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What's your thought on this 5,700 years old girl from Neolithic Denmark?

I doubt they were dark skinned
JFL when a subhuman 5700 year old foid mogs everyone in this forum.
It seems that all of these ancient Europeans were borderline ethnic.
Browner than I expected her to be, the eyes look nice though.
huhuhu Is that melanin I see?

Volcel if you wouldn't
How is it Afrocentrism? She has narrow nose, straight wavy hair, no prognathism, brow ridge and thin lips that negroids don't have. Lol

I'm saying that Afrocentrists will use any chance to claim that a group of people are Black even if there's a lot of evidence against their claims.
I'm saying that Afrocentrists will use any chance to claim that a group of people are Black even if there's a lot of evidence against their claims.
Yes, true. I was JFL at a swedish documentary on ancient Europe in which an African guy was portrayed as European hunter gatherer because the ancient European hunters were dark as him. Lol
She is closer to a modern person than what I am
She's darker than I thought she'd be
Shouldn't she be lighter skinned if she and her tribe lived in a colder climate? She'd have vitamin D deficiency if she was this dark in Denmark
Western Hunter Gatherers were dark skinned because they were part of first out of Africa humans to enter Europe, so they were dark skinned. If she had other ancestry like Neolithic farmers or Eastern Hunter Gatherers of Northern Europe, she'd have been light skinned.

Btw, the complete whitening of Europe happened in Bronze age by Indo-Europeans(Aryans).
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This, they just make these "reconstructed" people dark skinned to gin up media attention and show their pozzed up bona fides.
Western Hunter Gatherers did were dark skinned because they lack alleles for light skinned but the reconstruction is a bit surprising. I thought it would be dark skinned European looking like La Bran man but it looks curry, lol.

This picture depicts a nigger. If you lightened the skin it would still look off because it depicts a negroidal skull. The nose tip is wide and flat.

This is propaganda. Stop.
The reconstruction is surely odd. That's why I said it is looking like curry. Just look La Brana man, it is dark but still look European but this reconstruction looks totally different.
Volcel if u wouldn't
Western Hunter Gatherers were dark skinned because they were part of first out of Africa humans to enter Europe, so they were dark skinned. If she had other ancestry like Neolithic farmers or Eastern Hunter Gatherers of Northern Europe, she'd have been light skinned.

Btw, the complete whitening of Europe happened in Bronze age by Indo-Europeans(Aryans).
Wasn't the OoA Theory debunked already
2019121918535227 save
Wasn't the OoA Theory debunked already
View attachment 179235
Impressive photoshopping. Now she does look Europeans. No, OoA is not debunked. Genetics and other evidences support.

This is an "artist's interpretation." IE propaganda.

European DNA is 4-5% Neanderthal, Neanderthal died out 30,000 years ago so that means 25,000 years before this girl was born her ancestors bred with Neanderthal whose DNA would influence her coloring.
The light skin mutation in Europeans is recent long after Neanderthal went extinct.
Didn’t white people ascend from Curries?
I doubt they where that good looking back then
This, they just make these "reconstructed" people dark skinned to gin up media attention and show their pozzed up bona fides.
Do u realise all races have the same ancestors. At one point we were all the same skin colour. Thousands and thousands of years ago, I doubt our ancestors were light skinned. Ancestors of modern Europeans likely became light skinned not too long ago
European skulls were very different to negroid skulls tens of thousands of years ago. Multiregional hypothesis is at least partially true because it's proven that 5% of European DNA is from Neanderthal. Mongoloids also have a good % of DNA from archaic sources, they also share unique features only common to Asian homo erectus, so our understanding of human origins will probably radically change in the future especially if the science is honest.
All non African population has Neanderthal DNA not just Europeans and in fact, it is East Asians who have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans.

This picture depicts a nigger. If you lightened the skin it would still look off because it depicts a negroidal skull. The nose tip is wide and flat.

This is propaganda. Stop.
This is propaganda. Stop.

No difference between blacks and white but the skin color

Lighten the skin it still depicts a negro
View attachment 179347
compared to this edit which changes the nose and lips, and maybe the skull shape
View attachment 179348
I admire the tenacity and time required for you to have access to reams of pages of pseudo-science / pseudo-history / pseudo-logic, already organized by sort of lie and deployable on command.
What this story is saying skin shade is among the least significant and most malleable genetic characteristics. Otherwise, Western European residents wouldn't have evolved from olive skin to pale white in a few thousand years.
I wouldn't smash, she's still too young and her genes aren't good enough for me... I'll have to pass this one over to BrazilianPizza.
It seems that all of these ancient Europeans were borderline ethnic.

Ethnic and white are 2 over simplifications they were still Europeans but dark skinned literally white skin is a mutation
Oy gevalt, the chutzpah and "pseudo-science" of googling black albinos!

No hymie, the artist's depiction they used for the story shows a negroid girl with black skin, flat and wide nose and general negroidal skull shape, because they intentionally used a negro girl reference. In other words, propaganda.

On the top edit I lightened the skin in paint.net myself, and someone else did the other edit changing the nose and lips and looks like to me they altered the head shape as well. It's clear their artist from the guardian drew it as an African. "See whitey, we wuz all niggers, that's your ancestor from only a few thousand years ago!"

"The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."
JFL at the cryptokikes here claiming the "ARTIST'S INTERPRETATION" (read: SUBJECTIVE/FALSE deptiction) is accurate.
doesn't look germanic to me
we wuz kangz n shiet
Oy gevalt, the chutzpah and "pseudo-science" of googling black albinos!

No hymie, the artist's depiction they used for the story shows a negroid girl with black skin, flat and wide nose and general negroidal skull shape, because they intentionally used a negro girl reference. In other words, propaganda.

On the top edit I lightened the skin in paint.net myself, and someone else did the other edit changing the nose and lips and looks like to me they altered the head shape as well. It's clear their artist from the guardian drew it as an African. "See whitey, we wuz all niggers, that's your ancestor from only a few thousand years ago!"
Yeah, yeah. You know better, you're just phoning it in. Using the arcane vocabulary - a Negro is defined by hair type, pelvic shape, skull shape and certain facial characteristics. Of course a Negro incapable of producing melanin will be pale white, yet obviously still be a Negro. I lived in Ireland off and on enough to meet a few Nordic albinos. They were beautiful in their way (ever see a woman with snow white skin, eyelashes and brows and, pale blue eyes?) but they could not endure an Irish summer without drenching in sunscreen every day, and hiding from the weak winter Sun, as it shone as little as 8 hours a day. Negroes and Melanesians both have dark skin and black and densely curled hair, but very different genetic histories, and are no more related to each other than to other human groups.

Well, it's Shabbat. Time to go steal the host from a Catholic Church, so I can stab it with pins and make Baby Jesus cry.

P.S. Googling Black Albinos is the greatest potential band name I've seen since The Unregistered Sex Offenders.
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