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Discussion Which Political Ideology Do You Identify With?



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022
Was going to do a poll on this, but I decided to make it just a discussion to allow more nuance.

I'd say in broad-perspectives, I'm just third-position: Socially far-right, economically mixed to center-left.

The one I most closely align with is National Socialism, which I view as the most ideal & perfected form of this.

How about you fellow goy-cattle?
I'd say I'm pretty in the middle so whatever that is called.

Isn't it centrist or some shit?
socially right
economic center left
Was going to do a poll on this, but I decided to make it just a discussion to allow more nuance.

I'd say in broad-perspectives, I'm just third-position: Socially far-right, economically mixed to center-left.

The one I most closely align with is National Socialism, which I view as the most ideal & perfected form of this.

How about you fellow goy-cattle?
I’m a socialist but I believe a lot of what was laid out in “the green book”
i dont care for politics but I vote left since im poor.
No political idealogy for your face.
I think I'm everything
hate fags hate women hate jews hate muslims hate niggers hate trannies hate chinks hate gooks hate spics hate racemixers.
which one is that?
Anticapitalist left
Incel pride ww
Social Darwinist
No political idealogy for your face.
Yes but one is a fascist Nazi idelogy that wants to kill niggers. Trump is literally Hitler and will kill all niggers. Instead, please vote for my dementia patient bro. Trust me bro.
National Socialism and Christian theocracy. Kinda like Taliban rule but Christianity instead of islam and also racialist.
No politics for your face nigger
socially right
economic center left
IMG 5106

Incel pride ww
IMG 3622
I don't care about any political ideology. The vast majority of people are obnoxious brutes and I don't want to do anything that improves the quality of their life. Maybe if I was a normie in appearance and upbringing I would care.
hate fags hate women hate jews hate muslims hate niggers hate trannies hate chinks hate gooks hate spics hate racemixers.
which one is that?
Although I'll admit I'll always vote against fags, women and trannies out of pure disdain for them. Women have ruined my life and fags/trannies ruin my hobbies.
socially right
economic center left
Based, same here.

I'm Far-Right on homogeneity, anti-faggotry, and foids rights since it enables society to be higher trust & thus actually allows more freedom than what Libertarians or Libshits-Conservacucks preach.

It also allows for left economics to work better, since it's proven diversity makes allocating capital & welfare harder.

It's basically the cheat code for politics lmfao

Incel pride ww
Anticapitalist left
As long as it's socially-right(anti-diversity & faggotry) I can stand behind it, but not several radical communism.

I'd want just socialism with state-planning.
hate fags hate women hate jews hate muslims hate niggers hate trannies hate chinks hate gooks hate spics hate racemixers.
which one is that?
Sharia law.
I'm not a fan of Abrahamic religions-Sharia is the one good thing about Islam though.
To the right now, to the left
Take it back now ya'll
1 hop this time, 1 hop this time
Right foot 2 stomps, left foot 2 stomps
Slide to the left, slide to the right
Criscross, criscross
Cha Cha real smooth
No political ideology for your face
Was going to do a poll on this, but I decided to make it just a discussion to allow more nuance.

I'd say in broad-perspectives, I'm just third-position: Socially far-right, economically mixed to center-left.

The one I most closely align with is National Socialism, which I view as the most ideal & perfected form of this.

How about you fellow goy-cattle?
I'll vote for whoever gives me the most NEETbux and who will stop the immigrant invasion!
I support national socialism but I also realize that said ideology died in Berlin in 1945. The germans committed to an epic last white crusade against judaism, stalinism, liberalism, global capitalism and Eurasian subhumans. Unfortunately they lost and the light of national socialism and Western civ died with them. The world would have been a very different and much better place had they won. Unfortunately they did not and we are stuck in this post-modern degenerate liberal society. There is really no possibility to change the civilizational track we are on right now. Best is to just ride the tiger and withdraw oneself from society as much as possible. Avoid the degeneracy and live as pure of a life as possible. Possibly getting away from the urbanites and larger cities in favor of the country side if one can...
I was expecting comments such as these.

I mean yeah it won't get you laid, but if it can make your life better why not?

And it's just interesting to theorize & talk about.
I am just memeing tbh.
My political ideology is one of racially homogeneous anarchism, where individualism and autonomy are paramount, but with a high degree of kinship and trust between the racial community. I’m willing to support dictatorship and totalitarianism if it achieves homogeneity and eliminates parasitic elements of society, but decentralization and anarchy is my ideal end goal. On top of all of that I support ruralism and the back to the land movement.
Socially right wing, economically corporatist.
extinction of humanity
Socially center right
Economically center left and nationalist
Socially: Right wing

Economics: Capitalist
Socially-Very conservative

Economically-A mix of capitalist and leftist
Manlet supremacism
Total tallfag death

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