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Serious Why are you against escortmaxing

Don't trigger him, man.
I, for one, know that you're just coping because you're a poorfag and the NYC escort market is trash.
It's not just that, it just pisses me off how much foids can get away with their flaws without having to put in any effort at all.
I, for one, know that you're just coping because you're a poorfag and the NYC escort market is trash.
Simple solution............. leave.

I doubt he's in his 30's, he has a lot of years to build his finances so that he can leave to another state or even leave the country.

Why would you choose to do nothing and remain in unfavorable circumstances?

If he's renting and working a crappy job he doesn't have an excuse, the same crappy jobs exist in cheaper states where the sex is cheaper too. The pay for those jobs are the same though, so it's like an upgrade.

If he inherited a house from his parents he has even less of an excuse, I'd sell that place or rent it out and use it as a side income and move to a cheaper place.

It's not just that, it just pisses me off how much foids can get away with their flaws without having to put in any effort at all.
I'm more mad at the fact that some people are "born rich" or "born with a genius IQ and photographic memory".

People like that are basically born being Demi-Gods who can effortlessly bend the world around them to their will and achieve great things.

Women are just women, and you only care about how easy they have it because you don't have the power and resources to do what you want with them.
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Based on what standard?

Have you guys forgotten history?

Bride price?
Slave trade?

All men ever did in the past was purchase women, and now some new age faggot is asserting that his clearly more masculine ancestors are "cucked"? lol

I don't even need to go that far back, look at recent times, what the hell is "dating" other than paying a woman FOR A CHANCE to MAYBE get her to fuck you? :feelskek:

The scary thing is, a lot of you guys speak as if normies are so "illogical" and "blue pilled", but you guys don't base your arguments on logic either. It's just a knee jerk reaction as a result of your ego.

If I asked any one of you guys if you would "date" an attractive woman you'd agree without hesitation.

I never said anything about the sex being guaranteed, you get the PRIVILEGE to pay for a woman's food, drinks, entertainment, transportation, etc, THAT'S IT.

Yet without hesitation you guys would jump at that chance with no second thought, and what you are literally doing is "paying foids for their biology"

Stop pretending like you actually have standards or you are using logic


You see one method of paying for sex as allowing you to have "plausible deniability" so you can cope (dating), because it's INDIRECT.

You see the other method of paying for sex as "cucked" because it doesn't allow you to stroke your ego, and it doesn't allow you to cope and play mental gymnastics games with yourself because it's DIRECT.

With dating you can PRETEND like you aren't paying for sex because it's INDIRECT, with prostitution there is no ambiguity or games because its DIRECT.

So you'd never pay for a date then?

How is that not volcel?
I'm against escortceling in principle, but I have to say, brocel, your logic is sound. You used to make some really bad arguments way back when, but your reasoning has gotten noticeablely much better since last year.
I'm against escortceling in principle, but I have to say, brocel, your logic is sound. You used to make some really bad arguments way back when, but your reasoning has gotten noticeablely much better since last year.
Lol dude what are you even talking about?, I've been repeating this same argument over and over. I've basically made two different "all men pay for sex" threads already lol. My reasoning hasn't changed much at all.

The things you probably disagreed with were things based on morality. I can't even remember anything we specifically argued about.

My goals and desires may have changed over time, but not my logic:
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It is not a permanent solution. It is just for gaining a bit of self confidence and to de-mystify pussy so it can be recommended especially for teencels here. Making it an addiction might be stupid financially. Bad sides: Society won't count it as scoring. Society respect you the more pussy you fuck when it is free, when is paid sex then they despise you. Pussy is never free unless you are chad so who cares.
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Lol dude what are you even talking about?, I've been repeating this same argument over and over. I've basically made two different "all men pay for sex" threads already lol. My reasoning hasn't changed much at all.]
I'm talking about your reasoning and argumentation in general, not necessarily your arguments on escortceling. Just take the fucking compliment. JFL

Communication and understanding has some room for improvement, though.
Raises the socially standard price of pussy in exchange for short term individual pleasure
Please go on and explain how:
A man going to strip club and paying a woman TO NOT FUCK HIM
A man paying a woman on only fans TO NOT FUCK HIM
Etc, etc, etc

Is "the exact same thing" as:
A man paying a woman TO FUCK HIM
Well, technically it might not be the "exact" same thing, but it's the same "sort of" thing. It's both: buying FEMALE ATTENTION.
It doesn't matter if you pay her to spread her legs or if you pay her to send you nudes, what does matter is:
You're paying her FOR BEING FEMALE (aka having a vagina).
You wouldn't pay a dude on onlyfans, you wouldn't pay a dude to fuck him, the services you desire are FEMALE ONLY, you're paying for services that require HAVING A VAGINA and nothing else. She doesn't have to have any expertise or education, she just has to have a vagina and exist. Paying foids for just existing is CUCKED.

When a simp gives a woman money BASED ON HER SEXUALITY but he DOES NOT GET SEX, he is essentially paying that woman TO NOT FUCK HIM

An "escortcel" gives a woman money BASED ON HER SEXUALITY but he DOES GET SEX

When a simp gives a woman money BASED ON HER SEXUALITY, he is paying that woman for FEMALE ATTENTION.

An "escortcel" gives a woman money BASED ON HER SEXUALITY, and gets FEMALE ATTENTION.

It's the same because what you get is the same sort of thing, yes it's not the "exact" same, but it's the same kind of thing and it's not really hard to understand.

No such thing as free sex for the large majority of men, you guys are too obsessed with Chad. Your father is pretty much a "John" and your mother a "Whore", pretty much all men are paying women for sex and/or companionship, it's been this way since the beginning of time. You can use mental gymnastics to rationalize your childish disposition but your logic is wrong.
Wrong. There is such thing as free sex.
Your statement might have been true back in 1853, when women relied on the money of a man, but these times are over.
It's 2021, women DON'T NEED money from men anymore. They fuck for their own pleasure and they do it for free to males that they're attracted to.

Why do you keep purposefully wording your description of this so that it excludes the fact that you are getting sex. I always find it weird that you guys do this, and all it shows that you are self aware enough to know that the argument is ridiculous, else you'd be very specific.

Seems like you are leaving out the important part on purpose so you can cope with the fact that you are cucking yourself out of pleasure lol.
We're wording it like that to get our point across and so that even an idiot could understand what we're saying.
As already explained above: It DOESN'T MATTER if you get sex or if you get nudes, the point is IT'S BOTH FEMALE ATTENTION and they're BOTH SERVICES THAT REQUIRE NO EXPERTISE OR EDUCATION EXCEPT HAVING A VAGINA AND EXISTING.

99% of your ancestors never had "real sex" then, because most marriages in the past were arranged and even forced, and women didn't have any resources or rights so they didn't really have much of a choice when it comes to who they married, or whether they had sex or not so a lot of rape happened too.
Why do you refer to "our ancestors" as if they were better, or did things correctly when the exact opposite is the case, they were mostly low IQ idiots. It's called evolution and progress.
It's also a false assumption to say most marriages were aranged, you have to be more specific, what time period are you talking about? Neanderthals? Arranged marriages substantially declined in the 19th and 20th century.

So here's the question I always have to ask you guys:
If your ancestors who were clearly more masculine than you didn't care about "mutual attraction", why should you?
This is a stupid question to ask. Let me ask you this:
"If your ancestors who were clearly more masculine than you didn't care about "hygiene", why should you?"
"If your ancestors who were clearly more masculine than you didn't care about "education", why should you?"

This whole ancestors comparison is generally low iq, because it serves no purpose.
They lived in different times, it's just natural that they had to adapt to different circumstances and had different mindsets.
It's foolish to believe their mindsets were in any way better than ours, most likely, the opposite is the case.

There is nothing masculine about getting laid because a woman finds you attractive, that's the exact opposite. For pretty much all mammals the male competes against another male and the females SUBMIT to the victor, it has nothing to do with whether or not they think he's "hot", they don't have a choice.

A lot of what we call mammalian "mating rituals" would be considered "rape" if viewed under a human context.

Go look up any video for deers, or apes, or gorillas, or hippos, or anything really. The male fights another male, and the one that survives or doesn't run off gets the female or a harem of females.
Oh this is a good one, because you're so obviously wrong :feelskek:

The female doesn't "submit" to the victor. SHE IS ATTRACTED TO the victor.
Modern Male Dating is the exact same thing as mammals competing against each other.
Human Males have to compete with each other in Looks, Money, Status and the female doesn't "submit" to the victor, she IS ATTRACTED TO the victor.

You just proofed my point that attraction is the most important thing, even for mammals.

The idea of "paying" a foid for sex IS NOT A THING, not even with animals. You don't see animals "paying" for sex, you see them compete for attraction of the female.
Paying for sex is a man-made cuck mechanism that enables foids and gives them money for just existing.
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The female doesn't "submit" to the victor. SHE IS ATTRACTED TO the victor.
So you're saying even if the victor was subhuman ugly she would be attracted to him.

Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up
So you're saying even if the victor was subhuman ugly she would be attracted to him.

Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up
In animal kingdom, yes.

In human kingdom the victor is determind by LOOKS, money, status, as I said above.
Also, actually you're wrong about this:
The idea of "paying" a foid for sex IS NOT A THING, not even with animals. You don't see animals "paying" for sex, you see them compete for attraction of the female.
Paying for sex is a man-made cuck mechanism that enables foids and gives them money for just existing.
Please see:
In animal kingdom, yes.

In human kingdom the victor is determind by LOOKS, money, status, as I said above.
So you're saying if a human "victor" has enough money and status, but bad looks, the female WILL be attracted to him.

OK thanks for clearing that up
Also, actually you're wrong about this:

Please see:
"The BBC further reported Hunter as saying that the female penguins probably didn't engage in prostitution only for stones. Hunter believed what they are doing is having copulation for another reason and just taking the stones as well. We don't know exactly why, but they are using the males."
Even penguin escortcels are getting cucked by the foids :feelskek:

"Direct exchange of meat for sex has not been observed." Nuff said.

Also, prostitution among animals is not a thing when it's literally just 3 species. And even there it's debateable. So yeah, JFL, proofed my point that it isn't a thing.

So you're saying if a human "victor" has enough money and status, but bad looks, the female WILL be attracted to him.

OK thanks for clearing that up
Can you stop saying "So you're saying ..." and then laying words in my mouth?
That's a low iq feminist strategy and it's kinda annoying.

Nowhere did I say that a female is attracted to someone who only has money and status.

I said:
Looks, Money, Status

I did NOT say:
Money, Status
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"Direct exchange of meat for sex has not been observed." Nuff said.
No actually, not nuff said. That was a tiny part of the article that you've taken out of context. The general belief of the article is that prostitution amongst animals very much exists.

As for the rest, so you're saying actually a human "victor" with simply money and status but bad looks is not a victor at all, and women are not attracted to him.

Let's rewind 500 years, say a village was invaded by very ugly enemy tribe who succeeded in killing the men there. Would THESE victors be considered attractive to the village women? Are you telling me time/era is a factor in all this?

Let's be honest dude.
You're coping.
Coping HARD.
Maybe it's time you take a little break, think things over
No actually, not nuff said. That was a tiny part of the article that you've taken out of context. The general belief of the article is that prostitution amongst animals very much exists.
You're right. The article is more than just that. I for example didn't mention the part where just "a few" studies "suggest" animal prostitution and the part where it "has been critiqued by many scholars, citing that androcentric bias and researchers projecting their own gendered assumptions onto non-human animals may play a significant role in interpretations of "prostitution".".

You're trying to say prostitution amongst animals is a thing and you back it up with "a few" studies that "suggest" and are heaviely critiqued. These studies also mention only 3 species amongst the thousands of animal species.

It doesn't prove your point, it actually proves mine.

As for the rest, so you're saying actually a human "victor" with simply money and status but bad looks is not a victor at all, and women are not attracted to him.
Please stop saying "you're saying" and then laying words in my mouth.
I said human male mating is a looks, money, status competition and it's up to the female to decide who wins the competition and she will be attracted to the winner.

Let's rewind 500 years, say a village was invaded by very ugly enemy tribe who succeeded in killing the men there. Would THESE victors be considered attractive to the village women? Are you telling me time/era is a factor in all this?
I don't really know or care about what 1522 foids where attracted to, tbh.

Let's be honest dude.
You're coping.
Coping HARD.
Maybe it's time you take a little break, think things over
Ok, let's be honest:
You're coping hard. Keep getting C U C K E D by whores. Be a slave to their roast beef flaps and give them your hard earned money just for existing.
Maybe it's time you take a little break and start to think.
You're coping bro, and @BlkPillPres is gonna tear you another new one, and it's gonna be great :yes:
You're coping bro, and @BlkPillPres is gonna tear you another new one, and it's gonna be great :yes:
Why do you always tag him? Can't you speak for yourself? :feelskek:

I already debunked his shit earlier in the thread.
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The results are the same: Both versions of simping increase women smv. Therefore, there is no difference.
There is an error in reasoning here. The prostitute's SMV is set by herself (or her pimp). What you pay her is literally her sexual marketplace value, since it has a concrete number assigned by the seller - her. That means that the prostitute's SMV is static, whereas the e-whore's SMV is variable i.e., one donor could give her $5, while another donates $100; they both get the same thing: a thank you acknowledgement by name.

Note that I'm using the term SMV here quite literally, since there are transactions involved. I'm aware that the traditional meaning of the term refers to the general desirability of a person in the aggregate.

I don’t even want talk about giga simps who pay for e-whores, they are nothing but a joke to me. But imo every attention to a woman is wrong. Sure there are many kinds of simps but at the end, they are all simps. The escortcell as well as the OnlyFans contributer.
Why, though? We should talk about those simps, because they are also engaging in transactional behavior, but one where the value is subjective and not necessarily tangible. How good it makes a simp feel when the e-whore calls his name is not something you can measure.
Egotistical and a moralfag, why am I not surprised at this combination lol. I'm not surprised because morality is INHERENTLY egotistical, as it involves asserting a "standard" that separates people who are "better than" from those who are "worse than" for not adhering to that standard. All moralfags are egoists by default due to that dynamic.
I don't judge anyone for doing it, I did it as well, but yeah, it sucks and it's a sin.

Also, if people who adhere to objective morals through God/religion are the most egotistic ones, why is most charity done by them and not by atheists? :feelswhere:

Bonus points for the blue pilled "I'm looking for a special woman" part lol, who really gives a fuck what "type" a woman is when your only goal is to fuck her? (don't tell me you still think you are going to have this white picket fence wife + kids future one day? :feelskek:)
I don't believe it's possible to have a healthy relationship anymore in the west, but thinking what young attractive Chad has access to is the same as escortcelling is the true bluepill. He gets prime girls who are willing to do anything he wants for free.
I have absolutely nothing against escortcels at the end of the day you gotta do what you gotta do.
I'm talking about your reasoning and argumentation in general, not necessarily your arguments on escortceling.
I know, which is why I said:
The things you probably disagreed with were things based on morality. I can't even remember anything we specifically argued about.

Just take the fucking compliment. JFL
That's not a compliment lol, it's a backhanded insult.

Communication and understanding has some room for improvement, though.
All this did was invalidate your assessment of me. I understood completely what you said, it had nothing to do with communication. You're the one lacking understanding to see that what you're saying is not really a compliment lol. Who the fuck do you even think you are that you think some random fucker you met online would take a backhanded statement like that as a compliment? lol.

You must think very highly of yourself.

It is not a permanent solution.
One's "solution" depends on what they see as the "problem" and in the rest of your response you clearly showed that you are an egoist and obsessed with other peoples opinions of you, so your "problem" really is about how people percieve you not "I can't get sex". Don't project your problem onto the rest of us and then use that framework to find "flaws", the flaw is in your psyche (get over yourself).
It is just for gaining a bit of self confidence and to de-mystify pussy so it can be recommended especially for teencels here.
A lot of you guys are really copers. You honestly think you are going to "ascend one day" when you are an incel. You are either:
1. Delusional
2. A fakecel
Making it an addiction might be stupid financially.
It's cheaper than "dating" for most men today if you compare expenses to the amount of sex you got, but again, one's solution depends on what they see as a problem. Also the expense depends on where you live.
Bad sides: Society won't count it as scoring. Society respect you the more pussy you fuck when it is free, when is paid sex then they despise you. Pussy is never free unless you are chad so who cares.
This is the ego part I was talking about. What you are telling me here is that if you woke up with millions as an inheritance you'd still be worrying about what society thinks about you instead of going out and enjoying life. You see you guys contradict yourself all the time, on one hand you speak badly of society like it's "degenerate" and "beneath you" but you also speak of it as something "high enough" that you value it's judgements. That's a blatant contradiction.

You guys do the same thing with women too:

Well, technically it might not be the "exact" same thing, but it's the same "sort of" thing. It's both: buying FEMALE ATTENTION.
Lol dude, the more you guys play these disingenuous word games, the more you convey that you don't even believe in your own stance :feelskek:

You would not phrase hiring a lawyer as "buying attention"

You would not phrase hiring a nanny (if you had children) as "buying attention"

You're purchasing a service, so you'd include the service in the description, not go out of your way to be as ambiguous as possible to make it sound like you are getting nothing in return. You just look stupid and dishonest when you do this.

You only hurt your argument by trying to play these word games lol

You see the problem may be that you've yet to acknowledge and accept that relationships between men and women HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TRANSACTIONAL.

You wouldn't pay a dude on onlyfans, you wouldn't pay a dude to fuck him, the services you desire are FEMALE ONLY
I would like to hope that this is true for you too, but I'm starting to wonder now, because you are comparing the two as if both are options :feelswhat:

When a simp gives a woman money BASED ON HER SEXUALITY, he is paying that woman for FEMALE ATTENTION.

An "escortcel" gives a woman money BASED ON HER SEXUALITY, and gets FEMALE ATTENTION.

It's the same because what you get is the same sort of thing, yes it's not the "exact" same, but it's the same kind of thing and it's not really hard to understand.
No, the way I worded it (honestly) is not hard to understand, you playing word games with "female attention" is what nobody with two brain cells to rub together will understand lol.

The first thing anyone with sense will think when they read responses like yours is - "Why is he trying so hard to word it this way, prostitution has a clear definition"

Wrong. There is such thing as free sex.
Your statement might have been true back in 1853, when women relied on the money of a man, but these times are over.
It's 2021, women DON'T NEED money from men anymore. They fuck for their own pleasure and they do it for free to males that they're attracted to.
Sex is only "free" if you paid for nothing (like how women pay for nothing). The exception to the rule doesn't make the rule, most guys have to take a woman out on a "date" and pay for everything to get sex, so they are in fact paying for sex, they are just paying "indirectly". Then when they "pair up" with that woman they have to protect and provide for her.

This is why dating is the preferred "model" for "courtship" because it allows both sexes to have plausible deniability that they are engaging in "prostitution" so that the "human ego" isn't bruised, but that's literally what's taking place. It's a trade of resources for sex, there's just an added "gambling/probability mechanic" to make both parties involved not feel like they're "trading".

"Dating" is the best example of the phrase "mental gymnastics" in existence.

A man buys a woman food, drinks, entertainment, etc for the sole purpose of fucking her, BUT the rules of engagement dictate that he pretend that he's not doing it to fuck her.

A woman lets a man wine, dine and entertain her, solely for her own enjoyment, with the implication that he will be rewarded with sex if she is satisfied with her treatment, BUT the rules of engagement dictate that she pretend like she's not fucking him because he payed for everything and "showed her a good time".

Dating is just prostitution with "extra steps".

I feel people like you cope and tell yourself otherwise because you don't want to see your parents in a "bad light" (especially your mother).

We're wording it like that to get our point across and so that even an idiot could understand what we're saying.
It literally doesn't get your point across and it just comes across as disingenuous.

How hard is it to say - "You're paying a woman for sex"

I don't think you understand how words work, when you leave the "verb" out of the sentence it doesn't make much sense

If someone is paying a woman for "having a vagina" it means you are literally just paying her for that and you aren't fucking her

If someone is paying a woman for "existing" it means you are literally just paying her for that and you aren't fucking her


Why do you refer to "our ancestors" as if they were better
They were
they were mostly low IQ idiots.
They were actually very intelligent and survived in times that none of us would. People are still debating how the Pyramids were built, because it's such an amazing feat of architecture to be done with simple man made tools. That's years and years of planning and hard physical labor to get that done, and that's without a simple and clear written language for drawing up easy plans.

You see this is the problem with egoists, they think so highly of themselves that they even project that superiority on the era they just happened to be born in.

Humans today are just building upon the discoveries and work of our ancestors.

You bring one of those fuckers from the past to the future, and in a few years they'll understand the technology and can do what we do, they'll even learn the language. You send any of us back to their time we'll be dead in two fucking weeks lol.

They were 100% without a doubt better than us. The average human can no longer survive in the natural world.

The female doesn't "submit" to the victor. SHE IS ATTRACTED TO the victor.
It doesn't work like that at all. You see what you are doing is assuming that female animals see ALL of their males as attractive and the males compete so that the female just chooses between two Chads lol.

I'm guessing you've never raised chickens. You can see clearly among the males which one is a "Chad" or an "Incel". The females run from the inferior male and dismount him endlessly, and he only stops because the dominant male often runs in and tries to "mate guard", the males often fight too with the superior one winning all the time and chasing him away. But if the superior one dies the females don't magically see the smaller inferior one as attractive (it doesn't work like that, stop being retarded lol). The females still run from him, still dismount him, but here's the difference, he keeps going and going until the female gets tired and gives up (as there are no other males around to stop him).

There are ugly males among all animals, and their attractiveness is judged based on criteria similar too and sometimes different to humans.

If a smaller, less attractive male beats a larger more attractive one because he's old or was previously injured in another fight. The females don't magically start seeing his ugly features as attractive, it doesn't work like that. He's still ugly, they just HAVE NO CHOICE but to submit to a dominant male.

There are videos you can find online of a female running off or continuously walking away from a male she finds unattractive as he keeps trying to mount her, sometimes she'll shake him off and force him to dismount over and over, but guess what, at some point she gives up lol. Like I said above:
A lot of what we call mammalian "mating rituals" would be considered "rape" if viewed under a human context.

Modern Male Dating is the exact same thing as mammals competing against each other.
You see this is why I say you're just being disingenuous, because it isn't

Mammalian animals compete PHYSICALLY (in a fight)

Human males today compete AESTHETICALLY (on their looks and status)

You see I can't just kill Chad and take his woman, which is something that happens in the wild. The physically superior male doesn't always win, sometimes he's older, or slower because he's bigger and gets gouged somewhere he couldn't guard quickly enough and bleeds to death, sometimes he was previously injured and a weaker male takes advantage of that and takes over his harem/single female.

Human males don't "compete for females", human females are "selecting males"

It's the exact opposite of what you say that's taking place.

Within the animal kingdom, for most mammals, the females have NO SAY in their world. Human males upset the balance and gave their females rights, privileges, etc. That makes a huge difference. There is no "animal police" in the wild that a female can report a male for rape to lol. There is no "animal jail" for a male to get locked in if he goes around raping females. The female HAS TO SUBMIT, she quite literally DOES NOT HAVE A CHOICE (unlike human females).

You just come off as dishonest you more you play these word games and the more you pretend like you don't see what's obvious.

Paying for sex is a man-made cuck mechanism that enables foids and gives them money for just existing.
No, women having rights is what "enables foids", when women had no rights men were still "paying for sex", but men had more control and authority. Paying a woman's father a "bride price" is "paying for sex". Taking a woman into your home and providing for her so long as she fucks you and gives you children is "paying for sex".

You have to be a really dishonest person to say otherwise.

I'm not replying again, it's clear that you aren't "arguing in good faith" if all you are doing is playing these word games so it's pointless.

Anybody going out of their way to try and redefine prostitution as "paying for attention" is being disingenuous.
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I know, which is why I said:
You're in fact wrong on that and just assumed you know what my reasons are based on, but please, continue being the biggest ignominious tool on the forum with the biggest fucking chip on his shoulder this side of the solar system. I didn't imagine you to be this much of an insufferable cunt. It's quite incredible, ngl.

And the ego, JFL. Holy fucking shit, you must have a daily regimen of huffing your own farts for at least an hour for you to keep referencing your own damn threads as if they're academic journals. You truly are a clown.

Fucking KEK.
I didn't imagine you to be this much of an insufferable cunt. It's quite incredible, ngl.
The irony, go look at any of your responses to me. You literally act like a woman, all you do is pop into threads and try to "slick diss" and make backhanded statements, that's literally your shtick lol.

I half think you are a woman larping but you are probably just an effeminate man.

If there's anybody on this forum that would rightfully be described by an insult that is targeted at "female behavior" like "cunt", it would be someone like you.

you to keep referencing your own damn threads as if they're academic journals.
I reference my own threads so that I don't have to retype an argument I've already made and talked about in detail
You see this is the problem with egoists, they think so highly of themselves that they even project that superiority on the era they just happened to be born in.
He's the same guy that said because animals don't do it (which he was wrong about lol, see my post above) we shouldn't either :feelskek:

What a confused guy, what a coper.

He should just come out and admit it - he's too scared to go to an escort and/or his ego too big to go to one.
@nice_try just admit this bro, don't be scared, we're all incels here
The irony, go look at any of your responses to me. You literally act like a woman, all you do is pop into threads and try to "slick diss" and make backhanded statements, that's literally your shtick lol.
I was commenting in this thread way before your dumb ass showed up. Go back to huffing your own farts bro.

I half think you are a woman larping but you are probably just an effeminate man.

If there's anybody on this forum that would rightfully be described by an insult that is targeted at "female behavior" like "cunt", it would be someone like you.
Complains about being called "cunt" as an insult describing female behavior.

Then insults a man's masculinity like a woman would.

Can't make this shit up.:feelskek:

I reference my own threads so that I don't have to retype an argument I've already made and talked about in detail
You realize that nobody is going to waste time reading through garbage and ridiculous formatting just to pick out the condensed, bullet points of your main argument, right? It's your job to break it down and present it in the relevant context.
Then insults a man's masculinity like a woman would.

Can't make this shit up.:feelskek:
When has insulting a man's masculinity ever been an exclusively female thing?.

"Pussy" or "Chicken" is most commonly used as an insult by which group?

The entire dynamic of asserting who is "alpha" or "beta" within the manosphere revolves around insulting other men's masculinity.

You can't be this blind.

Women are only doing this today because they are allowed to, you see this is another problem with some of you guys. You project modern day circumstances onto the entire history of our species, and pretend like "it's always been this way". This is why we have retards saying that women have been the "selectors" for the entire history of our species, that's 100% false, they literally didn't even have rights until a few decades ago.

A woman a few hundred years ago wouldn't dare insult a man's masculinity to his face, because she'd get the shit slapped out of her lol.

The only time they got away with it, is when they were being used by other men to shame men into going to war (handing out white feathers).

Men have been insulting and challenging each others masculinity long before women had rights.

You realize that nobody is going to waste time reading through garbage and ridiculous formatting
Except that some people actually do lol

He's the same guy that said because animals don't do it (which he was wrong about lol, see my post above) we shouldn't either :feelskek:
Ironically prostitution is the like the first thing any intelligent animal engages in the moment they understand the concept of a "currency" or a system of "barter".

Penguins do it, monkeys do it, etc.

All relationships are essentially transactional, even a friendship is transactional, you are just trading in things more abstract.
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When has insulting a man's mascuilnity ever been an exclusively female thing?.

"Pussy" or "Chicken" is most commonly used as an insult by which group?

The entire dynamic of asserting who is "alpha" or "beta" within the manosphere revolves around insulting other men's masculinity.

You can't be this blind

Women are only doing this today because they are allowed to, you see this is another problem with some of you guys. You project modern day circumstances onto the entire history of our species, and pretend like "it's always been this way".

A woman a few hundred years ago wouldn't dare insult a man's masculinity to his face, because she'd get the shit slapped out of her lol.

Men have been insulting and challenging each others masculinity long before women had rights.
Insulting masculinity and using words like chicken and pussy is something middle schoolers up to sophomore frat boys do.

Men who actually are masculine - leaders, CEOs - don't engage in such juvenile and unsophisticated psychological tactics. When was the last time you saw something like Vladimir Putin making fun of a US president's inability to please his woman? Exactly. That's something an ex girlfriend or ex wife is liable to do. I honestly wouldn't even expect low IQ, beer pong douche bros to do that. They'd probably just call you a low T faggot and try to physically bully you.

Except that some people actually do lol
For laughs maybe, yeah. This might sting your unjustifiably massive ego, but a lot of your philosophy is unrefined and very surface level, which is why a lot of people don't take you as seriously as you take yourself. I mean, ffs, you categorically dismiss an entire branch of it (ethics) when thinkers with timeless wisdom have been practicing it in timespans of entire civilizations.

And you're the one asking me who the fuck I think I am? KEK. Use a mirror and ask the same question.
  • It's illegal in my state
  • I don't want to pay for sex, when Chad gets fucked for free
  • It would prove the fact that foids are shallow toilets, that would only have sex with a subhuman for money
I'm guessing you've never raised chickens. You can see clearly among the males which one is a "Chad" or an "Incel". The females run from the inferior male and dismount him endlessly, and he only stops because the dominant male often runs in and tries to "mate guard", the males often fight too with the superior one winning all the time and chasing him away. But if the superior one dies the females don't magically see the smaller inferior one as attractive (it doesn't work like that, stop being retarded lol). The females still run from him, still dismount him, but here's the difference, he keeps going and going until the female gets tired and gives up (as there are no other males around to stop him).

There are ugly males among all animals, and their attractiveness is judged based on criteria similar too and sometimes different to humans.

If a smaller, less attractive male beats a larger more attractive one because he's old or was previously injured in another fight. The females don't magically start seeing his ugly features as attractive, it doesn't work like that. He's still ugly, they just HAVE NO CHOICE but to submit to a dominant male.

There are videos you can find online of a female running off or continuously walking away from a male she finds unattractive as he keeps trying to mount her, sometimes she'll shake him off and force him to dismount over and over, but guess what, at some point she gives up lol.
Links to the videos? Have you raised chickens?
  • It's illegal in my state
  • I don't want to pay for sex, when Chad gets fucked for free
  • It would prove the fact that foids are shallow toilets, that would only have sex with a subhuman for money
But you’re not chad , so your going to pay one way or another
I say we ban all users who are against escortmaxxing. You are a fuckin fakecel if you are against escortmaxxing.

You are young, broke, or closet homo if you didn't break at one point. Because sooner or later when youre in your mid 20s and still a virgin and you decide that you can't take it anymore, you do what is logical and natural for someone in your situation and go pay for a hooker. Out of extreme frustration, disillusionment, anger, and despair you pay for the pussy and pound away at her mercilessly.

Fakecel escortmaxx bashers maybe subconsciously think in their minds, that they can ascend one day (because of their youth), then they bash escortmaxxers who are older and still incel.

There have been many threads on this topic. There should be a thread identifying all those against escortmaxxing and they should receive warnings.

Also, if you don't like someone talking about their escortmaxxing experiences, no one is forcing you to read it. I for one, find some solace knowing that I fucked a 5'6 foid in her mid to late 20s. Thats an experience that I can keep, meanwhile she uses the money I paid her on makeup, clothes, or drugs. Also, that 5'6 whore wouldn't even have noticed me if she saw me on the street. Just a low value short ugly ricecel. And if she does notice me for some reason (say in a confined space), would likely treat me in a hostile rude manner for no reason.
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Most escorts I still have a nasty ass attitude in their bio be like "you're on my time" bitch fuck you. Why are you rude to your customers. Is it a defense mechanism. I don't know the attitude of American escorts just piss me the fuck off.

Incels always complain about simps giving money to foids just because they're female, but escortceling is the exact same thing.

I would NEVER give my hard earned money to a foid just for having a vagene ... NEVER.
it's CUCKED.

Paying for something Chad gets for free is

Paying a foid for nothing except having a Vagene is

Escort sex is not real sex.

Real sex involves 2 partners who want to fuck EACH OTHER.
An escort pussy will NEVER be as juicy and wet as a pussy that is actually attracted to you and wants to get POUNDED :smonk:

You could fuck a microwaved meat loaf and it would be the exact same as fucking an escort, except the meat loaf is way cheaper.
These are weak arguments and I disagree. I disagree because sex is sex.

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