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Serious Which is the real law? (Poll)

True law?

  • Sub5

    Votes: 16 16.8%
  • Sub6

    Votes: 26 27.4%
  • Sub7

    Votes: 25 26.3%
  • Sub8

    Votes: 28 29.5%

  • Total voters


No road left but the one that leads to the end
Dec 3, 2019
Ok, so which is it? I think I can get behind Sub7 or 6 Law, my thoughts have changed recently and probably will keep changing, what do you guys think?
fuck this law shit, it's all aspie retardation, be chad or die
I voted sub7. (inb4 people go :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:)
if you are below 8 jfl at your life
Sub8 for big cities and sub6 for small towns/villages.
Ok, so which is it? I think I can get behind Sub7 or 6 Law, my thoughts have changed recently and probably will keep changing, what do you guys think?
None of them because every location is different. You can be incel in a place like L.A. and be a slayer in a smaller town or different country
It depends. To not be a cuck in a relationship, it's sub 8. But to not be incel, it's sub 5.
Sub-8 law is true. You are either a Chad or nothing
where is sub9?
Sub 8 is just an excuse for the failed Chadlites and failed normies to give up and come on here.
sub7 or sub6 IMO
sub 5 or 5- it's over, betabuxx in misery for the rest of your life while NO one is ever attracted to you, if that.
6/7-might be able to scrape by with one or two gfs who will fuck you over and use you, will be called attractive occasionally out of desperation/pity, this is the standard normie
8 and above-ultimately free from all the bullshit, can do whatever you want and get away with it, won life before it even started and will always be liked. however scale depends on age, you can lose your points and trickle down to 6 with nothing left to do but reminisce about when the days were better
Sub 5 aka below average. If you are average looking man then you can get sex

*Only applies if you are a coward/lowT.

Thats how it is in my shithole country. Might not be like this in the first world, but thugmaxxing is legit here.
Sub 5 aka below average. If you are average looking man then you can get sex
Cope, have you seen foids swipe on tinder.
Sub 8 is just an excuse for the failed Chadlites and failed normies to give up and come on here.
This JFL

Also this polls is more like an IQ test. Anyone who wrote sub 8 is lacking some serious mental capacity.
sub10 is missing
Cope, have you seen foids swipe on tinder.
Tinder is not real life. If it was the case, there would be studies showing 90% of men are incels, but there arn't.
This JFL

Also this polls is more like an IQ test. Anyone who wrote sub 8 is lacking some serious mental capacity.
failed normies exist?
Tinder is not real life. If it was the case, there would be studies showing 90% of men are incels, but there arn't.
Tinder is real life you fucking bluepilled cuck. Please don’t give men false hope. If they do shit on tinder than they are incel.
Tinder is real life you fucking bluepilled cuck. Please don’t give men false hope. If they do shit on tinder than they are incel.
Oh we have another case of "run out of arguments and facts, let me call my debate opponent cuck"
Damn people like you literally destroy this community. Wish to god you were banned.
if a dude doesn't get laid he's incel. "failed normie" is stupid @rightfulcel
So you don't think the personality, NT factor matters for above average looking men who arn't chad tier? Ded srs?
If you do think so, THAT is what a failed normie is.
Oh we have another case of "run out of arguments and facts, let me call my debate opponent cuck"
Damn people like you literally destroy this community. Wish to god you were banned.

So you don't think the personality, NT factor matters for above average looking men who arn't chad tier? Ded srs?
If you do think so, THAT is what a failed normie is.
Are you really saying that personality matters? JFL and you want me banned. I’ve been to bars/clubs and I see the foids only approach the chads and sometimes chadlites. Hence why tinder is real life. Even IRL foids go for the same males they would on tinder. Also define “above average looking”. Do you mean psl 7-7.5 or do you just mean tall and white and not deformed?
So you don't think the personality, NT factor matters for above average looking men who arn't chad tier? Ded srs?
If you do think so, THAT is what a failed normie is.
failed normie = mentalcel?
Sub8 is chad.
Sub7 is chadlight.
Sub6 high tier normie.

All of these mog incels from pluto to uranus. If you think a 6/10 can understand our suffering JFL.
Are you really saying that personality matters? JFL and you want me banned. I’ve been to bars/clubs and I see the foids only approach the chads and sometimes chadlites. Hence why tinder is real life. Even IRL foids go for the same males they would on tinder. Also define “above average looking”. Do you mean psl 7-7.5 or do you just mean tall and white and not deformed?
Personality doesn't matter for ugly men or extremely handsome men. But for anything inbetween it obviously matters. Are you seriously denying this with a straight face?

Are you saying a 6,5/10 guy with extreme autism/aspergers or social anxiety isn't doomed to inceldom? There is literally statistics and facts backing up what im saying.
failed normie = mentalcel?
Imo yes.
Sub8 is chad.
Sub7 is chadlight.
Sub6 high tier normie.

All of these mog incels from pluto to uranus. If you think a 6/10 can understand our suffering JFL.
How can this concept be so hard for some people to understand.
They think of themselves as 7/10 truecels. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: OH lord
Personality doesn't matter for ugly men or extremely handsome men. But for anything inbetween it obviously matters. Are you seriously denying this with a straight face?

Are you saying a 6,5/10 guy with extreme autism/aspergers or social anxiety isn't doomed to inceldom? There is literally statistics and facts backing up what im saying.

Imo yes.
The stats show that autisitc males are incels yes. Do these stats, the ones on the incel wiki mention the LOOKS LEVELS of the autisitc males? Have you even considered that the autistic males were incels because of their subpar looks? Also a true 6.5 could get a 3/10 foid
How can this concept be so hard for some people to understand.
They think of themselves as 7/10 truecels. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: OH lord
Thinking of 7/10 is like us is fucking retarded. Yes not chad, but they can get laid at least once a week, by a becky and prob get lucky with a few stacies in their life. This isn't even comparable.
The stats show that autisitc males are incels yes. Do these stats, the ones on the incel wiki mention the LOOKS LEVELS of the autisitc males? Have you even considered that the autistic males were incels because of their subpar looks? Also a true 6.5 could get a 3/10 foid
Why is your name sub8 man? Are you a 7,5 incel? Seriously fuck you for turning a serious worldview(blackpill) into a joke. Go read some flatearth theories but you probably do already.
Thinking of 7/10 is like us is fucking retarded. Yes not chad, but they can get laid at least once a week, by a becky and prob get lucky with a few stacies in their life. This isn't even comparable.
Nono, 7/10 can only fuck landwhales :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
I dont know, are these people inceltears infiltrators trying to make a joke out of this community?
Nono, 7/10 can only fuck landwhales :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
I dont know, are these people inceltears infiltrators trying to make a joke out of this community?
A 7/10 can even ascend to chad with a little statusmaxxing. They would have insane motivation since for them the red pill would actually work. You cannot be 7/10 and be blackpilled since the red pill is true for 7/10.
Why is your name sub8 man? Are you a 7,5 incel? Seriously fuck you for turning a serious worldview(blackpill) into a joke. Go read some flatearth theories but you probably do already.
I’m like a 4.5 maybe a 5 psl. Also you are the one who makes the blackpill seem like a joke. You are denying foid hypergamy and the inceldom epidemic and seem to think the VAST majority of males actually just need a “good personality”. You are also completely ignoring OLD which is a game changer in terms of supporting foid hypergamy and radical feminism. No shit deformed and extremely ugly males struggle, but you seem to deny that life is hell for the majority of males.
I’m like a 4.5 maybe a 5 psl. Also you are the one who makes the blackpill seem like a joke. You are denying foid hypergamy and the inceldom epidemic and seem to think the VAST majority of males actually just need a “good personality”. You are also completely ignoring OLD which is a game changer in terms of supporting foid hypergamy and radical feminism. No shit deformed and extremely ugly males struggle, but you seem to deny that life is hell for the majority of males.
Holy fuck what? You’re high tier normie level? JFL. It’s over for Sub7 men in 2020.
Holy fuck what? You’re high tier normie level? JFL. It’s over for Sub7 men in 2020.
What when did I say I’m high tier normie? I’m actually pretty ugly.
What when did I say I’m high tier normie? I’m actually pretty ugly.
You said you’re maybe a 5 psl. That’s High tier normie level. I’ve seen the psl levels before.
I’m like a 4.5 maybe a 5 psl. Also you are the one who makes the blackpill seem like a joke. You are denying foid hypergamy and the inceldom epidemic and seem to think the VAST majority of males actually just need a “good personality”. You are also completely ignoring OLD which is a game changer in terms of supporting foid hypergamy and radical feminism. No shit deformed and extremely ugly males struggle, but you seem to deny that life is hell for the majority of males.
What is OLD?

Where did i ever deny hypergamy? Im stating its 99% over for 5 or sub 5men. That IS hypergamy.
5/10 or sub5 men get NOTHING. THAT IS THE HYPERGAMY. Also a lot of men have to go down in looksmatch, that is hypergamy too.

What i am disagreeing with is saying its over for sub8 men. That shit is retarded beyond belief and anti scientific. a 7/10 man lives in a different universe compared to a 4/10 man. With your sub8 theory you lump them all together. Its like the most childlike black and white thinking i've ever seen and it needs to STOP now.
You said you’re maybe a 5 psl. That’s High tier normie level. I’ve seen the psl levels before.
No high tier normie is at least a 6. I posted pics of myself on looksmax and I’m definitely NOT high tier normie. I’m ugly. My name on looksmax is subhuman trash if you want to see for yourself how ugly I am
You said you’re maybe a 5 psl. That’s High tier normie level. I’ve seen the psl levels before.
Well he think 7/10 men are incels. Should be banned

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