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Blackpill One of the most brutal blackpills is that it's possible to have a great social life but still get no pussy

but I don't think it can be compared to the magnitude of curry subhumanity and suffering because at least they have that IQ outlet to cope
My entire point is that none of the coping outlets can compensate for the core issue: Inceldom. One month of having GF is a stronger drug for your ego than having a billion other copes (except escortceling which borders non-incel territory)

You think I don't know what you're talking about? My entire life I lived among 40iq poverty shia savage animals not much better than curries, of course a fucking 1/10 truecel chink bug in Japan mogs me to hell, but like I said the first and foremost issue in any incel's life is not getting pussy in modern world, whether you have to or are able to cope or not comes after that
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My entire point is that none of the coping outlets can compensate for the core issue: Inceldom. One month of having GF is a stronger drug for your ego than having a billion other copes (except escortceling which borders non-incel territory)

You think I don't know what you're talking about? My entire life I lived among 40iq poverty shia savage animals not much better than curries, of course a fucking 1/10 truecel chink bug in Japan mogs me to hell, but like I said the
first and foremost issue in any incel's life is not getting pussy in modern world, whether you have to or are able to cope or not comes after that
Are you sure? When I make those posts I mean life in general, how garbage the average curry "life" is, Inceldom is just one of the many struggles in life the sea of struggles

For most White Incels, the problem of inceldom is their only major problem so it can be first for them, which makes sense. For ethnics there's a billion more problems we have to face like dealing with other arrogant hot headed ethnics, poverty and subhuman life. The difficulty differs depending on which ethnic they are are, location, financial situation and other possible external factors like family, it's not so black and white, it's different shades of grey. How is not getting pussy the first necessary struggle for an Incel when it could a mix of so many things?
Are you sure? How is not getting pussy the first necessary struggle for an Incel when it could a mix of so many things?
Despite having a garbage overall life I think it very much is, everything else is the most brutal when you're already an incel
I can PROMISE you if you got pussy you wouldn't give a FUCK about being nonNT and not getting along with normies, because at the end of a long day of mental brutality with normies you would just go back to your GF and forget about everything

While you can have a great social life and relation with normies but at the end of the day you go back to an empty home with a blackhole of sadness and jealousy in your heart
It's possible to be successful in *EVERY* aspect of social life except getting pussy, this is blackpill 101 and what these annoying autists don't understand, getting romantic attention from women is entirely looks driven and 0% social driven, having a social life is the bare fucking minimum, of course your fishing skills won't matter if you never go anywhere near water in the first place
You're one to talk, when you don't have a social life either. You don't understand the connections that having a social life gives you. I'm not talking about you jestermaxxing and being the butt of the joke of a group of normies who will never invite you. I'm talking about being within that group of normies, that in-group. How many different foids you can meet if you're in an in-group how many opportunities you get. The whole point of a social life is that it gives you opportunity.
The more in-groups and cliques you have access to, the more opportunities to get pussy and meet foids you have access to. And the more NT you are, the more likely you are to get into an in-group. This should be water fucking water.
The more in-groups and cliques you have access to, the more opportunities to get pussy and meet foids you have access to. And the more NT you are, the more likely you are to get into an in-group. This should be water fucking water.
"Opportunities" are useless if you aren't good looking
But apparently everyone agreeing with OP seems to think that "friends" just means the jestermaxxing and fair-weather fake friends most incels have, or acquaintences, which is not what I'm talking about. And no, you are not NT, I bet the people talking shit about autists in this thread are 100% aspies themselves.
But apparently everyone agreeing with OP seems to think that "friends" just means the jestermaxxing and fair-weather fake friends most incels have, or acquaintences, which is not what I'm talking about. And no, you are not NT, I bet the people talking shit about autists in this thread are 100% aspies themselves.
It doesn't matter how many women you're introduced to, if she doesn't like how you LOOK like she won't let you hit
"Opportunities" are useless if you aren't good looking
Majortiy of men are average looking. There are many users on here who have been failo'd by NT, if they had their current looks and had a healthy social developments and in-groups to be a part of they wouldn't be incel, they would be LTN. In addition, if you were ugly enough to be rejected by any women, it would be unlikely that any in-group would accept you, unless you had something to bring to the table, which would then lead to you not being rejected to women. It's a catch-22. It's impossible to have a good social life and still be 100% khhv incel, because you'd either be too ugly or too non-nt.
It doesn't matter how many women you're introduced to, if she doesn't like how you LOOK like she won't let you hit
I think you've misunderstood. Let me put it another way.
if you were ugly enough to be rejected by any women, it would be unlikely that any in-group would accept you, unless you had something to bring to the table, which would then lead to you not being rejected to women. It's a catch-22. It's impossible to have a good social life and still be 100% khhv incel, because you'd either be too ugly or too non-nt.
If you were accepted into an in-group you were either good looking enough and NT enough, and you would be introduced to foids. But if you were too ugly that you would be rejected by any foid, and you were NT, you still wouldn't be accepted into those ingroups EITHER, you would be jester at best. You don't understand in order to have a good social life and have a good sexual/romantic life is all connected with each other, it's very RARE to have one without the other.
High IQ honest post. Gym, social life, money, power; any and all copes have little to no impact on real genuine female desire the way looks do. And all those things need to be worked and fought for tooth and nail, for an iota of the payoff that being good-looking nets for free.
I think you've misunderstood. Let me put it another way.

If you were accepted into an in-group you were either good looking enough and NT enough, and you would be introduced to foids. But if you were too ugly that you would be rejected by any foid, and you were NT, you still wouldn't be accepted into those ingroups EITHER, you would be jester at best. You don't understand in order to have a good social life and have a good sexual/romantic life is all connected with each other, it's very RARE to have one without the other.
What is a "real" incel?
And no, the proper logic would be: If you have a social life and you still can't get laid, then you're a proper incel. If you don't have a social life, you're not an incel, you're a just an unlikeable pos weirdo that not even other men can stand.
thank god there are some people here that can think for themselves. i'm tired of people here discrediting other users' inceldom just because they have a few friends they see on the weekend or they go to a decent school/job. the amount of double digit iq autists on here that believe that you have to be a shut-in with zero social skills to be a "real incel" is too much.
thank god there are some people here that can think for themselves. i'm tired of people here discrediting other users' inceldom just because they have a few friends they see on the weekend or they go to a decent school/job. the amount of double digit iq autists on here that believe that you have to be a shut-in with zero social skills to be a "real incel" is too much.
"Loneliness" should be separated from inceldom all together, you don't have to be lonely to have 0 romantic success
This is so true and it is much worse experience.

I've been un Erasmus, University, living abroad, in contact with many females...

And i just got to get a couple of kisses, seen a couple of p*ssies. That's all a had during my 20s.

Is much better when you are isolated in your room. Then you still have the hope "what if i met more people ..."
My former hs/uni best friend had friends, went to parties, did a lot of sports and was appreciated by a lot of ppl

But he was still khhv because he was balding + 5'7
you're a just an unlikeable pos weirdo
Yeah bro I must have already been such a piece of shit at 6 years old right ? How else would I not have friends.
What is a "real" incel?
And no, the proper logic would be: If you have a social life and you still can't get laid, then you're a proper incel. If you don't have a social life, you're not an incel, you're a just an unlikeable pos weirdo that not even other men can stand.

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