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Being one myself I have noticed this bizarre trend. What is going on that we end up here while the Hindus/Sikhs/Christians do not?
Alex_Bones said:I asked this same question a while ago because I thought you guys could easily get arranged marriages and shit. But I was wrong.
They probably got here because their own women are flocking to Chads; sometimes leaving them no space or western looks-matched to date.Alex_Bones said:I asked this same question a while ago because I thought you guys could easily get arranged marriages and shit. But I was wrong.
Grotesque said:Because you're shit. Your skin is shit. You play in shit. You eat shit. You smell like shit.
All white people find Indians absolutely repulsive subhuman garbage.
Grotesque said:Because you're shit. Your skin is shit. You play in shit. You eat shit. You smell like shit.
All white people find Indians absolutely repulsive subhuman garbage.
idkwattodowithlife said:They probably got here because their own women are flocking to Chads; sometimes leaving them no space or western looks-matched to date.
I actually wouldn't mind an open relationship, but however my parents met through couch surfing lol. Anyways, how did your parents end up meeting up with each other?
Currycel4Life said:Yeah, I've noticed currycels are overwhelmingly represented on this site... as well as most other incel oriented websites. We truly are the ugliest of the bunch. The longstanding tradition of arranged marriage has genetically fucked us since now ugly as sin fuckers who should've NEVER been allowed to reproduce propagated their genes. I mean most ugly, heinous offensive-to-the-eyes type people I see are almost always universally curries. We're so damn ugly dude...
NegroKing said:The thing is that if it was just that, we should have some good mixed in with the bad. Plus arranged marriage has been a thing in many cultures throughout the world. I think what screwed us is the fact that we had a civilization very early on, with lots of fertile land and riches which meant we were exposed to far less selection pressure.
The saddest part is that we are CONSISTENTLY ugly to the point where where you almost can't imagine a person who looks Indian but also looks good. But it does happen, although very rarely. There's one very hot Indian girl at my campus.
Currycel4Life said:You can bet your sweet ass she's not dating another currynigger!
NegroKing said:Her guy looks like some South American model.
I asked this in the other thread but is it just me or is there a severe lack of hispanic incels in the incel communityNegroKing said:Her guy looks like some South American model.Currycel4Life said:You can bet your sweet ass she's not dating another currynigger!
Currycel4Life said:While I'm mad at her for not fucking a hot indian dude so that we could advance our race, I also don't blame her. Who the fuck would want to be indian? We're the least attractive, least athletic, least "cool" on the social rungs.NegroKing said:Her guy looks like some South American model.
Black guys have cool rappers, basketball players etc.
Asians have cool kpop stars and other cool shit
South Americans have always been regarded as attractive
What the fuck do we have? What's out representation to the rest of the world?
Bollywood that produces subpar shit tier nonsense
Dorky computer nerds who work as tech support in USA
A country where people literally shit on the streets
To top it all off, as a collective nation we are possibly the ugliest fucking cretins of this entire human race.
Morf12 said:I asked this in the other thread but is it just me or is there a severe lack of hispanic incels in the incel community
You're the highest earning ethnicity in the U.S if it makes you feel any better.
Currycel4Life said:While I'm mad at her for not fucking a hot indian dude so that we could advance our race, I also don't blame her. Who the fuck would want to be indian? We're the least attractive, least athletic, least "cool" on the social rungs.
Black guys have cool rappers, basketball players etc.
Asians have cool kpop stars and other cool shit
South Americans have always been regarded as attractive
What the fuck do we have? What's out representation to the rest of the world?
Bollywood that produces subpar shit tier nonsense
Dorky computer nerds who work as tech support in USA
A country where people literally shit on the streets
To top it all off, as a collective nation we are possibly the ugliest fucking cretins of this entire human race.
NegroKing said:That doesn't even scratch the surface. Add in the most annoying accents, the most beta/feminine culture, no history of conquest, perverted men, most low empathy people and you understand that self-hating Indians are actually the enlightened ones. Also the Indians being smart thing is a meme. Most Indians are low IQ, it's just that the creme of the crop of Indian society migrated to the west and gave everyone the wrong impression.
Currycel4Life said:The list is endless lad. We lost the game before we ever started playing. I'm sorry for your suffering brother, but I go through the same too.
Grotesque said:Because you're shit. Your skin is shit. You play in shit. You eat shit. You smell like shit.
All white people find Indians absolutely repulsive subhuman garbage.
NegroKing said:Are you at least NT? Being non-NT and Indian is actually HELL. Indians make you miserable for not being normal, whites make you miserable for being Indian. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Currycel4Life said:NT? What's that?
NegroKing said:Being one myself I have noticed this bizarre trend. What is going on that we end up here while the Hindus/Sikhs/Christians do not?
dardycunt said:Christian Indians are the biggest copers in the world despite being unattractive in general. They have a special coping gene that predisposes them to sandnigger indoctrination and complete immunity to the blackpill.
NegroKing said:They are also the biggest cucks. Take Dinesh D'souza for example. They really think acting white will make them white.
dardycunt said:The white-worship is embarrassing, I was never ashamed of my race but I hate being associated with South Asians who cape for political outfits like the EDL in oder to virtue-signal that they are a "model minority" and "integrating". Hindu nationalists are the worst exemplar of why "the enemy of your enemy is your friend" is terrible advice, I know so many who are pro-Israel or support Gert Wilders and his ilk just because they think Muslims are their eternal enemies. Literally no rational justification for their support, just misguided self-aggrandization.
Pretending to be Arab/Mediterranean/multiracial is also super pathetic, as well as currycels thinking they're better than other currycels because they have lighter skin.
dardycunt said:The white-worship is embarrassing, I was never ashamed of my race but I hate being associated with South Asians who cape for political outfits like the EDL in oder to virtue-signal that they are a "model minority" and "integrating". Hindu nationalists are the worst exemplar of why "the enemy of your enemy is your friend" is terrible advice, I know so many who are pro-Israel or support Gert Wilders and his ilk just because they think Muslims are their eternal enemies. Literally no rational justification for their support, just misguided self-aggrandization.
Pretending to be Arab/Mediterranean/multiracial is also super pathetic, as well as currycels thinking they're better than other currycels because they have lighter skin.
dardycunt said:Christian Indians are the biggest copers in the world despite being unattractive in general. They have a special coping gene that predisposes them to sandnigger indoctrination and complete immunity to the blackpill.NegroKing said:Being one myself I have noticed this bizarre trend. What is going on that we end up here while the Hindus/Sikhs/Christians do not?
ilieknothing said:Oh dear god I hate those Christian converts. They are more prevalent with those from the south. They throw away their roots to embrace the white man's religion. At least convert to the religion of the St. Thomas Christians.
dardycunt said:The white-worship is embarrassing, I was never ashamed of my race but I hate being associated with South Asians who cape for political outfits like the EDL in oder to virtue-signal that they are a "model minority" and "integrating". Hindu nationalists are the worst exemplar of why "the enemy of your enemy is your friend" is terrible advice, I know so many who are pro-Israel or support Gert Wilders and his ilk just because they think Muslims are their eternal enemies. Literally no rational justification for their support, just misguided self-aggrandization.
Pretending to be Arab/Mediterranean/multiracial is also super pathetic, as well as currycels thinking they're better than other currycels because they have lighter skin.
Krispinwah said:I’m a Pakistani Muslim. I can’t get arranged marriage because I live in the west and Muslim girls here are white washed sluts who don’t take the religion seriously at all. Even if a father wanted me to be the husband of their daughter she would refuse, Muslim girls here have way to much power.
Yep. They full on just date them, they don’t careArab said:did they lose their virginity's to white chads?Krispinwah said:I’m a Pakistani Muslim. I can’t get arranged marriage because I live in the west and Muslim girls here are white washed sluts who don’t take the religion seriously at all. Even if a father wanted me to be the husband of their daughter she would refuse, Muslim girls here have way to much power.
Krispinwah said:Yep. They full on just date them, they don’t care
Not sureArab said:do their parents know?Krispinwah said:Yep. They full on just date them, they don’t care
Krispinwah said:I’m a Pakistani Muslim. I can’t get arranged marriage because I live in the west and Muslim girls here are white washed sluts who don’t take the religion seriously at all. Even if a father wanted me to be the husband of their daughter she would refuse, Muslim girls here have way to much power.
Justice said:If only if indians had held off muslims and euroscum to the modern day we could have coped running money game at least.
ilieknothing said:They throw away their roots to embrace the white man's religion. At least convert to the religion of the St. Thomas Christians.
chudur-budur said:Ex muslim currycel here, because muslim currybitches flock to those chad looking muslim curries, also I think the population density of chad within muslim curries is higher than other religious curry groups.
Justice said:Muslims are eternal enemies. They raped and pillaged India. Every single muslim needs to be kicked out of india at bare minimum. Its such a disgrace in our own country allows these scumbags to rain free and allow them rights.
Also white people particularly the british and other euroscum that came to india will forever be eternal enemies. These mofos fucked up everything, stole all our wealth, stole knowledge, raped our women, made most indians illiterate and then lie about it saying they educated us.
If only if indians had held off muslims and euroscum to the modern day we could have coped running money game at least.
Alex_Bones said:I asked this same question a while ago because I thought you guys could easily get arranged marriages and shit. But I was wrong.
That’s retarded. I can see why Christian girls might do that, but anal is forbidden in Islam. Avoiding sin by committing a sin, girls are fucking stupidOtan said:Shariacel here, hypergamy is real
Unless your a betabux sub dont even try to get married, wageslaving is even cope.
Theyll never marry you unless your rich or a decent looking Chad.
Also quality of women have decreased over many years.
Muslim women now do anal to secure their virginity.
Its retarded thinking they wont get the whip, when they really need it.
NegroKing said:I don't really see this in action. I see them chasing the douchebags/popular guys but not really so much the good looking guys. "population density of chad within muslim curries is higher than other religious curry groups". That's because of the Pakistanis. We Indians cannot compete with them.
The biggest detriment to India is and always has been the Indian mentality-not the Turks, Afghans, Brits, or anyone else. The brutal treatment of children, animals, and low caste people in India is purely a product of Hindu culture. No one introduced this. But you can cope with this "WE WUZ KANGZ" bullshit.
Morf12 said:How would a low caste indian rise above in india? Is it even possible? Also is Caste based on skin color? I ask because most of the upper class indians that left India with very high IQ tend to be darker and a lot dark in comparison to those light skin ones you would see on bollywood.
Justice said:Muslims are eternal enemies. They raped and pillaged India. Every single muslim needs to be kicked out of india at bare minimum. Its such a disgrace in our own country allows these scumbags to rain free and allow them rights.
Also white people particularly the british and other euroscum that came to india will forever be eternal enemies. These mofos fucked up everything, stole all our wealth, stole knowledge, raped our women, made most indians illiterate and then lie about it saying they educated us.
If only if indians had held off muslims and euroscum to the modern day we could have coped running money game at least.
NegroKing said:I don’t even think white washed is the right word. A lot of Pakis and Arabs are low IQ hypocrites who take what they want from the religion and don’t follow the rest. They pray and fast but they also have sex outside of marriage. Honestly it’s pathetic-if you want to call yourself a good Muslim you should go all in or nothing.
chudur-budur said:Plot twist, christianity is not actually a white man's religion, it came from the middle east (palestine/arab), kek.
Morf12 said:I asked this in the other thread but is it just me or is there a severe lack of hispanic incels in the incel community
You're the highest earning ethnicity in the U.S if it makes you feel any better.
chudur-budur said:Correction, we are the highest earner among the all minority ethnic groups, we definitely don't earn more than most whites.
Morf12 said:No, you are the highest earning ethnicity in the US period. This isn't exactly news either.chudur-budur said:Correction, we are the highest earner among the all minority ethnic groups, we definitely don't earn more than most whites.