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When did you realize you were an incel?



Non-NT Orphancel Noodlefoidenjoyer
Nov 12, 2023
Let me start

I am now 24 years old

when i was 18 i started seeing everyone except me having sex and relationships.
it started biting on me and i went into periods of being really sad all day. i wouldnt say depressed but really really sad.
back then i still was a cute little hopecell. thinking if i went to the gym and worked on my social skills i would get me a foid eventually.

i think you can all guess how that went:redpill:

at age 22 i was browsing /r9k and ranting about my loneliness when some guy called me an incel, in had no idea what i just gt called

so i googled it and found an documentary about incels made by this tranny guy

then i found out about elliot rodgers and all the other incel attacks

brocels i am so happy that i found out 'incels' are a thing and that its not just me, for years i tortured myself thinking literally everybody has love'/sex except for me
the community here is pretty decent
When foids looked at me as if I was a creature instead of a human. They treat dogs with more love than they would treat me.
When foids looked at me as if I was a creature instead of a human. They treat dogs with more love than they would treat me.
and that will never change
I knew since middle school.

I am 29 today.
Rejected in Junior High School.
Rejected in High School.
Rejected in College (dropped out).

Missed out on teenage love.
Missed out on college sex.
Missed out on life.
I can't remember ever NOT being an incel, I've always wanted companionship and have always been unable to find it...
Around 17, that's when the last couple of friends I had started ascending.
I knew since middle school.

I am 29 today.

Enjoy being 2X, the day of your 30th birthday you will suffer a horrendous identity crisis. The moment your age starts with 3X you will feel like you already have one foot in the grave, it's absolutely brutal.
In my first year of college, I realized that women care more about looks than personality
I took the blackpill when I was 16. Kike media made me believe just cause I'm black, women would want to have sex with me beacuse BBC. Before taking the blackpill, I was a PUAcel and Addy A-Game's arrest changed everything. I turned to MGTOW and swallowed the Blackpill
this might sound ignorant but arent there shitloads of retarded letist woman who seek black man to give them self a from of validation and to say "look im not racist i have a black boyfriend i swear i am not racist!!!!! couldnt you easily manipulate them to have sex with you?
when I was 14
jfl everyone here had a blue pill/red pill phase
I regret not trying this during the BLM protest in England. I could have ascended in some white guilt pussy.

This is rare and usually, their "black" boyfriends are mixed. Due to the recent issues with open borders with illegal immigrants coming into Europe, there has been alot of racial tensions recently

i see

are you either somali/eritrean/sudanese?
I think I first realized I wasn't normal in 5th grade.
When I was 3.
I was fat and ugly with a speach impediment so it has always been over for me :feelsrope:
I have enough self respect, dont want to scrape ther bottom of the barrel that the juice aint worth the squeeze, im more MGTOW than Incel , maybe im a give-up-cel
When I was 25 and was into PUA.
I remember even as a little kid playing with others and feeling out of place.
Like, I don't have the drive, energy or whatever else to play like they do or to talk like they do.
Definitely remember thinking, "I'm never going to have a girlfriend, I can't even imagine it."
Rejected in Junior High School.
Rejected in High School.
Rejected in College (dropped out).

Missed out on teenage love.
Missed out on college sex.
Missed out on life.
Same except my parents made me go back to another college except as a commuter. I couldn't be on campus watching everyone hanging out with friends, having girlfriends, seeing hot girls, and being happy while I was alone and lonely which is always depressing.
As you yourself said in your op above, I think there is a distinction to be made when discussing the point of self realization in the context of inceldom. There is the point where one could contrast his experiences with others from similar backgrounds and of the same age or nearly the same age and recognize that the allocation of sexual resources is highly disparate and contingent on ingrained qualities that are beyond your own control, mostly. Then there is the recognition that a sub-culture exists explicitly for the purpose of enabling you to commiserate with others who have suffered similar sexual depravation. I am 43 and as such, the concept of "inceldom" didn't exist for most of my life yet, I of course felt that I was in a highly insular and discreet minority when contrasting my own sexual poverty with the lavish and promiscuous exploits of men and particularly women my age. So as to the point about self-realization, I would say likely around 23-24 while an undergraduate and exposed to the sexual depredations of all those who surrounded me but in terms of realizing that there was a community of fellow travelers and comrades in arms, not until 2018 when I discovered these forums.
Let me start

I am now 24 years old

when i was 18 i started seeing everyone except me having sex and relationships.
it started biting on me and i went into periods of being really sad all day. i wouldnt say depressed but really really sad.
back then i still was a cute little hopecell. thinking if i went to the gym and worked on my social skills i would get me a foid eventually.

i think you can all guess how that went:redpill:

at age 22 i was browsing /r9k and ranting about my loneliness when some guy called me an incel, in had no idea what i just gt called

so i googled it and found an documentary about incels made by this tranny guy

then i found out about elliot rodgers and all the other incel attacks

brocels i am so happy that i found out 'incels' are a thing and that its not just me, for years i tortured myself thinking literally everybody has love'/sex except for me
the community here is pretty decent
i never had friends nor have i atended school, i was homeschooled and i went to work in the farms at the age of 12
i never had friends nor have i atended school, i was homeschooled and i went to work in the farms at the age of 12
isolationcel, thats tough brate

how is ur situation now?
isolationcel, thats tough brate

how is ur situation now?
peaceful and quiet.
i live alone, i got two brothers and they got girlfriends and all.
i got homeschooled while they went to school.
wierd long story, long story short i did better when i worked alone and teachers were in touch
peaceful and quiet.
i live alone, i got two brothers and they got girlfriends and all.
i got homeschooled while they went to school.
wierd long story, long story short i did better when i worked alone and teachers were in touch

are you still farmcel?
When I was 16, there was a really attractive girl who I fell in love with, I started exploring dating advice, it started from bluepill shit on reddit, then went to redpill shit on reddit and then I discovered the incel community. I got rejected so I concluded that I'm an ugly piece of shit who is an incel.
This year, after discovering blackpill
When I was 16, there was a really attractive girl who I fell in love with, I started exploring dating advice, it started from bluepill shit on reddit, then went to redpill shit on reddit and then I discovered the incel community. I got rejected so I concluded that I'm an ugly piece of shit who is an incel.

i remember in high school i was watching this shit called based zeus iirc and i thought if i followed his advice i would eventually get a girlfriend. but yea same process. i went from looking for advice online on how to attract women, and it also went from blue to red to black.
When I was 16, there was a really attractive girl who I fell in love with, I started exploring dating advice, it started from bluepill shit on reddit, then went to redpill shit on reddit and then I discovered the incel community. I got rejected so I concluded that I'm an ugly piece of shit who is an incel.
You get rejected by 1 woman and then decided you were a incel?
easy every gril talk to is disgusted by me grils dont like thin averege guys.
You get rejected by 1 woman and then decided you were a incel?
Yes, that's how it works, retard. If you got rejected by a foid - you are not a chad. Foids only desire chads, therefore if you got rejected - you are an incel.

i remember in high school i was watching this shit called based zeus iirc and i thought if i followed his advice i would eventually get a girlfriend. but yea same process. i went from looking for advice online on how to attract women, and it also went from blue to red to black.
I used to watch Based Zeus for a short while, but it was for comedic reasons.
When mainstream media started using the term i realised that's me
Not sure, I have to re-realize it almost everyday. :feelsbadman:
Around 17, that's when the last couple of friends I had started ascending.
I wish I was black pilled at 13 I would have prevented me from living a embarrassing youth. I didn't really understand I was unfuckable until I was around the age of 28 years old. At least I could be at peace with my loneliness. And understand why I am the way I am. It's a relieving feeling when you embrace who you truly are late in life.
Let me start

I am now 24 years old

when i was 18 i started seeing everyone except me having sex and relationships.
it started biting on me and i went into periods of being really sad all day. i wouldnt say depressed but really really sad.
back then i still was a cute little hopecell. thinking if i went to the gym and worked on my social skills i would get me a foid eventually.

i think you can all guess how that went:redpill:

at age 22 i was browsing /r9k and ranting about my loneliness when some guy called me an incel, in had no idea what i just gt called

so i googled it and found an documentary about incels made by this tranny guy

then i found out about elliot rodgers and all the other incel attacks

brocels i am so happy that i found out 'incels' are a thing and that its not just me, for years i tortured myself thinking literally everybody has love'/sex except for me
the community here is pretty decent
when I asked a girl out politely and she said 'no' as if I were a leper, as if the fact I tried was insulting to her
Let me start

I am now 24 years old

when i was 18 i started seeing everyone except me having sex and relationships.
it started biting on me and i went into periods of being really sad all day. i wouldnt say depressed but really really sad.
back then i still was a cute little hopecell. thinking if i went to the gym and worked on my social skills i would get me a foid eventually.

i think you can all guess how that went:redpill:

at age 22 i was browsing /r9k and ranting about my loneliness when some guy called me an incel, in had no idea what i just gt called

so i googled it and found an documentary about incels made by this tranny guy

then i found out about elliot rodgers and all the other incel attacks

brocels i am so happy that i found out 'incels' are a thing and that its not just me, for years i tortured myself thinking literally everybody has love'/sex except for me
the community here is pretty decent
I didnt really learn the term till much later like you but i also never really let it get to me either. Yes i did see people having gf and friends but i literally look passed it and paid no attention to it. It only really hit me once i came across this guy called elliot rodger and listened to his writtings, it scared me into thinking i could end up like him. After that i tried to ask out a foid and was rejected, at the time that hit me so bad that i never really recovered from it. I have tried a couple of times since then but nothing has ever come from it.

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