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Experiment Which field of technology do you think needs more push.

  • Thread starter Blackcel rigth wing
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Which field of technology needs more push?

  • Sound/sonic technology

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Sexbots are nearly done in japan.
Uhh uh, sure they are....
The aim is and was never a utopia EVER! A utopia will never happen, I love how the technology you have now that you benefit from is conveniently excluded. The people of the past would say the same about what we have now.
I can live with technology or without it, I've done both all throughout my life, it really makes no difference to me.

Whether it's utopia or some kind of technological totalitarianism ruled by corporate conglomerates worldwide this global project will all end in one massive conflagration of epic failure, and when it is all said and done, once the realization of existential futility finally sets in globally it will all end in tears.
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These are just the beginning of the low end ones.

They'll build a handful of models if at all and say, "See here, we've finally done it, eureka!"

But, as I said earlier, there isn't enough energy or resources worldwide for mass production.

On this finite little rock hurling through space revolving around the sun there is limited natural resources currently dwindling which also means limited energy production or distribution.
or without it,
Yeah sure buddy sure. Humans without technology will be absolutely fucked you will be fucked only very few might survive. Spears and tool I’ll like to note is a form of technology just very primitive. So get prepared to be fucked.
Yeah sure buddy sure. Humans without technology will be absolutely fucked you will be fucked only very few might survive. Spears and tool I’ll like to note is a form of technology just very primitive. So get prepared to be fucked.
I can build a spear tip out of flint and arrows too, history geek here with a passion for anthropology.

I'm game, are you? As I said, doesn't really matter to me.
They'll build a handful of models if at all and say, "See here, we've finally done it, eureka!"

But, as I said earlier, there isn't enough energy or resources worldwide for mass production.

On this finite little rock hurling through space revolving around the sun there is limited natural resources currently dwindling which also means limited energy production or distribution.
Cars take up 100 times more resources than sexbots.
Cars take up 100 times more resources than sexbots.
Which is why they're trying to phase out cars and automobiles currently also, the well of the earth's natural resources is drying up where one of these days it will become permanently bone dry.
They'll build a handful of models if at all and say, "See here, we've finally done it, eureka!"

But, as I said earlier, there isn't enough energy or resources worldwide for mass production.

On this finite little rock hurling through space revolving around the sun there is limited natural resources currently dwindling which also means limited energy production or distribution.
You literally have the mind of anti visionary. If all humans were like you we would of never advance.
I can build a spear tip out of flint and arrows too,
which is a form of technology. You said without technology you’ll do fine. I doubt.
Which is why they're trying to phase out cars and automobiles currently also, the well of the earth's natural resources is drying up where one of these days it will become permanently bone dry.
we still have a lot of iron in the earths crust and deeper too. Also there is asteroid mining and it doesn’t even need to be in the asteroid belt we can get from passing ones that come near earth. Which is abundant in copper,gold, iron, nickel etc
All what you mentioned has nothing to do with consciousness transfer that’s uploading aka copy. I’m honestly not surprised that you say this because that’s all that’s talk about. Those methods are all copying.

A proper method with the help of nano technology (when it’s advance enough) is possible brain extension/neural extension growing from the brain to the outside (new part) which is for all purpose still YOU just extend out of this vessel and slowly but surely kill the original brain off.

Or replace all your neurons with nano machines. If you say this is not you then 'you' have died multiple times already and you’re not really 'you' since your cells are all replace every decade or so. The stuff that made 'you' in the past are no longer present.
This is the classic ship of Theseus question. Our consciousnesses and the identities are more than the sum of the parts. This reductive approach doesn't paint the whole picture. We can retain memories from well over ten years ago, and that bridges the continuity of consciousness from one instance of, let's call it "cell lives", to the next. Even granting that this process makes you a new "you," the change is gradual and imperceptible. It's not jarring, and you have still have a sense that you're the same "you."

But let's say that these nano neural extensions do "extend" and expand your consciousness, indefinitely prolong your cell life, and now you can "feel" whatever is attached and do the kinds of things you normally can do with your brain (movement, memory, thought). You're presupposing that consciousness is substrate independent, and there isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise. Consciousness made manifest i.e., something that becomes a noticeable phenomenon in reality, is, as far as materialism can tell, electromagnetism and biochemistry. You can remove the biochemistry, but then it would cease to be consciousness.

Whatever your philosophical position you have to demonstrate that this nanotech is capable of possessing consciousness on it's own. But how would you do that without claiming that this a test of consciousness? The hard problem remains unsolved. As much as I'd like it to be, consciousness isn't a simple science problem to be solved by adding more technology into the equation.
You literally have the mind of anti visionary. If all humans were like you we would of never advance.

which is a form of technology. You said without technology you’ll do fine. I doubt.

we still have a lot of iron in the earths crust and deeper too. Also there is asteroid mining and it doesn’t even need to be in the asteroid belt we can get from passing ones that come near earth. Which is abundant in copper,gold, iron, nickel etc
The difference between me and you is I accept humanity for being the vicious animal and barbaric cruel creature it really is without that thin veneer illusion of 'civility' or 'progress' you embrace.

Fine, I should of said I can survive without advanced technology, my statement still stands on its own.

You can go ahead and keep fantasizing about human beings eventually becoming technological gods of the stars, earth, or cosmos, I won't join your delusions, I know far better not to.
Where's life extension technology?
nuclear bomb technology
This is the classic ship of Theseus question. Our consciousnesses and the identities are more than the sum of the parts. This reductive approach doesn't paint the whole picture. We can retain memories from well over ten years ago, and that bridges the continuity of consciousness from one instance of, let's call it "cell lives", to the next. Even granting that this process makes you a new "you," the change is gradual and imperceptible. It's not jarring, and you have still have a sense that you're the same "you."
No it’s not, memories are just stored via electrochemicals and that information is passed on after the old stuff leaves it’s the equivalent of updating the hardware but keeping the same software. Software a bit like consciousness is just a system that’s spawned when the some of parts work in a pacific manner. Thoughts are just neurons firing at each other this together with our sense hear, feel, see, small makes consciousness. There is no magic, and who’s to say nano machines can’t replace those cells and do an even better job.
But let's say that these nano neural extensions do "extend" and expand your consciousness, indefinitely prolong your cell life, and now you can "feel" whatever is attached and do the kinds of things you normally can do with your brain (movement, memory, thought). You're presupposing that consciousness is substrate independent, and there isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise. Consciousness made manifest i.e., something that becomes a noticeable phenomenon in reality, is, as far as materialism can tell, electromagnetism and biochemistry. You can remove the biochemistry, but then it would cease to be consciousness.
The consciousness is contain in the brain by extending it you can put the consciousness outside the body but it still is in something that’s a brain. I never said it’s independent of the brain, without the hardware their can be no software. lastly I disagree with last sentence consciousness doesn’t need biochemistry, you just need a good replacement for it that transfers you over to the new brain which will run on the same principles as the old.
The difference between me and you is I accept humanity for being the vicious animal and barbaric cruel creature it really is without that thin veneer illusion of 'civility' or 'progress' you embrace.
Ok then don’t use tools and spares that’s a form of technology use your body only. But of course you conveniently exclude that. Also I don’t disagree that humans aren’t those things but they need their tools because without it they’re fucked. Humans will always be violent animals the only thing that will make them move past that is mind engineering. Which might not be good since most technology is driven by violence. You thank the military for a good amount of tech we have and space travel for cameras etc.
Where's life extension technology?
That will come under nanotechnology but theirs other where’s to help extend it besides that.

omg so much typos, fuck me im typing too fast (edit)
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No it’s not, memories are just stored via electrochemicals and that information is passed on after the old stuff leaves it’s the equivalent of updating the hardware but keeping the same software. Software a bit like consciousness is just a system that’s spawned when the some of parts work in a pacific manner. Thoughts are just neurons firing at each other this together with our sense hear, feel, see, small makes consciousness. There is no magic, and who’s to say nano machines can’t replace those cells and do an even better job.

The consciousness is contain in the brain by extending it you can put the consciousness outside the body but it still is in something that’s a brain. I never said it’s independent of the brain, without the hardware their can be no software. lastly I disagree with last sentence consciousness doesn’t need biochemistry, you just need a good replacement for it that transfers you over to the new brain which will run on the same principles as the old.

Ok then don’t use tools and spares that’s a form of technology use your body only. But of course you conveniently exclude that. Also I don’t disagree that humans aren’t those things but they need their tools because without it they’re fucked. Humans will always be violent animals the only thing that will make them move past that is mind engineering. Which might not be good since most technology is driven by violence. You thank the military for a good amount of tech we have and space travel for cameras etc.

That will come under nanotechnology but theirs other where’s to help extend it besides that.
I said advanced technology, it pretty much clarified what I originally said to begin with. I'm not a primitivist so do not assume that, I however fully do believe in the utter collective doom and damnation of all humanity where I understand the limitations of technology very well. It's also why I said that I can live in a world with technology or without it. [technological advancements]

I wouldn't call stone age tools technological advancement.

It just doesn't matter to me either way, which again, I've already reiterated.

Mind engineering? How do you propose to do that exactly? There are many portions of human nature that is unalterable, fixed, or unchanging, and it is for that exact same reason humanity is simply damned.

Yes, yet another feature of why humanity is damned, most technological innovation comes from war in killing each other, that's all you need to know about our species as to why there is no real hope, redemption, salvation, or reform for it. It is all a rather hopeless endeavor as we sail on our collective ship of fools inevitably to self annihilation and ruin. Humanity will never progress to much of anything, that much I can assure you.
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Why the long face? Don’t you want to improve and make yourself great. Beyond a mere human.

You can even use nanotechnology for engineering plants to maybe grow meat. So we won’t need to kill animals. Help extracting materials, construct stuff faster. Have concrete that heals it self (yes it’s quite possible) and more, much to list.
dregster misinterpreted the word transhuman :feelskek:
No it’s not, memories are just stored via electrochemicals and that information is passed on after the old stuff leaves it’s the equivalent of updating the hardware but keeping the same software. Software a bit like consciousness is just a system that’s spawned when the some of parts work in a pacific manner. Thoughts are just neurons firing at each other this together with our sense hear, feel, see, small makes consciousness. There is no magic, and who’s to say nano machines can’t replace those cells and do an even better job.
We still don't yet fully know how memory works in the brain. Different parts and processes are responsible for different stages of memory (formation, storage, retrieval etc.). As far as we can tell, the whole brain works together to store the memory. Even different types of memory (e.g., sensory vs episodic) activate different regions of the brain. We know that, for example, a memory involving a life or death situation is stored differently and more strongly i.e., nearly impossible to forget, than, say, your taste for some obscure meal you had that one time at some new restaurant. It's completely unlike a classical computer, and any attempts to model it as such are inaccurate and not fully informed. You're painting an extremely simplistic picture of the human brain that neuroscientists already know is inaccurate and incomplete.

I've talked about your idea before as a means to create a conscious machine. If you want to demonstrate post-human or extra-human consciousness, you need to demonstrate this as such (in bold). We've yet to have a proof of concept, but the theory is there. We just need the technology to catch up before we can arguably make tests for consciousness.

If the physical construct of the brain is what determines it's computational power, then it is possible to recreate a synthetic brain with nanomachines to create and actively recreate neural networks by using microfilaments, rebuilding the digital network analogous to dendritic formation. Each synthetic, digital neuron would effectively contain its own code block that would connect to the kernel and billions of other neurons to form a kind of distributed OS, but could also pass data and share functions of any other neuron connected to it. This is effectively a 1:1 digital analogue of the human brain.

The consciousness is contain in the brain by extending it you can put the consciousness outside the body but it still is in something that’s a brain. I never said it’s independent of the brain, without the hardware their can be no software.
I never said you did say that. I said that you need to demonstrate that it is capable of it, before you can make the claim that it functionally extends your consciousness outside of your brain. This means you have to show what makes something have consciousness, before you can convincingly say that this thing extends that consciousness. It is, after all, a machine.

Again, you're taking a narrow and reductive approach to consciousness. It's just not that simple.

lastly I disagree with last sentence consciousness doesn’t need biochemistry, you just need a good replacement for it that transfers you over to the new brain which will run on the same principles as the old.
What is the "it" you're talking about? Can you show me what "it" is?
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dregster misinterpreted the word transhuman :feelskek:
Ngl i didnt read much into the thread and assumed it would be a thread talking about sexbots as it progressed.
sex dolls all the way boyo
Ngl i didnt read much into the thread and assumed it would be a thread talking about sexbots as it progressed.
I didn't read the thread either ngl :feelskek: but I thought the term was weird too the first time I read about it so it's understandable my nigga.
I didn't read the thread either ngl :feelskek: but I thought the term was weird too the first time I read about it so it's understandable my nigga.
I have looked into the ideas of transhumans, but yeah this is one of those topics i just have absolutely no interest to care about. Technology threads on incel forums usually get hijacked by sexbot talks, so I went into this a bit jaded, just looking for a free post count.
sex dolls all the way boyo
If you can get past the stigma associated with it and bypass all of the political feminist bullshit surrounding the technology, then yes, there's big money to be made there. If you're an investor in sexbots, you want EVERY country to be as hypergamous as possible, but without all of the feminist baggage trying to shut it down to protect their monopoly on sex and attention under the guise of female disempowerment and a return to the patriarchy.
I have looked into the ideas of transhumans, but yeah this is one of those topics i just have absolutely no interest to care about. Technology threads on incel forums usually get hijacked by sexbot talks, so I went into this a bit jaded, just looking for a free post count.
Same tbh. I'm not interested in this shit anymore, at least not until they invent something truly mind-blowing.
I'm more interested in artificial intelligence and virtual reality. I lean towards transhumanism and hope someday that shit will become advanced enough for me to leave behind my shitty flesh body altogether and immerse myself in a virtual paradise. So i picked nanotechnology since it's kind of along the same lines. This worthless species will probably eradicate itself before that happens though.
Sex doll researcher is a massively growing field of science and technology. It combines many disciplines, hardware, software, electronics, robotics, AI, speech recognition, VR, AR. It's the ultimate in bleeding edge tech and so many areas of specialization and the need for generalists to combine them together.
Nanotechnology: things like miniature robotics, more resistant fabrics and building materials and new potentially hazardous calamities arising like grey goo from swarm robotics? A lot of possible products that can be derived from this technology but the time when mass production of products using nanotechnology occurs is still a few decades away imo. The good thing is nanotechnology has a longer time frame in the future for improvements to be made compared to other fields you mentioned (aside from space travel).

Space Travel: As metabuxx once said pretty much all space travel is for the benefit of sexhavers and not incels. Why work on giving sexhavers more of a chance in the future to continue their lineage while you rot?

Battery technology: Need improvements here in a big way if things like electric cars, flying cars and sexbots are to become more feasible.

Photonic technology: What comes to mind is recent advances in quantum computing related to photonics. An interesting field to go into if you are interested in quantum computers imo.

Sound/sonic technology: Don't know how this would come in useful unless you were a geologist or working with aviation ngl
Sound/sonic technology: Don't know how this would come in useful unless you were a geologist or working with aviation ngl
Check this out:

View: https://youtu.be/tzWP-NL3Lck

Battery technology: Need improvements here in a big way if things like electric cars, flying cars and sexbots are to become more feasible.

Photonic technology: What comes to mind is recent advances in quantum computing related to photonics. An interesting field to go into if you are interested in quantum computers imo.
These two definitely need some advancements, but yeah i may get back to robotics and maybe get into photonics.
Nanotechnology: things like miniature robotics, more resistant fabrics and building materials and new potentially hazardous calamities arising like grey goo from swarm robotics? A lot of possible products that can be derived from this technology but the time when mass production of products using nanotechnology occurs is still a few decades away imo.
I have so much concepts for this it’s crazy. The first 'nano' bots obviously won’t actually be a nanometer yet. You want to scale down slowly.
Space Travel: As metabuxx once said pretty much all space travel is for the benefit of sexhavers and not incels. Why work on giving sexhavers more of a chance in the future to continue their lineage while you rot?
You’re definitely right it would benefit greatly. This is why kind of hate it actually when I think of it.
Nanotechnology and robotics need an AI like boom so we can replace foids.

Holograms are just getting started tbh and the quality still isn't that good. For example look at the the actual images of magic leap. They are still pretty grainy and not very convincing aesthetically which is where holograms are going to count or not.

And as usual Japan is way ahead in this endeavor.
I have so much concepts for this it’s crazy. The first 'nano' bots obviously won’t actually be a nanometer yet. You want to scale down slowly.
True idk where they are going to start but possibly the soft robotics gels they use as medical implants could be a start. Ray Kurzweil predicted as much for the 2030s into the 2040s but his predictions have been one or two decades too early lately with all the technological stagnation that set in after the 2000s imo.
You’re definitely right it would benefit greatly. This is why kind of hate it actually when I think of it.
tbh once you realize how much innovation and new ideas can benefit others you don't intend on them benefiting you lose the motivation to try and improve the world. That's another reason why anti-incels hate the blackpill. They want incels to keep working for no reward and to benefit others ie "contributing to society".
Holograms are just getting started tbh and the quality still isn't that good. For example look at the the actual images of magic leap. They are still pretty grainy and not very convincing aesthetically which is where holograms are going to count or not.
Yep but it’s still in it’s primitive stages, I’m not sure you can even call it a true hologram since you can feel and hear it. The little ball does the shaping the light does the colouring and shading. It could possibly have smell too. Still pretty decent for something with not much funding. Maybe more balls can add definition.
Now that’s a true hologram, that’s really cool.
True idk where they are going to start but possibly the soft robotics gels they use as medical implants could be a start.
One primitive concept I had for it is some balls with simple commands and the main bigger ball that controls the rest. It could make structures with the help of static electricity in an artificial box environment or use magnetism. I have more concepts I can always improve on them.
tbh once you realize how much innovation and new ideas can benefit others you don't intend on them benefiting you lose the motivation to try and improve the world
yep pretty much, the people who normally innovate don’t benefit from it or it backfires on them. I wonder how those programs for tinder and dating apps are doing compared to before.

I think one of the innovators for the car (he was from Germany) wanted to help his wife travel much more easily so that motivated him to create. When it was done she took the vehicle he gave her and never returned.
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Yep but it’s still in it’s primitive stages, I’m not sure you can even call it a true hologram since you can feel and hear it. The little ball does the shaping the light does the colouring and shading. It could possibly have smell too. Still pretty decent for something with not much funding. Maybe more balls can add definition.
Magic leap has been around for a while ngl
Next to Microsoft Hololens and Oculus it's been one of the touted next most widely used platforms for virtual reality. But that has still yet to arrive. They have a lot of motion and haptics issues to work out before the experience can be considered fully immersive. The work on that appears to have slowed down during the coronavirus outbreak tbh
Now that’s a true hologram, that’s really cool.
Yup next to foldable phones (which didn't perform that well if you look at the reviews from the products released in 2019 and 2020) it seems like the next thing that will be tried is integrating holograms into previously touch screen only technology.
One primitive concept I had for it is some balls with simple commands and the main bigger ball that controls the rest. It could make structures with the help of static electricity in an artificial box environment or use magnetism. I have more concepts I can always improve on them.
Possibly magnetic effects could come in useful for figuring out how to propel nanobot machines through a liquid/gel or airspace. But there's also other mechanisms like motors or pneumatic circuitry using air pressure to propel objects. But it's still a while before those prototypes actually get released to the public for use tbh
yep pretty much, the people who normally innovate don’t benefit from it or it backfires on them. I wonder how those programs for tinder and dating apps are doing compared to before.
Then all that's left is the money and bragging rights but imo that's of little consolation.
I think one of the innovators for the car (he was from Germany) wanted to help his wife travel much more easily so that motivated him to create. When it was done she took the vehicle he gave her and never returned.
Karl Benz? There's nothing about any German innovator of the car having his wife leaving him when you look it up online?
Sex-robots. Nothing else is more important rn
Karl Benz? There's nothing about any German innovator of the car having his wife leaving him when you look it up online?
I got that completely mixed up for something else. What I said is wrong.

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