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Where in the portmanteau IN-CEL is the syllable referring to not having friends?



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
IN volunary
CEL ebacy

Where in that portmanteau is there a stipulation that having FRIENDS precludes you from being incel?

If you can make friends with ugly men, all that means is that you have decent social skills and thus aren't a MENTALCEL, likely.

"HURR DURR you made friends with a Steve Buscemi-tier guy, so why can't you get a gf? huehuehuehueh"
being a loner and incel go hand in hand. you can still be an incel with friends or a loner with a gf though(as in someone who has no regular friends but a gf)
there isn't really. i don't think anyone said not having friends is a prerequisite

you guys are my friends
I'm not sure where that stupid idea comes from. Obviously you can be incel and still have friends.
did my comments struck a nerve?
Virginp0wers said:
did my comments struck a nerve?

Only inasmuch as it lacked reasoning. Ignorance bothers me.
FACEandLMS said:
Only inasmuch as it lacked reasoning. Ignorance bothers me.

my reasoning was just.

if you possess enough social skills to function and gain friends then you posess enough to get a gf.

fakecels use so many copes dont you?
This is actually a good thing that we have friends. We can say that it proves that personality isn't the reason why we are Incel if we are able to make friends. Checkmate cucktears, it's all looks looks looks.
Virginp0wers said:
my reasoning was just.

if you possess enough social skills to function and gain friends then you posess enough to get a gf.

fakecels use so many copes dont you?

Incel means that you can't get a girlfriend because of the way you look. If all that's holding you back are your social skills, then you're volcel. Very few people on this site are 100% incel.
CopingGymcel said:
Incel means that you can't get a girlfriend because of the way you look. If all that's holding you back are your social skills, then you're volcel. Very few people on this site are 100% incel.

Did i say only social skills were holding me back? make no mistake im as truecel as it gets.

Fakecels complaining about "whoa is me 10/10 stacy didnt look at me today while i was with my subhuman friends" .

I just fucking laugh because they dont realise how ez they have it.
Virginp0wers said:
my reasoning was just.

if you possess enough social skills to function and gain friends then you posess enough to get a gf.

fakecels use so many copes dont you?


You are literally spitting the IncelTears narrative.

"If you have enough social skills to function and gain friends, then your looks don't matter".

Please tell me you are just being dense to troll.

I have decent social skills, so my looks don't matter, RIGHT???
This site has become one massive loser contest. Pissing contest for who's the oldest, ugliest, poorest. If you aren't a NEET 35 year old 2/10 5 foot 3 virgin you're a fakecel
FACEandLMS said:

You are literally spitting the cucktears narrative.

"If you have enough social skills to function and gain friends, then your looks don't matter".

Please tell me you are just being dense to troll.

I have decent social skills, so my looks don't matter, RIGHT???

at what point did i say looks dont matter?

if your low ib enough to makes friends you stand a decent chance at attracting a female. because you are seen as fitting in.

you cope so much. you should re label yourself mentalcel.
Virginp0wers said:
Did i say only social skills were holding me back? make no mistake im as truecel as it gets.

Fakecels complaining about "whoa is me 10/10 stacy didnt look at me today while i was with my subhuman friends" .

I just fucking laugh because they dont realise how ez they have it.

You seem to be conflating standardscels with 2/10-faced guys who have social skills but get rejected due to looks. Or do you believe looks don't matter as much as social skills?
Virginp0wers said:
at what point did i say looks dont matter?

if your low ib enough to makes friends you stand a decent chance at attracting a female. because you are seen as fitting in.

you cope so much. you should re label yourself mentalcel.

You are low IQ as fuck man
Virginp0wers said:
at what point did i say looks dont matter?

if your low ib enough to makes friends you stand a decent chance at attracting a female. because you are seen as fitting in.

you cope so much. you should re label yourself mentalcel.

There goes that projection.

Obviously, if you have good social skills and friends, you have a better SHOT at getting a gf than a mentalcel who is too autistic to make any friends. But it's a huge leap to infer that ugly guys with friends can just use their social skills to get a gf because you are IGNORING FACE LAW.

I'm a dumbarse tbh for trying to use logic on a mentalcel teen. How old are you? You can't be older than 20.

KilluminoidBR said:
You are low IQ as fuck man

I didn't want to be rude, but this. VirginPowers is either a 15 yo or has an IQ of 15, either way, trying to make him see logic is like trying to use logic on a woman.
FACEandLMS said:
There goes that projection.

Obviously, if you have good social skills and friends, you have a better SHOT at getting a gf than a mentalcel who is too autistic to make any friends. But it's a huge leap to infer that ugly guys with friends can just use their social skills to get a gf because you are IGNORING FACE LAW.

I'm a dumbarse tbh for trying to use logic on a mentalcel teen. How old are you? You can't be older than 20.

I didn't want to be rude, but this. VirginPowers is either a 15 yo or has an IQ of 15, either way, trying to make him see logic is like trying to use logic on a woman.

im 22.

also you fakecels are really funny calling me low IQ.

the irony.

KilluminoidBR said:
You are low IQ as fuck man

guy with adhd calling me low IQ, thats funny.
We all know ugly guys get girls. We also know that it is up for debate that many guys who post on these boards are possibly  decent looking. We are also a bunch of MEN rating other guys looks. That is a problem there. It is like going to a sick person (not a doctor) to get a diagnosis for symptoms you have. And catfishing with a roided, shopped, AIDS infected Chad means nothing. It is like sending out Elon Musks resume on a Job site, every company is going to want you as an employee to run their business, even if you shit on your desk. Also, some women write love letters to ugly child killers.

 No one with tumors growing out their eyes or burn victims or 3' tall garden gnomes are posting here. AND EVEN THOSE MEN GET WOMEN. Look up Sean Stephenson. 

Once you become a regular poster on these type messageboards (guilty as charged, doing it for decades) you have some personality flaw which magnifies any appearance issue you have. There is much more than meets the eye. It isn't going to be easy, but something is missing for us.
People on here claim to have chad friends of course they are lying chads don't associate with ugly, low status guys. Most people on here don't even know what a chad is
Virginp0wers said:
im 22.

also you fakecels are really funny calling me low IQ.

the irony.

guy with adhd calling me low IQ, thats funny.

Please just stop, you are just embarrassing yourself.
You made friends with men because you're tall, not because you're nt. Men would be joking about you wrestling them before you open your mouth if you were short, so no male friends. Also, your face is not 2/10, it's 4/10 but you think your face is like that of a deformed kid from your lookism avi. A typical case of bdd you're supposed to overrate your face because you got used to it, not underrate it.Overall, you're 5/10 minimum, maybe even 6/10, because of your exceptional height. So stop this "I'm nt" cope and admit you're mentalcel.
Virginp0wers said:
FACEandLMS said:
You are literally spitting the cucktears narrative.
"If you have enough social skills to function and gain friends, then your looks don't matter".
Please tell me you are just being dense to troll.
I have decent social skills, so my looks don't matter, RIGHT???
at what point did i say looks dont matter?
if your low ib enough to makes friends you stand a decent chance at attracting a female. because you are seen as fitting in.
you cope so much. you should re label yourself mentalcel.

jesus how stupid are you?

So yeh, you don't believe in looks theory at all then

lol prepare to be utterly destroyed here
Cuck-Damage said:
jesus how stupid are you?

So yeh, you don't believe in looks theory at all then

lol prepare to be utterly destroyed here

been here longer than you cunt.
i was friends with manlet and curry until they betrayed me and i had a mental breakdown
glock17 said:
You made friends with men because you're tall, not because you're nt. Men would be joking about you wrestling them before you open your mouth if you were short, so no male friends. Also, your face is not 2/10, it's 4/10 but you think your face is like that of a deformed kid from your lookism avi. A typical case of bdd you're supposed to overrate your face because you got used to it, not underrate it.Overall, you're 5/10 minimum, maybe even 6/10, because of your exceptional height. So stop this "I'm nt" cope and admit you're mentalcel.


Yeah you're right, bro. I'm so goodlooking, despite balding. Even though I look like Jay-Z. Even with my bad IPD and long midface and flat cheekbones, and long philtrum and recessed mandible and maxilla, and receded chin, and lack of ramus. I'm only 2 points below Chad.  Man, such a legit post. You're such a legit poster. You win the internet forever.

I'm going to go back and find the 200 or so women who rejected me IRL and show them your post, cuz they obviously are too stupid to see that I am a 6/10.
generally people without girlfriends after 18 are weirdos and shunned by society because they know somethings wrong with you, I have a few friends but no where near the number normies do
Virginp0wers said:
FACEandLMS said:
Only inasmuch as it lacked reasoning. Ignorance bothers me.
my reasoning was just.
if you possess enough social skills to function and gain friends then you posess enough to get a gf.
fakecels use so many copes dont you?

DANK MEME, social skills dont do shit if you are ugly af.
Also my friends are somewhat aspies as well so thats why Ive befriended them.
Women on the other hand find me repuslive/awkward/treat me like im invisible so elaborate on how I should be able to get a GF?
Lol dont bother arguing with looks theory deniers. They should just be banned. Let them join cucktears if they think personality is important
Cynistic said:
DANK MEME, social skills dont do shit if you are ugly af.
Also my friends are somewhat aspies as well so thats why Ive befriended them.
Women on the other hand find me repuslive/awkward/treat me like im invisible so elaborate on how I should be able to get a GF?

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lol dont bother arguing with low IQ looks theory deniers. They should just be banned. Let them join cucktears if they think personality is important[/font]
every friend ive had has betrayed me for no reason
I think you fall into the ugly normie category @FACEandLMS
FACEandLMS said:

Yeah you're right, bro. I'm so goodlooking, despite balding. Even though I look like Jay-Z. Even with my bad IPD and long midface and flat cheekbones, and long philtrum and recessed mandible and maxilla, and receded chin, and lack of ramus. I'm only 2 points below Chad. Man, such a legit post. You're such a legit poster. You win the internet forever.

I'm going to go back and find the 200 or so women who rejected me IRL and show them your post, cuz they obviously are too stupid to see that I am a 6/10.

I give you such high rating because of your height, not face. It's about looks, not just face. Height affect how others (males and females) perceive you, how they treat you. Your face is 3-4/10 based on the pic you can find in google, you are not balding there, so maybe your face looks worse now idk. What I tried to say is that you can't consider yourself 2/10 when you are taller than 95% of male population.
glock17 said:
I give you such high rating because of your height, not face. It's about looks, not just face. Height affect how others (males and females) perceive you, how they treat you. Your face is 3-4/10 based on the pic you can find in google, you are not balding there, so maybe your face looks worse now idk. What I tried to say is that you can't consider yourself 2/10 when you are taller than 95% of male population.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not some mentally-ill lookism.net-tier chadlite who wants to be seen as a sub5 because he's throwing a tantrum that he's actually in the 5-7 zone - the "better to rule as a sub5 in hell than to serve as a weak chadlite in above average heaven" kind of mentality. That's not me. If I were 5+, I would be HAPPY. Even being a 5 would mean the world to me.

But let's not pretend that 2/10 looks on a 5'8 guy becomes 6/10 looks on a 6'3 guy. Every guy I've seen with a gf since I've been blackpilled has been shorter than me, sometimes in the 5'8 zone. Face > Height. I also have a bigger dick than at least 70% of the population, but FACE > DICK.

None of my "advantages" make up for a lack of FACE.

Thanks brah but I'm hideous. My face is sub5. Girls don't give a fuck if that sub5 face is closer to the clouds.


You're probably better looking than me too.

Lemme guess.

sub25yo, NW1 hair, white?
FACEandLMS said:
But let's not pretend that 2/10 looks on a 5'8 guy becomes 6/10 looks on a 6'3 guy. Every guy I've seen with a gf since I've been blackpilled has been shorter than me, sometimes in the 5'8 zone. Face > Height.

I gave +2 points to your looks for your height, not 4. What's wrong with adding 2 points to your looks when you're super tall? Are you saying that 6.3 guy has the same smv as 5.8 guy with the same face? Of course not. First guy is better looking because he is tall. You think your face is 2/10 and you rate yourself 2/10 overall as if height doesn't matter at all. This is wrong, you need to add 2 points to your rating because you're exceptionally tall.

FACEandLMS said:
I also have a bigger dick than at least 70% of the population, but FACE > DICK

Being tall matters because it's seen in public, unlike a dick.

FACEandLMS said:
None of my "advantages" make up for a lack of FACE.

Thanks brah but I'm hideous. My face is sub5. Girls don't give a fuck if that sub5 face is closer to the clouds.

If girls hate you now they would hate you even more if you were manlet on top of your face.

FACEandLMS said:
You're probably better looking than me too.

Lemme guess.

sub25yo, NW1 hair, white?

27 y/o, not balding, slav. I doubt that I'm better looking than you since I'm only 5.5.
FACEandLMS said:

Yeah you're right, bro. I'm so goodlooking, despite balding. Even though I look like Jay-Z. Even with my bad IPD and long midface and flat cheekbones, and long philtrum and recessed mandible and maxilla, and receded chin, and lack of ramus. I'm only 2 points below Chad.  Man, such a legit post. You're such a legit poster. You win the internet forever.

I'm going to go back and find the 200 or so women who rejected me IRL and show them your post, cuz they obviously are too stupid to see that I am a 6/10.

Oh go fuck yourself, you've a had GF before you fraud. You should have ZERO right to comment on ANYTHING.
When you’re ugly and weak-looking like most of us are, friends are hard to come by.
VLÖ said:
Oh go fuck yourself, you've a had GF before you fraud. You should have ZERO right to comment on ANYTHING.

You're right. I'm not incel, just celebate --- but involuntarily so.

Now I just need an abbreviation of some sort.
FACEandLMS said:
You're right. I'm not incel, just celebate --- but involuntarily so.

Now I just need an abbreviation of some sort.

You're not celibate though. Not even close. Are we counting guys who've had GFs as "celibate" now?

The only reason people here tolerate your presence is your status and your "ratings".
VLÖ said:
You're not celibate though. Not even close. Are we counting guys who've had GFs as "celibate" now?

The only reason people here tolerate your presence is your status and your "ratings".

I am:

[font=arial, sans-serif]celibate[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]ˈsɛlɪbət/


  1. 1.
    a person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations.
    "he's attracted and attractive to women and yet he lives as a celibate"
but not out of choice:

[font=arial, sans-serif]voluntary[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]ˈvɒlənt(ə)ri/
adjective: voluntary[/font]

  1. 1.
    done, given, or acting of one's own free will.
    "we are funded by voluntary contributions"
    optionaldiscretionary, at one's discretion, electivenon-compulsorynon-mandatory, not required, open, open to choice, volitional, up to the individual;
VLO > Every English dictionary ever written!

Anyway, this is a stupid. I am incel/TFL/FA. Whatever you want to call it. The result is the same. And I am willing to bet I am uglier than you and remember it's all about looks, right?
FACEandLMS said:
I am:

[font=arial, sans-serif]celibate[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]ˈsɛlɪbət/


  1. 1.
    a person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations.
    "he's attracted and attractive to women and yet he lives as a celibate"
but not out of choice:

[font=arial, sans-serif]voluntary[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]ˈvɒlənt(ə)ri/
adjective: voluntary[/font]

  1. 1.
    done, given, or acting of one's own free will.
    "we are funded by voluntary contributions"
    optionaldiscretionary, at one's discretion, electivenon-compulsorynon-mandatory, not required, open, open to choice, volitional, up to the individual;
VLO > Every English dictionary ever written!

Anyway, this is a stupid. I am incel/TFL/FA. Whatever you want to call it. The result is the same. And I am willing to bet I am uglier than you and remember it's all about looks, right?

Right, a guy who is 6'3, has a deep voice and gets extra points for being ethnic (watch as he'll deny that people are less critical of looks on black people LMAO), supposedly is NT, has a decent amount of fame on YT AND has a nice frame is uglier than me. Showed me there, you're SOOOO insel! Poor you, you must be living in HELL ::( so much so that you even had a GF. Sad!
VLÖ said:
Right, a guy who is 6'3, has a deep voice and gets extra points for being ethnic (watch as he'll deny that people are less critical of looks on black people LMAO), supposedly is NT, has a decent amount of fame on YT AND has a nice frame is uglier than me. Showed me there, you're SOOOO insel! Poor you, you must be living in HELL ::( so much so that you even had a GF. Sad!

You obviously haven't seen my face before I guess. Right?

I had a single mum gf who nearly cucked me once and who mentioned in passing me paying for her son to go to private school. 

I was older than you are now when I had a gf. So that means you can't call yourself incel cuz you don't know if you will luck out and get a gf in the future, right? To be a LEGIT INCEL, you need to be on your DEATHBED, that way, you can be sure that you won't get a gf tomorrow.

Also, I got a gf before TINDER existed.

If me posting here triggers you, just put me on ignore. I won't be offended.
FACEandLMS said:
You obviously haven't seen my face before I guess. Right?

I had a single mum gf who nearly cucked me once and who mentioned in passing me paying for her son to go to private school. 

I was older than you are now when I had a gf. So that means you can't call yourself incel cuz you don't know if you will luck out and get a gf in the future, right? To be a LEGIT INCEL, you need to be on your DEATHBED, that way, you can be sure that you won't get a gf tomorrow.

Also, I got a gf before TINDER existed.

If me posting here triggers you, just put me on ignore. I won't be offended.

Every self-respecting guy would bail at that moment, but hell I'd kill just for that one shag. 

And you're right, I don't know. I could also find 500€ on the ground tomorrow. Some things just never happen. Girls have infinitely better options, I'm bottom of the barrel. I don't have the looks nor do I have anything special about me (thug game, talent game, status game etc). I'm literally undesirable to the core, there's NOTHING redeeming about me. If you summed up all the things in my life that were worthy of talking about, you'd have maybe 1-2 things to say. That's it. 

And you got lucky then, I haven't gotten ANYTHING on Tinder. I'm extremely unphotogenic and all pics of me look like I have some kind of disorder + acne.
glock17 said:
You made friends with men because you're tall, not because you're nt. Men would be joking about you wrestling them before you open your mouth if you were short, so no male friends. Also, your face is not 2/10, it's 4/10 but you think your face is like that of a deformed kid from your lookism avi. A typical case of bdd you're supposed to overrate your face because you got used to it, not underrate it.Overall, you're 5/10 minimum, maybe even 6/10, because of your exceptional height. So stop this "I'm nt" cope and admit you're mentalcel.

Males became more talkative and respectful to me when I 'filled out' with my 6'3 height.

There's also the argument of what FRIEND actually means. Anyone can go talk to people and eventually spend some time with them. I take friendship to mean someone you trust and feel comfortable talking to about anything, not just someone that you're using to not be alone or something.
VLÖ said:
Every self-respecting guy would bail at that moment, but hell I'd kill just for that one shag. 

And you're right, I don't know. I could also find 500€ on the ground tomorrow. Some things just never happen. Girls have infinitely better options, I'm bottom of the barrel. I don't have the looks nor do I have anything special about me (thug game, talent game, status game etc). I'm literally undesirable to the core, there's NOTHING redeeming about me. If you summed up all the things in my life that were worthy of talking about, you'd have maybe 1-2 things to say. That's it. 

And you got lucky then, I haven't gotten ANYTHING on Tinder. I'm extremely unphotogenic and all pics of me look like I have some kind of disorder + acne.

I am unphotogenic too. I met my then gf irl, after approaching for years, and that was 10 years ago anyway. I get rejected from online dating. Not even landwhales will settle for me.
If it's any consolation OP, I think you're too ugly for sex

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