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SuicideFuel While oldcels sink deeper and deeper into an abyss of unfathomable despair every day...

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022

Just look at this shit:feelsohgod::feelsohgod:.

Matthew, 58
I’ve been having an affair with Janice for three years. I am serially unfaithful but this is a record for me – usually my flings only last a few weeks. It’s not that I don’t enjoy being in a long-term partnership: I’ve been married for nearly three decades and I like doing quiet, domestic things with my wife such as cooking and picking out furniture. The problem is that I crave excitement, too.
I cheated with about 50 women before Janice. I would like to blame my good looks, but I can’t. I’m not especially handsome or dazzlingly intelligent, but I am good at asking questions – and that tends to make people let their guard down.
Sure Chad, it's all just about you being so communicative:soy::soy:.

Generally, I have affairs with colleagues. When I look at staff group photographs, I can tick off all of the women who have been in my bed.
Can't relate tbh.

Janice and I meet up at her house and have sex marathons. My style is extremely slow. I think Janice was alarmed the first time we did it because I kissed her everywhere, even the backs of her knees. She kept asking me to hurry up but I had my own game to play. Sex is a skill, just like playing an instrument, or woodwork. I have spent untold hours honing my craft.
Sex with Janice can last five hours
Cool, menawhile I've never had a single minute:feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:.

After spending 40 years lying to the women I sleep with
Truly an incredible personality on display here.

I haven’t pursued another woman since I first slept with Janice, so in a sense, this is my first monogamous relationship.
Not bad after being married for decades.

I still live with my wife but we barely sleep together. Janice only lets me see her once a week because she says I start to annoy her after more than 24 hours. Her brutal honesty keeps me keen.
"It's not only about sex, you have to make her feel safe, protected, make her laugh, you have to prove yourself to her as a good man and that's what you don't understand inkwell:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Janice, 60
I think of Matthew as my Thursday-night boyfriend. The first time we slept together – on a work trip – it was a Thursday, so somehow that’s become our special day.

I was married for 20 years and that put me off full-time relationships. Most men in their 50s aren’t looking for a date; they’re looking for a live-in housekeeper. (Although to give Matthew credit, he does make an excellent dinner.) But I prefer being alone and in control of my own space.
Yaaas Queen:foidSoy:. Don't let your age stop you from anything, you can still act like a teenage slut if you want:foidSoy::soy:. Fuck monogamy, fuck all those kind, respectable men who simply want a companion to spend the last years of their lives with, being the fucktoy of a cheating fuckboy Chad that's slept with dozens of women already is the best:foidSoy::foidSoy:, it was awesome when you were a teen:foidSoy:, and it will be awesome even now that you're 60:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Before I slept with Matthew I had no idea he was so promiscuous. He always seemed so professional and buttoned up. I was quite confused the first time we had sex because he did everything so slowly. He licked me on every single part of my body – he even tried to lick my armpit. I was worried I would never be allowed to go to sleep.
Once I got used to Matthew’s pace, I started to enjoy myself. He takes a lot of pride in what he does and it shows. He can spend a whole hour massaging me before we even get naked. I had never been with a man who is interested in perfecting his lovemaking skills. He sees himself as a kind of sex artist.
I know Matthew has cheated on every woman he’s ever been with, so I’m amazed it hasn’t happened yet. I’d let a one-night stand slide, but if he started sleeping with another woman every Tuesday, I’d end our relationship.https://www.theguardian.com/lifeand...-go-out-on-our-own-and-sleep-with-another-man
Oh, so it was OK when it happened to the dozens of women before you, but if it happened to you, that would piss you off:feelshmm:? A bit simple-minded and solipsistic, aren't you?

Sometimes I stay at Matthew’s house when his wife is away.
Cucks me (is what the wife is probably saying to herself:feelshehe:.)

He takes photographs of all the knick-knacks before I arrive so he can replace everything exactly where it was after I leave – but I’m sure she suspects something. I’d know if another woman had been in my house. Perhaps it’s convenient for her: she gets domestic Matthew and I get the sex.
Jfl, this really sounds like some cuckqueen porn, except it's apparently real:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

And all of this while oldcels are being mentally destroyed by the reality of being lonely, childless virgins...:

Normies in their fifties and sixties are happily talking about their porn-tier sex lives, while oldcels only have decades of rejections, loneliness and darkness. Fucking brutal, we talk a lot here about how over it already is for us in our 20s, with how we are already a decade behind everyone and so it won't be worth much even if we ascend given how much we've already missed, but, perhaps because it would be impossible to deal with, we never really talk about what it's like for there to be a decades-wide gulf between elderlycels in their 60s and up and the Chads their age who are still happily pumping and dumping all the sluts their age:feelsbadman::feelscry::cryfeels::feelsrope:.
60 year old Chad still looks better than 20 year old normies. The blackpill never ends.
60 year old Chad still looks better than 20 year old normies. The blackpill never ends.
Ironically, my dad was a chad and is still 6'2"/1.89m tall. My mother was gl too. I'm 26 and have a disability that made me deformed, without it I'd be chadlite and normal height (I'm extremely short)
Ironically, my dad was a chad and is still 6'2"/1.89m tall. My mother was gl too. I'm 26 and have a disability that made me deformed, without it I'd be chadlite and normal height (I'm extremely short)
My dad was no chad but maybe mtn. He had green eyes tho while mine are shitty brown so he mogged me. We are same average height
Let's not forget that boomers also have a lot more money to splash around then young men which can get some girls to pretend attraction for a while. They are screwing up the market so that only trueborn young chads can truly get a piece after high school.
The mogging never stops

While oldcels sink deeper and deeper into an abyss of unfathomable despair every day...​

:feelsbadman: :feelsbadman: :feelsbadman: :feelsbadman: :feelsbadman:
I've spent my teens and 20s living like some geriatric widower, and these evil old fucks are carrying on as though they are still in their prime. They're just rubbing it in our faces. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

Just look at this shit:feelsohgod::feelsohgod:.

Sure Chad, it's all just about you being so communicative:soy::soy:.

Can't relate tbh.

Cool, menawhile I've never had a single minute:feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:.

Truly an incredible personality on display here.

Not bad after being married for decades.

"It's not only about sex, you have to make her feel safe, protected, make her laugh, you have to prove yourself to her as a good man and that's what you don't understand inkwell:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Yaaas Queen:foidSoy:. Don't let your age stop you from anything, you can still act like a teenage slut if you want:foidSoy::soy:. Fuck monogamy, fuck all those kind, respectable men who simply want a companion to spend the last years of their lives with, being the fucktoy of a cheating fuckboy Chad that's slept with dozens of women already is the best:foidSoy::foidSoy:, it was awesome when you were a teen:foidSoy:, and it will be awesome even now that you're 60:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

Oh, so it was OK when it happened to the dozens of women before you, but if it happened to you, that would piss you off:feelshmm:? A bit simple-minded and solipsistic, aren't you?

Cucks me (is what the wife is probably saying to herself:feelshehe:.)

Jfl, this really sounds like some cuckqueen porn, except it's apparently real:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

And all of this while oldcels are being mentally destroyed by the reality of being lonely, childless virgins...:

Normies in their fifties and sixties are happily talking about their porn-tier sex lives, while oldcels only have decades of rejections, loneliness and darkness. Fucking brutal, we talk a lot here about how over it already is for us in our 20s, with how we are already a decade behind everyone and so it won't be worth much even if we ascend given how much we've already missed, but, perhaps because it would be impossible to deal with, we never really talk about what it's like for there to be a decades-wide gulf between elderlycels in their 60s and up and the Chads their age who are still happily pumping and dumping all the sluts their age:feelsbadman::feelscry::cryfeels::feelsrope:.
Why do you care? I could give less of a fuck about the sex life of old cunts, what annoys me is how people significantly younger than me have access to sex and intimacy while I am completely denied of any milestones
Why do you care? I could give less of a fuck about the sex life of old cunts, what annoys me is how people significantly younger than me have access to sex and intimacy while I am completely denied of any milestones
Both situations are pretty suifuel to me tbh. It's brutal watching people younger than me enjoying life more than I ever will, but it's also brutal watching people who aren't in their physical prime anymore still enjoying life in ways I probably never will without paying, not to mention that with people my age or younger, I can still cope about the gap not being too wide and about how I could probably catch up with them in experience if I somehow suddenly ascended, but if I get to my 50s and 60s as an incel, then the difference between me and my sexhaver peers will be insurmountable.

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