

If they even put a little bit of social and systemic analysis into their view on dating then maybe they'll understand half of what we are trying to say.
When it’s something I don’t have, it needs to be redistributed and socialized. When it’s something I have the government better keep their hands off of it.

Socialism and leftism as a whole is an ideology of selfishness.
When it’s something I don’t have, it needs to be redistributed and socialized. When it’s something I have the government better keep their hands off of it.

Socialism and leftism as a whole is an ideology of selfishness.
Isn't Ayn Rand's libertarianism also an ideology of selfishness? Why should you care what happens in your country? Why should you care about your own nation? The most important thing is to earn money for yourself.
exactly, a jewish foid writing an ideology about selfishness is hardly surprising, she shouldn't have even bothered
As a result, her book gave rise to our suffering - Why pay more to your population when you can import a large number of migrants for whom this salary will be normal? Yes, let the country turn into a third world, but I will save money on this. The selfishness of politicians and businessmen is what created this hell we live in.
As a result, her book gave rise to our suffering
tbf I'm not sure if Objectivism has had a major influence on politics, the Jews in charge are more influential than Ayn Rand was
Isn't Ayn Rand's libertarianism also an ideology of selfishness? Why should you care what happens in your country? Why should you care about your own nation? The most important thing is to earn money for yourself.
Libertarianism is at least more consistent, rather than switching positions depending on what is more convenient in the moment, but yes, libertarianism is flawed too.

It’s less of an aggressive “gibsmedat!” selfishness and more of a “why should I care” selfishness, but it’s selfish nonetheless.

A Fascism based system is the answer
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Why does IT (especially the one's that lean on the more liberal side) turn into 1980's Ronald Reagan era republicans when talking about dating? Why do they refuse to see things socially and systematically and instead turn to the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense?

If they even put a little bit of social and systemic analysis into their view on dating then maybe they'll understand half of what we are trying to say.
its because they hate you

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