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Serious White women crying because, Gazan children remind her of her " blonde and Blue eyed American son".

  • Thread starter comradespiderman29
  • Start date
Especially on Amren, the sentiment regarding Jews seems to be "They are white men of the West as well, when will they wake up and realize we are in it together:soy:?" while Palestinians to them are "Just another brown pets of liberals."
Yep, and that's the point retarded niggers like @beyondschizo can't seem to comprehend.

Even ignoring genetics, since most Ashkenazis ARE european, even if I concieded that they aren't, the average white european/american 1000% views kikes as being white westerners. They view them as their "fellow colonizers, fellow civilization builders, fellow inventors of science" or however you want to word it. Point is, they see kikes as part of western civilization, and yes, part of that is because Ashkenazis are european.

But the other part is that they view christianity/judaism as the religion of the white man as well, hence why so many Europeans have kike names from the bible. It's also why white nationalist christians get assblasted when you point out their religion isn't european, but sand nigger in origin.

And of course, they try to then contrast these white ashkenazis by portraying the Palestinians as non-white, as ethnic, and as racially alien to europeans as they possibly can. Which, again, is why the idea of there even being a black haired, black eyed white-skinned palestinian is an enigma to them, let alone the blonde blue eyed ones.
I'm pretty sure Gregory Hood called them that like five times in a single video once:feelskek::feelskek:. Even on Stormfront, the posters commonly seem like they would love to team up with Jews.
Christcuckery is how jews control europeans.
Again, it's not just about the skin tone, but the facial features as well.
You think arabs have whites' facial features? You are delusional
British people on twitter constantly mistook a fucking iraqi like me as a fellow brit, I can even show you the screenshots, yet your dumbass thinks that Palestinians, who are WAY waaaay more whiter looking than Iraqis, aren't gonna be considered as white? lmao okay, keep coping.
Probably the pic wasn't zoomed in on the face.
You can see how all the arab shitskins chimping out in britain are facially always like this

View: https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1822993725359800617

Even those of you with light eyes, who are still less than 5% of the total population, don't have european features.
You can clearly tell this guy is arab


Same thing goes for europeans. They might have brown eyes but you can clearly tell they are of european ancestry like Ryan Reynolds

Deadpool 2 Japan Premiere Red Carpet Ryan Reynolds cropped

Anyways I'm fucking tired of arguing with you. You are too low IQ for me and having a discussion with both of you and @Abu.Belgrade.Answar is mentally exausting.
Probably the pic wasn't zoomed in on the face.
You can see how all the arab shitskins chimping out in britain are facially always like this
HOLY SHIT. YOU LOW IQ BALKANOID APE. THOSE ARE PAKISTANIS! Most Muslims in the UK are pakistanis. You don't know shit. @Made in Heaven TAKE A LOOK AT THIS.
Even those of you with light eyes, who are still less than 5% of the total population,
It's way more then 5% keep seething.
don't have european features.
You can clearly tell this guy is arab
This is retarded. I can show you plenty who look white. You're seething hard.
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Anyways I'm fucking tired of arguing with you. You are too low IQ for me and having a discussion with both of you and @
@Abu.Belgrade.Answar is mentally exausting.
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A chink runs that account I think and most of them are clearly Pakis :feelsseriously:
This balkanoid is literally, the most low IQ individual on this site. He should stick to squatting on the street and drinking himself to death.
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He's supposed to be 160 IQ Math major btw :lul: :lul:
Nigger, you can't even tell apart fucking curries from Arabs. Please don't open your stinky vodka filled mouth ever again faggot. @beyondschizo
"a moral obligation to save them"

lmao look at this faggot talking as if this fucking incel forum user is some sort of war general. calm down, nigger, you're a literal nobody. The fact that you made OP's post about yourself shows who is truly acting like a foid: you. Because the point wasn't to get rando fucks like you to change your mind.
Seething hard as always I see. Must be sad to be a shitskin turd worlder on top of being an incel.

The point of the OP is to show that the constant protrayal of Levantine Arabs as being DARKER than they are is a propoganda factor used by Ashkenazi Europeans as a means making the dehumanization of Palestinians and the slaughter of them more PALPATABLE to their white auidence, since people naturally sympathize with those that look like them.
The overwhelming majority of Levantines are brown and look "foreign" to white Americans, and that's a fact no matter how much you cherry pick people who happen to resemble white people. Sure they aren't as dark as Indians or anything, but to Americans they are still brown and not white. The fact that you think there's a Zionist conspiracy to make them out to be darker than they actually are, when they're already brown enough to be discriminated against in the US and Europe, is pathetic and shows how low IQ of you sand niggers really are.

. Also, again, ignoring your dumbass trying to make everything about how YOU personally feel (like a woman), the fact of the matter is that the average Amerimutt thinks of Ashkenazis as white people, whereas the average Amerimutt thinks of Arabs as brown. This, in the Amerimutts mind, is the sole justification they need to side with Israel.
The reason I gave my point of view was to show you and OP the reasons why some people in the dissident right are reluctant to support Palestine and are annoyed by the constant moralizing propaganda in favor of Palestine spread not only by the leftist media but also by certain factions within the dissident right itself, even though we are in opposition to Israel and hate Jews. Why do you care what the average American thinks about Arabs and Jews? You act like they think about the Levant every day. The truth is that the average American doesn't think much about the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and it's completely irrelevant. The average American has no influence on American foreign policy so quit seething.
Seething hard as always I see. Must be sad to be a shitskin turd worlder on top of being an incel
@Made in Heaven has already shown plenty of white users here his face, he is white passing. Keep seething.
The overwhelming majority of Levantines are brown and look "foreign" to white Americans, and that's a fact no matter how much you cherry pick people who happen to resemble white people. Sure they aren't as dark as Indians or anything, but to Americans they are still brown and not white
Retarded amerimutts Thought Nikki Halley a pajeeta is white. matt Walsh himself admitted this. So no, you're wrong. Plenty of Arabs can easily pass as white in America.
The fact that you think there's a Zionist conspiracy to make them out to be darker than they actually are, when they're already brown enough to be discriminated against in the US and Europe, is pathetic and shows how low IQ of you sand niggers really are.
Because, it's true.
The reason I gave my point of view was to show you and OP the reasons why some people in the dissident right are reluctant to support Palestine and are annoyed by the constant moralizing propaganda in favor of Palestine spread not only by the leftist media but also by certain factions within the dissident right itself, even though we are in opposition to Israel and hate Jews. Why do you care what the average American thinks about Arabs and Jews? You act like they think about the Levant every day. The truth is that the average American doesn't think much about the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and it's completely irrelevant. The average American has no influence on American foreign policy so quit
You think arabs have whites' facial features? You are delusional
You're already proven how much of a dumbass you are. This is just more evidence




Probably the pic wasn't zoomed in on the face.
You can see how all the arab shitskins chimping out in britain are facially always like this

View: https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1822993725359800617

>posting pakis
LMAO! dumb nigger. All you're doing is proving my point in THIS VERY POST. Just like the average amerimutt, you conflate pajeets with ARABS because the kike media constantly protrays arabs using south asian actors.
Even those of you with light eyes, who are still less than 5% of the total population
More like 20-30%
don't have european features.
Many do, as I showed above.
You can clearly tell this guy is arab

View attachment 1260192
HE still doesn't look like a pajeet.

And this is what Bassem Yousef looked like when he was younger, definitley could pass as white in america and mistaken for south european.


Same thing goes for europeans. They might have brown eyes but you can clearly tell they are of european ancestry like Ryan Reynolds

View attachment 1260193

Here are some more Europeans for you lmao

HOLY SHIT. YOU LOW IQ BALKANOID APE. THOSE ARE PAKISTANIS! Most Muslims in the UK are pakistanis. You don't know shit. @
Made in Heaven
@Made in Heaven TAKE A LOOK AT THIS.
Yeah, JFL the dumbass is just proving me right when I say the average white european (like his dumbass) ends up conflating Levantines with pakis/pajeets because of media and cultural misrepresentation of what Levantines look like. Like, holy fuck, what a comedy act, the dumbass is proving me right with his stupidity
Seething hard as always I see. Must be sad to be a shitskin turd worlder on top of being an incel.
We are both incels, so idk what you think that has to do with anthing.
The overwhelming majority of Levantines are brown and look "foreign" to white Americans, and that's a fact no matter how much you cherry pick people who happen to resemble white people.
White americans can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking PAJEETA, is brown, and many have assumed she was white, so no, I'm sorry mongrel mutt, but you need to stop lying to all of us as if you have the capacity to tell apart a white levantine from a white european.

Sure they aren't as dark as Indians or anything, but to Americans they are still brown and not white.
Copium of the highest order. To the average muttmerican, if you're light brown and vaguely caucasion, you're white to them.
The fact that you think there's a Zionist conspiracy to make them out to be darker than they actually are
That is 100% the case, hence why pajeets are ALWAYS cast as Arabs.
Hence why your fellow gaylord @beyondschizo thinks pakis are arabs, proving my fucking point.
And hence why even I as an iraqi am accused of being a "Self hating brit" by white nationalists despite being fully Arab.
when they're already brown enough to be discriminated against in the US and Europe,
They're white enough to not be discriminated actually. That's why someone like me who doesn't even look that white, has never been racially discriminated against, let alone if you're talking about Levantines, who are way whiter looking than Iraqis.
The reason I gave my point of view was to show you and OP the reasons why some people in the dissident right are reluctant to support Palestine and are annoyed by the constant moralizing propaganda in favor of Palestine spread not only by the leftist media but also by certain factions within the dissident right itself, even though we are in opposition to Israel and hate Jews.
Irrelevant to the actual point that was being made in the OP
Why do you care what the average American thinks about Arabs and Jews? You act like they think about the Levant every day. The truth is that the average American doesn't think much about the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and it's completely irrelevant. The average American has no influence on American foreign policy so quit seething.
Because amerimutt popular opinion helps perpetuate the wars and genocides against us. How is that something I need to explain to you?
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HOLY SHIT. YOU LOW IQ BALKANOID APE. THOSE ARE PAKISTANIS! Most Muslims in the UK are pakistanis. You don't know shit. @
Made in Heaven
@Made in Heaven TAKE A LOOK AT THIS.
Same subhuman brown species
It's way more then 5% keep seething.
It's around 10% but it doesn't matter, still arab non-white features and darker skin complexion compared to europeans
This is retarded. I can show you plenty who look white. You're seething hard.
"plenty" and you proceed to show 4 and the last one looks like a regular arab food with red hair.
It doesn't matter how many pictures you show, most arabs don't have white features, period!
It's around 10% but it doesn't matter, still arab non-white features and darker skin complexion compared to europeans
Same subhuman brown species
Seething nigger.
plenty" and you proceed to show 4
I have better things to do then post pictures on an Incel forum retard. And she no, she can pass as white, she is just in traditional attire. Keep seething.
most arabs don't have white features, period!
Never said this.
This is just more evidence
humanphenotypes.com that looks like a trustworthy website for sure!
That isn't evidence you stupid shitskin. Bring me studies and research not random pics from a random website
>posting pakis
LMAO! dumb nigger. All you're doing is proving my point in THIS VERY POST. Just like the average amerimutt, you conflate pajeets with ARABS because the kike media constantly protrays arabs using south asian actors.
Same brownoid species, doesn't matter if they have a slightly lighter complexion. Both are not white.
More like 20-30%
No, it's like 10% on average. You can check out statistics
Many do, as I showed above
No they don't. Even arabs with light eyes still have arab features like nose, skin complexion etc.
And this is what Bassem Yousef looked like when he was younger, definitley could pass as white in america and mistaken for south european.
No he wouldn't pass as white in the slightest. If he's top 1% of whiteness in your stupid shitskin country doesn't mean he's european looking
Here are some more Europeans for you lmao
Cherrypicking spaniards, south italians and greeks who have arabic DNA doesn't count.
Same brownoid species, doesn't matter if they have a slightly lighter complexion. Both are not white
Curries and Arabs aren't the same. You're just proving my point. The fact that you weren't able to tell Pakistanis from Arabs just proves my point. Stupid balkanoid ape
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humanphenotypes.com that looks like a trustworthy website for sure!
That isn't evidence you stupid shitskin. Bring me studies and research not random pics from a random website
That's a reliable website.
No, it's like 10% on average. You can check out statistics
Jew stats. And you have gone from 1% to 5% to now 10%. It's so obvious, that you're seething. It's around 20% for Lebanon, and most Lebanese people live outside the country, so imagine how many more have light eyes
No he wouldn't pass as white in the slightest. If he's top 1% of whiteness in your stupid shitskin country doesn't mean he's european looking
You're seething hard now. He can easily pass as white
160 IQ genius studying algebraic topology and other advanced math stuff. You two are literally subhumans compared to me and my top tier brain
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Curries and Arabs aren't the same. You're just proving my point. The fact that you weren't able to tell Pakistanis from Arabs just proves my point. Stupid balkanoid ape
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That's a reliable website.

Jew stats. And you have gone from 1% to 5% to now 10%. It's so obvious, that you're seething. It's around 20% for Lebanon, and most Lebanese people live outside the country, so imagine how many more have light eyes

You're seething hard now. He can easily pass as white

View attachment 1260250
@Made in Heaven
It's around 20% for Lebanon, and most Lebanese people live outside the country, so imagine how many more have light eyes
Lmao of course you don't know how statistics work. The fact that most lebanese shitskins live outside of Lebanon doesn't affect the percentage of people with light eyes, it only affects the absolute number of people with light eyes which is irrilevant since we're talking about frequency. Can't expect anything else from a 80 IQ arab shitskin. Go neck yourself this very moment and I hope the jews blow up all your stupid useless shitskin countries
Made in Heaven
@Made in Heaven has already shown plenty of white users here his face, he is white passing. Keep seething
I don’t care if he looks white, which I doubt. He belongs to a barbaric brown culture and probably has recent ancestors and family members who look brown.
Retarded amerimutts Thought Nikki Halley a pajeeta is white. matt Walsh himself admitted this. So no, you're wrong. Plenty of Arabs can easily pass as white in America.
White americans can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking PAJEETA, is brown, and many have assumed she was white, so no, I'm sorry mongrel mutt, but you need to stop lying to all of us as if you have the capacity to tell apart a white levantine from a white european.
She's one exception, and even then I'm pretty sure she lightened her skin to look whiter. The average Palestinian, especially with his ethnic name, is not considered white and gets stopped in American airports because he clearly looks MENA. Send a Palestinian to a small town in the midwest and they are immediately viewed with suspicion and considered non-white.
Copium of the highest order. To the average muttmerican, if you're light brown and vaguely caucasion, you're white to them.
You don’t know shit about America. I've seen light-skinned hispanics with caucasian faces get treated as non-white, and Nick Fuentes himself, despite his looks, is not considered white by much of the American dissident right.

That is 100% the case, hence why pajeets are ALWAYS cast as Arabs.
Hence why your fellow gaylord @
@beyondschizo thinks pakis are arabs, proving my fucking point.
And hence why even I as an iraqi am accused of being a "Self hating brit" by white nationalists despite being fully Arab.
Pajeets are often cast as Arabs because there aren't nearly as many Arabs in Hollywood and there is indeed an overlap between Arabs and Pajeets, and no, before you kvetch, I'm not saying they look exactly the same.

They're white enough to not be discriminated actually. That's why someone like me who doesn't even look that white, has never been racially discriminated against, let alone if you're talking about Levantines, who are way whiter looking than Iraqis
Why do you keep lying? It’s embarrassing.

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@beyondschizo Look at these white-passing palestinians who definitely look nothing like pajeets!
Irrelevant to the actual point that was being made in the OP
Don’t care. I wanted him to know why I'm against Palestine and that I don't support Israel in spite of that. He also tagged me, so he obviously wanted my input in some form.

Because amerimutt popular opinion helps perpetuate the wars and genocides against us. How is that something I need to explain to you?
Hardly anyone except the retarded neocons support intervention at this point. It’s only the puppets in congress who continue to fund and support Israel.
humanphenotypes.com that looks like a trustworthy website for sure!
It is, most of that anthropologic data is from european colonialists to begin with.
That isn't evidence you stupid shitskin.
Yes it is because those maps are based on studies done in the past.
Bring me studies and research not random pics from a random website
Already have, the fact that Arabs are genetically the closest to europeans and share alot of ancient DNA is another proof
Same brownoid species
Arabs are way way closer to Europeans than they are to Indians. Nothing alike.
doesn't matter if they have a slightly lighter complexion. Both are not white.
Doesn't make them the same race.
No, it's like 10% on average. You can check out statistics
It's 20-30% of people who carry blue eye genes in the levant-kurdistan regions.
No they don't.
Yes they do.

Even arabs with light eyes still have arab features like nose, skin complexion etc.
Light eyes are still a trait associated with whiteness, and arab features still tend to be relatively close to european features when compared to indian features.


No he wouldn't pass as white in the slightest
He would, considering many south europeans look like this.


If he's top 1% of whiteness in your stupid shitskin country doesn't mean he's european looking
Bassem Yousef doesn't even look that white in terms of facial features, it's just that he has blue eyes. I have black eyes but I facially look way way more white than he does.
Cherrypicking spaniards, south italians and greeks who have arabic DNA doesn't count.
It does, because they are still european. And just like how Arabs dont need to have euro DNA to look white, southern Europeans dont need to have "arabic DNA" to look non-white.

She's one exception
No, mutts are always confusing non-whites for being white, especially Arabs. You constantly see this especially with Arab Americans.
and even then I'm pretty sure she lightened her skin to look whiter.
Yeah, she went from looking indian to looking like a saudi, or something similar, so the fact that amerimutts are out here STILL thinking she's white despite STILL being so swarthy and ethnic looking should clue you in into how much MORE diffucult amerimutts would have being able to tell if an arab, be it a white or tanned arab, being non-european.


The average Palestinian, especially with his ethnic name, is not considered white
True, ethnic names make it obvious you're not european, but we are talking about physical appearance. Most of the time, many people assume I am white, but when they hear my name, obviously they can tell I'm MENA. But names dont matter in terms of physical appearance. If anything, the fact that YOU yourself mention ethnic names in being a factor as to why palestinians are not seen as white just shows evenmoreso how I'm right on the matter of Amerimutts not being able to tell a lighter skinned Araba apart from a European.
and gets stopped in American airports because he clearly looks MENA.
Never happened to me in my life, and I have travelled ALOT. It did happen to one of my more arab-looking cousins though.
Send a Palestinian to a small town in the midwest and they are immediately viewed with suspicion and considered non-white.
Nah,the average american wouldn't be able to tell they're non-white based on physical appearance alone.


Only via language, religion, or name would they be able to find out that such a person is palestinian.
You don’t know shit about America.
I know you guys can't tell who's white or not, that's why memes like this exist.


I've seen light-skinned hispanics with caucasian faces get treated as non-white
Probably due to their name or speaking spanish, just like how many american whites only ever assume arabs are white until they hear them speak arabic

Nick Fuentes himself, despite his looks, is not considered white by much of the American dissident right.
Nah, most mutts do consider him white, I even had to argue with multiple american white nationalists who were coping and chimping out at me when I pointed out Nick isn't genetically European even if he may look the part. I can link that too if you want.
Pajeets are often cast as Arabs because there aren't nearly as many Arabs in Hollywood
This is just outright jew cock sucking at this point. There's more than enough Arabs in kike-lywood, but kikes WANT to delebratley present arabs as being less physically appealing and darker than we are, as OP stated.


there is indeed an overlap between Arabs and Pajeets, and no, before you kvetch, I'm not saying they look exactly the same.
There is an overlap between Eastern Arabs and Gulf Arabs with NW Indians, but to say Levantine Arabs and NW Indians look alike is asinine, and in fact, there sure as hell is more overlap between coastal mediteranean peoples than there are with arabs and indians.

Regardless, you can't deny the fact that OP is correct about kikes presenting Levantines as less white as a means of making their aggression and oppression of levantines more palpable to the white goys who worship them.
Why do you keep lying? It’s embarrassing.
Where did I lie?
1. They don't look like pajeets, their facial features look very different.
2. As always, like I've said many times, crowd photos are an inaccurate way to get a proper look at someone's facial features
3. Most of these guys are likely tanned anyways, and would be lighter skinned if they lived in a colder climate.

You can see how this Palestinian man has a very intense tan. Around his neck area you can see just how much whiter his skin color is. That is his real skin tone. Many Arabs are assumed to be browner than they are because the sun and heat of the desert essentially gives them a permanent tan.

Don’t care. I wanted him to know why I'm against Palestine and that I don't support Israel in spite of that. He also tagged me, so he obviously wanted my input in some form.

Hardly anyone except the retarded neocons support intervention at this point. It’s only the puppets in congress who continue to fund and support Israel.
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Americans as a whole have good hearts. Thats why they take in so many non-white immigrants and is the most charitable nation (srs)
@Destroyed lonely Ultimate truthnuke for melanated individuals. Brown = the very essence of poverty, ruins, gore and suffering for people.
@Destroyed lonely Ultimate truthnuke for melanated individuals. Brown = the very essence of poverty, ruins, gore and suffering for people.
Brown is the color of defeat.
Where did I lie?
You claimed that most Levantines are white enough not to stand out as brown migrants in the US or Europe, when this is clearly not the case.

They don't look like pajeets, their facial features look very different.
2. As always, like I've said many times, crowd photos are an inaccurate way to get a proper look at someone's facial features
3. Most of these guys are likely tanned anyways, and would be lighter skinned if they lived in a colder climate.
You’re coping as usual. Why can’t you accept that 90% of Levantines are distinctly brown and can’t pass in Europe except as "exotic" meds and gypsies?
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Nah, most mutts do consider him white, I even had to argue with multiple american white nationalists who were coping and chimping out at me when I pointed out Nick isn't genetically European even if he may look the part. I can link that too if you want.
Check on xitter. There are plenty of American WN circles who decry Nick and his groypers as non-white infiltrators.
You claimed that most Levantines are white enough not to stand out as brown migrants in the US or Europe, when this is clearly not the case.
I never said most levantines can pass as white enough, I never gave an actual percent, but it would probably be around 20-30% depending on how loose your definition of white is

Italian vs lebanese
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Why can’t you accept that 90% of Levantines are distinctly brown
JFL its not 90%. And for the millionth time, its not JUST about looking white, but also looking attractive, as even levantines who look very non european still look more attractive than indians, and still have a higher rate of desirable features inspite of looking arab, like rosey skin tone, angular features and shapes noses

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C36eedae 76c4 4d0f 9793 7beaef5fdc0d
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Syrian woman
A601e39b 32ab 4ea8 915b 6b2f7343fff6
9e443354 ace5 4ff9 a121 35053386d078

and can’t pass in Europe except as "exotic" meds and gypsies?
Are meds not white now?
Average palestinian doesn't look like this at all, like I said, many of these are very likely tanned. The last picture isn't even a native levantine but clearly some black slave descendant
Check on xitter. There are plenty of American WN circles who decry Nick and his groypers as non-white infiltrators.
I don't deny there are WN who deny nick the white card, but the point is there's also a tone of WNs who do accept him. Regardless, most normies don't think like we do in terms of genetics. For most normies, which, again, is who OP was talking about, simply see it as looking white = being white
Average palestinian doesn't look like this at all, like I said, many of these are very likely tanned. The last picture isn't even a native levantine but clearly some black slave descendant
Arabs look brown, period. And no, 20-30% of arabs are not white passing whether they are lebanese, palestinian or moroccan. If this was the case then why in every pic with 10+ palestinians it's almost impossible to find someone who is white passing?

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I don't deny there are WN who deny nick the white card, but the point is there's also a tone of WNs who do accept him. Regardless, most normies don't think like we do in terms of genetics. For most normies, which, again, is who OP was talking about, simply see it as looking white = being white
You arabs don't look white at all and you're not white
This tiktok is so funny because it proves what I have always said. Jews deliberately depict us as being browner than we are to make the white audience/white massed they appeal to to feel more disconnected from the misery and pain they inflect upon us. Look at how this white women specifically notes how she has seen so many blonde blue eyed palestinain children being killed and hurt, and she's crying partially because the similarity is making her more sympathtic

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She shouldn't care
Lmao of course you don't know how statistics work. The fact that most lebanese shitskins live outside of Lebanon doesn't affect the percentage of people with light eyes, it only affects the absolute number of people with light eyes which is irrilevant since we're talking about frequency. Can't expect anything else from a 80 IQ arab shitskin. Go neck yourself this very moment and I hope the jews blow up all your stupid useless shitskin countries'
Allying yourself with Jews now? Why do all white nationalists do this? The only ones getting replaced is your kind
Arabs look brown, period. And no, 20-30% of arabs are not white passing whether they are lebanese, palestinian or moroccan. If this was the case then why
You idiot, 30% of Lebanese easily, have light eyes even if they look ethnic. Pictures of crowds aren't a good way to asses anything.
You arabs don't look white at all and you're not white
Ok balkanoid ape. " SAAR I KNOW MORE THEN YOU SAAR"
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Allying yourself with Jews now? Why do all white nationalists do this? The only ones getting replaced is your kind
Anyways, all I did in that post is call you out on the statistical mistake you made. I didn't even mention jews or anything. But yes, I prefer jews to your brown arab species.
You idiot, 30% of Lebanese easily, have light eyes even if they look ethnic. Pictures of crowds aren't a good way to asses anything.
Not even close. Probably 1/3 of croatians have blue eyes and they are significantly whiter than lebamutts. And why are you saying pictures of crowds aren't a good way to asses anything? All you have done until now is cherrypick lebamutts with blue yes and fair skin. If 1/3 of lebamutts has blue eyes and fair skin why don't these characteristics reflect on the general population and crowds? Why the average lebanese crowd is like this?
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Not even close. Probably 1/3 of croatians have blue eyes and they are significantly whiter than lebamutts. And why are you saying pictures of crowds aren't a good way to asses anything?
Because, lighting, camera quality, facial expressions, presence of foreigners all play a role dumbass.
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All you have done until now is cherrypick lebamutts with blue yes and fair skin. If 1/3 of lebamutts has blue eyes and fair skin why don't these characteristics reflect on the general population and crowds? Why the average lebanese crowd is like this?
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That crowd doesn't look very brown lol
That crowd doesn't look very brown lol
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It does. This is the same video you are sending again and again, thinking it will prove anything, but let me tell you something: IT IS STATISTICALLY IRRELEVANT. The average arab is brown with brown eyes and even those with light eyes have arab non-european traits like nose, skin complexion etc.
It does. This is the same video you are sending again and again, thinking it will prove anything, but let me tell you something: IT IS STATISTICALLY IRRELEVANT. The average arab is brown with brown eyes and even those with light eyes have arab non-european traits like nose, skin complexion etc.
Doesn't matter. The average white person in America can't tell the difference between white Arabs and whites anyway.
This is the same video you are sending again and again
I can send you millions of links to tiktok videos of you want. But I know you won't watch it, otherwise, your copes will come to an end
Tbh jews are like saints compared to the average arab. I'd rather live in a world without any arab and jews than a world without jews and plenty of arabs. Go!Go! IDF fuck those subhumans up. :feelsdevil:
Haha whites are getting replaced .
Doesn't matter. The average white person in America can't tell the difference between white Arabs and whites anyway.
The average white american will blow the brains of any arab he sees in a 100 meter radius. Unfortunately we don't have any guns here in Europe otherwise we would have done the same. Just look at what your species is doing here in Europe.
Saar palestinians and arabs are white saar 30% white saaaaaaaaar
Image 1

The average white american will blow the brains of any arab he sees in a 100 meter radius.
Nah, America is muttland at this point. There's a reason why white nationalists thought, nikkhi Halley a pajeeta was white.
Saar palestinians and arabs are white saar 30% white saaaaaaaaar
Keep seething
Arabs look brown, period.
Most arabs are brown, never denied that. But Arabs dont look the way western media protrays us
And no, 20-30% of arabs are not white passing
Yes, they are.


If this was the case then why in every pic with 10+ palestinians it's almost impossible to find someone who is white passing?
Because crowd photos dont get a proper assesment of peoples' features, and like I said before, many of these people are usually tanned. Even @Abu.Belgrade.Answar is showing you crowds of italians who look swarthy, but somehow, you want to ignore that lmao.

Here's a bunch of swarthy spanish, and keep in mind, these pics are from Barcelona and Catalonia, which are in the NORTH EAST of the country, meaning you'd think they'd be whiter, but many of them not just have darker skin, they also have more arab-looking features.


And like I said before, it's not just about being white passing only, but also having distinctly different features and more attractive features when compared to Indians.

You can have arabs who look white passing but have black eyes/black hair, and have arabs who look very arab but have blue eyes/light hair.


You arabs don't look white at all


and you're not white
I am white myself.
The average white american will blow the brains of any arab he sees in a 100 meter radius.
They blow their own brains out


Unfortunately we don't have any guns here in Europe otherwise we would have done the same. Just look at what your species is doing here in Europe.
Your women are thirsty for Arab men lmao. Especially considering you're slavic. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Your women are thirsty for Arab men lmao.
Yea sure, that's why the right is rising in Europe and America. Don't worry, we will kick your dirty brown bums out of Europe and America in a few months
Yea sure, that's why the right is rising in Europe and America.
The right wing rising in europe doesn't magically undo all the white women in Europe getting plowed by Arabs.


Don't worry, we will kick your dirty brown bums out of Europe
Nothing ever happens LMAO!
and America

Shows how retarded you are JFL. Niggers and Spics are the ones invading America. I already made an entire thread thoroughly explaing why amerimutts and eurocucks will never rebel.

in a few months
>t-two more weeks saaar

Meanwhile, America is already 40% european. When's that race war starting?

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