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RageFuel Why can't i be a Mongol raider in service of the Khan?

  • Thread starter Transcended Trucel
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Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
After playing some ghosts of tsushima. It has made me realize how based and fun it must have been to be a Mongolian slaughteering monster. Imagine the great satisfaction a mongol would have as his people would destroy and conquer many empires in the service of the glorious Khan? Going to villages and demanding their surrender and when they refuse slaughtering their people and cattle, burning their crop Fields and looting their prime women.

Extremely alpha feeling and great satisfaction they must have had.
They don't do war like they used to.
Why do that when you can eat plant based meat, campaign for black rights, and sort boxes in a warehouse? :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
whos stopping you from joining the taliban
Fuck mongols. Ravaging faggots.
Fuck mongols. Ravaging faggots.
ye from culture point of view they offered nothing. but the destruction they caused everywhere is impressive.
born too early to explore the galaxy
born too late to slaughter samurai and rape jap whores
you may die in the battle
ye from culture point of view they offered nothing. but the destruction they caused everywhere is impressive.
mongols are high iq because for the longest time they didn’t fall for the ageiculture and urbanization meme.
Mongol is the major reason Afghanistan is a shithole today.
Holy mother of cope!!! The Mongol Empire spanned continents yet only Afghanistan is a shithole because of them?
motherfucker, i research 13th century history extensively. i can tell you 100% mongols fucked up the world. 13th century is the worst century ever for humanity

today's world is dominated by western europeans, wonder why? coz they managed to fend off mongols. mongols lost so many people in Hungary they found it no longer worthwhile and abandoned conquest of europe, to save face they lied its coz their Khan died, except they didnt know that until months after their retreat.
Western European is not an ethnicity or a country, what people are you even talking about? The two most powerful countries in the world geopolitically (after the USA) are China and Russia, both are among the greatest sufferers of Mongol conquest.
if not for mongols, the world would have much more real civilizations. Central Asia used to be white before mongols genocided all. East europe was booming before mongols came.

even north china and Sichuan were very advanced. Middle east was super nice place to live as well.
What does "much more real civilizations" even mean? Mongol-free civilizations aren't real? What are you talking about?
Central Asia had been experiencing Turkic migrations for 600 years when the Mongols arrived, it was never white to any significant degree even before that.
Eastern Europe produced many powerful and prosperous states even after the Mongol attacks.
wonder why every culture these days getting westernized? even Saudi Arabia? coz they're weak, they're poorer, their IQ's lower.

the mongols caused it.

Central Asia was on par with Europe. rich, prosperous, and slavery was allowed. you could buy a 11 year old white Persian lolli.

fuck mongols. fuck huns, fuck xiongnu, fuck turks. those gooks destroyed civilizations
None of Centra Asia's poverty today can be attributed to Mongols, it's largely due to IQ. You couldn't buy a white Persian loli because Persians aren't white (and never have been).

Rearrange some words and we get the right answer, cultures/countries are poor because they are low IQ. Mongols have nothing to with that, in fact the average Mongolian IQ is surprisingly high, it's much higher than any people you find in Central Asia or the Middle East.
(Lynn, Vanhanen, Nations and IQ)
Central Asia used to be white before mongols genocided all.
ok that's it, you're telling me your race now
central asia was white. in fact western china was white. when mongols came, major cities and towns and villages were still Iranian, Greek, Jewish. Turks lived in the steppe and a minority became leaders of the countries but majority of population were white persians.

look up "Tocharians". look up the Centum vs. Satem divide. Western china used to be inhabitated by people similar to English, German, Norwegian. until Xiongnu came and genocided them
Central Asia was never white. The Tocharians didn't look Nordic on average, this is something you have fabricated. Genetic tests show they were mutts (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4495690/) Persians have never been white as well.
we analysed mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in human skeletal remains excavated from the Xiaohe cemetery, used by the local community between 4000 and 3500 years before present, and possibly representing some of the earliest settlers.
you can't use the "the skeletons were mixed with turks and mongols" argument here, boyo

These are Yaghnobis, descendants of Sogds, they look nothing like (northern) euros.

These look English, German, Norwegian according to you.
1Yagnobi people
11Yagnobi people
12Yagnobi people
Yaghnobi girl

Persians were stereotyped as "blue eyed, pale skin" by medieval chinese sources. lots of Sogdian slaves were sold to china. i made a thread specifically about it.
Doesn't change the fact that those features have always been very rare in the region. Is it a coincidence that the Chinese never bought any swarthy dark Persian slaves?

Stereotype isn't a reliable source, it literally means oversimplified data. Jfl at you. To show an example, Jews were "stereotyped" as having red hair in Eastern Europe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_hair#Eastern_and_Southern_Europe) but we know damn well that red hair is extremely rare in any population.
and no, mongols dont have high IQ. and asians dont have higher IQ either.
Wrong, Middle Eastern and Central Asian IQ is way lower than (East) Asian IQ. Now you're being blatantly dishonest.
the studies are shit coz they compare IMMIGRATES ASIANS in USA against average white people.

due to 1920s US ban on asian immigration, the few that migrate were rich and powerful asians. they didnt represent the majority.

and low IQ illegal immigrants stayed in Chinatown (like the famous on in San Francisco) and in bottom of the barrel jobs (like washing dishes in chinese restaurants) and didnt speak english so they were never put to the IQ test anyways since IQ test was conducted in English in US
White IQ is totally irrelevant, we're talking Central Asian and Middle Eastern IQ vs East Asian IQ. It's evident who mogs between the two sides.
and btw im rice. not what you imagined, is it? :feelsjuice:
why do you romanticize a central asia that never existed? (muh blondes)
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Persians/Iranians were white. The central asians ones. the southern ones (modern day Iran) are heavily mixed with Semites/Arabs and therefore look more sand than white.
Turkics and Arabs combined only make up only 4% of Iran's population. "Muh mixing" is a cracker cope that you have yet to prove.
and mongols genocided central asia. CA already got riced for some time with Turks, but it never truly replaced Persians, as the invaders numbers were relatively small and Persian population managed to recover. but mongols ended all that, with their crazy, never-seen-before scale of genocide.

I made a thread about Persian/Iranian/Sogdian slave girls in China:

Stereotype is never meant to be 100% reliable or accurate, but it paints a very good overall picture.

Do you want to walk at late night in a black dominant neighborhood in US, Brazil, or anywhere for that matter? MUUUH STEREOTYPE :feelsjuice:

funny you use those Pamiri photos. you pick the lesser white looking ones. i can easily find white looking ones. they live in both Tajistan and in China:

View attachment 465468
View attachment 465469
View attachment 465470
View attachment 465473

those look most like the original indo european who migrated there. some of them got mixed with sand-people, so they look more middle eastern/indian. but those are the more purer ones who retain their Indo European heritage. you drop them into Europe and nobody would think they're non-white.

And as a rice, asians DO NOT HAVE HIGHER IQ than all other races. as i explained, IQ tests were highly flawed when the US researchers committed serious sampling bias. They only measured IQ for highly successful immigratants from Asia while ignored low level immigrants.
Your thread is delusional coomer fetishism applied to history.

Once again you're being blatantly dishonest. It is obvious why you would never post a crowd of Tajik people, pic related. Doesn't look very German or Norwegian.
Visitors and guests at tajik wedding tajikistan CBYY62

You also cherry picked the most "accurate" of stereotypes (blacks), totally ignoring other ones. The premise of your posts (Mongols ruined Iran/Central Asia forever) can be likened with Africans blaming Europeans for all suffering in Africa today (although the latter has more merit to it). East Asians IQ mog Iranians statically, but even more so if you go by your retarded flawless "steroetype" logic, then they the at least 2x the IQ.:feelskek:
The people I posted were Yaghnobis, descendants of the Sogds you claimed were white. It's clear that you don't argue in good faith.
@AllanKing will stop you, for the glory of the Middle Kingdom
look, you have very limited understanding of history and genetics.

i never claimed Tajiks = germans, norwegians, english. I SAID IT WAS THE TOCHARIANS. Modern Tajiks themselves are survivors, from centuries of turkic and mongol invasions, as well as Xiongnu, White Huns. so they're already unpure.

think of modern Tajiks is like an alien force descend upon US, killing off all major cities and towns where smarter and more intelligent white people populate (think of all the chads and stacies in Los Angles and all the smart nerds in San Francisco and Silicon Valley) and the rednecks repopulate the land. Centuries later people say, Americans are so stupid and ugly, but the truth is, better quality americans got genocided, so the genetic quality went down. it would took centuries to restore, sometimes never.

and like i said before, tocharians got genocided by Xiongnu, a nomad tribe from Mongolia plateu. survivored escaped to Greek kingdoms in modern day Afghanistan, and became ruler there, and eventually they lost power there too.

and i never said Iranians are Arabs. I said they're HEAVILY MIXED with arabs/semites.

genetic evidence show modern day Iranians LIVING IN THE COUNTRY OF IRAN, have relatively low indo-european blood, and high % of Semite/middle eastern blood.

its obvious you're clueless to what i am talking about. honestly im talking to a very low IQ normie here.
You have a totally skewed and baseless view of history. Tocharians/Sogds/etc weren't exceptionally (<-don't ignore this adjective) advanced or powerful, they were small and often vassals of larger states. Not at all comparable to wealthy smart urbanites vs obese rednecks.
and i never said Iranians are Arabs. I said they're HEAVILY MIXED with arabs/semites.
Neither did I, I literally said the oppposite, why did you type this? Modern Iranians are not significantly mixed with semites. You still haven't provided evidence, yet insist on it.
genetic evidence show modern day Iranians LIVING IN THE COUNTRY OF IRAN, have relatively low indo-european blood, and high % of Semite/middle eastern blood.
[Citation needed]
its obvious you're clueless to what i am talking about. honestly im talking to a very low IQ normie here.
Tocharian states were irrelevant or even vassal states, never did anything of note. You think a handful of child prostitutes is strong evidence for ancient Persia being Nordics (lookswise), if that isn't low iq I don't know what is. Keep coping.
Mongols on horses were just fucking up the world.

horses never existed in Americas, but you give that native american a horse and they become acrobatic militants that t posed on horses backs while aiming their arrows.

i imagine mongol army was the same. Nomads that had no land to toil had so much time to just train hunting and sheparding.

farming started the simping/wagecucking and literally soy farming
mongols are high iq because for the longest time they didn’t fall for the ageiculture and urbanization meme.
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now indians cry they got mistreated. except those savages broke treaties all the time and slaughtered civilians. if it was another yellow race, they'd be all killed.
based savages. all those prairie women fantasizing about being being Savaged

whites have too much empathy, so they didnt, and even cuck themselves by self-guilt.
White people. they keep failing upward.

rice never invented anything related to horse archery.
Inventors never use their weapon inventions as well as people who adopt them later and really get creative use out of them.
low IQ again... you completely missed the point of the US analogy.

the point is, when one kills off smart and better looking people, the ones replacing them will be dumber and uglier. sometimes they get mistaken as the original, leading to the mistake of thinking they always been dumb.

had areas the mongols ravaged never got ravaged by mongols, it can be logically concluded they'd be much more advanced today.

for example, if the Caliphate didnt get destroyed by mongols, today there can be a prosperous nation there, rather than backwater.

if one has ever played Strategy game, he would know what it means. imagine getting your country invaded again and again by some AI, you waste resources, and got cities razed.... you'd be at modern age now normally, but you're still stuck at medieval, coz your tech advance went to shit. and thats what happened to civiilizations like russia persia china

china is prosperous now DUE TO EUROPEAN POWERS. not on its own. so your points are totally invalid.

without europe, china wouldnt have telepones, steam power, factories, guns, tanks, planes...... those were all invented by Europeans.

again, people like you have low IQ, you'd never get it
It can't be logically concluded, it's a massive "what if" scenario, pure fantasy. The East Iranians did very little of note.
Meanwhile in reality, the Turco-Mongols went on to found or rule among the most powerful and wealthiest states known to Eurasia. You know this yet, yet ignore exapmles such as: Ottomans, Timurids, Yuan, Mughals.

Most inventions were done by Germany, France and Great Britain, how is that comparable to pre-Turkic Central Asian Iranians? They didn't invent anything!

The only low IQ person here is you, fantasizing about alternate history scenarios with no ground in reality.

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