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Blackpill One of the most brutal blackpills is that it's possible to have a great social life but still get no pussy

Destroyed lonely

Destroyed lonely

Feb 18, 2024
You can have many friends and best friends, a great workplace environment, go to parties, go traveling with people, etc etc, even have female friends, but you'll STILL get no pussy, simply because you just don't have it in you, you have none of the good looking genes

While chad can be shy, nervous, no friends, etc etc and he STILL manages to get hookups once in a while

Of course having a social life can make life easier but if you're unhappy about being incel a social life will have exactly 0 effect on it if you're genetically unattractive

This is why I don't give a fuck about any of the muh "no friends", muh "outcast" copers here, inceldom is entirely about LOOKS.
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Huh? Who said you can't be incel and have a social life? It's pretty common ...
Huh? Who said you can't be incel and have a social life? It's pretty common ...
Real incel dont have a social life. I dont have a social life. Why? Cause I dont like most people and I dont feel like I need any interaction with people.
Huh? Who said you can't be incel and have a social life? It's pretty common ...
some people on here automatically shout fakecel if you mention it.
yeah, it's because our systems of values have changed too much
Not UNPAID pussy, still entirely about looks
Fair enough, I also agree. But the best we can do is just fuck whores and sluts. Otherwise, you might get lucky with a desperate woman.
Fair enough, I also agree. But the best we can do is just fuck whores and sluts. Otherwise, you might get lucky with a desperate woman.
I can PROMISE you if you got pussy you wouldn't give a FUCK about being nonNT and not getting along with normies, because at the end of a long day of mental brutality with normies you would just go back to your GF and forget about everything

While you can have a great social life and relation with normies but at the end of the day you go back to an empty home with a blackhole of sadness and jealousy in your heart
While you can have a great social life and relation with normies but at the end of the day you go back to an empty home with a blackhole of sadness and jealousy in your heart
Of course. Having friends and family is nice, but seeing them have girlfriends and children while you have nothing is brutal. And they act like it's okay or no big deal, either because you'll eventually find someone or it's no big deal, and to find some other purpose than literally what the main point of life is: finding a lover and reproducing. Brutal blackpill.
Real incel dont have a social life. I dont have a social life. Why? Cause I dont like most people and I dont feel like I need any interaction with people.
What is a "real" incel?
And no, the proper logic would be: If you have a social life and you still can't get laid, then you're a proper incel. If you don't have a social life, you're not an incel, you're a just an unlikeable pos weirdo that not even other men can stand.

Many copers say that
that's crazy.
Of course. Having friends and family is nice, but seeing them have girlfriends and children while you have nothing is brutal. And they act like it's okay or no big deal, either because you'll eventually find someone or it's no big deal, and to find some other purpose than literally what the main point of life is: finding a lover and reproducing. Brutal blackpill.
I never took the "loneliness" coping seriously, I'm not lonely, if I am it's by choice, what I want and can't have is feminine company and fucking pussy, and the way to that is not through social life, it's through genetic LOOKS, which I don't have
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This guy kept a female friend for decades yet couldn't get laid. It's all about looks
I've had online female friends and they all stopped talking the moment I sent a pic
What is a "real" incel?
And no, the proper logic would be: If you have a social life and you still can't get laid, then you're a proper incel. If you don't have a social life, you're not an incel, you're a just an unlikeable pos weirdo that not even other men can stand.
Im a weirdo then based on your logic. So I dont have a social life because I am weird after your retarded logic right? Its my fault right? Im just too weird for some reason to find a connection with people right?
The vantablackpill is there's men in relationships and married men in this situation.
I never took the "loneliness" coping seriously, I'm not alone, if I am it's by choice, what I want and can't have is fucking pussy and feminine company, and the way to that is not through social life, it's through genetic LOOKS, which I don't have
Just Win The Genetic Lottery Theory. But seriously, it's brutal, but such is reality. We never had a chance.
What is a "real" incel?
And no, the proper logic would be: If you have a social life and you still can't get laid, then you're a proper incel. If you don't have a social life, you're not an incel, you're a just an unlikeable pos weirdo that not even other men can stand.
You are an incredibly annoying faggot repeating this ad nauseum.

I'd gladly never have friends than have to tolerate failed normie scum like you.
Just Win The Genetic Lottery Theory
That's really just it, all of the incels who've "ascended" were the ones who realized they actually have decent genes and it was unironically their personality and lifestyle holding them back, exactly 0 genetically ugly incel has EVER ascended
exactly 0 genetically ugly incel has EVER ascended
I agree, but exceptions exist. But naturally, their existence doesn't disprove the rule; it does the exact opposite. Those with subhuman genetics are doomed to a lonely existence without female companionship and pussy.
You are an incredibly annoying faggot repeating this ad nauseum.

I'd gladly never have friends than have to tolerate failed normie scum like you.
Not my problem that you have autism and only 3 brain cells
Is it really possible?
Wow how brutal, boohoo you fag, fucking faggot try being non-NT for a day
What a bitch, permaban all NTfags
You can have many friends and best friends, a great workplace environment, go to parties, go traveling with people, etc etc, even have female friends, but you'll STILL get no pussy, simply because you just don't have it in you, you have none of the good looking genes
What? Incels can’t have any of this what the fuck are you on about. Maybe aquitances at best but nothing else. This shit is a normie and chad trait.
While chad can be shy, nervous, no friends, etc etc and he STILL manages to get hookups once in a while
Chad has friends. Everyone goes up to him to try to be his friend. Chad is never by himself unless he chooses it.
What? Incels can’t have any of this what the fuck are you on about. Maybe aquitances at best but nothing else. This shit is a normie and chad trait.

Chad has friends. Everyone goes up to him to try to be his friend. Chad is never by himself unless he chooses it.
OP and the other guy is NTfag, it's appalling that they are allowed on the forum
@Uggo Mongo @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 some guy above me non-NT shaming
OP and the other guy is NTfag, it's appalling that they are allowed on the forum
we need to start banning these people They’re pathetic normie who doesn’t belong here. What kind of fucking incel ever gets invited to parties. I never been invited to one since elementary.Where is my invitation!!!
we need to start banning these people They’re pathetic normie who doesn’t belong here. What kind of fucking incel ever gets invited to parties. I never been invited to one since elementary.Where is my invitation!!!
Just imagine being NT you'd genuinely have to be deformed or a pussy bitch cuck to not get laid, back when i was in school i've seen the ugliest whites who wannabe thugs, mexicans and niggers who are NT and in their cliques getting hoes on a regular basis
Just imagine being NT you'd genuinely have to be deformed or a pussy bitch cuck to not get laid, back when i was in school i've seen the ugliest whites who wannabe thugs, mexicans and niggers who are NT and in their cliques getting hoes on a regular basis
Something i noticed is that ugly foids always get asked out by men still no matter what plus men including jocks were always kind to them too probably cuz some were normies who were desperate for a girl
Something i noticed is that ugly foids always get asked out by men still no matter what plus men including jocks were always kind to them too probably cuz some were normies who were desperate for a girl
If you're NT there's almost a guarantee that you'll ascend, because you'll have a big social group and friends and you will talk to women easily, it's inevitable unless you're extremely cucked volcel like fatcel or maybe deformed or turbomanlet. And NT turbomanlets also ascend.
If you're NT there's almost a guarantee that you'll ascend, because you'll have a big social group and friends and you will talk to women easily, it's inevitable unless you're extremely cucked volcel like fatcel or maybe deformed or turbomanlet. And NT turbomanlets also ascend.
It depends on your looks too though.You can’t expect to have big social group and friends if you are ugly and NT
It depends on your looks too though.You can’t expect to have big social group and friends if you are ugly and NT
I've seen ethnics have big social group and friends as ugly and NT. One reason is thugmaxxed though. Maybe asians can still be truecel if ugly and nt. Whites are rarely incels anyways
Being NT doesn't help the ugly
You are right about that. If you are really ugly NT won't make any difference to females. Being NT could help you though if your looks were at least passable. My face is 4/10 and I'm 6 feet tall. I might have a chance if I was NT. Being NT or autistic can make or break people with looks like mine. I very well might still be an incel if I was NT, but at least I would have friends to hang out with instead of rotting in my room all the time.
If you're NT there's almost a guarantee that you'll ascend, because you'll have a big social group and friends and you will talk to women easily, it's inevitable unless you're extremely cucked volcel like fatcel or maybe deformed or turbomanlet. And NT turbomanlets also ascend.
Nigga you're asking me to enforce "non-NT shaming" while basically repeating word for word the tenets of the bluepill? :feelsseriously:
Nigga you're asking me to enforce "non-NT shaming" while basically repeating word for word the tenets of the bluepill? :feelsseriously:
Nothing bluepilled about autism, non-NT isn't something you can change just like every other blackpill aspect. Bluepill states you can "change your pERsonality". You can't change your NT. Sure face is still king but the vast majority of men have average faces and tahts were nt makes difference
Nothing bluepilled about autism, non-NT isn't something you can change just like every other blackpill aspect. Bluepill states you can "change your pERsonality". You can't change your NT. Sure face is still king but the vast majority of men have average faces and tahts were nt makes difference
So just being able to socialize and have a social circle is all you need to ascend? Amazing blackpill theory bro.
So just being able to socialize and have a social circle is all you need to ascend? Amazing blackpill theory bro.
Obviously I'm implying that for everyone that isn't a literal truecel, yes it will make them ascend. but to get to that level of having a social circle an in-group is an extreme boost in opportunities. There's a world of difference between trying to ascend when you have trouble socializing (because of some mental condition that you CANT change) and have zero connections, zero friends, versus trying to ascend when you have ease socializing and having ample connections and friends
Obviously I'm implying that for everyone that isn't a literal truecel, yes it will make them ascend.
@Destroyed lonely Thoughts on the incredibly brutal stone cold blackpill JHF (just have friends) pill ?
You can have many friends and best friends, a great workplace environment, go to parties, go traveling with people, etc etc, even have female friends, but you'll STILL get no pussy, simply because you just don't have it in you, you have none of the good looking genes
You simply described my life
@Destroyed lonely Thoughts on the incredibly brutal stone cold blackpill JHF (just have friends) pill ?
It's possible to be successful in *EVERY* aspect of social life except getting pussy, this is blackpill 101 and what these annoying autists don't understand, getting romantic attention from women is entirely looks driven and 0% social driven, having a social life is the bare fucking minimum, of course your fishing skills won't matter if you never go anywhere near water in the first place

I remember I was once waiting for my highschool bus with one of my classmates, a random foid just came up to him and gave him a piece of paper with her number on it, not a single word was exchanged, all because he was htn, THIS is how gL men get gfs and hookups

And you ironically don't have to be a retarded autistic basement dweller to be incel, just being ugly or shitskin is enough, when I was 20 I was gymmanxed, social circle maxxed etc in a uni classroom with 60% foids, still no romantic interest

@prajeet88 is a NT richfag who has female friends, but guess what, he's a 5'1 fat pajeet, no amount of social circle and talking to women and "parties" will ever get him pussy

I'm not gonna bother replying to those seething autists because I realized they're actually right, they ARE incel, because of personality they can't change, they aren't fucking up their chances if they physically CAN'T ever ask a foid out, and it's extremely rare for a foid to approach a non-chad, so they'll just rot in their basements and occasionally fuck whores
Now that I really think about it, NTpill actually does exist, that's why "whitecels" are a thing, even the ugliest white smv mogs the average brown man simply because his genotype (not necessarily even phenotype) belongs to the worshipped white race, the only thing stopping them from ascending with a self-hating ethnicwhore is their brain structure

All whitecels are nonNTcels, and all ethnics are truecels except the ones that specifically aren't due to being lucky with exceptionally good genes (white passing ethnics are white so don't reply with that BS essay about how sandniggers are in heaven compared to Indians, and how curries have a monopoly on ethnic subhumanity, I fucking get it nigga)

Whitecel (and gL ethniccel) translates to nonNTcel, because why else would they be incel? there's really no other answer except the NTpill

- All ethnic men are truecels except the ones that aren't, due to being way above average for a nonwhite

- All white men are chads except the ones that aren't, due to the NTpill

I am of course talking about gen z and after, before gen z there was no real beauty standards and everyone reproduced

@CopingForBrutality you don't have to have a completely shit life for inceldom to bother you, this is why chinks having "high iq" doesn't matter when they're ugly incels, iq is just a suffering amplifier when you're an ugly no pussy gettin mf
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It's possible to be successful in *EVERY* aspect of social life except getting pussy, this is blackpill 101 and what these annoying autists don't understand, getting romantic attention from women is entirely looks driven and 0% social driven, having a social life is the bare fucking minimum, of course your fishing skills won't matter if you never go anywhere near water in the first place
I remember I was once waiting for my highschool bus with one of my classmates, a random foid just came up to him and gave him a piece of paper with her number on it, not a single word was exchanged, all because he was htn, THIS is how gL men get gfs and hookups
I saw this shit happen too
And you ironically don't have to be a retarded autistic basement dweller to be incel, just being ugly or shitskin is enough, when I was 20 I was gymmanxed, social circle maxxed etc in a uni classroom with 60% foids, still no romantic interest

@prajeet88 is a NT richfag who has female friends, but guess what, he's a 5'1 fat pajeet, no amount of social circle and talking to women and "parties" will ever get him pussy

I'm not gonna bother replying to those seething autists because I realized they're actually right, they ARE incel, because of personality they can't change, they aren't fucking up their chances if they physically CAN'T ever ask a foid out, and it's extremely rare for a foid to approach a non-chad, so they'll just rot in their basements and occasionally fuck whores
This is why I never cared about social circle and having so many friends, I don't want to go near the sea because I know I'll never catch fish.
@CopingForBrutality you don't have to have a completely shit life for inceldom to bother you, this is why chinks having "high iq" doesn't matter when they're ugly incels, iq is just a suffering amplifier when you're an ugly no pussy gettin mf
True I'm not dismissing their suffering, everyone suffers by default if they're existing, but I don't think it can be compared to the magnitude of curry subhumanity and suffering because at least they have that IQ outlet to cope

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