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WHY are there so many Muslim currycels on this site and the discord?

Im going to be honest here...
I really dislike certain muslim-cels here, mainly because some of them were vary hostile towards me and are homophobic+transphobic.
Wish they weren't part of this community.
JovanD said:
Im going to be honest here...
I really dislike certain muslim-cels here, mainly because some of them were vary hostile towards me and are homophobic+transphobic.
Wish they weren't part of this community.

fuck off, supporting homophobes and trans is SJW cope and feminist ideology. So yea,

you can go and fuck urself.
Otan said:
fuck off, supporting homophobes and trans is SJW cope and feminist ideology. So yea,

you can go and fuck urself.

Gay and trans people existed long before femenist or SJW movements
You're stupid if you think sexual orientation has everything to do with ideology, you would be suprized how many gay nazis there are and how many skinheads are in to traps.
Most gay men oppose femminism and hate women, you're just believing in Hollywood stereotype.
JovanD said:
Otan said:
fuck off, supporting homophobes and trans is SJW cope and feminist ideology. So yea,
you can go and fuck urself.
Gay and trans people existed long before femenist or SJW movements
You're stupid if you think sexual orientation has everything to do with ideology, you would be suprized how many gay nazis there are and how many skinheads are in to traps.
Most gay men oppose femminism and hate women, you're just believing in Hollywood stereotype.

no im shariacel

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

Both of them – fornication and homosexuality – involve immorality that goes against the wisdom of Allaah’s creation and commandment. For homosexuality involves innumerable evil and harms, and the one to whom it is done would be better off being killed than having this done to him, because after that he will become so evil and so corrupt that there can be no hope of his being reformed, and all good is lost for him, and he will no longer feel any shame before Allaah or before His creation. The semen of the one who did that to him will act as a poison on his body and soul. The scholars differed as to whether the one to whom it is done will ever enter Paradise. There are two opinions which I heard Shaykh al-Islam (may Allaah have mercy on him) narrate.”

(al-Jawaab al-Kaafi, p. 115).

Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins)’”

[al-A’raaf 7:80-81]

G – It was narrated that Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him): “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘There is nothing I fear for my ummah more than the deed of the people of Loot.’”

(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1457; Ibn Maajah, 2563. This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 1552).

H – It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “… cursed is the one who has intercourse with an animal, cursed is the one who does the action of the people of Loot.”

(Narrated by Ahmad, 1878. This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 5891).

people of Loot were all homo fags who got wrecked by natural disasters in the end
Otan said:
no im shariacel

That's shitty cope, do you believe in the 40 virgin meme too? XD

That passage you linked... You mist be low IQ if you really believe that, it would be evidence that you posses no critical thinking ability.
It basically says "we should kill people different than us because Allah says so and they are evil and do harm"
-offers no definition of evil
-offers no definition of harm
-offers no evidence or argument how those people are evil or doing harm

By that logic you would probably jump off a cliff if you saw "Allah wishes you to jump off a cliff" in that book.
Otan said:
no im shariacel

people of Loot were all homo fags who got wrecked by natural disasters in the end

Let's not argue about religion here guys.
JovanD said:
Otan said:
no im shariacel
That's shitty cope, do you believe in the 40 virgin meme too? XD
That passage you linked... You mist be low IQ if you really believe that, it would be evidence that you posses no critical thinking ability.
It basically says "we should kill people different than us because Allah says so and they are evil and do harm"
-offers no definition of evil
-offers no definition of harm
-offers no evidence or argument how those people are evil or doing harm
By that logic you would probably jump off a cliff if you saw "Allah wishes you to jump off a cliff" in that book.

fuck off what do you really know?

people of Loot died from natural disasters because they were being homos desiring males instead of females, and they passed on dead in the ground like any other human being would. But they are ultimately denied paradise.

So dont even talk about good or evil if you believe in some SJW cope ideology.

You mist be low IQ if you really believe that, it would be evidence that you posses no critical thinking ability.

clearly you must know better, so endow us with your knowledge, O high IQ critical thinker who clearly knows only of the correct path of what to follow.

Unless of course you are a racistcel afterall.
I am Indian and I disagree with many of the points made here. While it is true the average Indian male is uglier than the average male of all other races, I believe the difference is slight and Indians do have some positive aspects in terms of FWHR brow ridge jaw and jawline which are explained here http://sluthate.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=49699.

Also while India does score poorly in terms of average IQ at 82, which is only slightly better than sub-saharan africa, https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country, as seen it is mostly due to its horrible levels of malnutrition caused by poor diets and poverty, I believe this number could easily raise by at 5-10 points, even though this is still slightly worse than much of the west, one analysis is given here https://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2016/02/07/indians-have-a-genetic-iq-of-92/, there are a few other better ones which estimate even higher possible genetic average iqs or slightly lower.

Also, Indian civilization, including Bangladesh and Pakistan, has made numerous contributions in the fields of science medicine technology, having formed great civilizations and empires since the Indus Valley Civilization see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_inventions_and_discoveries and the diaspora has been successful in nearly every country we have immigrated to, I am not talking about highly selective immigration to the west. Even in eastern african carribean, or the middle east where uneducated Indians were brought as indentured laborurers by the British they have done well in terms of wealth and competing with others socially and culturally due to mostly hard work.

I believe the bigger problem apart from our flaws, is our perception in the west, mainly the stereotype of being weak, socially awkward, creepy mostly due to our ugliness and slightly due to our accents or behavior. For this Indian males in the west or abroad need to start by spending as much money as possible getting extensive plastic surgery this should improve our faces which is our number one flaw. A few badass actions should prove Indians are not cowardly and weak made to be pushed around and give us a more intimidating image, like Blacks while retaining some degree of economic power.
Otan said:
fuck off what do you really know?

people of Loot died from natural disasters because they were being homos desire males instead of females, and they passed on dead in the ground 6ft under like any other human being would.

So dont even talk about good or evil if you believe in some SJW cope ideology.

clearly you must know better, so endow us with your knowledge, O high IQ critical thinker who clearly knows only of the correct path of what to follow.

Natural disasters are caused by weather not people fucking, you imbecile.
What you described is a COPE people used because they didn't understand weather or seismology so they scapegoated minority.
That shit has been going on for centuries and gays were't only ones scapegoated, disabled people, racial and cultural minorities, cats, ugly people, poor people have been blamed for crop blights and other unfortunate events. I honestly hope you are trolling and not that low IQ.
JovanD said:
Otan said:
fuck off what do you really know?
people of Loot died from natural disasters because they were being homos desire males instead of females, and they passed on dead in the ground 6ft under like any other human being would.
So dont even talk about good or evil if you believe in some SJW cope ideology.
clearly you must know better, so endow us with your knowledge, O high IQ critical thinker who clearly knows only of the correct path of what to follow.
Natural disasters are caused by weather not people fucking, you imbecile.
What you described is a COPE people used because they didn't understand weather or seismology so they scapegoated minority.
That shit has been going on for centuries and gays were't only ones scapegoated, disabled people, racial and cultural minorities, cats, ugly people, poor people have been blamed for crop blights and other unfortunate events. I honestly hope you are trolling and not that low IQ.

Who give s a fuck, I was saying they died just like any other human being would. but ultimately are denied paradise in the afterlife.

So how do you know what I am saying is true or not?

Or are you just a coper trying to scapegoat from your clear high IQ who thinks he knows exactly what happens after death?

These verses we use as proof that it is an immoral act. you either support the monkeys or you dont. How do you know they aren't cursed or not? Cause clearly they bring out SJW issues that doesnt mean anything so their lives have no meaning. But still they live on until they die, like any other human being.

So how do you know that being gay is ok If there are verses saying that they are being denied paradise after death?
universallyabhorred said:
I am Indian and I disagree with many of the points made here. While it is true the average Indian male is uglier than the average male of all other races, I believe the difference is slight and Indians do have some positive aspects in terms of FWHR brow ridge jaw and jawline which are explained here http://sluthate.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=49699.

Also while India does score poorly in terms of average IQ at 82, which is only slightly better than sub-saharan africa, https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country,  as seen it is mostly due to its horrible levels of malnutrition caused by poor diets and poverty, I believe this number could easily raise by at 5-10 points, even though this is still slightly worse than much of the west, one analysis is given here https://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2016/02/07/indians-have-a-genetic-iq-of-92/,  there are a few other better ones which estimate even higher possible genetic average iqs or slightly lower.

Also, Indian civilization, including Bangladesh and Pakistan, has made numerous contributions in the fields of science medicine technology, having formed great civilizations and empires since the Indus Valley Civilization see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_inventions_and_discoveries and the diaspora has been successful in nearly every country we have immigrated to, I am not talking about highly selective immigration to the west. Even in eastern african carribean, or the middle east where uneducated Indians were brought as indentured laborurers by the British they have done well in terms of wealth and competing with others socially and culturally due to mostly hard work.

I believe the bigger problem apart from our flaws, is our perception in the west, mainly the stereotype of being weak, socially awkward, creepy mostly due to our ugliness and slightly due to our accents or behavior. For this Indian males in the west or abroad need to start by spending as much money as possible getting extensive plastic surgery this should improve our faces which is our number one flaw.  A few badass actions should prove Indians are not cowardly and weak made to be pushed around and give us a more intimidating image, like Blacks while retaining some degree of economic power.

This is not true. Those images were cherrypicked. Most Indians do not have good jaws, matter of fact they tend to be recessed. Some of the Dravidians tend to have good jaws but they lack in other categories. They also have bloated faces and as that poster even mentioned, fucked up noses. They also generally have recessed maxillas, bad skin tone, and BUG EYES. Eye area is the most important aspect of the face with jawline being a close second and almost all Indians are lacking in terms of eye area. 
And keep in mind this is just the face-we can go further and talk about body which is equally fucked up. Short with bad frame and skinny/skinnyfat.
I really do not think the difference is marginal.

I really don't think much can be done to salvage the reputation of Indians in the west. Quite frankly, our looks are just a detail. A point that people can use to make fun of us but it's not our main flaw as you claim. Our main flaw is cultural. Our accents, the body odor from lack of hygiene/Indian food, lack of trustworthiness, poor fashion sense, dorkiness, femininity, etc. To improve our image there would need to be a total cultural overhaul-one that is impossible to accomplish.
Otan said:
Who give s a fuck, I was saying they died just like any other human being would. but ultimately are denied paradise in the afterlife.

So how do you know what I am saying is true or not?

Or are you just a coper trying to scapegoat from your clear high IQ who thinks he knows exactly what happens after death?

These verses we use as proof that it is an immoral act. you either support the monkeys or you dont. How do you know they aren't cursed or not? Cause clearly they bring out SJW issues that doesnt mean anything so their lives have no meaning. But still they live on until they die, like any other human being.

So how do you know that being gay is ok If there are verses saying that they are being denied paradise after death?

I shouldn't argue with you since you're are just too unreasonable and it's annoying, like arguing with a toddler.

You are honestly EVIL AND IMMORAL if you think it's okay to kill people because you think they won't be able to go to magic land in your fucked up fairytale.

Let's for the sake of argument even if the stupid fairy tale is some how true, it is still immoral and stupid to deny people their current life because of afterlife, they will die anyways and be judged when it's their time. Afaik it is god's job to judge sinners not yours, you are not god. Also what about lesbians? They go to heaven if they don't get cum in the ass like the passage said, so you do realize your shitty fairy tale privileges femodis right there?

[Venting, not serious] I wish hateful religious zealots would get lobotomies so normal-ish people can actually enjoy life. I mean being lobotomised they won't be able to do any sinful activities and they don't care about this life anyways, the afterlife is soo much more important so it's a win-win :D
NegroKing said:
This is not true. Those images were cherrypicked. Most Indians do not have good jaws, matter of fact they tend to be recessed. Some of the Dravidians tend to have good jaws but they lack in other categories. They also have bloated faces and as that poster even mentioned, fucked up noses. They also generally have recessed maxillas, bad skin tone, and BUG EYES. Eye area is the most important aspect of the face with jawline being a close second and almost all Indians are lacking in terms of eye area. 
And keep in mind this is just the face-we can go further and talk about body which is equally fucked up. Short with bad frame and skinny/skinnyfat.
I really do not think the difference is marginal.

I really don't think much can be done to salvage the reputation of Indians in the west. Quite frankly, our looks are just a detail. A point that people can use to make fun of us but it's not our main flaw as you claim. Our main flaw is cultural. Our accents, the body odor from lack of hygiene/Indian food, lack of trustworthiness, poor fashion sense, dorkiness, femininity, etc. To improve our image there would need to be a total cultural overhaul-one that is impossible to accomplish.

The fact is most men have recessed jaws not just most Indians, it is rare to see an Indian guy with a severely recessed jaw or extremely long narrow face like  Adam Lanza for example. I agree that Indians often have a bad eye area, but it is often caused by recessed bone structure or weak brow ridge rather than bad eye shape or limbal rings, which can be fixed or at least treated with plastic surgery.  As for our noses that is our greatest flaw, but rhinoplasties exist for a reason. In the case of bloated faces weight loss is essential as mentioned by that source, but even cases of those genetically predisposed towards having a fat face can be removed through procedures such as buccal fat removal. Most Indians have extremely dark skin which is often looked down upon from my observations the skin itself is not usually bad, though I concede my own skin is dry and dull. Short is usually only true of FOB indians, most Indians who grew up in the west are often of averagish height usually 5'9-5'10. The latter two aspects of our body is unfortunately true, however face is much more important than body and Indians do have potential to improve their faces with weight loss and plastic surgery. The fact is Indians have cacausoid skull and bone structure, mixed with australoid features, the latter is what makes us ugly, but we are not vastly different from Whites in terms of general bone structure compared to Asians or Blacks.

I agree that Whites mog us greatly but compared to other ethnics such as Asians Blacks and Arabs, their faces on average are only slightly better than ours. The fact is when Whites look at Indians they do not directly recognize us as Indian, the darker skinned ones can look Eastern African or mixed while the lighter ones can look Arab/hispanic. 

All of these cultural aspects are flaws I agree. However there are large number of Indian males that grew up in the west who have assimilated well, that means they have no Indian accent or a slight one at most and even Indians in urban cities are becoming more westernized. Many of these aspects can be changed the entire culture does not need to be overhauled as India becomes richer its reputation will become more positive, similar to East Asia. The body odor is true, I think that is linked more to Indian food but might even have a genetic aspect Indians need to wear deodorant. Idk what you mean by lack of trustworthiness, I do not think Indians are less trustworthy on average than other races.The last three flaws are all fixable, though it requires great self awareness to overcome, most Indians have a false notion of cultural superiority that  they need to give up. Although Indian culture also has some positively known aspects  in the west such as yoga, however these things make us look weak and beta and are in general not appealing to most people. However I believe more than anything it is our looks holding us back, the halo effect is very real ,attractive Indian males have none of these problems with women and do not struggle due to stereotypes. The key is to become more attractive as a race or die trying and hope for reincarnation game.
JovanD said:
Otan said:
Who give s a fuck, I was saying they died just like any other human being would. but ultimately are denied paradise in the afterlife.
So how do you know what I am saying is true or not?
Or are you just a coper trying to scapegoat from your clear high IQ who thinks he knows exactly what happens after death?
These verses we use as proof that it is an immoral act. you either support the monkeys or you dont. How do you know they aren't cursed or not? Cause clearly they bring out SJW issues that doesnt mean anything so their lives have no meaning. But still they live on until they die, like any other human being.
So how do you know that being gay is ok If there are verses saying that they are being denied paradise after death?
I shouldn't argue with you since you're are just too unreasonable and it's annoying, like arguing with a toddler.
You are honestly EVIL AND IMMORAL if you think it's okay to kill people because you think they won't be able to go to magic land in your fucked up fairytale.
Let's for the sake of argument even if the stupid fairy tale is some how true, it is still immoral and stupid to deny people their current life because of afterlife, they will die anyways and be judged when it's their time. Afaik it is god's job to judge sinners not yours, you are not god. Also what about lesbians? They go to heaven if they don't get cum in the ass like the passage said, so you do realize your shitty fairy tale privileges femodis right there?
[Venting, not serious] I wish hateful religious zealots would get lobotomies so normal-ish people can actually enjoy life. I mean being lobotomised they won't be able to do any sinful activities and they don't care about this life anyways, the afterlife is soo much more important so it's a win-win :D

"unreasonable and annoying", cope harder, Islam was always a religion of signs... not science.

Where does it say that being gay or lesbian is wrong with scientific proof? It doesnt, similar to stealing, murder, killing and rest of the morality you tards seem to hold so high.

There is no scientific proof about the morals you uphold, since most of you tards believe in science, where is the scientific proof that killing is wrong? that gays/lesbianism is wrong or right?

You can only talk about social studies, law and economics and of course the dumb argument of "because the monkeys and animals do it, so we do it too", the animals must have high IQ, lmao. but there is no scientific proof that it is legitimately wrong. Where is the harm in stealing when clearly stealing gives more of a benefit to you, so your clearly smarter than the person who you steal things from.

The smarter person would steal from another person, if a person worked 30-60 hours per week, a thief could earn that in one go by stealing it all from him if he never gets caught. If this thief has the cops and government under his protection, there is only more benefit for this person to do it.

So where is the scientific proof that stealing/the rest of the morals is wrong? Philosophy is cope, how is philosophy going to help a person already getting the benefit from stealing/murdering his way through life?

There is no benefit in fake beliefs.

The only way to stop someone from doing it is if in fact if he starts to believe in an afterlife and ultimately knows that he is going to be judged for that.

So how do you know that being gay/lesbian is ok If there are verses saying that they are being denied paradise after death? When science wont even answer whether it is right or wrong.

its a simple REASONABLE question.

You are honestly EVIL AND IMMORAL if you think it's okay to kill people because you think they won't be able to go to magic land in your fucked up fairytale.
Who said anything about killing people? I was talking about being denied paradise after death. The one in charge of the countries laws are supposed to uphold the killing rules, but clearly wont, so how do you know they arent going to be denied paradise after death, for living a "normal"(cursed) life, if they are going to ultimately be denied paradise in the hereafter.

Also if you read the story of the people of Luth(Loot), there were females sleeping with females also. It was always considered an immoral act for a reason, so cum in ass is cope, they ended up in the same place as the gays.
universallyabhorred said:
The fact is most men have recessed jaws not just most Indians, it is rare to see an Indian guy with a severely recessed jaw or extremely long narrow face like  Adam Lanza for example. I agree that Indians often have a bad eye area, but it is often caused by recessed bone structure or weak brow ridge rather than bad eye shape or limbal rings, which can be fixed or at least treated with plastic surgery.  As for our noses that is our greatest flaw, but rhinoplasties exist for a reason. In the case of bloated faces weight loss is essential as mentioned by that source, but even cases of those genetically predisposed towards having a fat face can be removed through procedures such as buccal fat removal. Most Indians have extremely dark skin which is often looked down upon from my observations the skin itself is not usually bad, though I concede my own skin is dry and dull. Short is usually only true of FOB indians, most Indians who grew up in the west are often of averagish height usually 5'9-5'10. The latter two aspects of our body is unfortunately true, however face is much more important than body and Indians do have potential to improve their faces with weight loss and plastic surgery. The fact is Indians have cacausoid skull and bone structure, mixed with australoid features, the latter is what makes us ugly, but we are not vastly different from Whites in terms of general bone structure compared to Asians or Blacks.

I agree that Whites mog us greatly but compared to other ethnics such as Asians Blacks and Arabs, their faces on average are only slightly better than ours. The fact is when Whites look at Indians they do not directly recognize us as Indian, the darker skinned ones can look Eastern African or mixed while the lighter ones can look Arab/hispanic. 

All of these cultural aspects are flaws I agree. However there are large number of Indian males that grew up in the west who have assimilated well, that means they have no Indian accent or a slight one at most and even Indians in urban cities are becoming more westernized. Many of these aspects can be changed the entire culture does not need to be overhauled as India becomes richer its reputation will become more positive, similar to East Asia. The body odor is true, I think that is linked more to Indian food but might even have a genetic aspect Indians need to wear deodorant. Idk what you mean by lack of trustworthiness, I do not think Indians are less trustworthy on average than other races.The last three flaws are all fixable, though it requires great self awareness to overcome, most Indians have a false notion of cultural superiority that  they need to give up. Although Indian culture also has some positively known aspects  in the west such as yoga, however these things make us look weak and beta and are in general not appealing to most people. However I believe more than anything it is our looks holding us back, the halo effect is very real ,attractive Indian males have none of these problems with women and do not struggle due to stereotypes. The key is to become more attractive as a race or die trying and hope for reincarnation game.

Yes Indians almost never have the horseface look but facial recession is still common unfortunately. I do see many Indian males with severely recessed lower thirds but then again theres many with great jaws too. Our chins are all over the place. However in terms of eye area, Indians are overwhelmingly lacking in this department. But see, plastic surgery aside from jaw surgery/rhinoplasty is not ideal. Most people still do not look good afterwards and bad eye areas are pretty much a death sentence. It's not easy at all to move the mandible or cheekbones forward in adults because you're literally cutting into the middle of the skull. Plastic surgery is not going to save Indians-in fact it will only make matters worse because it would only draw attention to the fact that we're naturally ugly. People will always prefer natural beauty over fake ones.

The reason good looking Indians do not struggle is because most of the good looking Indians are westernized. Fobs are almost universally ugly. And unfortunately, most Indians are relatively recent immigrants and not well integrated, so it will take time for us to be completely American. And yes it's true whites in North America cannot tell us apart purely on a physical basis. But too many Indians give themselves away by their attitude, shitty accent, etc.

The untrustworthy thing comes from the way Indians dress and act-unkempt, unclean, and also likely to cheat people and lie. Those too are problems.
NegroKing said:
Yes Indians almost never have the horseface look but facial recession is still common unfortunately. I do see many Indian males with severely recessed lower thirds but then again theres many with great jaws too. Our chins are all over the place. However in terms of eye area, Indians are overwhelmingly lacking in this department. But see, plastic surgery aside from jaw surgery/rhinoplasty is not ideal. Most people still do not look good afterwards and bad eye areas are pretty much a death sentence. It's not easy at all to move the mandible or cheekbones forward in adults because you're literally cutting into the middle of the skull. Plastic surgery is not going to save Indians-in fact it will only make matters worse because it would only draw attention to the fact that we're naturally ugly. People will always prefer natural beauty over fake ones.

The reason good looking Indians do not struggle is because most of the good looking Indians are westernized. Fobs are almost universally ugly. And unfortunately, most Indians are relatively recent immigrants and not well integrated, so it will take time for us to be completely American. And yes it's true whites in North America cannot tell us apart purely on a physical basis. But too many Indians give themselves away by their attitude, shitty accent, etc.

The untrustworthy thing comes from the way Indians dress and act-unkempt, unclean, and also likely to cheat people and lie. Those too are problems.

Can fillers such as orbital rim fillers malar fillers or tear trough fillers help give the illusion of forward growth? I ask because this is what I am deficient in and am considering doing. I think plastic surgery can produce a natural result in many cases but even in the case where it produces fake beauty it is still vastly superior to ugliness. Also plastic surgery almost always improves the original unless it is done by a crappy surgeon check out orbital rim fillers as an example there are other filler examples as well there. It seems possible for most ugly guys to look at least average with a decent amount of plastic surgery

I disagree the reason good looking Indians do not struggle is due to their aesthetic superiority I have seen many ugly Indians that are westernized as well but they still struggle with femoids though they usually have normal social circles unless they are socially retarded or autistic like me. Every single Indian who is not an FOB that I know of did not sound as bad as an FOB they had slight accents at worst.
JovanD said:
Im going to be honest here...
I really dislike certain muslim-cels here, mainly because some of them were vary hostile towards me and are homophobic+transphobic.
Wish they weren't part of this community.

Homocels are fakecels, they can fuck or get fucked left and right, they also live their lives in tutorial mode like femoids.

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