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Serious why 50 percent of children in the US in 2030 will have autism. "Universe 25" mouse utopia experiment

I am eternal. I am the antithesis of degeneracy, and it will be wiped out. I have never watched pornography, and I never will.
why? are you a pastor or what?
why? are you a pope or what?
I am the party. We have existed since the beginning of time and will save the world.

Accusing others of being a foid only shows your inability to make any legitimately good points. You are a loser.
I am the party. We have existed since the beginning of time and will save the world.

Accusing others of being a foid only shows your inability to make any legitimately good points. You are a loser.
why did god made me 5'3?
We've gone from being "different" to having "autism" within that time frame. As someone elaborated above, the autism "spectrum" has expanded to include people who are otherwise mentally fit.
We've gone from being "different" to having "autism" within that time frame. As someone elaborated above, the autism "spectrum" has expanded to include people who are otherwise mentally fit.
they were not mentally fit, the people who were before diagnosed with asperger's are now disagnosed with autism
JFL @ taking this @IngsocSimp user seriously.
but humans aren't mice and we can travel if we want
but humans aren't mice and we can travel if we want
we are already on the last phase, the autism rates keep going up more and more, there are no signs that they are going to stop until they get 100 in all the world, this is not about travel, it's about the brain of females being ruined due to them seeing too many males thanks to technology
that could only happen in first world countries where there is social stability, where their populations live between hedonism and boredom. and they don't worry about coming home alive or having money to eat

View attachment 697450

maybe this will sound very retarded, but I think that military conflicts and poverty, are the main drivers of a more traditional lifestyle.
You are right. When the basic needs are satisfied, they open path to new necessities that, even tho they are not crucial for the existence, they may seem like they are.
Ngl having an android robot will probably make you more depressed JFL
Interesting, maybe that's the way nature tries to decrease the population.
Are AI androids gonna be cheap?
"Autism" involves, among other things, the ability to comply with social norms.

It is the norms that are broken, not 50% of the population.

At some point we'll realize that today's mass hysteria to diagnose everyone is itself the illness.
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it’s not just autism. There’s a rapid increase in genetic deformities in offspring the last 2 decades.

When the same 5 men are producing 99% of the babies in a city, the genetic quality begins to degrade. Hypergamy leads to overbreeding of the same few men and the same few desired attributes. Eventually all the babies are overbred and inbred deforms
"Social skills" is largely a myth, along with the "personality detector".

Yes, salesmen, politicians, clergymen, journalists, comedians, policemen, businessmen etc. have good "social skills" they hone every day.

But have you observed normie-normie everyday interacions while standing by the side? They don't have ANY social skills. They can't talk about ANYTHING, they can't hold a subject, they can't understand what the other part is trying to impart, they don't know how to lead the conversation towards a topic of their interest. Normies often can't realize they're being scammed, or that they're in bad company.

What causes spergs to be socially isolated is the fact that normies BOYCOTT spergs from their social circles. I never had any trouble interacting with fellow spergs (colleagues from work, RPG club etc.) or the schizos from debate circles. It is only NORMIES that give me a hard time. I'm convinced that spergs supposed "lack of social skills" is actually normies gatekeeping the sperg's interaction attempts while letting other normies talk and talk and talk in circles about nothing.
Normie social dynamics or interactions work like this:

Having the conversation is more important than the content.

Change subject every 1 or 2 minutes as none want to be seen as ignorant on the matter as that's perceived as weakness so for that amount of time they can throw out mainstream buzzwords to fake being versed in it but beyond that timeline they run out of info & will be found out by someone that actually knows their stuff.

Change subject to be less about something & more about humble bragging or outright lies about how well their life is going; topics include their job, new thing they bought; holiday, kids going to good school etc...& if it has to be something talk about current trending news topic.

Never go too personal on something or discuss things that can be devisive unless you're in the group that mostly agree with you, if you're not then stay silent & let the dissenters get ganged up on.

Glean information out of others such as personal recommendations for cheap builders, dentists, mechanics etc.. that can benefit you while pretending the conversation is about being impressed about their latest upgrade.

Half the interaction is body & facial language hence insistence on staring at the eyes.

Share little platitudes or quips (could be a UK thing) about things as if to say we're on the same page while not really listening & attempting to dominate the airtime.

Pauses of silence makes them feel uncomfortable for whatever reason.

Don't talk about struggles or negativity, that's for therapy.

Slander others when they're not present & act overly friendly when they turn up.

In it's essence it's an energy exchange where you rub together like a dynamo & create an energy boost akin to an energy drink, no different than monkies grooming one another.

Autists generally get exhausted from the interactions unless they're allowed to be themselves but normies don't want to hyperfocus on one thing or be honest so instead the autist is shunned or expected to mask & so gets tired as fuck as the content matters more than the act of having the conversation in the first place.

Think of a battery but the positive & negative end, same being but two different methods of function.
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We know what causes the main explosion in rates of autism, regardless of grandeur:

Importance of Mother's Age​

  • Since the early 2000s, several studies have investigated how maternal age factors into the chance of having children with autism. While Reichenberg specifically found no connection, other studies have found a strong connection.
  • One study concluded that there is a strong independent connection between higher maternal age and autism.3
  • According to this study, having a younger father doesn't protect against autism when the mother is over 35.
There is a reason nature causes saggy tits, it isn't just for people with fetishes.

Are there economic and social reasons for this delay? Sure.

While the average age of Australian women giving birth sits at 31.3, that doesn’t tell the full story. There are some affluent Sydney suburbs where more babies are born to women aged 35-39 than any other age group

It all goes back to the old adage, every culture that gives women rights with no responsibilities, dies and is replaced.

"At its current rate of growth, many have estimated that, by the year 2030, 1 in 2 American boys — 50% — will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder."

why 50 percent of children in the US will be mentalcels by 2030:
there is this famous mouse experiment called "Universe 25", it basically shows that overcrowding can cause mouses to develop autism (loss of social skills and also fear of females) and females becoming more hypergamous to the point where they refuse to mate and all the mouses become extinct.
i'll be using this more scieintific summary of the experiment and this other less scientific summary of the experiment:
i just want to tell you why hypergamy is increasing and why mentalcels are increasing

"Calhoun created his ultimate research experiment, dubbed Universe 25. For this one, he used mice and he built a tank that was 101 inches square, enclosed by walls that were 54-inch high. Every wall featured 16 vertical mesh tunnels which can be called stairwells.
Four horizontal corridors opened from each stairwell, leading to 4 rooms. In total, there were 256 rooms, or “nesting boxes” as Calhoun called them, that could house 15 mice each. There were also 16 burrows leading to unlimited food and water."

"According to Calhoun’s calculations, the enclosure could reliably and comfortably house up to 3,840 mice. The environment was plague-free, predator-free, and specifically designed so the mice would not lack anything at all."
"The mice had everything they could ever dream of: unlimited food and water, shelter from the elements, disease, predation, and invasion from other species, and an ambient temperature. The initial four pairs of mice doubled rapidly until reaching a population of approximately 620, before the exponential growth started to slow as a new social organization arose."

"All was good in paradise until males began to compete for dominance and hierarchy in this closed social system. The most successful males were associated with brood groups that produced the most litters, but as the population expanded, young males grew into adult male counterparts competing for roles in an already established social order. With no place to emigrate, those who failed withdrew “physically and psychologically,” became despondent and inactive, and pooled on the floor near the center of the universe."
in my opinion this last paragraph is a representation of female mouses becoming more hypergamous and only choosing chads like human females do today, obviously we are more intelligent than mouses and that is why we kept the monogamy rule and that is why chads don't reproduce as much as the mouses there, then we have the incel mouses who stayed all day rooting like most human males do today with food and videogames in their room due to hypergamy increasing, there was just too many males in the mouse experiment and in today's world at the eyes of mouse females and human females (tinder, cars, tv, radio, planes, computers, phones, cities, old men living more and getting with younger women, women being able to work and women being able to go to college made more males available to them)

"As the senior territorial males became more fatigued in fending off their maturing associates, they were also less successful in defending their territories, which left nursing females more exposed to invasion of their nests. As their nest sites became more vulnerable, females adopted the aggressive role of territorial males, which included attacks on their own young who were maimed and forced to leave the nests before normal weaning. Soon conception declined, pregnancies were aborted, offspring were wounded during delivery, and mothers carried their young outside of the nest to abandon them."
this is harder to explain, it became harder for chad male mouses to defend all of the children from their harem, this created many single mother mouses that became more aggressive to defend their children because they didn't have a male mouse, one example in humans would be this:

but single mother rates didn't increase after 2011 and birth rates keep decreasing every day more and more even after 2011, so this the reason why i believe that their hypergamy increasing is causing them to become more aggressive causing lower birth rates every day more and more, want less children and more abortions:

"The social matrix began to collapse when females rejected their progeny, and pushed them out into the dense and dangerous jungle before the development of any attachment or affectional bonds were achieved."
here the female mouses became more aggressive towards their children and they didn't teach their children social skills due to being more aggressive

"Finally, we enter the “death phase”. Among all this violence and lack of mating, a younger generation of mice became adults. However, they were never exposed to what we would call a normal society. As a result, they had no social skills and they never experienced normal or healthy relations."
"They had no concept of marking territory, mating, or parenting, so all they did was eat, sleep and groom themselves. Calhoun called them the “beautiful ones” and they chose to be secluded, so they didn’t experience any violence or conflict but they also made no contributions to their society."
i think many of us here can identity with these mouses called "the beautiful ones", those mouses developed autism due to their mothers being aggressive towards them when they were young, autism just means bad social skills, so autism can be developed after birth and it is not only a genetic mutation during or before birth as we can see in this experiment, even incelswiki says that he described the beautiful ones as "autistic-like creatures":

"In time, the number of mice that no longer wanted to mate or be a part of society grew more and more until they outnumbered the others. Universe 25 came to an end on day 920, where the population capped at 2,200. There was still an endless supply of food, water, and resources, but behavior sink had already taken hold and demise was inevitable. Soon enough, all the mice were dead."
this is when the species dies, all the male mouses became autistic and were not able to reproduce due to their autism (autism is low social skills), well that is happening also in human males:

"At its current rate of growth, many have estimated that, by the year 2030, 1 in 2 American boys — 50% — will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder."

obviously, we will have slow aging and reverse aging technologies in some years and also female android robots and artificial wombs, so we shouldn't worry too much:

Even if you think you don't have autism you are still affected by this lack of social skills but in a smaller scale due to still being raised in the 2000s or 1990s

also, for some reason men are having lower testosterone than their fathers and grandfathers:

i already have autism so i'm already a beautiful one


TTOWDR: there are too many males at the eyes of females thanks to technology and this makes females become more hypergamous, being more hypergamous makes them more aggressive towards their children, this makes their children develop autism and leads to the extinction of the species because the birth rates will drop to zero due to all males having no social skills

Lol at this point i dont even believe im autistic. Just a creative genius that happened to be labelled autistic because they couldn’t understand how complex and ahead I was from other children.

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