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JFL Why do brown/arab guys think they are any different than curries?

My haplogroup is R1A, so I am direct descendant of Aryans. You are the leftist nigger, who wants to suck Chad's big cock so being so-called racist cumskin is better.
Nice homosexual projection, deluded cumskin. Slavs are the curries of Europe.
Curries are the ugliest people in this planet. Sorry
Nice homosexual projection, deluded cumskin. Slavs are the curries of Europe.
If we are the curries we can not be cumskins, nigger. Also my ancestors are from mountain terrains - never affected by any Asian influence, cuckold. You are the lefist beta feminist nigger piece of trash. Slavs are the biggest Aryans.
If we are the curries we can not be cumskins, nigger. Also my ancestors are from mountain terrains - never affected by any Asian influence, cuckold. You are the lefist beta feminist nigger piece of trash. Slavs are the biggest Aryans.
You lack reading comprehension skills. I swear racist cumskins cannot even read properly, JFL.
You lack reading comprehension skills. I swear racist cumskins cannot even read properly, JFL.
Then go back to your own shitty country and stop complaining about 'cumskins'. You literally despise and insult all whites, you are more racist than anyone here and you know it. Seriously shut the fuck up and go live with your own kind if you're so miserable living around 'cumskins'. You obviously don't enjoy living in the West, so why are you still there? You're unwanted everywhere you go, no one accepts you and you're a perpetual alien even in your own town. Nobody owes foreigners anything. It is normal and proper to treat foreigners like garbage. Either get used to it or go home. God you are a whiny faggot.
Then go back to your own shitty country and stop complaining about 'cumskins'. You literally despise and insult all whites, you are more racist than anyone here and you know it. Seriously shut the fuck up and go live with your own kind if you're so miserable living around 'cumskins'. You obviously don't enjoy living in the West, so why are you still there? You're unwanted everywhere you go, no one accepts you and you're a perpetual alien even in your own town. Nobody owes foreigners anything. It is normal and proper to treat foreigners like garbage. Either get used to it or go home. God you are a whiny faggot.
I only insult the racist cumskins like you, keep coping, I'm here & enjoying my welfare checks while you will slave away for people like me, kek.
I only insult the racist cumskins like you
You insult all whites by calling them cumskins you excrement fleshed faggot. Every day you come on an incel forum to bitch about how much your life sucks, tbh you deserve all of your misery for choosing to live in white man's country.
keep coping
How am I coping? You're the one who could've had an arranged marriage back home, but instead you choose to be an incel in the West. lmao you're retarded, your inceldom is literally your own fault.
I'm here & enjoying my welfare checks while you will slave away for people like me, kek.
I am a NEET
You insult all whites by calling them cumskins you excrement fleshed faggot. Every day you come on an incel forum to bitch about how much your life sucks, tbh you deserve all of your misery for choosing to live in white man's country.

How am I coping? You're the one who could've had an arranged marriage back home, but instead you choose to be an incel in the West. lmao you're retarded, your inceldom is literally your own fault.

I am a NEET
You mad cumskin? You won't be a NEET for long. And GIGA COPE @ thinking I could get an arranged marriage, the girl has to agree, I'm 2/10 in looks so JFL if you think somebody would ever say yes to me. Besides you dumb cumskin, I did not choose to live here.

Where did that even come from? That's the weakest cope I've ever seen

You choose to stay. Enjoy your inceldom because you've earned it.
Giga cope, I'm a NEET so I can't move away. And even if I could, I wouldn't have. JFL @ telling truecels they deserve to be incel even though they are undesired everywhere.
His surname has slavic origin. Byzantine Empire settled a lot of Slavs in modern Southern Turkey. He is a Turk-speaking Slav.
He is Albanian not slav dipshit
lol at the coping sand niggers
Too low IQ to not realize that middle easterners/other brown shits are in the bottom right where curries are
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I would deport myself back to my homeland if I wasn't getting neetbux
Well this got violent quick. Perhaps admins should start locking threads that spiral this out of control. Sometimes guys you just have to agree to disagree.
i stand behind breaking racism.

im a sandpaper scarred face chechencel, i have faced massive racism/discrimination on how i look my whole life.

why is there a race war here? we're incels.

we fight degeneracy and stacies and chads.
R1a is also very common in South Asia, you dolt.
South Asian haplogroup is C. Maybe in central Asia it exists (but it's not common) but it is Aryan remnant from Antiquity (Aryans inhabited Central Asia to early Middle Ages).
It doesn't say that it's common in South Asia, but it's responsible for difference in skin tone between Europeans and Africans/Asians. Learn basic English.

It's the map of R1a distribution from Eupedia - where do you have South Asia here fag? Middle Eastern and Central Asian R1a is due to Aryans inhabiting this land in Antiquity (learn about Scythians, Sarmatians and the origin of Iranians, faggot).
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Haplogroup E1B1 - mostly common on Africa and Albania. Albanians are ancestral niggaz.
Stfu nigger cope all slavs ive seen are shitskins dreaming to have my nations genes

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