JovanD said:
Otan said:
Who give s a fuck, I was saying they died just like any other human being would. but ultimately are denied paradise in the afterlife.
So how do you know what I am saying is true or not?
Or are you just a coper trying to scapegoat from your clear high IQ who thinks he knows exactly what happens after death?
These verses we use as proof that it is an immoral act. you either support the monkeys or you dont. How do you know they aren't cursed or not? Cause clearly they bring out SJW issues that doesnt mean anything so their lives have no meaning. But still they live on until they die, like any other human being.
So how do you know that being gay is ok If there are verses saying that they are being denied paradise after death?
I shouldn't argue with you since you're are just too unreasonable and it's annoying, like arguing with a toddler.
You are honestly EVIL AND IMMORAL if you think it's okay to kill people because you think they won't be able to go to magic land in your fucked up fairytale.
Let's for the sake of argument even if the stupid fairy tale is some how true, it is still immoral and stupid to deny people their current life because of afterlife, they will die anyways and be judged when it's their time. Afaik it is god's job to judge sinners not yours, you are not god. Also what about lesbians? They go to heaven if they don't get cum in the ass like the passage said, so you do realize your shitty fairy tale privileges femodis right there?
[Venting, not serious] I wish hateful religious zealots would get lobotomies so normal-ish people can actually enjoy life. I mean being lobotomised they won't be able to do any sinful activities and they don't care about this life anyways, the afterlife is soo much more important so it's a win-win
"unreasonable and annoying", cope harder, Islam was always a religion of signs... not science.
Where does it say that being gay or lesbian is wrong with scientific proof? It doesnt, similar to stealing, murder, killing and rest of the morality you tards seem to hold so high.
There is no scientific proof about the morals you uphold, since most of you tards believe in science, where is the scientific proof that killing is wrong? that gays/lesbianism is wrong or right?
You can only talk about social studies, law and economics and of course the dumb argument of "because the monkeys and animals do it, so we do it too", the animals must have high IQ, lmao. but there is no scientific proof that it is legitimately wrong. Where is the harm in stealing when clearly stealing gives more of a benefit to you, so your clearly smarter than the person who you steal things from.
The smarter person would steal from another person, if a person worked 30-60 hours per week, a thief could earn that in one go by stealing it all from him if he never gets caught. If this thief has the cops and government under his protection, there is only more benefit for this person to do it.
So where is the scientific proof that stealing/the rest of the morals is wrong? Philosophy is cope, how is philosophy going to help a person already getting the benefit from stealing/murdering his way through life?
There is no benefit in fake beliefs.
The only way to stop someone from doing it is if in fact if he starts to believe in an afterlife and ultimately knows that he is going to be judged for that.
So how do you know that being gay/lesbian is ok If there are verses saying that they are being denied paradise after death? When science wont even answer whether it is right or wrong.
its a simple REASONABLE question.
You are honestly EVIL AND IMMORAL if you think it's okay to kill people because you think they won't be able to go to magic land in your fucked up fairytale.
Who said anything about killing people? I was talking about being denied paradise after death. The one in charge of the countries laws are supposed to uphold the killing rules, but clearly wont, so how do you know they arent going to be denied paradise after death, for living a "normal"(cursed) life, if they are going to ultimately be denied paradise in the hereafter.
Also if you read the story of the people of Luth(Loot), there were females sleeping with females also. It was always considered an immoral act for a reason, so cum in ass is cope, they ended up in the same place as the gays.